Teleportations — I Wanna Be An Online Celebrity

Chapter 59

Chapter 59 Feast

“Your Grace, you must take care of your body. Though cold is not a big disease, you should also take it seriously. Otherwise, it won’t be good if your disease becomes heavy…”

Lyuyou exhorted her carefully and naturally put the cloth on Tang Xia. Her delicate face showed out a little worry.

Normally, her master was healthy enough and not easy to get cold! Why did she suddenly feel sick?

Tang Xia leaned on the red cassia soft couch and continued to make several sneezes. The expression on her face showed that she was obviously uncomfortable!

“I know, I know. You always talk too much, and I am gone crazy…” Looking at the loyal and careful Lyuyou, Tang Xia smiled.

“If the emperor comes to me, you can tell him I have already fallen into sleep and don’t let him in!” Tang Xia made an order carefully and was afraid that Lyuyou would let the tricky emperor in.

Lyuyou nodded her head. Tang Xia was her master, so she could only follow Tang Xia’s orders and tried her best to complete her arrangement.

“Have you seen it clearly? Did you hear it clearly? Did that bitch really fall into my trap? Did she really get cold?”

Hearing the maid’s report, Lengmei was really excited. She felt happy in her mind. “Who asked that bitch to show off in front of me? Well, it’s the time for her to get the retribution.”

“Yes, Your Grace. I see it with my own eyes!” In order to please Lengmei, the little maid followed Lengmei’s desire and said.

“Well, it’s good!” Lengmei clapped her hands and felt happy. Her delicate face showed out a piece of pride. Then She said.

“Tell me, Tang Xia and I serve the same husband. Unfortunately, she got cold these days, so I have to ask the kitchen to make her more medicines and soup to cure her body!”

“Send my preparation to my good sister, Tang Xia.” Her proud eyes showed out a piece of viciousness, while her smile was poisonous.

The maid beside her licked her shoes immediately. “Your Grace, you’re so profound and considerable. It’s her luck to have your care!”

Lengmei appreciatively looked at the maid in front of her and asked her to prepare the medicine to cure Tang Xia’s cold.

It could be said that “the maid’s personality would be similar to her master’s”. Since Lengmei was so shameless, her maid was naturally a shameless girl that could not be found during 100 years.

Lengmei’s maid reached to the kitchen, and behaved that she was so wronged with her eyes full of sadness.

“Could you please help me to make a bowl of medicine to cure a cold? My Lady heard that the queen caught a cold, so she was really worried. She even could not eat or drink. I feel really worried about her…”

“I thought if I can help to to find a few bowls of medicines to cure a cold, then I can not only help my Lady, but also could cure the queen’s cold.”

“If the queen gets better for this medicine, she would reward you because the medicine is from you.”

Lengmei’s maid performed well. The ones who did not know the truth might think Lady Lengmei was a kind woman and shared their sympathy for her.

She exaggeratedly told them Lengmei’s worry after knowing Tang Xia was sick. Hearing her words, everyone here was moved and promised to make the medicine.

At this time, Tang Xia was hiding in her palace and eating the flower cakes. She did not know that someone would secretly play a shameless trick in her name

When the sun set, Chu Tiankuo held a feast in the palace and every imperial concubine should come. Tang Xia used to think she would meet the hateful Chutiankuo again and did not hope to go there.

However, if she did not attend the feast, the shameless Lengmei might think that she was afraid of her. After some inner struggle, she still came.

“Your Grace, why does our emperor always look at our direction?” Lyuyou thought Tang Xia must bother the emperor again, so she was worried and asked at a low voice.

“Maybe, I’m too beautiful. Well, he must admire me because my appearance is better than his. Therefore, he always looks at me secretly…”

Tang Xia glanced at Chu Tiankuo who was sitting at the center straightly. She said something nonsense but with a serious and disdainful expression. Perhaps, only she could be so disrespectful to Chu Tiankuo.

Originally, as the queen, Tang Xia should sit by Chu Tiankuo’s side. However, since they were still in the cold war, Tang Xia moved her seat under the main hall.

Lyuyou could not believe. Plenty of ministers planned to send beauties to the emperor, but he refused them all without a doubt…

“Your Grace, are you sure?” Lyuyou lifted her eyes suddenly and found the emperor was glancing at Tang Xia secretly. She thought why the emperor stole a glance at Tang Xia so frequently…

“Ah, never mind! I did not bother him! We…” Tang Xia planned to say that they could go back when they finished.

Before she could finish her words, she could not help coughing for a few times. Lyuyou rushed forward to smooth her breath. “Ahem… Ahem…”

Hearing Tang Xia’s cough, Chu Tiankuo was tight. “Why could not this woman take care of herself?”

“What’s wrong? Yue Ji, what’s wrong with you?” Chu Tiankuo found that she was coughing heavily, and her face even turned red. He stood up and moved forwards her. His handsome face showed out a nervous and worried expression.

Suddenly he remembered that he was still awkward with Tang Xia and their cold war did not end. Chu Tiankuo tidied his robe and sat down embarrassedly. He recovered his indifferent expression.

“Since you have got a cold, you should stay at your palace and have a rest.” Chu Tiankuo dared not look at her. He was afraid that his long-term pretending seriousness would be broken by her eyesight.

His words changed meaning in Tang Xia’s mind. Tang Xia tried her best to stop her cough and looked at Chu Tiankuo with a sneer.

“Do you think I will infect you with my cold? Haha, you get it. I come here to attend this feast, specifically to infect you!”

Tang Xia said directly, while everyone here giggled. Was this queen a teasing person sent by a monkey? Was she making a joke?

Chu Tiankuo’s face turned dark and was twitched. He was exasperated at Tang Xia’s misunderstanding and felt really tired.


Tang Xia raised her eyebrows. “Me? How about me? What do you think of me? Do you think I will listen to you because you’re the emperor?”

At this moment, Tang Xia completely forgot the phrase “one would not die if he was not artificial”, but provoked Chu Tiankuo’s emperor dignity.

Lyuyou behind was watching Tang Xia be artificial and were so anxious. “Has my master’s brain been burnt out after she got a cold?”

Lengmei looked at Tang Xia in the opposite. She wondered, “Tang Xia, you just rely on the emperor’s favor, but behave so arrogantly!”

Lengmei looked at Tang Xia, while a piece of hatred passed by her eyes. She wore a smile when noticing Chu Tiankuo’s face turned darker.

“Your Majesty, I used to read on the medical books that the cassia twig could make people sweat and relax their muscles, warming the veins and smoothing the intent. It could cure a cold.”

Lengmei suggested. Chu Tiankuo thought though Lengmei was a stupid woman, she would not calculate Tang Xia so obviously, so he immediately believed her.

“Cassia twig?” Chu Tiankuo frowned, looking at Lengmei under the hall. It was the first time he looked at her directly with doubt.

“Yes, I read it on the medical books. It’s cassia twig!” Lengmei found that it was the first time for the emperor to throw his eyesight on her. She could not help being happy in her mind, but felt a little bit jealous of Tang Xia.

“Your Majesty, there is cassia twig in the beef soup right away.” Little Orange knew what Chu Tiankuo was thinking about, so he reminded him at a low voice.

“Good!” Chu Tiankuo could not resist his joy. He looked at Little Orange with appreciation and thought that the relationship between him and Tang Xia could be eased.

“I heard that there is the cassia twig in the beef soup. I give it to you, my queen!” Chu Tiankuo tried his best to hide his joy.

“I’m not afraid that you will infect me a cold. I just think you should stay at your palace and have a good rest. Otherwise, your sickness would not be healed easily!”

Chu Tiankuo could not help explaining to her. When facing Tang Xia, he always felt tenderhearted somehow and hoped to make her happy.

Hearing Chu Tiankuo’s explanation, Tang Xia realized that she thought wrong of the emperor’s meaning. It was shameless. She really hoped to find a hole to get in!

“Since it’s so, I have misunderstood your meaning, Your Majesty. I make an apology for you!” Tang Xia was a little bit embarrassed and suddenly really the principle that “those who suited their actions to the times were wise”.

Tang Xia felt warmhearted and happy. She thought though they were in cold war, Chu Tiankuo could not trap her. She did not think too much. Though she pretended to be superficially reluctant, but bottled up the soup.

At this night, the relationship between Chu Tiankuo and Tang Xia was improved a lot. However, no one put down their face to beg the other’s forgiveness. They still kept this embarrassing relationship.

“Ahem…Ahem…” Tang Xia’s face showed out abnormal red. She was coughing and felt extremely uncomfortable. It seemed that her cold was more serious.

“Shouldn’t it be that you catch a chill on the way to deliberately attend the emperor’s feast? Are your cold getting more serious?”

Lyuyou found that Tang Xia’s cold did not get better and was as anxious as an ant on the hot pot. She blamed herself in her mind.

“I should go for an imperial doctor!” Lyuyou was too worried and nearly burst into tears. She rushed to the imperial hospital with her eyes turning red.

About half an hour, Lyuyou took the doctor back. The doctor felt Tang Xia’s pulse on the rules of the imperial hospital.

“Could you please tell me why my Lady has not been better for a few days?” Lyuyou was worried and looked at the considerable doctor and uncomfortable Tang Xia.

“Your Grace, the reason why you have not got better and become more serious might be that you eat something that contains cassia twig a few days ago?”

The doctor felt confused and looked at Tang Xia. She nodded her head. There were some cassia twigs in the beef soup, so he gave her as a reward. She also obeyed his words and bottled it up…

“It’s right this medicine that makes your sickness become more serious, Your Grace!” The imperial doctor made a bow.

“Nonsense! How could the emperor try to trap my Lady?” Lyuyou obviously remembered the day’s scene. She shouted loudly and did not believe his words.

“I can promise with my title that it’s the cassia twigs make your sickness more serious. I dare not lie to you, Your Grace. I hope you can have a check!”

The imperial doctor insisted on his words.

“How come?”

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