Teleportations — I Wanna Be An Online Celebrity

Chapter 63

Chapter 63 You Dare Not

As Tang Xia settled back on the chair, she watched fiery-red sunset clouds, squinting her eyes in a trance.

Since Chu Tiankuo walked off in a huff last time, he had never come for Tang Xia again as if he was quite angry with her.

“However, should he put the blame on me?”

“It was he who was indifferent to me first, so I ignored him in return.”

In Tang Xia’s view, Chu Tiankuo was a great guy except for his pride and arrogance, which made her unsure sometimes what on earth she meant to him.

As Tang Xia was carried away by her fancy in a trance, Lyuyou came from outside and asked with concern, “Your Grace, what are you thinking about?”

Tang Xia raised her head and fixed her eyes on the object in Lyuyou’s left hand, saying, “What is in your hand?”

Lyuyou put the note on the table in front of Tang Xia and said with her eyebrows knitted, “Someone told me to take this to you. But I have no idea what it says.”

Feeling puzzled, Tang Xia took the note and found the free and easy handwriting on the note was so familiar. It seemed that she had seen it before, which made her freeze for a moment.

After pondering for a while, Tang Xia was sure that it was written by Helian Jue because she had seen his handwriting more than once and sighed with emotion that ‘the style is the man’ every time she saw his writing.

“However, isn’t Helian Jue locked in the prison now? Why did he have someone send the note to me? What is his purpose?”

As Tang Xia was puzzled, she looked over the note word by word again and frowned unconsciously.

What was written on the note by Helian Jue was just a line of words saying that he had something urgent to discuss with her so she needed to go to the prison tonight, something bad would happen to the country if she did not come to see him.

Tang Xia wore a terrible look, not knowing what Helian Jue meant.

As Lyuyou stood beside Tang Xia, she saw clearly what was written on the note and asked, raising her eyebrows, “Are you going or not, Your Grace?”

Tang Xia frowned and stroked the line of words with her index finger without answering Lyuyou’s question.

Lyuyou hesitated for a moment and said, “I think, it seems not appropriate if you don’t go. We won’t be caught if we are more careful at night.”

Tang Xia wore a faint smile on her mouth and said with determination, “Just ignore it. I won’t go!”

Lyuyou opened her mouth as if she wanted to say more but gave up.

As it was time to have dinner, Tang Xia somehow lost her appetite in the face of a table of delicious food.

While she was fiddling with vegetable leaves in her bowl, Tang Xia raised her head, looking at the dense darkness outside the window as if she was deep in thought.

Tang Xia became extremely worried, thinking of the words written by Helian Jue on the note.

“Would something extremely bad happen if I don’t go?”

As Tang Xia thought of Chu Tiankuo, she changed her mind and thought that it would not be a big deal to go to the prison.

“I don’t believe that Helian Jue will hurt me.”

As Tang Xia made up her mind, she finished her dinner hastily. Then she changed her clothes and got prepared to go to the prison as it was getting late.

Lyuyou said worriedly, “Why don’t you go with me, Your Grace? At least I can guard the door for you.”

Tang Xia shook her head, refusing her proposal. “It will become more troublesome if more people go there. Don’t worry, I will be fine.”

Lyuyou frowned. “I know the Helian Jue will not hurt you, Your Grace. I just feel that something is wrong.”

Tang Xia wore a smile feeling the same way, “Don’t worry. I will act accordingly. Then everything will be fine.”

“I can’t drag too many people into this, whether the note written by Helian Jue is true or not.”

Tang Xia arrived at the prison successfully and found that Helian Jue was leaning on the wall and refreshing his spirit by closing his eyes. But she could not figure out whether he was sleeping or not.

And Helian Jue’s complexion was the same as before.

Tang Xia ordered someone to open the door, and the clanks of unlocking the door alerted Helian Jue who opened his eyes subconsciously.

Helian Jue looked Tang Xia up and down with his deep eyes and wore a faint smile on his mouth, saying, “I knew that you would come.”

Tang Xia said, looking at him coldly, “It seems that you have enjoyed a good life here.”

Helian Jue smiled with bitterness in his eyes and said sentimentally, “It never occurred to me that I needed to see you in this way.”

Tang Xia wore a poker face and said in a colder voice, “Just save it. I don’t have time for small talk. Why do you need to see me? What do the words on the note mean?”

Helian Jue straightened his body and said with a smile, “You are as impatient as before. Is there nothing you want to say to me?”

Tang Xia became more impatient. “Helian Jue, if there is nothing important, I will leave now!”

As she said so, Tang Xia turned around and was about to leave.

Helian Jue stopped her and said in a serious tone, “Tang Xia, I need to tell you something about Xingyue Tower. Don’t you want to know?”

Tang Xia froze for a moment, turned around, and looked at Helian Jue. “What is wrong about Xingyue Tower?”

Helian Jue wore a smile. “The tower was built for you. But I need to tell you that it will definitely bring about big troubles in the future.”

Tang Xia was puzzled by his words. “I don’t understand. Could you please explain it in detail? What is wrong with Xingyue Tower?”

However, a hubbub of shouting came from outside of the prison before Helian Jue could explain. Then one man shouted, “There is an assassin! Catch the assassin!”

Tang Xia froze subconsciously, knowing that things were not going well.

“It is so unreasonable for me to come to the prison so late for Helian Jue.”

“It will be quite troublesome if someone makes a fuss about it.” Tang Xia thought.

However, Helian Jue was still acting calmly.

It was in noisy disorder outside of the cell as soldiers filed out as if they were facing a formidable enemy. Tang Xia could not figure out if someone was confusing the public or there was indeed an assassin.

In this situation, it would be impossible for Tang Xia to take advantage of the disorder to leave.

Hence, she remained still so as to do nothing against everything.

In the meantime, some soldiers swarmed into the cell with weapons in hand and separated into two lines.

Then footsteps could be heard from far to near.

Tang Xia raised her head subconsciously and what she saw was Chu Tiankuo’s cold face with obvious anger in his eyes.

As it was unexpected but reasonable, Tang Xia stayed calm.

Chu Tiankuo froze for a while at the sight of Tang Xia. Then he clenched his hands immediately and looked at her with a pair of fierce eyes.

Tang Xia remained silent, and Helian Jue did not make a move, either.

Their reactions made Chu Tiankuo more furious.

Chu Tiankuo glared at Tang Xia. “Don’t you need to explain to me why you are here?”

Tang Xia raised her head looking at Chu Tiankuo and said with a calm look, “Explain for what? There is no need to explain. I just came here to chat with my old friend. Since I did not do anything bad, why should I explain?”

Her rude attitude made Chu Tiankuo angrier.

“You did not do anything bad, but why did you come here at midnight? Don’t you think it is unreasonable?”

Tang Xia was angry, too. “Why should I meet Helian Jue if I don’t care about Chu Tiankuo?”

“How could he suspect me and get angry with me?”

Therefore, Tang Xia was reluctant to show weakness. “A clean hand wants no washing. I’m frank and forthright. Who I want to see or when I want to meet them is none of your business.”

Chu Tiankuo was totally pissed off by her words and said after glaring at Tang Xia for a long time, “Someone! Take my empress back to her palace. She is not allowed to leave her palace without my permission.”

Tang Xia said angrily, “Chu Tiankuo, how could you treat me like this? You have no rights to restrict my freedom.”

However, it was obvious that her revolt was useless as eunuchs and palace maids surged forward and “asked” her to leave.

Seeing Tang Xia go away, Helian Jue, who had kept silent, said slowly, “Is it worth losing your temper because of such a trifle thing?”

Chu Tiankuo fixed his cold eyes on Helian Jue as if he wanted to eat him alive. “It seems that you want to free yourself soon as you are tired of living in the prison.”

Helian Jue wore a smile. “You are wrong. How can I be fed up with living here? I’ve enjoyed a good life so that I hope to spend my whole life in prison as I’m safe from the wind and rain.”

Chu Tiankuo was extremely angry and sneered. “Are you? I think you are determined to die. Otherwise, why are you still badgering with Tang Xia?”

Helian Jue said with a smile, “Whatever you say. I think you won’t kill me, whether I am determined to die or not.”

Helian Jue’s obvious affront made Chu Tiankuo angrier. Hence, Chu Tiankuo said word by word grinding his teeth, “Helian Jue, do you think I dare not kill you?”

Helian Jue ceased to smile and still wore a calm look, saying, “For her, you dare not!”

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