Ten thousand times return, the game started with being picked up by the senior sister

Chapter 900 Rich Godmother

The star map that Shu Youxue gave Zhao Mu was very complete, and it contained detailed information about the entire Immortal Alliance. From the star map, Zhao Mu could intuitively feel the grandeur of the Immortal Alliance.

If the entire Immortal Alliance is regarded as a large city, the ten fairylands of the Immortal Alliance are located in the most central area of ​​the city.

Also known as the ten sacred places of destiny.

Hongyun Continent is one of them.

These ten fairylands are the core areas of the Immortal Alliance and the dream place for all immortal cultivators to live.

The Immortal Alliance Cabinet, subordinate departments, top sects, clan territories, and all top power organizations are stationed on these ten fairyland continents.

The ten fairylands form a surrounding trend, surrounding a huge red sun.

This red sun, with a diameter of more than 5,000 light years, is a real behemoth.

It is not a star, nor a celestial body like a black hole. Its name is [Yuanshi Ancient Realm]. It is the birthplace of all immortal energy, extraordinary and spiritual objects. The entire world of immortal cultivation has developed by absorbing the power of Yuanshi Ancient Realm. It has burned for countless epochs and years, tirelessly providing power for the world of immortal cultivation. The immortal energy and spiritual energy of all worlds come from it.

Yuanshi Ancient Realm is very special. It takes days and nights to talk about it, but the star map only records some of it roughly. For more information, Zhao Mu needs to find an opportunity to learn slowly.

With Yuanshi Ancient Realm as the core, the ten major immortal holy places surround it, forming the center of the Immortal Alliance.

Outside the ten major immortal holy places is the second ring area of ​​the Immortal Alliance, which is full of a large number of immortal cultivation planets. It has long been divided up by the sixteen clans. It belongs to the clan’s territory, and it is also mixed with some powerful first-line immortal cultivation forces. There are many sects, and the Taoist tradition has a long history. Sects, groups, and enterprises are all huge monsters. Stamping their feet can make the universe tremble.

Extending further out, there is the Third Ring.

There are many ancient immortal cultivation civilizations here, all of which are the eighth and ninth level immortal cultivation worlds.

In addition, there are many immortal cultivation power groups that do not belong to the clan system, such as the Wanxiang Kingdom, which is located in a very ancient and hidden star field in the Third Ring. Few people know the exact location.

There are many forces similar to the Wanxiang Kingdom here.

Further out, the star field is scattered, and the number of immortal cultivation worlds is getting smaller and smaller, and the level is getting lower and lower.

It extends to the edge, such as the Great Thousand World.

The geographical location of the Great Thousand World is not even a suburb, but a remote village at the edge of the urban circle, where there is no road.

The more he saw, the more shocked Zhao Mu was.

The hugeness of the Immortal Alliance still exceeded Zhao Mu's imagination.

Zhao Mu suddenly had a question.

He turned around and asked Shu Youxue, "Sister, do you know how many Emperor Realm cultivators there are in the Immortal Alliance?"

Shu Youxue was stunned: "You really stumped me. I can only tell you that there are many, but it is difficult to calculate the exact number. However, I have seen the statistics of the Immortal Alliance. In recent years, the average number of cultivators who break through the Emperor Realm is about 5,000 to 10,000 per year."

"So many? The life span of an Emperor Realm cultivator is at least 10 million years. If you calculate it this way, the number of Emperor Realm cultivators should be at least more than 50 billion?"

Zhao Mu was stunned.

50 billion Emperor Realm cultivators?

That would be a lot of Emperor Realm cultivators.

Shu Youxue blushed and said, "There are definitely not that many. In fact, the world of immortal cultivation is also constantly developing. It was not so easy to break through the emperor realm before. It was only in the last few million years that the difficulty of breaking through the emperor realm was reduced with the continuous improvement and upgrading of the cultivation system and the continuous breakthroughs in the theoretical level. I remember that it was recorded in history books that during the most bleak period of the Immortal Alliance, the number of emperor realm masters did not exceed 200."

"In addition, the emperor realm masters are not as long-lived as you think. The normal life span of the emperor realm cultivators is indeed very long, but the loss is also great. Every time there is a large-scale battle with the demons, the number of emperor realm masters lost is very large. When I went to the front line with your senior sister to fight the demons, many of the comrades I met had already fallen on the battlefield."

Zhao Mu was a little surprised.

I didn't expect that the Immortal Alliance also had a low period, and the life of the emperor realm cultivators didn't seem to be as good as imagined. After all, with the demons as the enemy, the stronger the strength, the greater the responsibility. Not everyone can live a stable life. In places you can't see, there are always people carrying the burden for you.

Zhao Mu asked again: "What about the number of Emperors of Destiny?"

"I actually know this."

Shu Youxue said: "Each emperor who has embarked on the path of destiny is the most precious and scarce resource of the Immortal Alliance. Once they embark on the path of destiny, they are eligible to enter the cabinet. From ancient times to the present, the total number of cabinet members has reached 3,275. Excluding those who have retired or died in battle, there are about 700 emperors who are still active in the cabinet. A simple calculation shows that there are about 1,000 Emperors of Destiny alive in the entire Immortal Alliance."

It's not a small number.

After all, the Emperor of Destiny is already standing at the top of the pyramid of immortal cultivation.

But it's definitely not a lot.

Because the total number of immortal cultivators in the entire Xinghai Immortal Alliance is definitely an astronomical figure.

I'm afraid it has to be calculated in trillions.

On such a huge base of immortal cultivators, only more than 3,000 Emperors of Destiny have been born in total, and the probability is so small that it's outrageous.

Zhao Mu leaned close to Shu Youxue's ear and whispered, "Senior sister, are you the Emperor of Destiny?"

When they first met, Shu Youxue gave Zhao Mu the impression that she was very powerful, definitely more than the ninth level of the Emperor Realm.

But Zhao Mu really doesn't know whether he is the Destiny Emperor. After all, except for Master Xingchan, Zhao Mu has never seen any other Destiny Emperor, and the master has never shown the aura of a great emperor in front of him. Zhao Mu has no such aura at all. Make judgments based on reference.

Shu Youxue looked at Zhao Mu's eyes full of curiosity and couldn't help but smile: "You think too highly of Senior Sister. Senior Sister, although I am much stronger than the ordinary ninth-level Emperor Realm, I am still not close to the Destiny Great Emperor." It's far away. If there is no unexpected chance, I may not have the chance to embark on the journey of destiny in this life. However, there is still hope for your senior sister to embark on the journey of destiny. She has been fighting and killing enemies on the front line all year round and has accumulated a considerable amount of destiny. Will, within ten thousand years, there may be a chance to embark on the original destiny, but it is not certain. Master said, the probability is 50%, and the final result may depend on luck. "

I see.

It seems that the difficulty of embarking on the road of destiny is really difficult beyond imagination.

From this point of view, Ye Qinglu's strength and talent may be even higher than those of the two senior sisters.

I hope that the day Ye Qing is released from prison will be the time to embark on his destiny.

In this way, in addition to Master Xingchan, Zhao Mu can have another one in the lap of the Destiny Emperor.

Thinking about it this way, Zhao Mu suddenly realized that his children who had the status of the top Holy Body Emperors seemed a bit defiant.

In particular, Zhao Yuxin's innate holy body has the potential to be a quasi-three-fate great emperor. I'm afraid you won't be able to find a few in the entire Xinghai Immortal Alliance.

"By the way, where's girl Yu Xin? Let me, your godmother, come and meet her quickly." Shu Youxue urged.

She had said before that she would recognize Yu Xin as her goddaughter, and she would cover all of Yu Xin's future training expenses.

Zhao Mu immediately sent a message to Lan Ruo and asked her to bring Zhao Yuxin.

After a while, Lan Ruo came over holding a little girl with a cold temperament.

Even in front of her mother, Zhao Yuxin, the future Emperor of Three Destinies, rarely smiled.

But it was different when meeting Zhao Mu.


Zhao Yuxin quickly stepped forward and came to Zhao Mu, shouting in a sweet voice.

Zhao Mu picked up his precious daughter and said, "Yuxin, come and say hello to your rich godmother."

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