Tennis When I enter the river, I can super evolve without acting!

Chapter 31

boom! boom!

Tasta only used two moves.

The strength and strength of the inside are concentrated.

It made Oni Jujiro unable to breathe.

Swiss team.

Amadeus said:

“That Oni Jujiro is very powerful, but his control over power is far inferior to that of Tasta. Perhaps it is because he stayed in this place and worked behind closed doors for three years before this happened!”

The Swiss players all nodded slightly.

Their eyes were more or less regretful.

To be honest, they were all disappointed.

They said they were players who defeated Byodoin two years ago.

But compared to Byodoin who constantly defeated strong players around the world.

In fact, it’s a lot worse.

Team Neon. It

‘s rare to have another real dragon.

But they don’t cherish their talents.

That’s why they ended up like this today.


Tennis ball. Thick smoke and dust rise from the ground far away from the ghost. The smoke and dust dispersed. Tasta turned around and left with a disappointed look on his face. The ghost kept panting and looked at the other person’s back.

“g…Game, Tasta, 5-0!”

“Brother Ghost…”

Everyone in Neon looked at such a powerless ghost.

They all fell into silence.

A flash of weakness flashed in the ghost’s eyes.

Even laughing at myself inwardly

“What a fool I am, I was so confident before the competition, but then…Being mercilessly crushed!”


At this time,

Tasta’s voice came to his ears.

The ghost raised his head in confusion.

Tasta continued to say disappointedly:

“Compared with Byodoin, you…Too far!”


The ghost instantly clenched his racket.

His eyes became fierce.

On his body, an Asura ghost and god with three heads and six arms and a green face and fangs appeared.



Whether it was the Swiss team or the Neon team, they couldn’t help but swallowed after seeing this ghost. Fear instinctively appeared on their faces.

“too strong.”

The shocking sense of oppression that only belongs to ghosts and gods.

They can even see it outside the court.

It is constantly shocking their hearts.


Tasta’s face showed a trace of interest.

“This is interesting”

“But it still can’t change the gap between you and me.”

There was a bang.

His surroundings were instantly cleared, forming a vacuum zone.

A huge shadow appeared on his body. It had one head and two arms, but its body was as huge as a ghost and a god, and his whole body was full of the aura of the God of Destruction.

“Asura Shinto…God of destruction!”

God of Destruction vs. Ghost and God!


A moment later.

The ghost’s figure, like a kite with its string broken, was directly knocked against the wall.


Everyone took a breath and looked at Tasta with horror in front of the net, turning his back and looking at Oni Jujiro who was lying on his back.

The man named Onigami was dropped instantly!


“Ending point! Zaneshima’s face was full of shock:”

It’s unbelievable that ghosts can be so powerless!””

Irie said:”Whether it is in terms of strength or attainments in Asura Shinto, they can’t actually close the gap. They are between brothers.”

“However, the control of power is not on the same level at all!”

Even if the opponent is Amadeus, the ghost will not be so embarrassed, and can even perform very exciting operations.

But a duel between powerful players, as long as there is strength and weakness, can easily lead to such a scene.

One side is completely defeated. Suppression, because his strength advantage was overshadowed by the opponent’s stronger strength.

Tasta looked at Oni Jujiro who fell to the ground, but could see that his body was twitching continuously, and his eyes were open. Open, obviously in a confused state

“Oni Jujiro, you still have 15 seconds. If you don’t get up, you will violate the rules and lose this point.”

The referee from the Tennis Association said coldly and ruthlessly.

Suddenly, everyone in the Neon Team was frightened and turned pale again.

Tono and others also panicked.


“Brother Ghost, cheer up!”

“You won’t lose the game just like that, right?”

“Damn, only 10 seconds left”

“Ah ah ah, where is the ghost brother who defeated Byodoin?”

“he…It has become weaker!”

Team Neon.

Many people were so anxious that they almost cried.

As a legend two years ago, ghosts were once their belief.

But since a year ago, ghosts began to turn behind the scenes and concentrate on training players.

There is no such thing anymore. He felt like he was arrogant, lonely and seeking defeat.

It was as if he had gradually closed himself up in the dust.

Tanejima, Kimijima, Kurobe and others all remained silent.

Their eyes were complicated.

Ghost….It has indeed become weaker!

It’s not a weakness in strength.

But in terms of mentality.

I no longer have that strong desire to win.

His fighting spirit in this game… was obviously far inferior to the game against Byodoin two years ago.

Oni Jujiro lying on the ground.

Listen to the voice coming from your ears.

Lost consciousness for a while

“I really…Has it become weaker?”

“Then my original goal…What is it again?”

But it seems that after defeating Byodo-in and being alone in this dormitory for a long time, he gradually forgot his fighting spirit and his goal.

Even if he had a fighting spirit against Irie, it was just a whim. After that, he just increased his training Just measure


The ghost’s eyes suddenly widened:

“It was Irie’s strength that turned my fighting spirit into a whim….”

Because Irie is really too strong.

He questioned himself again and again.

Will he really be Irie’s opponent?

In his heart.

In fact, he was afraid of entering Jiang’s power.

He said that sooner or later he would have a decisive battle with Irie.

But in my heart, I was escaping.

In fact, this fear… may have existed since the moment Tokugawa was admitted to the infirmary.

At that time.

He was worried that he was no match for Byodoin.

Tokugawa cannot be protected.

Irie told him that I was here.

He didn’t argue.

He was afraid of entering the river.

It may have existed at this time.

He felt that Irie was stronger than him.

There was no rebuttal.

More suitable than him to protect Tokugawa.

So what does this ghost Jujiro mean?

A coward hiding behind Irie?

Oni Jujiro was confused.


A flash of images flashed through his mind.

That was the memory of him spending time with the children in the orphanage.

In memory.

He often uses superb tennis skills.

Show children a variety of wonderful playing scenes.

Become an idol for your children. once.

The child asked him what his dream was.

Gui mentioned something.

My dream is to become the number one tennis player in neon.

But now, I want to spend more time with you.

Then there was an opportunity.

Because he goes out to compete and make money.

Noticed by many club scouts.

Invite him to become a professional player in the neon tennis world.

But Gui’s heart was not there. He heard that people of the same age, such as Byodoin and Shuji Tanejima, were comparable to Neon’s professional players, or even better.

He would rather compete with these people on the same stage.

Even a school called Okayama Oku.

He was invited to participate in the junior high school league.

The ghost is very excited.

But still for the kids.

Say the words I want to spend more time with you.

The children are very happy.

All they know is that Brother Ghost still belongs to them.

But then.

Clubs are still finding him one after another.

I hope he doesn’t bury his talent.

Don’t waste your time in this orphanage.

The kids realized this time.

It was they who trapped Brother Ghost’s dream. therefore.

When Christmas comes, the ghost promises them to play Santa Claus and give them gifts.

The children unanimously decided to write down the only Christmas gift they wanted on a sticky note

——I hope Brother Ghost can become the number one tennis player in Neon!


A tear appeared in the corner of the ghost’s eye, but he grinned

“what i want to be is…Neon’s number one tennis player!”

He stood up slowly.

Before that

Tasta opened her eyes and said coldly:

“Only 3 seconds left.”

Seeing that the ghost has not risen yet.

The disappointment on his face has reached the extreme.

The other party clearly has a divine power, but it is completely wasted.

He looked at Irie Kanata

“Excuse me”

“Accidentally beat up your friend.”

Tit for tat.

Since Irie believes in Onijujiro so much, he doesn’t mind crushing the opponent’s self-confidence.


But at this moment.

A strong light suddenly burst out from the opposite court.

Neon Team.

Everyone originally thought Still very angry, Tasta provoked him to enter the river.

But he was immediately attracted by this light

“That is…flawless…limit!!”

They murmured to themselves.

Swiss team.

Amadeus’s face changed drastically:”Be careful, Tasta, that is the light of reserve!”

“It is actually the light of restraint! Tasta frowned:

“But Asura Shinto and the reserved light are the opposites of darkness and light. As long as they cannot coexist, they do not pose a threat. unless…His talent is top notch!”


When the light dissipated,

Oni Jujiro’s hair was flying.

But there was a glow of cyan and black on his body.

Look at the top of his head.

There is an Asura ghost and god with three heads and six arms filled with light cyan, and a green face and fangs!


Irie tilted his head slightly.

There was a smile on his face.

It was different from the original work.

Because he had seen Tianyi and Asura coexist, the current ghost could do what the original work could not do.

His face was full of shock. Tasta

“Be careful”

“Don’t get blown away so quickly.” ps: 2-in-1, during the new book period, extra updates will be added if you get 1,000 flowers in a single day, extra updates if you get 100 evaluation votes, and extra updates with monthly votes.

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