Tensei Oujo wa Kyou mo Hata o Tatakioru

Chapter 148

A certain spy monologue. (3)

The country that the man described as “beautiful” was certainly a beautiful and rich country.

Outlying towns far from the royal capital are also clean and lively. Despite the difference between rich and poor, the lives of ordinary people are also prosperous. At least considerably better than the Skelz commoners. I’ve never seen a starving and dying person rolling into a corner of the road.

The fields are full of crops and the roadside is blossoming. The defenselessness that seems to have not been assumed, such as worrying about being trampled by war horses. I felt like I was showing my proof of peace.

The royal capital is particularly prosperous, and the royal castle, which stands in the back of an orderly street, is a highlight. Unlike the castle of Skelz, which is only vulgar and decorated with fancy decorations, it is breathtakingly beautiful as a chalk castle like art is illuminated by the setting sun.

But, like that guy, I didn’t think I wanted to live here.

It’s too different from the place where I was born, and I don’t think it exists in the same world in the same place.

And I die here anyway.

If you think so, a splendid castle is not much different from a graveyard.

To some extent, I have confidence in my arms, but I feel as good as I can.

I never thought of a successful assassination of King Nebel.

And, of course, the assassination failed.

I was captured by the escort knight, and muttered in my heart, saying, “I’m after all.” As a prosperous power, Nebel is blessed with talent. I couldn’t help alone.

I want you to sneak into the royal castle and get closer to the king’s room. Perhaps only one small fish could be smashed at any time if it could be squashed.

“Where is the mouse?”

A flat voice comes down from above me on the floor.

Because his arms were held down, he raised his face and saw the Lord of the voice.

The man who sunk deeply on the one-person sofa and crossed his legs with a disgustingly long length was so neat that he suspected he was the same person.

When you understand that you are staring at the back of a platinum-colored bangs like silk thread, and the pale blue eyes that do not even feel the temperature of a piece, your body becomes stiff. I felt even breathless.

A born champion who yields his opponent without moving one eyebrow. King Nebel Randolph von Velfalt looked down on me in a calm manner.

Speechlessly while enduring that you want to look away.

Then the king leaned lightly. The hair without the habit sways.

“Don’t you tell me? Well, I have the idea.”

I agree with the throwing in my heart.

There are only a few countries that sell quarrels to Nebel, a major power in commerce, mining and agriculture.

The Raptor kingdom is one of them, but that country has cunning like snakes. We will aim for a time when war has started and national power has declined.

The assassination is not always sent to foreigners, but if the king breaks down in a situation of tense world conditions, confusion is inevitable. The aftermath is quite extensive. If there is enough profit to make up for it, or if it’s not too stupid, you can’t afford it.

That is to say, the only fool who sends assassins to King Nebel at this time is that.

But I wasn’t going to say even if it was crazy.

Of course, not for justice and loyalty. It’s just a point.

I’ve been treated as a consumable without much value since I was born, but I still have pride as a human being.

I don’t want to beg for my life and be killed miserably.

I wanted to decide on my own will, about to die.

The king’s eyebrows, looking at me who never tried to open her mouth, were frowned as expressing discomfort. Sighs leaked from well-shaped lips.

“It’s true that the rumor that the king of that country is a waster is to throw away human resources that can sneak into our castles.”

I couldn’t understand what was said for a moment.

Who could have been expected to be evaluated as an assassin even though his home country had been treated as junk?

The king continues his words without worrying about me, who is stunned and exposes the stupid side.

“A place where you believe that if your assassination is successful in the first place, your situation will improve, there is no help for it.

“… If you fall, the country will be confused. It will not be a war.”

I just asked a question.

His determination to go silent was lost in his interest in the man in front of him.

I thought I could be accused of not being rude, but the king didn’t mind anything. And the knight holding me down doesn’t say anything if he understands the king’s intentions.

“Yes, it’s a bit confusing, but it’s going to be a quick turnaround. It’s not growing so softly that only one person will die.

The weight of the words that I spoke easily made me forget about breathing.

While standing at the pinnacle of the country, cold thoughts that regard yourself as a piece. Then the unwavering trust in the country and son, both of which are extraordinary.

I noticed that I was about to kill a ridiculous human, and my body is about to shake.

Have envy at the same time. He believed that the people of Nebel, who worshiped him as king, were envied from the bottom of his heart.

I’m dying soon, but I’m laughing as if I can make more of my heart.

But I do not know how life will fall.

King did not execute me. On the contrary, he was working as a Nebel spy. It is not good to say that the vessel is large.

The disadvantage of holding a bomb that you don’t know when to betray it is bigger than the benefit of knowing the inside of the skeleton.

However, I do not dare to assert my faults. I didn’t want to let go of my luck rolling in.

If you are evaluated as not worthy of credit, you can turn it over someday.

I want to work under this king in this country.

I thought so.

“I was about to be handed down to my daughter.”

I looked back, and muttered with a distant eye.

Wolf asks, “Did you say anything?” But shook his head gently to indicate nothing.

It’s a funny story to think back now, but I was pretty shocked at that time.

If you were the first prince you trust, you may still be convinced, but she’s a princess. There is no reason the Princess of the Deep Window needs a spy. I was disappointed that she would also be used to mitigate women.

If you think normally, that majesty, like that mass of rationalism, can’t give up on me for such a stupid reason as to take a “good mood.”

Rather than judging that I was unnecessary, it was probably because I thought the princess was useful.

But at that time I had blood on my head and didn’t even notice such an easy thing.

At her own discretion, she managed to avoid being handed down, but she began to focus on her movements, regardless of the princess.

Then, they do various things so as to be amazed.

Why do pre-adult princesses have such a wealth of knowledge and connections? It’s more a surprise than a surprise.

For better or worse, there was no riot around the princess who attracted various things.

I think it’s a natural gift.

It is the first prince who is respected for being a perfect personality, but that person is rather an effort-based talent. The princess has the talent to attract people. There is a charm that makes you want to do something for this person.

If Princess was a prince, the faction might have broken.

But I don’t think “I wish I was a princess.”

Because it was the princess who overturned my idea that a woman was not good.

Hime-san’s journey was full of ups and downs, and she was struggling many times.

Still, the princess did not rely on the help of others. They don’t know how to use favors, even though they are easily liked by people. And even if you do your best and fail, you don’t blame others. Only you can blame yourself.

Princess Taka was nothing different from the women I knew.

I think it’s clumsy. But that frank way of life seemed precious to me.

I can’t forget the sight of the goddess, especially in the Kuah village.

I still remember clearly the surprise and excitement of a young girl in an isolated and unassisted situation, trembling with a sense of simplicity, but cutting off an easy path.

If you pass on responsibility for what the Chief planned, and pretend to be a goddess, you won’t have to struggle anymore. The princess chose Ibarado on purpose. In order to preserve the pride of the Kuah, he bowed down and chose to persuade him.

No matter how much I twisted, I saw such beautiful creatures, and did not spit the word “a woman”.

I will. It doesn’t matter if you’re a woman or a man. There are certainly people who deserve respect.

Just seeing them, Her Majesty and the Princess, made me think that my life wasn’t abandoned.

“…… O”

Your consciousness is brought back by the familiar sound of the hammer.

When you jumped down from the tree and outstretched your arm, the bird that was circling in the sky slipped down. Remove the letter from the bird’s leg resting on the arm.

The message from Nebel Kingdom was about the princess.

“… I still do things I can’t imagine.”

“What?-Is it Marie’s story?”

When you mutter yourself, Wolf reacts immediately.

If you know that you are associated with the word yakaras , you will be mad at the princess.

I nodded with a bitter smile.

“Perhaps it will be a persuasive material for the grandfathers.”

“……What do you mean?”

Wolf asks with a confused look.

“As a reward to prevent the spread of epidemic disease in neighboring countries, she seems to have urged Her Majesty to stay where you are. It’s a facility. ”

“Hah!?! I’ve never seen or heard that !?”

“Oh, it’s unheard of. It’s probably not a year or two, but when it’s done, Nebel’s level of medical care goes up. A few decades later … It’s going to rush to Nebel. ”

I’m just surprised at the princess.

How much knowledge and ideas are packed in that little head?

“Such … like …”

Wolf, who had lost his words in surprise, muttered with a roaring voice. He couldn’t see his face because he was down, but his shoulders were shaking.

From the perspective of the clan, who have maintained their knowledge and traditions as pharmacists for generations, is it unacceptable for a concept that can be said to be innovative?

Or …?

“That’s not so crazy!”

Wolf’s cheeks, which glanced vigorously with his face, were flushed with excitement.

“Educational facilities can be taught not only verbally, but also on the ground, isn’t it? If you’re also developing drugs, you can change or try drugs while watching the patient’s condition. Oh, but if you don’t, you can stay a lot of patients in such a large facility …? ”

“Of course you can.”

“Best! I love Marie !!”

They noticed Wolf’s screaming and looked at what they were doing. Even those who gathered up will surely shine their eyes like a child if they hear this concept. The Kuah people greedyly take in knowledge of medical care.

“I will definitely go. I will go no matter who I am. In fact, education and research are good areas for grandfathers. You have to drag it even if you tie it to your neck.”

“ I’m planning to kill us !? ”

The grandfather who picked up his ear with only the part that he dragged with a rope around his neck has faded.

I watched the noisy quarrel, and I throbbed and laughed.

Perhaps all the Kuahs can take you back to you.

I muttered in my heart as if talking to a princess waiting at Nebel.

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