Tensei Oujo wa Kyou mo Hata o Tatakioru

Chapter 160

Reincarnated princess. (2)

We separated from the grandfather and left the village immediately.

One of the picked village candidates is the rest. No further delay is allowed. It will be irreparable.

I nodded firmly, silently, to Leonhardt, who advised me to be a forced march.

On the way to, you will run in half the time on the journey that took more than a day and a half.

I took a break several times, but almost on the horse. The semicircular canal, which he thought he was strong, became dubious. While traveling a few times, he had gained confidence in his physical strength, but he may have misunderstood. I’m doing my best because I’m clinging so that I won’t be shaken off.

When we arrived at the destination village, the area was completely dark.

I was already in the hell of a hero, and I was sitting on a horse while being supported by Leonhard. I’m sorry for your luggage …

Leonhardt did not go directly to the temple but took me to the inn.

You couldn’t walk without support, so you probably thought it was dangerous to walk with me who needs care. Leonhardt knelt before me sitting in bed.

“I’ll see you alone. I will return once in about an hour, so you should never leave the inn.

I was nodded smallly because I was reminded.

I’m worried even if I know that going with me would be more dangerous. Just thinking of Leonhardt walking alone in the darkness, my heart hurts as if my heart was squeezed.

Leonhard smiled at me as she looked down at her clumsy face. A big hand is put on the head.

“Don’t worry. I promise not to do anything dangerous.”


Grasp the skirt and release the lips that were biting.

“Be careful”

I’m gonna laugh, but it probably failed. Leonhardt had a troubled face.

“Please rest while you are waiting. You can sleep.”

The overprotective Leonhardt was worried about me, not herself.

After seeing Leonhard out, he returned to bed and did not want to sleep. He was tired, but his eyes did not sleep when he closed his eyes.

When you get out of bed, you will walk around in the room without meaning. He approached the window and gently pushed the door open.

Frozen cold air rubs on the neck and enters the room.

Even if you look down, it is completely dark and you can hardly see the scenery. Only the light leaking from the windows of the houses and the smoke rising from the chimney are easily visible. I don’t know where the temple is and where Leonhard is.

My anxiety grows and I try to push out other information in my head. The hands holding the window sill had a squealing noise as the trees squeaked.

scared. Why are you so scared to wait?

When Pelutz and Theo were kidnapped and waiting for Klaus to fight the pirates, they couldn’t get used to the same feeling. I feel the flow of time is unusually slow and I realize my inability to wait.


I felt something moved for a moment in the corner of view.

He leaned in a hurry and squinted his eyes, but did not understand well in the dark. For a moment I wondered if Leonhard came back, but that’s not the case. He would have borrowed a lamp from the inn for reasons, such as “dropped.”

It could be a dog or a cat. But if you’re a raptor spy.

I thought so, and my heart beat so big that it hurt.

Close the door and run to the entrance.

I stopped when I tried to open the door. Grasp the hand on the doorknob with the opposite hand.

Wait, you said, me.

Now, what can we do after chasing Leonhardt? Far from defeating the enemy, I can’t even protect myself. Conversely, Leonhard could be put at risk.

The best I can do is believe in him and wait.

“……It’s ok it’s ok”

Take a deep breath, repeating with a snarling voice.

“OK, OK”

Leonhard is strong.

Never lose to anyone. Will definitely come back to me.


At that time, I tried to mutter a few times. The door rang suddenly.

Discreet knock. I think he was trying to ask if he was awake. But I open the door vigorously, listening only to the “Oki”.

Leonhardt’s eyes were rounded to me, who rushed out of me.

“… Mary?”

Leonhardt who calls me while being puzzled looks fine. He doesn’t seem to be injured.

I lost my strength at once.


Leonhardt immediately caught me, who had fallen from my knee. Shaking his head, he looks into his face with a worried face as to whether he is ill.

“I just lost my power with peace of mind.”


There was a breathtaking sound. There is strength in the supporting arm.

“I’m sorry. I made you worry.”

“Yeah. You’ve come back safely like this, so it’s okay.”

When he laughed, Leonhardt laughed back though it was awkward.

“By the way, how was that …?”


Leonhard closed the door and raised me slowly. As guided, head to bed and sit on rim.

There is nothing nice about tables and chairs, so Leonhardt is standing. He looked at me after a little hesitation.

“In conclusion, no.”

Hi, the throat made a dry sound.

Next, the heart beats as if the heart started running. The sweat gradually spread on the palm of my hand.

“I don’t mean … it’s after being taken away by someone.”

My mouth is dry due to tension and my voice is not good.

The worst imagination floated in my head and my body was shaking.

Why couldn’t you rush more? I didn’t have any more sense of crisis.

It’s not a problem that we couldn’t do it simply because we weren’t in time. The future of the world of mankind depends on it.

Despair tries to paint the mind black.

But as if to pay for the darkness, Leonhardt powerfully said “No”.

“It’s not”

“… ??”

“There is no hidden room.”


I was stunned.

No hidden room? In other words, is this also a loss?

All three places that have risen to the candidates have been turned. I don’t know anything else. No way to come back here. Is that an ant?

“And then, like last time, there was a trace that someone searched for, and recently.”

“Why do you know why it’s recent?”

“Snow was left around the temple, so there were footprints. I would have used fire to look inside. There was a slight smell of oil.”

After all, another person is looking for the same thing as us.

And it is likely to have the same information as us.

“Maybe they have the same information … Does the Raptor still have a lore about the seal location of the Demon King?”


When I spoke, Leonhardt did not reply. It seems that they are thinking something instead of ignoring it.


“I’m sorry. I was thinking a bit.”

What was Leonhardt’s stiff expression thinking?

I knew it later.

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