Tensei Oujo wa Kyou mo Hata o Tatakioru

Chapter 164

Suspicion of the reincarnation princess. (2)

Stare at the darkness while being carried on Captain Reaver’s shoulder.

No matter how much I looked, I could not see the enemy or Leonhardt. All you can see is the flame of the torch swaying as you run, and the branches and leaves illuminated by it.

Leonhard is okay because he is strong.

I want to think so, but I’m scared, scared and unbearable.

“It looks like there are no enemies nearby.”

Captain Reaver looks around and drops me off her shoulder.

I took a step in the direction I came, and my hand was on my shoulder. Captain Lever looked up at me silently.

I buried it in Leonhard’s scarf all the way to my nose and squeezed it tightly.

I know it. Rather than helping me when I return, it just gets in the way.

The body is about to start running, though you understand it in your head. An honest body screams when he wants to go to him.


I closed my eyes tightly and put my cheeks with both hands.

Tighten, Rosemary.

If the enemy is … the raptor interlude is just around the corner, it’s probably not the case of crying and whining.

There must be something to do.

“let’s go”


Captain Perever had a plain expression, but hesitated for a while and then nodded. Again, we aim for the depths of the forest.

How long did you walk?

Since I moved my feet silently as if I was working, I just kept on going, so it was ambiguous even over time.

Perhaps because his head was full of cold, fatigue, and Leonhardt’s. I didn’t notice it until I approached.


Surprised by Captain Reaver’s deterrence, I look up as if it had been played. The first thing I saw was Captain Lieber’s back. Next was a black shadow flickering ahead.

I thought I was an enemy and I was ready for a moment.

But it turns out to be different. The identity of the black shadow was not the enemy, but the shadow of a tree lit by a torch and projected on the wall like a shadow picture.

I looked up at the dingy white wall and opened my mouth.

In front of me stood out is an old building. It is dark and the whole picture is not visible, but it is probably a temple.

“It really was …”

Puzzle is better than joy. Because he was half-trusted while making his own hypothesis.

“I’m surprised that you’re behind such a forest …”

When Captain Lever raises the torch, the thick pillars tied with ivy and the white walls, which are light green stained with moss, appear in a blur.

The silhouette that appears in the dim light is scarier than a mysterious but rather like a horror game title screen.

“Your Highness, let’s go”

“Ha ha ha”

I was overwhelmed by the power and returned to Captain Lever’s voice.

There is a large double door when you go up the stone steps in front.

The height is twice my height … maybe 3 meters. Captain Lever reaches for the two doors, which are finely carved with ivy patterns on the surface.

The door doesn’t seem to open because it doesn’t have a handle. A slight gap opens with a squeaky sound, but that’s it. The same is true if you try to pull with your finger in the gap.

It is probably locked from inside.

Captain Lieber, who was struggling for a while, sighed and looked back at me.

“Can you ask for your torch?”


Receive the provided torch with both hands.

“Please stay away”

“? Yes”

As he was told, he retreated with a torch.

Captain Lever kicks the door as he pleases.


In front of me who opened my eyes to bold action, the door opened vigorously. Galang, the sound of something rolling with Garang resounds.

What rolled was a broken piece of wood. Perhaps it was a bar on the inside. The rotten bar, which has been rotten over the years, has been burned to the end, but the door seems to be safe. Sorry, muttered in a small voice an apology that I don’t know who was pointing to.

Moldy air leaks from inside.

Peek inside while covering your nose and mouth with your palms. The moment you stepped on, the sound of your shoes echoed.

Lieber, who received the torch from me, urges me to look inside.

Dust is piled up on the floor, as evidence that people haven’t stepped in for a long time. Footprints remained clearly. The relief on the wall is black and dirty with a spider web.

Although the temple seems quite old, it was still in its original form than imagined.

The roof and walls have not yet collapsed. There was a more tattered image in the in-game depiction … but maybe not here?

Or maybe it remains because of the absence of the war. When Mikhail came to the village during the game, the front seemed very close. If a war broke out, this forest would have burned and the temple might have been destroyed.

“Her Highness, don’t leave too much”


I was looking around the building with KyoroKyoro, and followed in a hurry after Captain Lieber.

If you go to the back, there are stairs, and when you go up there, large stone statues are arranged on the left and right. A big picture was drawn on the wall behind it.


Is it fresco?

The black flame is drawn to face the beautiful goddess carrying the halo. It probably represents the Demon King.

“Let’s examine the walls and floor.”


I and Captain Lieber began looking inside the building.

Follow the wall in order from the edge. The fingertips quickly became black. I was hesitant to search for dusty floors by hand, so I walked step by step with shoes.

While proceeding counterclockwise from the east side, I found the door quite quickly.

It is a wooden door that is much smaller and simpler than the front entrance.

It seems to be locked from the outside, but when Captain Reaver kicks off, Assari opens. However, the door is not connected to the hidden room. It’s just like a back door to go outside.

Speaking of which, the front entrance was barred from the inside. You have to have another door to get out. It is natural.

While looking down, try to find another place. But nothing is found.

I can’t do that. I guess it’s true here.

I’m rushed for my feelings, and time goes by in vain.

“No …”

Captain Lever’s voice is also impatient.

I pressed my ears against the wall, regardless of getting dirty, and hit it to see the echo.

I need to find it early.

I want to return to Leonhardt-sama. I want to see a safe figure as soon as possible. Why can’t you find it?

“Do you have any clues in this picture?”

“Certainly, the most suspicious thing is this … I can’t tell just by looking at it.”

I and Captain Lieber stand in front of a picture that covers the north.

I’ve gone through all the details and the only thing left is this picture.

“It’s stunning. It’s a famous artist.”

Captain Lever held his torch over and muttered with admiration.

I nodded and agreed, and looked up at the picture. He has little knowledge of painting, but his layman’s eyes proved it was wonderful.

Every piece of hair that flutters in the wind, skin tension, and wrinkles in the dress are depicted in detail as in the photo. The gloss of the lips that smiled gently, the cheeks that were slightly reddened, and the liveliness in the eyes were particularly stunning, and seemed to start moving at any time.

“With the goddess … is this flame the devil?”

Captain Reaver leans his head, shining in the black flame.

A woman with rich golden hair and blue eyes wears a white dress resembling a kitten and carries a halo. A smiling woman … Perhaps the goddess has no weapons and is reaching out to a black flame with a white hand.

I think the black flame, as Captain Lieber said, symbolizes the Demon King. The fire, driven to the right corner to avoid the goddess’s hand, is burning violently with the gogo. The center is reddish black, as if it contains remorse. Compared to the blue sky and the white of the goddess through the background, only the muddy red-blackness was extraordinary and seemed to float severely.

“… maybe …”

I reached for the picture I was looking at and stopped halfway.

If the world is the world, he hesitated to touch a picture that is designated as a national treasure. Chew your lips and shake your head to get rid of your hesitation.

I took the plunge and touched the center of the black flame.

If you put your strength into your fingertips, only the palm-sized block will sink slightly. Apparently it seems to move.


“Let’s substitute”

Looking back, Captain Lieber nodded as soon as she knew.

When he presses, a block of about 10 cm square is sucked in with a dull sound. When I thought it was a loud noise, it seemed to stop moving any further.

Captain Lieber was groping in the hole, and apparently found something at the top. Looking back over my shoulder.

“The handle has come out.


When Captain Reaver put his strength, he heard a rattling of the chains. At the same time, a part of the picture moves slowly.

The entrance appeared in front of me, exposing a stupid face while thinking that it was like a gimmick that a certain archeologist in the movie found at the archeological site.

The height is just a meter. A square hole, perhaps one meter wide, runs down the stairs.

Peeping through the gap is the darkness where something may be lurking.

“That’s right.”

I hear the uplifted and squeezed Captain Reaver’s voice and I throb.

Bend yourself and dive through the hidden door. The hand on the wall was no longer sensational due to cold and tension so that it could not slide down.

Go down one step, one step. The air is caged and it’s hard to breathe. He held his nose without thinking of the peculiar odor, not just the moldy odor.

Captain Reaver overshades his torch, revealing the interior.

The dimly lit room is smaller than expected. Inside is an altar made of stone. Above it were unlit candlesticks to the left and right, and a fist-sized stone sitting on the center pedestal.

The heart beats with heart.

“there were……”

The muttering voice was nervous.

I found it. Finally, I found it.

“Is this a sealed stone for the Demon King …”

Captain Lieber, with a rugged face, illuminates the stone with a torch.

What emerges in a round silhouette looks like a stone that has nothing to do with it.

Just a small stone. If you fall on the roadside, no one will probably care. I can’t believe that these things destroy the world.

He reached out with a frightening hand and was stopped by Captain Lieber.

“Her Highness, I’ll take it, I don’t know what will happen.”

“No, I will do it”

I shake my head. Thank you offer, but declined.

I should do it because I don’t know what will happen. It’s my job.

And probably nothing happens unless you break it.

… Please don’t do anything.

Reach slowly, feeling like praying to God.

Touch with your fingertips for a moment, as if checking for heat. After waiting a few seconds, nothing happens. I reached out slowly again and lifted it up with both hands.

The rough feel and slight weight assert the presence in the palm of your hand.


Largely exhale the packed breath. I lost my strength and almost sat down.

Successful. You have successfully recovered the Demon King.

Hugging a small stone in my hand on my chest, feeling relieved and feeling of accomplishment.

“Are you OK, Your Highness?”

“Yes. I’m done, so let’s join Leonhardt.”

She smiles back at Capt. Liber, who looks into her.

“If you like, I will keep the stone. It would be hard to drop it.”

“Oh, it’s okay. A box for storing stones …”

I try to take out the box from the bag lowered on my waist, but it is too dark to see. And it’s superfluous because it’s narrow.

“Let’s get out of here.”

Speaking to Captain Reaver, he bows out of the door.

I’m afraid of hitting my head. Captain Lieber, who is much larger than me, will have a hard time getting out.

While waiting for Captain Reaver to come out, the picture appears in my view as I look back. The paintings of the goddess and the demon that emerged vaguely were impressive.

Especially the black flames are anxious just to look at If you don’t know anything, you won’t know it’s a Demon King, but you’ll still find it ominous.


Something got stuck.

A sense of incongruity that has always been at the bottom of your heart. I felt such teeth that seemed to reach the answer.

If you don’t know anything, you don’t know it’s a demon king …

Yes, a handful of people will know that the temple has sealed the Demon King.

“Well … !!”

If so, why.

“Is this a demon king’s sealed stone …”

In the back of your ear, the line you just heard repeats.

Why did he know the existence of the sealed stone of the Demon King?

Before that, we never told him what we were looking for. The only thing I taught was that I was looking for a temple.

Why did you start examining the floors and walls, even though you weren’t talking about a hidden room?

My retreating shoes make a harsh sound with shaking.

“How were you, Your Highness?”

Captain Lieber’s smile illuminated by the torch seemed to belong to a stranger for a moment.

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