Tensei Oujo wa Kyou mo Hata o Tatakioru

Chapter 209

Palpitations of a reincarnated princess.

I would like to have a discussion with Mr. Leonhardt.

Though so intent, in addition to the escort of Princess Kamiko, he was busy with his usual duties as captain of the regiment and did not have the opportunity to meet inside.

And… I hope this is my mistake.

I don’t even feel avoided.

When I saw him from afar only once, I was distracted. On top of that, it was subtly reoriented…

My heart, delicate only against Master Leonhardt, is going to crumble.

What a convenient assumption, after all, that he might be looking at me as a heterosexual.

Confidence quickly shrugs down and negative me in the face.

That was the time.


I met Princess Shinko in the hallway by chance.

The princess Kamiko, who found me, rushes over with a full grin.


Good afternoon, Master Fuzuki.

From behind Princess Kamiko, naturally, comes the escort, Master Leonhardt.

Is that…? Master Leonhardt, are you pale?

It’s thin, but it looks like there’s a neighborhood under my eyes…

When I looked at him, Mr. Leonhardt’s shoulder swayed for a moment. But soon, I can turn my spare smile as if nothing had happened.

I felt like they had taken a distance not to step in any more, and my chest hurt just a little.

If I gently stray from my gaze, I will now have eyes on Princess Kamiko.

Glittering hazelnut eyes stared at me every time I said something.



Boulder Heroin. Though you look healthy and cute hard, and so on, you smile to encourage the continuation of your words.

Then, the princess shrugged her eyes as if to squeeze her courage.

“If you don’t mind… why don’t you talk to me?

“Talk, is it?

Princess Kamiko hesitates to inquire, surprised by the sudden suggestion.

“No, you know, if you’re busy, I don’t mind you saying no at all! If you have time, I thought it would be fun if we could have a lot of chatting…”

Princess Shinko’s voice is getting smaller and smaller. Her gaze drops like it’s proportional to that, and she leans down and intertwines her fingertips with each other like she’s not there.

It’s adorable like a little animal with an appetite for asylum.

I’m not the target of the offense. I was a little seriously worried that I could look at such a cute still.

It’s called a chatting event, okay? No extra charge?

What do you charge??

“I’m glad. It’s a cool breeze today, so why don’t we talk in the east room of the garden?”

I don’t even give a bite to the thoughts that are straying away, I giggle and suggest.

Princess Kamiko, with her eyes rounded properly, nodded with a face that immediately overflowed with joy.


Ha. Cute.

Me and Princess Kamiko came to an octagonal white gazebo in the corner of a large garden.

It’s still sunny today, but the wind feels a little limp and good. Looking at the scaly clouds floating in the blue sky, I thought the summer would be over soon.

“I’m so grateful to have a chat with the princess!

“I also wanted to take a moment to talk to Master Fuzuki.”

“If you can, can you call me Flower Sound? I want the princess to call me by name.”

“So call me by name, too? If it’s Rosemary, it can be Marie or Rose.”

“Uh, ma’am, Marie?

“What? Dear Flower Sound,”

Princess Shinko calling me in the light, smiling at you again Flower Sound.

Then she blushed her cheeks, happily breaking her face as she “eheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheh”.

How cute!!

I can manage by chewing my teeth out all the time wanting to scream out.

I want to catch the boys on offense, poke each other in the knees and talk carefully about how cute this kid is.

Or were you able to meet with the attackers?

You don’t get to meet Lutz inside except for my escort Klaus, who should have seen him at the summons, do you? The Demon King’s stone is gone, and maybe we should go home now…

That’s lonely…… but let the demon king disappear. Let him be open, we shouldn’t let Flower Sound carry him from here on out.

“Hey, Master Flower Sound”


“How long will you stay in this country?

Peeping in and asking, Flower Sound blinked.

“Don’t get me wrong. I’d be glad to stay longer. But I don’t even want you to be in danger. My father would let me go if you wanted.”

Hanayou stares at me, then nods cocklessly.

Then, in a small voice, he replied, “That’s what the king told me, too”.

My father seems to have left the magic team intact so that Hanayou can go home if she wants. They pour magic into it, and if Flower Sound lets it in, it starts.

“If it’s true, it looks like it’s time to go home. If you stay here too long, there’s a risk of discrepancy.”


“Um, is it like a piece of a puzzle? The time and place I came to was lost, and I would fit perfectly in that space right now, but I hope the longer I grow up, the harder it gets.”

I see.

Two or three months would be fine with the error, but I guess that means it will be difficult to embed the pieces as long as they are growing over the years.

“Even so, I’m me, so it seems like it’s just a little bit of a slack. By the way, when someone else starts up by mistake, it looks like they don’t know where they’re going. He said that if he was bad, he could fall into the narrow space of the dimension.”

“… that’s scary”

I imagine falling into the dark dark with no top or bottom, and my spine gets cold.

Softly pressing her arms, Flower Sound, who lowered her brow, also agreed, “Right?”

“It must be horrible to wander the darkness by yourself forever…”

Squirting like a pompous and solitary.

“… I’m afraid, Dear Rosemary”


Klaus, who until now had been silent and vigilant around him, called out for some reason.

Tighten your expression to see if something is wrong.

“Rest assured. If Lady Rosemary is on her way, I will definitely come with you. You will never be alone.”


Half-eyed, I look at Klaus’ neat face silently.

I don’t feel half weak when I feel like I’m doing something.

The arguments seem to fit and they don’t.

Or I want you to realize that it is decidedly uneven.

I’m sorry you’re declaring me with your decision face, but I’m not talking about that right now.

“You know what, Klaus? I’m glad to hear it…”

“Whether the destination was a narrow space of dimensions or hell, I’ll be by your side. And of course, when you’re married.”


I wonder why the hell I’m in the middle of a dimension. It’s a premise to go to a noisy place!? I wouldn’t bother to like it and go to a place like that though!

……………… hmm? Didn’t you say something terrible at the end?

“… even to my dowry?

Fading blue, open your mouth.

Please, be it empty ears. Or it’s a mistake. Please.

Klaus smiled so beautifully, as he mocked my wishes like that.

“Yes, please add me to your dowry tool”

O, more dowry tools…!!

You’re lying. Normally, when it comes to dowry tools, it should be furniture or clothing or something like that. Why are two of my dowry tools filled with handsome men?

This is absolutely crazy!!

“I’ll just make you feel better.”

“Don’t hesitate. It’s all yours.”

“My chest is full, so please leave it behind.”

When I put my hand back on my forehead, I had a cute laugh that rolled the bell.

Looking for a place to come from, Flower Sound is laughing happily when she sees me and Klaus.

“You two are very close, aren’t you”


Where and how did you see it, such a conclusion!?

Unlike me, who attracts faces, Klaus is just a doya face who doesn’t say he deserves it.

I’m so frustrated, can I hit you?

“Is it?

“Yes, Master Marie is very relaxed… not, uh, indulgent? He seemed like a good friend, so I thought,” I’m sure we’re friends. ”

Sure, I’m not nervous about Klaus opponents anymore.

It makes me feel complicated when people say we’re kind of close.

“Master Leon would agree, wouldn’t he?

Without offense, Hanayou spoke to Master Leonhardt. I shook it.

Speaking to Master Leonhardt on this occasion, where there are only four, is a very natural flow. It’s a decision that sounds like a caring flower, and I’m sure there’s no other intention.

Master Leonhardt will probably smile and agree as if it were nothing. Not to turn the field air into something strange, not to be obvious.

I know I have no choice. But I don’t want to hear it and I don’t want to see it. Don’t remind me you’re not interested in me.

While I think so, my eyes turn to nature and Master Leonhardt.

Scary but concerned. I don’t want to know, but I want to know. As conflicting feelings commanded, he turned his gaze to Master Leonhardt.

“……………… eh”

Surprisingly, a small voice leaked.

Master Leonhardt was looking at me, not the flower noise he spoke to. Straight eyes are scary sharp and hot. My skin seems to burn.

Exposed to tangled gaze, the zokri and spine bubble.

When he looked at me, Master Leonhardt looked at me like he was in pain. And slightly hoist the corner of your mouth. It was like laughing at yourself.

“Yeah, right…. It’s very different from who I am that scares me.”

No. No, I wasn’t scared.

Even if I want to deny it so, my head is confused and I can’t put it to good use.

“Lord Fuzuki. It’s time for your appointment. Chief Magic Leader is waiting for you.”

“Eh, uh, ah, yes”

Flower Sound, who was alternating between me and Master Leonhardt with a red face, rises in a prompting manner.

Until the two of you left, I couldn’t even stand up.

I wasn’t scared and trembled.

I was so thrilled that my whole body would be paralyzed by one gaze. My whole body is still hot.

He exhales as he holds down with both hands like he hides his bright red face.

I can’t believe I almost broke my hip…!!

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