Tensei Oujo wa Kyou mo Hata o Tatakioru

Chapter 221

The agony of the Knight Commander.

At the edge of the courtyard of the castle, I am now hugged by a girl who is a guest from another world.

No matter how hard it is to see, it’s a place where you don’t know who gets through. I have a headache in a completely unfavorable situation, even though one end of the cause is my own.

“… Lord Fuzuki”

When I called my name in trouble, the girl glanced at me.

“Stay still, Mr. Leonhalt!

The request to ‘let go’ in my sight is clearly read and rejected. I looked up at the sky as I breathed out.

How the hell did this happen?

Recall how things have happened while murmuring with a mood of escape from reality.

The beginning was a nightmare.

It’s not a metaphor for a tragic sight, it’s a real dream you dream when you sleep.

Everyone has had occasional bad dreams. I didn’t think she was a toddler, and she didn’t cry at night like a nightmare, and she wasn’t as bad as she was shredded after two nights… Until recently.

Apparently I was a weak man.

I couldn’t sleep with a dream that made a precious woman cry.

I always made her cry in my dreams.

I dreamed of holding the men around her.

I had a dream of holding her down and hurting her as she tried to escape in fear.

Every night, in my dream, she shed tears quietly.

Instead of crying and blaming me, I stopped crying from empty eyes dominated by deep despair.

Having a similar dream for days after days is abnormal enough, but it is not just a nightmare that I need to make a decision. The characters of the dream are me and her. Sometimes other people come out, but I don’t remember a real person around her or me intervening with a stranger.

Rather than evidence of outside interference, there is no basis for it.

In other words, it is not the situation that is strange, it is also possible that it is my head.

Is this an ugly desire to sleep in my depths?

Or is there something immeasurable at work?

The troubled me chose to casually consult Fuzuki. If there is a Demon King in me, I must deal with it as soon as possible.

Before I reached out to her again, I melted my reason with the Demon King.

With that in mind, Fuzuki took the time.

I thought about how to explain it, and I made a mistake.

Asked if the demon king might be inside me, Fuzuki’s expression, which was a good smile, turned around.

With a harsh look on her face, she was angry with me for avoiding explicit remarks and hugged me.

He said, if you show disgust and rejection by holding yourself as a natural enemy, it may be possible. It’s too cluttery.

But if you say so, you can no longer avoid it or throw it away. And then we get to the beginning. This is the completion of a hell of a picture called Fuzuki who clings to me and stands on a stick without doing anything.

Don’t miss my every move, Fuzuki stares up.

Big hazelnut eyes don’t have a girly freshness of their age. Ning, you have sharp eyes like a soldier interrogating a suspect.

“… how about that? Aren’t you uncomfortable?

I’m not uncomfortable, but I’m not happy.

As a healthy adult male, I wonder how the reaction is while being hugged by a poor woman, but to be honest, I don’t feel anything in particular, and if I can be more honest, I want you to leave as soon as possible.

“… especially”

She smiled bitterly while her words were cloudy.

To me, Fuzuki is more a child than a woman.

It is no different from being stuck by my younger brothers and neighboring children.

Speaking of fifteen, we are adults in Japan. A fine lady who debates the social world. Fuzuki’s appearance will appeal to the eyes of the opposite sex.

However, I can’t see her as a heterosexual person with a treacherous expression and a prominent young voice.

Because there is an age difference, it hardens when I think about it.

She… she’s the same age as Fuzuki. If I suck, it’s one down.

You want to scream at your fierce self-loathing.

What am I doing with a fifteen-year-old girl?

It wasn’t enough to be devoured in a dream, but I reached out thinking it was a dream. The cursed words I said in my arms that I would miss were definitely my true meaning.

Why don’t you look at the other girls and think they’re just kids? When did I recognize him as a woman, not a child?

I’ve been watching my growth since I was a kid.

Little hard-working princess.

I thought I loved the clumsiness of relying on people and embracing them by myself, but only the desire for asylum.

The feeling of being so important and hoping for happiness more than anyone else must have been similar to that of your father or brother.

Even though I realized you admired me, I thought it was a yearning.

A smiling and pale thing that makes a young child want to be his father’s wife. When I get old, I’ll disappear someday.

That’s why I told myself never to step into the wrong distance.

A smart, beautiful, heartless princess.

There should be a man of the same age standing next to him, honest and promising.

That’s how I broke the wall I was building.

Don’t shake it yet.

I felt like I had been beaten by words that I desperately complained about with tears.

You must have seen me taking a step forward by deciding that I was a young lover. And yet, instead of blaming him, he decides on his chest to plead for good health. Don’t be ridiculous, I wish you’d hit me.

By then, he was the most important girl in the world to me.

It’s not love, it’s love, love.

Sometimes when I see a sinking face, I think I was just thinking about how to make you laugh.

I want you to be happy.

I don’t want it to hurt slightly.

Free love is not noble, but laughing would have been enough.

I made it look like an ugly thing.

I feel nauseous.

I understand that if there is only a small possibility that the Demon King is inside me, I should report it to His Majesty. And yet, what hesitated was not the loyalty that it was not enough to annoy me. I didn’t take it lightly because of my mind.

I was afraid that Rosemary would deprive me of my right to propose.

I don’t have such a right to pray for it to be my fault. I’m not qualified to stand in front of that innocent and beautiful person.


It was a little noise that brought me back to reality.

And then something fell.

Fuzuki seemed to have heard it, and she looked back. While I breathed relief at the gradual release, I looked at the direction of the sound.

Fuzuki was walking around with Kyokyoro, but he stopped as if he had found something on the other side of the garden tree.

She crouched down on the spot and picked up the paper bag.

If someone had witnessed the scene earlier, it would have been a little worse.

I can’t tell you the truth, but I can’t keep it that way. Because there are people who don’t want to misunderstand.

“What is it?

Fuzuki tries to check the contents of the paper bag.

“Please lend it to me”

Don’t let anything happen to the Guest. I don’t think it’s dangerous, but I’ll be vigilant.

Receive the paper bag from Fuzuki and open it. It was the sweet smell of baked confectionery that plucked my nostrils.

“Baked confectionery… it’s a cookie. Is it the maid’s?

“Cookies… cookies!?”

Repeating my words, Fuzuki opened his eyes for a few seconds.

“Mi, let me see!

Fuzuki, who took the bag, checked inside. Her face gradually faded.

Fuzuki, who looked like he was about to cry, murmured with a bluish face such as “misunderstanding” or “hate”.

And it’s only five seconds from now that I’m going to fade more blue than Fuzuki.

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