Tensei Oujo wa Kyou mo Hata o Tatakioru

Chapter 233

Despair of the Reincarnated Princess. (3)

Walk down the cold corridor.

The Klaus call I heard from behind was getting farther and farther away, and I finally couldn’t hear it.

I can just look around, wondering where I’m headed.

While passing through a familiar passage, I had a bad feeling.

Instead of being familiar with the scenery over time, anxiety increased.

Born and raised in the royal castle, I have a limited range of activities.Many places have never been in yet.And yet, I’m familiar with it. I mean, what if I had a destination in my everyday sphere of action?

It’s like laughing at me when I think too much and running away from reality, walking down a familiar path… from my room to the greenhouse.

Going to the greenhouse is synonymous with going to an area where the magician’s quarters are.

No way…

Lutz and Theo, and Mikhail and Irene’s face came to mind.

Next, the contents of the old literature and the setting of the maiden game “Welcome to the Back World” are recalled.

The Demon King was a powerless vessel… and he was complaining about Nero’s body.

Maybe they’re targeting the magician’s body with a lot of magic.

I was so scared to think about it.

I don’t want my friend’s body taken over, and I don’t want the Devil to get the Devil’s vessel.

Even Nero’s body, which doesn’t seem to have a lot of magic, has terrible power as it stands.

Modern wizards are said to have a rare array of amazing materials in recent years.Suppose you got such a body…


I told myself to calm down many times.There’s nothing good in a hurry.

In the first place, I don’t think the Demon King can easily replace the vessel.If we could change the vessel without restraint, the world would have been destroyed a long time ago.

But for what purpose and where are you going?

While confused, his feet continued and he finally stepped into the building where the wizards were.There are restrictions on entry, so there is a guard knight.But I’m asleep just like them in my room.

Leaving the side of the sleeping knight leaning against the wall, he went deeper and deeper.On the way, I turned in a different direction from the greenhouse I used to go to every day.

Behind them are the magician’s quarters and the lab.

And then, Princess Miko… a magical team to return Hanayono-chan to Earth.

Whatever the purpose, I can’t imagine optimism.

What should I do, what should I do?Even if you try to think of a solution, nothing comes to mind, and only the feeling of irritation increases.

First of all, it doesn’t make sense for your body to get what it wants.

Even if you put your fingertips on it, it stays strong.I can breathe and I can move my gaze, but that’s all.I can’t even speak.

… yeah. Speaking of which, I could just make a little noise.

I could only call Nero’s name once.Why not? I’ve decided it’s because it’s a bad hobby, but maybe not.

It’s not my mood, is it?

Then there was a loosening of power on the Devil’s side?

It was after he drew me as a shield from the slashing crow.

Perhaps you will use more strength to cast the magic of sleep on the entire castle, manipulating my body and kneeling the crow.When I think about it now, I think I can ripen a lot of things for small things.

Maybe that’s all you got?

If you put more power into something, does it make you neglect something?

If this imagination is correct, the time will surely come for a gap.

We need to make sure we don’t miss that moment.


The black cat’s ear in my arm shook at the edge of my vision, secretly determined to do so.

I was surprised to hear my voice, but the black cat didn’t seem to be paying attention to me.Pins and lying ears resembled the technique of a vigilant cat trying to pick up distant sounds.

Cold air crawls at my feet.

Exposed to the cold at night, your feet are sufficiently cold to be wrapped in biting cold air.The moment I felt hot rather than painful, my body moved on its own.

My nasty body jumps backwards to avoid anything.Looking at the place I was just now, there was a mass of ice in the form of cold air frozen at my feet.

“Princess, I’m sorry!”

Soon your body will move, surprised by the familiar voice.

The cold air at my feet followed my footsteps.Something like a thick mist instantly solidifies and freezes where I’ve been going.

But my body avoided all attacks with a lighter movement than I would have.


Lutz appeared from the corner of the hallway.

He stuck his tongue deep wrinkles between his eyebrows and stared at us.

Slightly later, I realized that the ice mass was Lutz’s magic.It’s not like when I made ice cream by trial and error.Magic as a magic to defeat enemies.I was a little upset that it was directed at me.

My heart is hurting when a close friend certifies me as an enemy.

But it is not the case that it is hitting.In the first place, you can tell by seeing Lutz’s painful expression that I don’t hate it.

Minimum magic power is also required.I don’t suppose it means anything more than stalling.

A wizard. It’s a bit rough coming myself.

Disharmony resonates in my head. Apparently Lutz could hear him, and at the same time he snuck his eyebrows uncomfortably.

With his eyes wide open, Lutz roars low.

Shut up, monster.

Looking into my eyes, Lutz threw up.

It took a few seconds for me to doubt that my eyes would meet.I realized that I was mistaken, and I was in a pale mood.

Lutz thinks I have a demon king in me.

That’s right.

If you were wandering around with your barefoot eyes, everyone would think he’s a mess.Moreover, it is not envisaged that the Demon King chooses a vessel other than a human.At least it wasn’t in the literature.

Oh, no. What should I do?

I have to tell her somehow.

“That one is my precious one. I’ll get it back.”

Lutz’s words were mocked, and his throat rang.

“How are you going to get it back?It won’t stop so easily.

My right hand, holding a knife, slapped my heart slightly.The moment I saw the motion, Lutz’s atmosphere changed sharply.Usually, blue eyes like a quiet night sky shine silver with anger in them.The thin lips were spelled out without a sound.

When Lutz pushed his hands forward, the fog sneaked up from my feet in a way that surrounded me from all sides.

It froze from the edge whilst squeaking.Shortly before I got to my feet, Lutz read the movement or changed the ice trajectory.Ice in the form of an upside-down ice pillar is built at your feet.

But the ice pillar couldn’t catch my foot either.Kick the frozen ice pillar and jump back.

I was surprised at the light movements that didn’t seem like my body.Your body moves smoother than before.I thought about it so much that I came up with something.

If this is all you have, perhaps you can speak now?

“Nh, l…!”

Lutz, the voice I tried to call broke.

Behind the abdomen, the load is applied.She was hugged tightly by her hand, which had been stretched out from behind, like a tackle.


That was the voice of a pretty girl.When I saw it, it was also a slender girl that was wrapped around her abdomen.

No way… Flower noise!?

Even if I wanted to check my appearance, I couldn’t look back without freedom other than my voice.

“Get out of Marie-san…”

“I’m getting in the way more,” echoed the tongue on my head, and my right hand, holding the knife, was twitching.

Flower noise, run away!

The hazelnut eyes that confronted my gaze turned round.

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