Tensei Oujo wa Kyou mo Hata o Tatakioru

Chapter 51

Begging of the reincarnation princess. (3)


The silence fell.

There is no word from Leonhardt. Only the sound of the wheels echoes in the carriage. But the silence was never terrible.

Leonhardt staring at me suddenly exhales a little. After squinting as if watching the sun, he softened his expression.

“… you are strong”

I lean my head at the words that are spilled like a sigh.

I didn’t understand what he wanted to say.

Where is a child whose tears cannot be stopped just by thinking that it may be shaken by you?

Leonhardt smiles when she realizes she is confused.

He smiled with his shoulders relaxed. I fell in love, suffocating. At the same time, the last tears that had accumulated in the outer corner of the eyes spilled.

Leonhardt scooped up his fingers with a finger following the contours, lifted his knees off the floor of the carriage, and returned to his seat.

Leonhardt sits deeply in the seat. Rather than the usual sophisticated knight movements, messy movements somehow make my heart beat.

Perhaps I thought I was in a misplaced direction, supposed to like a manly person.

Leonhardt, who put his hands together between his wide open knees, leans forward. His jet-black eyes, who smiled away, reflected me.


Called with a modified voice, your body jumps.

What if you already have a favorite person? To reassure me being wary, Leonhardt spoke out in a gentle tone.

“Can you hear me?”

“… Leon?”


Leonhardt nodded, asking her questions.

The lips with good shape draw a gentle arc, and the dignified eyebrows draw a descending line. He smiled at his brilliant beauty.

“To be honest, I wasn’t going to tell you this story at all. It’s not a story worthy of hearing to Her Imperial Highness, and it’s not cool at all. You’ll probably be disappointed with me.”

I wanted to deny his words, which laughed with self-mockery.

But I don’t know anything about Leonhardt-sama. If you deny it before you hear it, it won’t be persuasive. And I don’t want to look like that.

So I silently waited for the continuation of words.

“But I want to be sincere to you”

“…… !!”

I thought my heart would stop.

I am stiff at the suddenly sentence.

I feel like I was told something amazing.

The heat gathers on the face. I feel like I want to start running while shouting at the joy that comes with shame.

Rather than stopping, my heart is pounding vigorously and fast.

However, Leonhardt seems to have no consciousness to say anything special, looking at me with a cool face and suspicious behavior.

It’s so exciting and embarrassing. But I couldn’t stop my face from getting blurry.

He told me I wanted to be sincere.

He wished he had done it properly, but he brought out a story he was not willing to take.

I feel glad I got permission to step inside, so I’m glad I couldn’t help.

“I’m glad, Leon.”

Express your honest feelings, then I tighten my expression.

“Can you tell me your story?”

Leonhard nodded at my words.

“You know, I’m single this year, but that’s not with a firm belief.”

“……Is that so?”

In his words, I have rounded my eyes.

Several times, after flickering, ask back.

An unexpected word came immediately.

I’m so lucky that Leonhardt’s singleness is personal, but I didn’t think he was unnatural.

Beautiful appearance, well-balanced body. He has the sword talent of being the No. 1 nation in Nebel, and holds a key position as Commander of the Knight Guard.

Good personality and strong trust from subordinates.

As the name “Fon” suggests, the parents are noble. It is the lineage of the venerable Count Earl Orsein.

There are no such unsold properties. Absolutely not.

In fact, the noble ladies who aim at him are like mountains. Nevertheless, he thought vaguely that Leonhardt’s singleness had some form of belief.

You don’t want to create a sad person because you don’t know when you will die.

It is not desirable to increase the number of targets to be protected.

“I’m not a decent man. When I was young, I wasn’t a good guy.”

Leonhardt’s bitter smile, and x crosses his cheeks with his fingers.

While it’s a little blurred in consideration of me as a young person, is it OK to say “I was playing”?

As a pre-adult girl, she should have been shocked, but she did not receive much shock.

I do not deny that he had a dream, but he did not sacred.

Oh, there was only a mild impression that she wouldn’t let go because she was cool.

The past is the past. I do not like him when he was a yancha. Leonhard is now calm after that time.


Leonhardt’s eyes were light and astounding me.

Around … And as a maiden in love with him, the reaction may have been wrong. But the contents are over 20 years old.

You are not going to do that! I don’t have the innocence of a nasty breath.

Mr. Leonhardt looked silently at me, but immediately returned to the continuation of the story. You may have decided that the blurred part was not transmitted. … I want it to be so.

“When I was a little calm, there was a fiancee. It was a neat and elegant woman who couldn’t help me.”

Pia, I’m going to retract it.

Even in the past, it’s pretty painful.

I couldn’t realize it in a vague story, but once I knew the information of a woman who might have married him, my heart was rippling.

“I was modest, obedient, and never complained. I would have liked me if I wasn’t embarrassed … but I couldn’t respond to it.” I did. ”


As the image of the beautiful woman standing next to Leonhardt becomes clearer and clearer, my breasts also complain of throbbing pain.

I muttered in my heart masochistically, I guess she was a good match.

However, Leonhardt’s consciousness is brought back by the words that he continued to slightly lower.

“I was going to cherish it, but she cried that it was painful. It was painful to realize that the closer I was, the bigger the difference was.”


No words came out.

I can’t find anything unnatural from his smiling face. But his voice was as painful as a repentant person. I didn’t know what to say.

“I realized at that time that I never felt someone dearly from the bottom of my heart. I’m probably missing something important as a person.”

The words he said as if nothing were too heavy.

“I tried to love it, but I thought it was good, but I didn’t think it was dear. Even if she imagined she loved another man and went away, the lack of heart would not hurt. I feel relieved that I was released from the burden …. I’m going to vomit. ”

He tells him to vomit.

I can only bite my lips without saying any words to call.

“She was disappointed with me and entered the monastery. I did not stop. I am not qualified to stop.”

“Leon …”

“After that, I was encouraged to meet many times, but I kept refusing, because it would be good to make me cry again.”

That concludes my story, Leonhard closed.

After finishing talking, he looks at me with a calm expression. Don’t be afraid to look away or behave in a fake way, just be quiet. Floating resignation in the eyes of the obsidian.

“Are you disappointed?”


Shake your head silently when asked.

Leonhardt may have told me about the past, perhaps to give up on me. Let’s not spend time unnecessarily for my unrequited love. I won’t cry in the future.

I heard my story, and I think my first love fulfillment rate has fallen further. I didn’t think I could do it, even though my beautiful sisters and the gentle and obedient women didn’t come true.

But if you give up, that’s a different story.

If you can easily throw out a love like that, you won’t be so nervous.

As Leonhardt can’t love people from the heart.

It cannot be the reason that ends my love. My love is mine. It is only me who can decide to end or raise.

“Leon. Are you the only one?”

“……What’ll we do”

“I am your burden?”

I ask in a quiet voice.

This is the only thing I wanted to hear from you.

It is my own liking, but it is not my intention to afflict my favorite people. Even if I’m persistent, if I’m told that it’s annoying from the front, I’m really frustrated.

“No way!”

But my fears seemed unfounded, and Leonhardt immediately denied.

I exhaled in relief to him, who was impatient.

“I don’t want to give up.”

As if you were amazed, your long eyes are round and astounding.

Well, you’re surprised. And thought like other personnel. I don’t want to give up on people who confess they don’t like people.

It’s just about being masochistic. Or are you drunk in love? Oh, some lines misunderstand that I can manage it.

Either way, it ’s not good.

If you think so, something went wrong.

I laugh as I stare at the speechless Leonhardt-sama.

“I like it and let me be.”

Until you find an important person.

Until I can make this love in the past.

Please do not kill this.

If he exhales his wish with his honest heart, Leonhard stops breathing for a while and then exhales long.

“I can’t really beat you”

He muttered so with a crying face.


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