Tensei Oujo wa Kyou mo Hata o Tatakioru

Chapter 91

Fatigue of the Marquis.

* Georg to Eigel perspective.

Garnere is a small port town located south-southwest of Flamme.

―― In a room on a small hill overlooking the coastline, I-Georg to Eigel exhaled.

The discussion with the city representatives, the sailors, and myself lasted less than three hours.

I intended to get used to the meeting, but it’s different from dealing with merchants and nobles. A meeting that could not be called a discussion with the unpretentious townspeople required a great deal of patience.

They are working hard to justify the fact that they despised royals of other countries.

He complained that he was only trying to protect his family, and, with the shield provided by the mansion and treatment tools, ultimately tried to find out if the Princess was real.

It would be desperate to take advantage, but there are some fools. When asked with a polite and rude attitude to see if Flammé had any insults, he turned his face blue and silenced him.

I think it was relatively easy to negotiate after your opponents were defeated.

Sent a horse to the Imperial City, reported unauthorized entry to the port, and applied for special measures in an emergency. Injury protection. Then request the defeat of the remnants of pirates.

The presence of Her Highness Princess spoke in a direction of secrecy.

While weaving the truth that it is a stealthy journey, he threatens the persuasion based on the influence on diplomatic relations. It is those who have mistreated the Highness of Princess to be aware of Mary’s presence in the center of the Kingdom of Flamme.

Most people realized their disadvantage and did not object.

The rest became mature when the Marquis of Eigel and the great merchant Julius 2 Eigel told them that they would give thanks.

“I’m tired …”

The weak sound that spills from my mouth disappears in the noise of the room.

I didn’t seem to ask anyone, but I realized my blunder and tightened my expression. It is an unforgivable folly, such as being distracted immediately after negotiations. If you saw him with your uncle Julius, you would have been hateful with a smile.

Stand up, look around the room, then cough one. I told a few people who turned my consciousness to leave and left the room.

There is a mountain to do, is it better to go to see Behrmer first? I want another person to replace my escort, and I want Mikhail to rest too.

If Mary wakes up, have a light meal prepared. That’s all I need to talk about.

The future should be discussed slowly. Yes, keep calm.

I told myself that.

I understand that it is best to have Marie protected by Frammé and sent to Nebel.

But that’s just my judgment.

I have not heard of Mary’s purpose directly, but I understand that she did not come to Flamme for sightseeing purposes. Before I heard anything, I was hesitant to return to her with this hand.

That’s not to say that he is in danger.

I’m sick of my thoughts that go round. I exhaled a second sigh, as if I exhaled in my belly.

“That Georg-sama”

I was stopped by the voice of a high girl.

Looking back over the shoulder, a slender girl is standing. It is around 15 in the year. The wavy strawberry blond and the blue-gray eyes down the corners of the eyes seemed familiar. Since he was called, he is likely to be an acquaintance.

Thanks to your uncle’s training, your natural talent. I was proud to remember people’s faces, but for some reason I couldn’t draw out my memories.

But asking the lady where they met was too rude.

When you are in trouble, follow your uncle’s teaching to laugh and deceive, and paste a laugh.

However, the girl was not deceived.

“This is Flora von Graz, the daughter of Baron Graz.”

After a bitter smile, Miss Flora picked her skirt lightly and bent her knees to say hello.

I remember where I saw Miss Flora when my great aunt was a friend of the Eigel family. About a year ago, the girl she met when she visited her great aunt-Mrs. Melich was Miss Flora in front of her.

I can’t remember.

The expression is completely different.

He muttered in his heart while being stunned.

I have many opportunities to be surrounded by girls of my age, probably because of my position as a heir to the Marquis family and my appearance like my mother. But I’ve never been happy.

The daughters are all modest and behave gracefully. But don’t be fooled. The eyes are those of carnivorous beasts aiming for prey. Moreover, they seem to be friendly, but look down on each other with an innocent pretend. The battle between girls is fierce.

I feel scared before I think it’s cute. If he was unhappy with his uncle, he was cut off with a sigh.

Miss Flora, to put it plainly, was one of those common daughters.

With a smile and tone that arrogance can be seen through, the person who becomes a husband seems to be having a hard time, remembering that I had a good impression.

However, even if you see the bitter smile of Miss Flora now, you will not feel uncomfortable. A simple light green dress, wrapped in a slender body, combined with the appearance of an ordinary girl.

The fresh look is as if the possessions had fallen.

It’s like a different person.

She thought she was staring at me and shook her shoulders with her cousins, spilling a secret laugh.

“Miss Flora? What’s on my face?”

If you rub your cheeks to see if there is any garbage, Miss Flora’s smile deepens. It was a compassionate look at her mother watching her child fail.

“No. But … you’re surprisingly emotional.”


“‘It’s like another person'”


“Yes, it’s written on your face.”

Looking at me who held my mouth unintentionally, Miss Flora said her best face.

My facial expression, which is ridiculed as an iron mask, seems to be a loose class. When I returned, I vowed to get my uncle trained.

“While walking and talking a little?”

I was seen by a younger girl as if she were looking at a poor brother, and I, who wasn’t dressed, shook her shoulder lightly and nodded.

Keep talking while walking along the long corridor. However, there are few common topics. It’s about the health aspects of Mrs. Melrich and my mother.

“How is Miss Flora going to Flamme?”

Since the story was interrupted, I waved a bland topic.

“……that is”

However, Miss Flora goes down and falls down.

I just thought I would return it for sightseeing, but apparently I misread it. I realized my failure when I saw Miss Flora’s sadly dropping.

However, even if you try to get it back, the words once spoken cannot be recovered.

When she was wondering what to do, Miss Flora smiled as if she had repaired her.

“… What about Georg? What kind of business did Georg come to Flamme?”

By returning the question, Miss Flora changed the awkward air.

I will answer honestly, thank you for your concern.

“Look for something”

“Are you looking for it? It’s a business … I’m sorry for asking unscrupulous questions.”

Miss Flora tried to ask her question and withdrew. He seemed to understand something, and his intention to lie down.

“No. But I can’t tell you more because it’s not my own search.”

“For another person … until Flamme?”

When I saw the surprised expression of Miss Flora, I realized that I realized that I was reminded of the uniqueness of my actions. Flamme is too far away for favor or goodwill towards someone.

I was surprised if I looked at the behavior of others from the perspective of a third party. If you had a hard time, you would be amazed.

But it can’t be helped.

I want to do something.

“Are you amazed?”

When she smiled, Miss Flora was jammed. She looked up at my face, hesitated for a few seconds, and shook her head.

“For those who are valued very much”


“If you look at your face, you know.”

Cover your mouth with your hand immediately.

I also knew my face was getting redder. Despite being aware of it, it seems that people are pointed out.

If you remember that crying face you saw a few hours ago, you will become more embarrassing.

Oh, by the way, you’ve exposed a lot of ugliness. When I saw a sad man who couldn’t say a nifty word and just stuttered with a bright red face, what did he think? I hope you forget it, but it won’t be convenient.

“Please don’t look too much”

She muttered in a sad voice, unbearable at her gaze, and Miss Flora laughed. Let’s have fun while throating modestly. But for some reason, the gray-blue eyes looked a bit lonely.

“… Miss Flora?”

How did you do that? My words, which were supposed to continue, were blocked by loud noises. Something made of glass sounded like a crack.

I and Miss Flora face the same direction at the same time.

“Sure, that’s where the princess is …”


Mr. Flora mutters, staring at the corner room door at the end of the corridor. As soon as I heard the words, I ran.

I put my hand on the doorknob and stopped trying to get on with the momentum. Woman … And it’s going to be too rude to break into the room where your princess is absent. But if it’s an emergency.

I hesitated for a few seconds.

“I’m sorry !!”

Release the door widely.

There was no thug as imagined anywhere in the room. The room is neat and the most noticeable anomaly is a piece of glass scattered beneath a walnut chest near a window.

The vase may have fallen and cracked, as you can see from the wet rugs and the blue flowers mixed in the glass pieces. It may have been caught in a swinging curtain.

As I began to breathe a breath of relief, I looked around the room and noticed another incident. There is no such person anywhere. Only a thin blanket is on the sofa. No one should be asleep.

“… Mary?”

No one responds to my call.

I was stunningly standing, watching the sea breeze flowing through the open windows, causing the curtains to soar.


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