Terran Guardian

Chapter 112: The Great Spirit.

The next day.

Shen Changqing got up early and was about to say goodbye to Zhong Chi, when the other party knocked on the door first.

Opening the door, he saw Zhong Chi wearing a solemn expression.

After letting the other party in, the two took their seats.

Shen Changqing looked at the serious Zhong Chi, and couldn't help, but have a puzzled look on his face.

"Branch Head Zhong's expression is so solemn, what happened?"

"The Barbarians raided the Great Wilderness Province the day before yesterday. Several cities were destroyed, and hundreds of thousands of troops died in battle. Now the Barbarians have occupied the gates of the Great Wilderness Province, and they are marching North towards Jin City!"

With such news, even Shen Changqing couldn't maintain his calm expression.

Before coming to the Great Wilderness Province, he had some understanding of the situation.

The so-called gates were the areas guarding the border of the Great Wilderness Province, where the troops were assembled. Their purpose was to guard against the Barbarians.

With the gate standing firm, the Barbarians would never dare to go deep into the Province.

If the Great Qin cut off their retreat, then all of the Barbarians, who went deep, would only have death waiting for them.

But once it was lost, the consequences can only be imagined.

Without waiting for Shen Changqing to speak, Zhong Chi continued: "At the same time, there are Evil Calamities all over the Province, which has kept the hands of the three Demon Suppression Division branches tied."

"With monsters on the inside, and Barbarians on the outside, the Great Wilderness Province is now in a very serious situation."

 After Zhong Chi finished speaking, Shen Changqing couldn't help but frown: "These two things happening at the same time couldn't be a coincidence. Is there any collusion between them?"


Zhong Chi nodded.

"The Barbarians have joined forces with the Eternal Life Alliance. We have been kept in the dark about this matter. The Eternal Life Alliance drove the monsters to create chaos, so that the Barbarians had the opportunity to break through the Great Wilderness Province."

Sure enough!

Shen Changqing secretly muttered in his heart, and then looked at Zhong Chi.

"So is Branch Head Zhong visiting me at this time, in a request to have me stay?"

Zhong Chi took a deep breath after hearing this. He then stared at Shen Changqing's face, with unprecedented solemnity.

"I understand what Lord Shen's mission this time was. And now that the Eternal Life Alliance's stronghold in Jin City has been temporarily removed, it should be time for you to return to the Demon Suppression Division."

"However, there are still monsters of the Eternal Life Alliance lurking in the city. I hope Lord Shen can stay and help get rid of them."

"I will report this matter truthfully to the Capital's Demon Suppression Division and not have your time wasted. You will definitely get rewards for helping."

"In addition, I ask Lord Shen to protect the many people in Jin City."

After speaking, Zhong Chi stood up and bowed deeply.

With the Barbarians marching straight in, Jin City would soon face a military disaster.

Although there was the Black Tiger Army guarding the city, in theory, Shen Changqing’s presence shouldn’t matter. In actuality, with Shen Changqing's strength, he could almost be regarded as the number one powerhouse in Jin City.

Other than that, at least dealing with monsters wouldn't be a problem.

But if the other party left, the Black Tiger Army had to deal with both the Barbarians and monsters in the city. It would be very troublesome if they couldn't take care of both ends.

After some silence, Shen Changqing finally spoke.

"It's not a problem for me to stay in Jin City, but if the Barbarians really wanted to attack in a big way, with only the 12,000 Black Tiger Army troops, there is absolutely no possibility of resisting. Does the Heavenly Inspection Guard have other news?"

"What does the Court have to say about this matter?"

"The incident happened suddenly, and the news has not yet reached the Central Plains. It is impossible to have the Court's support in the short term. Currently, only the existing army in the Great Wilderness Province has assembled to restrain the Barbarians and delay some time for the reinforcements from the Court to arrive."

"It's a pity that there are also many serious Evil Calamities happening in various places, and there is no way for the powerhouses of the Demon Suppression Division to help."

"Otherwise, if the powerhouses of the Demon Suppression Division join the army, we will have a great advantage."

Zhong Chi said in a deep voice.

The powerhouses of the Demon Suppression Division he was talking about, were naturally not the Apprentice Slayers nor the Yellow Rank Slayers.

Before entering the Innate Realm, one was no different from ordinary soldiers.

Even a Qi Circulation Realm Cultivator, who can resist the sneak attack of dark arrows, once caught in an army formation, would end up dead.

Only the strong, at the Grandmaster level and above, could play a powerful role in a battle.

It wouldn't be a problem fighting against a hundred with one person, or against a thousand.

Some stronger people could even handle more.

Strictly speaking, the Demon Suppression Division was not only a powerful weapon for the Great Qin to deal with the demons, but also a favorable means for laying the foundation of the Great Qin in wars.

Hearing this, Shen Changqing nodded.

"I can stay. But at the same time, I hope that Branch Head Zhong will report the truth to the Demon Suppression Division."

"No problem." 

With this, the dignified look on Zhong Chi's face was significantly relieved.

Shen Changqing half agreed to stay, which was undoubtedly a good thing.

"The Government Office was attacked by a monster last night, and many people died. I heard that Governor Nie Xu used Righteous Energy and killed the monster. If Lord Shen is free, please go and take a look."

"I still have a lot of things to deal with, so please excuse me."

Zhong Chi then got up and left, leaving only Shen Changqing sitting there.

"Righteous Energy?"


He recalled what Zhong Chi had just said.

Shen Changqing had only heard of Righteous Energy, but had never really seen it.

What he didn't expect was that Nie Xu could actually Cultivate it and kill monsters with it.

After all, Righteous Energy cannot be Cultivated by just anyone.

Suppressing his inner shock, Shen Changqing's mind turned and began thinking about other things.

Barbarian attack.

The Great Wilderness Province was currently in a chaotic state.

Although the situation cannot be said to be completely ruined, it would definitely not get better anytime soon.

Originally, he planned to go directly back to the Demon Suppression Division today, but Zhong Chi's request dispelled that idea.

It was not difficult to guess from the other party's words that there were rampant monsters in Jin City.

For others, monsters were a big threat, but for Shen Changqing, they were the biggest tonic.

If he goes back to the Demon Suppression Division, he will accept new missions and then go to other places to hunt monsters anyways. Wasn't it the same as staying?

The only difference was that accepting new missions would give him merit rewards.

But if Zhong Chi reported the situation here, Shen Changqing believed that the Demon Suppression Division would give him the corresponding compensation.

Even if it's a few bottles of Clear Meridian Pills, as he could sell them for a lot of silver taels.

Now, every time he improved, he had to consume a lot of expensive pills. If he wanted to continue growing, the consumption would definitely be greater.

The money he currently had, wouldn't be able to support it.

At this time, Shen Changqing's ears twitched. He got up and opened the window, just in time to see a large number of Black Tiger Army Troops marching on the street below.

An invisible chilling aura filled the air.

There was a solemn look on the faces of every citizen.

Some people were even more flustered.


Faintly, from the words of the common people, Shen Changqing heard the words about the Barbarians.

Obviously, the news that the Barbarians were going to attack Jin City had spread like wildfire.

Closing the window again, Shen Changqing sighed.

 "It sure is an eventful period!"

  • ווו

Not long after joining the Demon Suppression Division, the demons began wreaking havoc in all parts of the Great Qin, causing a lot of losses to the Demon Suppressing Division in various places.

Furthermore, the situation has not calmed down. Now the Great Wilderness Province was also in chaos.

Shen Changqing felt for the first time, thinking how difficult it was to have a peaceful and stable situation.

Leaving Tianyi Lou and walking on the street, he clearly felt that the atmosphere of the people around him was wrong.

It was different from the panic that's caused by the monsters. Although some people also showed panic at the news of the Barbarian attack, more people showed a look of indignation.

It was as if the anger towards the Barbarians outweighed their fear.


Shen Changqing could even hear some people venting.

"Those Barbarians are mass killing again! How I wish the Imperial Court would march South and kill all of those bastards!"

"Indeed. Every year, they burn, kill and loot us. Damn it!"

The people of Jin City hated the Barbarians from the bottom of their hearts.

But some people also look worried.     

"I heard that Ningshan City and other cities have been conquered by the Barbarians. This time the Barbarian army invaded the Great Wilderness Province and Jin City might be in danger."


As soon as this voice sounded, someone angrily scolded the owner.

"Since the establishment of the Great Qin more than 300 years ago, every time the Barbarians invaded the Great Wilderness Province, they came with the intention to kill. Although they looted a lot of materials, they left more corpses."

"If Ningshan City and other cities were destroyed, it would only mean that the Barbarians were threatening at most."


"But with the background of the Imperial Court, how can you be afraid of the Barbarians!?"


"If the Barbarians come, they will die without a place to be buried—" 

Listening to the conversation of the people, Shen Changqing couldn't help, but be stunned.

He thought that the news of the Barbarian attack would make the people fearful, he didn't expect this.

"If Jin City reacted like this, other cities in the Great Wilderness Province would definitely not be much worse."

"It seems that the Barbarians' looting has caused great dissatisfaction among the people of the Great Wilderness Province. In addition, the Barbarians, who invaded the Great Wilderness Mansion in the past, suffered heavy losses, making the people more confident in the Court."

"However, this is a good thing."

Shen Changqing pondered.

No matter whether they could win or not, at least their morale was not weak. It could have a lot of advantages.

As he was thinking, before he knew it, Shen Changqing had already reached the gate of the Government Office.

A faint Evil Aura aura lingered in his perception. 

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