Terran Guardian

Chapter 83: Young Master, Dont Go!

Tianyi Lou.

This was a famous restaurant in Jin City. It was considered to be over a century old, and there were very few people in Jin City who hadn't heard of Tianyi Lou.

Shen Changqing followed the instructions of others and walked towards Tianyi Lou.

Less than a quarter of an hour later…

A three to four-story building appeared in his sight. From its appearance, it was quite luxurious.

Above the front door of the restaurant was a plaque with three words ‘Tian-Yi-Lou’.

Looking inside, customers were coming and going like fleeting clouds.

Even just standing at the door, Shen Changqing could already hear the noise inside.

At this moment, a man who looked like a waiter came out. He bowed and politely gestured to Shen Changqing, who was standing at the door.

"Where does dear guest need to go, the hotel or the restaurant? We have rooms available if you want to stay in the hotel. For the restaurant, we have a chef whose skill is one of the best in Jin City!"

"I want to stay at the hotel."

Shen Changqing looked at the waiter, and slightly smiled.

Hearing this, the waiter became enthusiastic.

"Please come inside, sir!"

After saying that, the waiter led the way.

"Sir, we have three types of rooms, each is priced differently: one silver coin, five silver coins and one tael of silver per day."

"The basic one will do."

"Right this way!"

Tianyi Luo was divided into five floors.

The bottom two floors were mainly for eating, while the upper three floors were for accommodation.

As Shen Changqing followed the waiter to the third floor, the other party skillfully opened a room, which was located towards the corner of the building, and then turned to Shen Changqing.

"Sir, although this room is located in the corner, it is large and bright. You can also see the whole street below from the window. It is one of the few good rooms on the third floor."

Shen Changqing stepped into the room, the field of vision opened up a lot.

The room was not small, and the layout inside was also very good.

For one silver coin a day, the room was fairly priced.

Approaching the window, Shen Changqing pushed it open and the room became brighter. Through the window, he could clearly see the bustle on the street.

"Not bad!"

Shen Changqing nodded his head in satisfaction.

After closing the window, he came to the table and sat down.

At this time, the waiter closed the door. He then came to Shen Changqing and bowed.

"Heavenly Inspection Guard Yu San greets Lord Shen of the Demon Suppression Division!"

"You know me?"

Shen Changqing wasn't surprised by this and replied in a mild tone. 

Yu San respectfully replied: "Lord Shen jests. You accepted the mission in Jin City, the Heavenly Inspection Guard naturally got the news. Lord Shen's portrait has long been delegated."

"On behalf of the Heavenly Inspection Guard in Jin City, please receive our heartfelt welcome!"

"I am only a small Yellow Rank Slayer, there is no need for the Heavenly Inspection Guards to be too formal. Just help me investigate the stronghold of the Eternal Life Alliance."

Shen Changqing said.

However, despite being told so, Yu San's demeanor remained respectful.

"You're too modest my Lord. The Heavenly Inspection Guard is well aware of your feats in Lin'an City. You were able to destroy the stronghold of the Eternal Life Alliance and kill many Grudge Level monsters. There are not many Red Black Rank Slayers that could compete with you."

"Now, with the arrival of Lord Shen, even if there is really a stronghold of the Eternal Life Alliance in Jin City, there is no longer need to worry about it."

The last part was flattery, however, these words also contained some truth.

For an ordinary stronghold of the Eternal Life Alliance, it contained an Innate Realm level or Grudge level monsters.

With Shen Changqing's strength, destroying the stronghold was not impossible.

Shen Changqing smiled in his heart, but his expression did not change: "Who's in charge of the Heavenly Inspection Guard in Jin City?"

"The Steward is currently not in Tianyi Lou right now. But the news of Lord Shen's arrival should have already spread. It won't be long for the Steward to come back and get in touch with Lord Shen."

Yu San answered truthfully.


Shen Changqing nodded, then looked at Yu San.

"I need you to report the news of the Apprentice Slayers to me on time every day.”

"In addition, the news of me being in Jin City should not be leaked."

As a Yellow Rank Slayer, Shen Changqing had the qualification to obtain information about the Apprentice Slayers from the Heavenly Inspection Guard.

Similarly, if there's a Red Black Rank Slayer, they could also get some information about Shen Changqing through the Heavenly Inspection Guard.

This was the privilege of the high ranked Slayers compared to low ranked ones. 

As for the situation where both sides were on an equal footing, there would be no such privilege to speak of.

"This one will abide." 

Yu San clasped his fist and accepted the order.

He then straightened up.

"If there is anything you need, please feel free to ask. The customs of Jin City are not bad. Since you have been in the Capital for a long time and have never been to the Great Wilderness Province, you can enjoy your stay here."

"I will."

"Then I'll take my leave…"

The waiter retreated from the room and closed the door.

Shen Changqing came to the window and opened it, and sat back down on the table.

About half an hour later, there was knocking on the door.

Yu San had returned. He was currently holding a tray with a jug of hot water and some other snacks.

"This is a special snack for every guest who stays in our hotel."

"You can choose to have tea to quench your thirst. If you have any more needs, you can call out at any time."


Shen Changqing watched Yu San place the tray on the table before respectfully retreating out the room.

Shen Changqing grabbed the jug of hot water and made himself a pot of tea.

A not too strong tea fragrance soon wafted. Shen Changqing then took a sip.

As the tea went into his belly, he immediately activated his True Qi to digest and felt it.

No poison!

After confirming it, Shen Changqing was reassured and finally drank it. In his mind, he was recalling some things.

"The Heavenly Inspection Guard in Jin City is undoubtedly better than the one in Lin'an City. Not only does Tianyi Lou have a reputation, its age of existence is also not short and it already has a good foundation. As they say, the safest places are sometimes the dangerous ones."

"With their foundation and the fact that they managed to survive to this day, means that they have numerous cards up their sleeve."

"Further, Tianyi Lou may not be the only stronghold of the Heavenly Inspection Guard in Jin City."

Such a sharp contrast between Lin'an City and Jin City's Heavenly Inspection Guard. 

But it was to be expected.

Jin City was located in the Great Wilderness Province. Although geographically, it's not considered a wasteland, it was extremely close to one. Evil Calamities would appear from time to time. Lin'an City was located in the Guangyuan Province and had a very different situation.

It could be said that if Jin City's Heavenly Inspection Guard did not have sufficient means, they would have been overwhelmed by demons many times over.

More importantly, in addition to the demons, the Great Wilderness Province was close to the Great Qin's border. It was in a rather awkward position.

Since it was near the border, the Great Wilderness Province would often have barbarians invading and cause havoc almost every year.

Shen Changqing did some research before he came here.

He had some understanding as to what the barbarians were. They were nothing more than some uncivilized people.

Though, Shen Changqing had never really seen one.

After all, he had never been near the borders. The center of Great Qin also didn't have barbarians making trades.

If barbarians really appeared in the Great Qin's Capital, the situation could be imagined.

After staying in the room for a while, Shen Changqing went downstairs and went outside.

It was his first time here in the Great Wilderness Province.

When he first arrived here, he had followed the Apprentice Slayers and silently observed their movements.

After that, he came straight to Tianyi Lou and met with the Heavenly Inspection Guard. 

He hadn't gotten the chance to explore the city. As what the ‘waiter' had said, this was his first time in Jin City and should enjoy himself. 

Naturally, he was also very curious about the customs and people here, which were completely different from the Capital.

He may be on a mission, but it doesn't mean he couldn't enjoy himself. 

After all, if one didn't get to have some fun, then what was the point of killing monsters, and demons to preserve the joy?

"Killing demons is to have a peaceful place to live in the future. It would be meaningless if you don't get to enjoy the peace."

Walking on the street, Shen Changqing looked at the surrounding scenery and thought to himself.

Jin City was very big.

At least much bigger than Lin'an City.

It was only after an hour or two passed, did Shen Changqing finally stop.

Many people in front also stopped to watch. Shen Changqing squeezed in and was just in time to see numerous scantily clad women with makeup on their faces, waving colorful handkerchiefs, as they invited guests.

"Sir, come and have some fun."

"Wanhua Lou has everything. Why don't you come in and relax?"

The women smiled sweetly, as they skillfully took a man's arm, acting intimate.

The man blushed, wanting to push the woman off, but he was reluctant to part with the warm and soft feeling. Finally, with the woman's slight push, he walked inside the building.

Seeing those women pulling customers one by one, Shen Changqing was a bit speechless.

He thought there was something interesting, as it attracted so many people. Who would have thought that it was just a gathering of perverts!

Whether in his previous life or in this life, Shen Changqing was not interested in such things. 

Just as he was ready to turn around and leave, one of the women's eyes lit up. She walked up and grabbed a hold of Shen Changqing's arm. The latter felt the sudden warmth.

"Young Master, don't go!"  

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