Territory: The opening SSS level talent is too strong!

Chapter 108

The skill of double S+ is superimposed on the colorful equipment Mixed Yuan Killing Immortal Sword, and the terrifying lethality completely shocks all the lords of the Blue Star Alliance.

That's an elite legion of 300,000 stone statues!

This battle was changed to other times, when the Blue Star Alliance fought, at least one or two outer areas were bulldozed, and tens of thousands of Blue Star Alliance lords were swept out of the battlefield of ten thousand races.

Even if there is only an elite legion of 100,000 stone statues, it is enough for them to feel that the alien race is powerful.

They could only watch the lords of the stone statue tribe plunder and slaughter their own people one by one, but they could not do anything.

All because the background of the Terrans is too poor, and most of the Terran lords only have the strength to recruit elite soldiers of the Terrans.

And the elite soldiers of the Terran race in front of the elite soldiers of the stone statue tribe are local chickens and dogs, and they can be easily hanged.

The terrifying stone statue tribe has suppressed the Blue Star Alliance for fifty years, forcing the Blue Star Alliance to shrink the core area again and again.

It has already made the lords of the Blue Star Alliance almost unable to rise to the strength of resistance.

Every time the stone statue tribe plundered war, they can only face it with the determination to die.

There is no escape!

A weak battlefield of ten thousand races means being dominated!

The right to exist under the domination, everything about the dominated race!


At this moment, they looked at the young man in front of them, and at this moment, they only felt a rush of blood rushing to their brains.

The elite legion of 300,000 stone statue tribes, he annihilated most of them with one move!

The appearance of the teenagers was as if they had lit up a day in the endless darkness.

Endlessly plundered, endlessly slaughtered, at this moment there is finally hope of resistance.

The Blue Star Alliance finally has the possibility of no longer being suppressed and plundered.

The Blue Star Alliance finally has the opportunity to compete with ten thousand races.

They can finally continue to live like beasts without being in the battlefield of ten thousand races in despair and depression.

In this battle, Chen Ping rekindled the hearts of the veterans of the Blue Star Alliance who had long been desperate and dead.

Why didn't they want the Blue Star Alliance to fight with the Ten Thousand Races?!

Why did they not want the Terrans to rise and no longer become the cattle of the alien race.

Whenever there is a chance, they want to!

Even want to avenge the Terrans sacrificed for the Blue Star Alliance for fifty years!


Hao Yan looked at the back of the young man in front of him, and he couldn't say a word for a long time.

Before he became the supreme commander of the Blue Star Alliance, he was no more than a major general.

He witnessed the death of the supreme commanders of the Blue Star Alliance one after another, all of them fighting for the rise of the Blue Star Alliance.

Countless seniors have accumulated experience for him to let the Blue Star Alliance survive in the battlefield of ten thousand races.

After he became the supreme commander, every decision was cautious, because his decision affected the lives of tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of lords in the security zone.

He just wanted the Blue Star Alliance to survive on the battlefield of ten thousand races.

Once the mother star becomes a defeated star because of him, then he will be an eternal sinner of the mother star!

He can't afford this responsibility!

But he had to shoulder this responsibility again!

The heart is strong and insufficient, but still has to take this heavy responsibility.

The Mixed Yuan Killing Immortal Sword returned to Chen Ping's body, and after a few circles, it was smeared into his body.

At this moment, there were not many of the 300,000 stone statue legions left.

Chen Ping withdrew his gaze and calmly said towards Hao Yan: "Uncle Hao, the rest of the miscellaneous pieces are handed over to you."

Hao Yan looked at the stubborn stone statue clan, and gave the order without hesitation: "All the lords of Region D listen to the order!" Kill me! One does not stay! "


The lords of Area D had red eyes at the same time, roared in unison, and all rushed towards the stone statue legion that had survived by imprisonment.

Hao Yan also rushed towards the lost Cliff, his eyes were also red.

The previous supreme commander was killed by Cliff, and he had long wanted to kill Cliff.

However, Cliff's strength is not weak, and he has a large number of elite legions to protect him, and he has never had a chance to take revenge.

And Cliff, who was hit hard at the moment, just gave him a chance to take revenge.

Whether it was Cliff or the other elite soldiers of the Stone Clan, they were all frightened by Chen Ping, their morale plummeted, and they couldn't raise any combat power at all.

The battle ended quickly.

From Chen Ping's hand, most of the stone statue tribe was leveled, but Hao Yan ordered the final slaughter, which took only half an hour.

When the three-colored light curtain dimmed, the 300,000 elite stone statue legion had been completely flattened, leaving no one behind.

Hao Yan held Cliff's head in his hand, and threw his backhand towards the remaining 400,000 stone statue legions thousands of meters away.

Cliff's head rolled, and the legion of the remaining 400,000 stone statues instantly stirred, and their faces were incredulous.

"How is this possible? Cliff died in just half an hour? Not a single mouth of the 300,000 elite legion of 300,000 is alive?!

"Shhh! How did this Terran destroy our 300,000 elite legion?

"It must have used the Double S Array!" How dare they! Even if he spends tens of millions of spirit stones, he actually wants to keep a 'purple gold' newcomer. The

remaining Stone Statue Clan Lords all had unpredictable faces, and one by one they showed timid expressions.

Those who are stunned, those who are stunned, those who are stunned, those who are afraid of death!

At this moment, the Blue Star Alliance has become fatal in their eyes.

Mitchell is the supreme commander of the Stone Statue Legion.

He looked at Cliff's head below, and then at the 300,000 elite legions strewn with corpses, his face was unprecedentedly angry.

The fact that the 300,000 elite legion was actually wiped out by the lowly Terrans was a shame for him!

The weak Terrans have always been the cattle plundered by their stone tribe.

At this moment, the animal actually dared to fight back, and actually bit the owner fiercely.

How dare they?!

Mitchell's eyes were full of bone-deep killing intent.

Originally, he didn't put the Blue Star Alliance in his eyes at all, but now he finally faced his opponent squarely.

The rest of the Stone Lords looked at Mitchell, waiting for his next command.

Mitchell's dark eyes flickered, and finally ordered: "Retreat!" In

the face of crazy animals, he does not intend to kill brainlessly, which will only cause greater losses.

On the contrary, it is better to fight guerrilla and beat crazy animals to death little by little.

The remaining 400,000 stone legions retreated, and all the clan lords in Region D roared out at this great victory.

The emotions that have been suppressed for a long time have erupted at this moment.

Jiangcheng Newcomer Group.

Nan Feichen: "Shhh! Ou Shen is really awesome! With one move, the regiment almost destroyed the 300,000 elite stone statue legion, forcing the remaining 400,000 stone statue legions to withdraw their troops. "

The newcomers in the group were all anxious to wait for news, for fear that the Stone Statue Clan Legion would kill the core area.

But seeing Nan Feichen's news, they were all shocked.

Ou Shen swept through the new area, they can understand, after all, everyone is a newcomer.

But coming to the old district Ou Shen is still so awesome, it really shocked them all to drop their jaws.


Everyone is a newcomer to the new district.

The gods of Ou have been able to abuse 300,000 alien races, and they are still lambs to be slaughtered.

That's too big a gap, right?

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