Terror broadcast

Chapter 5 Human scalp!

It wasn't until the morning that Su Bai fell into a deep sleep, with various thoughts constantly running through his mind. At this moment, Su Bai realized that the tough nerves he was so proud of before were actually so vulnerable. .

I had several dreams. In the dreams, there were images of female white-collar workers sneering at me with a knife stuck in their chests. At the same time, there were also the deep and leisurely voices on the horror radio.

It wasn't until noon that Su Bai opened his eyes with a splitting headache, took away the notebook from his body, and opened the curtain. A man in police uniform was sitting on the lower bunk opposite.

Su Bai's arms trembled momentarily, his heart became tense, and his breathing became extremely difficult.

At this time, the policeman raised his head and showed a young smiling face.

"Looks like it scared our baby."

Chu Zhao's guy looked like I didn't mean it.

Su Bai took a deep breath, resisted the urge to beat Chu Zhao, tidied the things on the bed, and then came down with his cell phone.

"Come on, let's eat. I've ordered takeout for you."

Chu Zhao pointed to the takeout bag on the desk.

Su Bai shook his head, "I have no appetite."

Chu Zhao was a little surprised and said with a smile: "This is not your first time. Why does it feel bigger this time than the first time you did that?"

Su Bai licked his lips. He didn't know whether he should tell Chu Zhao about the terrorist broadcast. Killing and dead people were not sensitive words for the two of them and for this small club, but the terrorist broadcast was obviously If you tell me about an incident that goes beyond ordinary people's thinking patterns, will the other people in the club think that you have gone to extremes, or in layman's terms, that you are crazy?

This is a club that has only been established for a year. There are only four people in total. They don't have much experience and even seem immature, but they dare to set up a stage to do this kind of thing.

Therefore, if any one of the four people has a problem, it will affect the other three people. If they think that they are suffering from a mental illness that they cannot control or even start to have hallucinations, how will they treat themselves?

Sometimes, Su Bai himself felt that it was ridiculous. Four young people formed this club in a flash of enthusiasm. More than 10 people had even died due to the operation of this club, but this club still remained. It seems so simple and loose.

"That incident was deemed an accidental death, so don't put any more pressure on me. You didn't even do any related investigation or other things. Even though you peed around like an old dog near the nightclub and left a pile of Even if I pile up traces of myself, I won’t be able to find you.”

"That's not what I was thinking about."

Su Bai waved his hand, then picked up the towel and wash basin, "You sit down for a while, and I'll go wash up."

Chu Zhao nodded.

In the public toilet, after brushing his teeth, Su Bai immersed his entire face in a basin of cold water. Then he suddenly raised his head and raised a splash of water. He wiped his face with a towel. Su Bai was holding something. After walking out of the toilet, at this moment, a not very tall student bumped into Su Bai's arms.

Su Bai took two steps back, and the little man sat directly on the ground, his clothes and pants getting wet.

"sorry Sorry."

The little man immediately stood up and apologized to Su Bai.

Su Bai nodded, ignored the matter, and walked back to the dormitory.

In the dormitory, Chu Zhao was still holding a book about psychological crimes on Su Bai's desk and leaning on the balcony beside the bed, reading it with gusto.

"Are you okay today? Can you read a book at my place so leisurely?"

"I just have a mission."

"Visiting students?"

"Yes, visiting students."

"And you just spent time in my dormitory?"

"There is nothing to visit. Three bodies of teachers have been lost in the laboratory." Chu Zhao smiled bitterly and said: "I can't just ask a student when I see him in school, hello classmate, where have you seen any corpses recently? ?”

Su Bai walked to the window sill while changing his clothes. Behind the old dormitory building was the large playground. At this time, he could see two policemen in police uniforms visiting students on the playground.

"Everyone else is doing things, and you are here to play. This is indeed a dark society." Su Bai said.

"Come on, my eldest son Su, can our eldest brother not laugh at the second brother? It's not like you don't know that I was forced by my father. Growing up, every time I made a mistake, when he came home, the police He didn't even have time to drag off his clothes, so he took out his belt and started to deal with me. This made me have a natural fear and disgust towards the police profession since I was a child. When I grew up, they forced me to apply for the police academy and become a police officer. Haha, you know this is a How do you feel?"

"It feels a bit like being forced to have sex with a female corpse that died in a car accident." Su Bai described it.

"Although your metaphor is disgusting, it is indeed very appropriate." Chu Zhao closed the book, "Teacher General lost three. What do you think is the reason?"

"I'm not a policeman, I'm just a student." Su Bai shrugged.

"If you were an ordinary student, I wouldn't be here." Chu Zhao took out a cigarette, handed one to Su Bai, and then supported the balcony with both hands, "Xun'er said she wanted to quit, and her family wanted to She went to work at the British Embassy, ​​and as you know, Gu Fan originally joined because he wanted to pursue Xun'er, but now Xun'er is planning to quit, and he also showed that he doesn't want to continue playing."

A murder club established entirely by young people pursuing excitement is now facing the trend of disintegration.

Su Bai took a puff of cigarette and choked for some reason.

"Cough cough cough......"

Chu Zhao patted Su Bai on the back to help him calm down.

Su Bai took out a piece of tissue and wiped his mouth, "Maybe, this is a very good ending. Our club has been carrying more than ten lives. Now everything looks very clean, but we often walk by the river. , there are no shoes that don’t get wet.”

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, this is not something you should say. Moreover, although the people we killed should not be sentenced to death according to legal procedures, they are not pure and good people. Killing them doesn't mean anything to me anyway. Guilt, as for you, haven’t you already had that habit ingrained into your bones? If the club is gone in the future, it will be difficult for you to have fun again. "

Chu Zhao was worthy of being a policeman. After saying this, he seemed to suddenly think of something, "Have you found something that can excite you more?"

Su Bai smiled, "Maybe..."

Just when Su Bai wanted to continue talking, Chu Zhao's cell phone rang.

"Hey, captain, I'm checking in the dormitory building. Oh, okay, close the team, I'm here."

Chu Zhao and Su Bai raised their mobile phones, "I'm leaving first. The four of us will come out to talk about the club matters in two days. Let's break up."


In the evening, Su Bai studied by himself in a classroom, sorting out a paper he was working on. He didn't really like going to the library to do this kind of thing. Sometimes an empty study room with only a few people made people feel lonely. A sinking feeling.

After the paper was finalized, Su Bai planned to go outside to buy a drink from the vending machine, smoke a cigarette, and come back to revise the paper again and finalize it.

At this time, there were two other students in the classroom, a boy and a girl, sitting at the front desk in the leftmost row and the front desk in the rightmost row respectively. Su Bai was sitting in the back in the middle.

He walked out of the classroom, took out a cigarette, lit it, then took out the banknotes from his wallet and stuffed them into the vending machine.

"Ding dong."

Su Bai bent down and took out a bottle of hot canned coffee from under the vending machine.

At this time, a gust of fragrant wind blew.

"Brother Su, please buy me a drink. I don't have any money."

Su Bai stood up and said, "I just took out the change. Take it out and put in the coins yourself."

After saying that, Su Bai walked to his classroom with the coffee.

The girl on the spot looked a little embarrassed.

When Su Bai sat down again in the classroom and was about to revise the paper again, the girl from before also walked into the classroom with her bag on her back. It seemed that she was very dissatisfied with Su Bai's attitude towards her before. He didn't say hello to Su Bai this time, nor did he choose to sit closer to Su Bai. Instead, he directly chose a seat in front of the middle and sat down.

Putting bags, taking headphones, snacks, makeup mirrors, books, and pens, they kept making noises that made the other two students in the classroom frown. Some people came to the classroom to read for a while, and they had to prepare for work. Doing it for too long.

But then, a piercing scream came from the girl's mouth:


Su Bai stood up and looked at the girl holding a bloody human skin in her hand!


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