Tesslia: Can I Survive Being a Pet of a Sadistic Vampire?

Chapter 1: The Start…

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Chapter 1: The Start…

(Tesslia’s POV)

Waking up in a cold cell, I was beyond confused. Looking around, I saw that I was behind very strong looking metal bars. The cell did look to be kinda medieval, but the metal wasn’t anything that I’ve ever seen before.

Yes, looking in the reflection of… what seems to be my water bowl, I now looked like a young woman. This body, it was very beautiful, with deep, blackish, slightly red hair that went down to my sizable breasts. My outfit was… it wasn’t rags, but it wasn’t anything that could be considered high quality.

I was just wearing a plain white dress, but at least I also had on panties and a bra in the same color. Anyway, I oddly got lost in admiring my new body. Before this, I was a decently mature woman, who time wasn’t kind to at all.

You should forgive me for being engrossed in my new look, as I was now quite beautiful. Just like when I was younger. Will I also have to go through the annoyance of losing this new beauty as well? Ah… I got sidetracked again…

Regardless, I specialized in metals. At first, I thought that such a field to specialize in would be a bad idea. But that was proven wrong, as I became very rich in just a few years. Various industries need to know what kinds of metal they’re using, after all.

That is all to say, that I knew my metals, and the bars weren’t made of any that I knew of. The prison cell was somewhat medieval, but it didn’t look to be dirty. The bed was neatly made and very soft. I did happily wake up on it.

Besides the slightly evil look, my cell wasn’t too bad. Rather than a cup, there were just bowls. Like… dog bowls… Did I not only transmigrate into a new body but also get captured by some pervert?


With no utensils to use, I was forced to eat and drink from the bowls. Of course, I didn’t do it like a dog or cat. Instead, I just picked the bowl up, then I drank and ate on the bed. What a naughty girl I am…

Huh? Looking where I got the bowls from, there was a hole for both of the bowls. Since I was curious, I put the bowls back where I got them from. When I did, they were taken by the holes, and were replaced with fresh ones.

Tesslia: “…”

Okay, not only did I transmigrate and end up in the captivity of a pervert, but I also ended up in a different dimension. My old dimension didn’t have tech like this… Look, I understand that moving the bowls like that is something that could be done in my old dimension. The problem was that the bowls shrunk before being taken…

Many Days Later.

This new life of mine started out very poorly. I ended up overworking myself, ending in my death. But in those such cases, when someone is reincarnated, shouldn’t they be put in a better life?

I could see other girls in various cells, all of them lived just like me. Sleeping, eating, and drinking water. Frankly, for the first two days, I was very, very worried. Why? Because I didn’t need to use the restroom at all…

Though, it would be seen that none of the other girls used the restroom either, and there wasn’t a horrible smell suffocating the prison. I have gotten used to this odd fact about my new body. My only question is… will I still get a period?

In reality, my real question is why I am even in this prison cell at all. I might be a bit biased, but none of these girls look like criminals, and neither did I. Talking wasn’t an option, either. The girls, no matter how hard I tried to start up a conversation, wouldn’t speak.

It wasn’t like they ignored me. Instead, it was like, or it was probably just the truth. But they didn’t understand my words at all. Either they have been kept captive all their lives, not receiving any education, or my language isn’t the one that is commonly spoken in this world.

There wasn’t any signage or words anywhere for me to gauge which language is used here. Which meant that I was at a complete and utter dead end… Whatever! Surely, if I wait long enough, something interesting will happen, right?…

Many More Days Later.

Eat, drink, sleep… That has been my life for… I don’t know how long, really. There weren’t any windows, so my estimates on how many days it has been surely aren’t accurate. I was an expert on metal, not time!!!

Sitting up from my bed with a yawn, I saw that I had a new cellmate. Just yesterday, the cell in front of me was empty. Now inside of it was a new girl. Unlike the other ones, she seemed to be like me. That is, she didn’t act like an animal.

Girl: “Are you awake?” She asked.

Tesslia: “I am now.” I answer.

Girl: “Good, good. You speak, which is just great. Humans like us are rare, you know.” She said with a happy tone.

Tesslia: “How rare, exactly? Ah, and my name is Tesslia.” I reply.

Seehia: “You have a name? Giving yourself a name, huh… How brave. My name is Seehia, nice to meet you. And, yes. Humans like us are very rare indeed.” She replied.

Shit… The way she is speaking, it would seem that humans aren’t the dominant species of this planet… Do aliens control this world or something? They seem to treat humans as just pets… Not even allowing us a name?…

Seehia: “Well, Tesslia. Shall we escape?” She proposed.

Tesslia: “Escape? How? No, wait… Would that even be a good idea?” I reply with an unsure tone.

Seehia: “Good idea? It will at least be better than being trapped like an animal, right?” She replied with her arms crossed.

Tesslia: “…”

Seehia: “Are you going to escape with me or not? I would love the extra pair of hands, but I can escape without you.” She said, seemingly urging me to come up with an answer.

I honestly want to stay here in the cell. Not because I have a fetish for being imprisoned. Rather, I haven’t fully thought through, or seen all of the situation just yet. But now I cannot just let this girl get in trouble. What if she dies, and it is my fault for not helping her?

Tesslia: “Can you really escape? The metal that these bars are made out of doesn’t look easy to break…” I reply.

Seehia: “Who needs to break the bars? This isn’t the first place that I have been locked up in. And those bloodsuckers will give you anything you ask for if you strut your cute little ass for them.” She said with a shrug.

Tesslia: “…”

Seehia: “See this? I haven’t even been here a day, and all I had to do was sleep with one of the maids and… Boom! The universal key to each cell in this damn prison!” She said with a proud tone, flaunting a weirdly sci-fi looking key.

Did she say “bloodsuckers”? Do the aliens drink blood? Wait… she mentioned a maid. Ah, I don’t have enough information to go on right now. And before I could process any of this, Seehia opened up her cell, and then she did the same to my own. I guess that I am going with her…

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