Tesslia: Can I Survive Being a Pet of a Sadistic Vampire?

Chapter 9: My Body Hurts!


Chapter 9: My Body Hurts!

(Tesslia’s POV)

Waking up, my body was in so much goddamn pain… I could hardly even sit up… It hurt that bad. Looking around, this wasn’t Karlena’s room. So I guess it’s mine?

Karlena… damn vampires with their endless stamina. Clearly, their kind didn’t even need to sleep, as Mistress continued to sex me well into the night.

The woman literally fell asleep, finger still in my sex. And even with just one arm, her hold on me was too much for me to break free from.

As such, I had to fall asleep with her finger still in me, and my lower half wet as can be. Dammit… at least I was still wearing panties, so it wasn’t like the bed was soaked.


Seehia: “Ah, so your tag is working as it should.” She said after entering the room.

Tesslia: “Working as it should?” I repeat with a head tilt.

Seehia: “Cute head tilt… If you weren’t already spoken for, and My Lady was more generous to us maids… I would take you right now.” She replied with a sultry tone.

Tesslia: “…”

Seehia: “Oh, right. Back to your question… Your tag gives us information about your wellbeing. See?” She said, showing me a holographic display.

What the hell… on the display was… everything about me. My current emotional state, my hunger and thirst, etc. Even my soul not being of this world… Their tech is scary!

Seehia: “As it says… you’re hungry, thirsty, and in a lot of pain. My Lady must have done quite a number on you. And yet… why are you not upset?” She asked.

Tesslia: “Though I am a slave, Mistress was very caring. The sex felt good, I won’t lie about it.” I answer with a shrug.

Seehia: “Hm… no wonder your kind is so sought after.”

Tesslia: “My kind? And will I be able to use this display thingy? It would be very useful…” I ask with a curious tone.

Seehia: “Since you’re a slave for pleasure, you do not need to know about your rarity. Also you cannot use the display on your tag unless we let you. That is, it’s a privilege that you must coax out of My Lady.” She explained.

Tesslia: “…”

Well, that does make sense… To Karlena, I am just a slave. Why give a slave access to such technology? After all, I am sure that the interest exists in this world.

Seehia: “Drink this.” She said, handing me a small cup that appeared out of thin air.

Inside the small cup was… I don’t really know. It smelled somewhat pleasant. Though, it clearly wasn’t alcohol. Eh, whatever it was, I doubt that I have a choice on drinking it or not. As such, I chugged it in one gulp.

Seehia: “…”

Tesslia: “?”

Seehia: “Forgive me, Tesslia. My Lady, and the rest of the maids like me, are used to the pets being very uncooperative.” She said with a laugh.

Tesslia: “Ah, that is because they’re mindless animals. I am not like them, I assure you.” I reply with a proud tone.

Seehia: “The maids will love you… So look forward to that. My Lady is away right now, and you need to eat a meal.” She informed.

Damn… now that she mentioned it, I was actually starving. It would seem that having sex with a being that never gets tired… really helps you burn off calories and energy… As I got up from the bed, I soon fell and passed out…

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