Testing My Luck in the New World

Volume 1 Chapter 28


We stepped out of the portal and found ourselves just outside the edge of the forest I reincarnated into. It wasn’t too far from the city, but we were already about a half an hour’s worth of walking away from the city’s gate, so it was as a good start we were going to get with my limited knowledge of the area.

                I took in a long, deep breath. The night was in full swing. A full moon was shining bright enough to illuminate most of the landscape before us, meaning our preferred method of traveling via teleportation would be fairly easy. The crisp midnight breeze nipped at my sweaty skin and somehow, the wild felt cleaner, more relaxing than that of the city. There were no cars or machines polluting the civilized world, but the difference between the densely populated city and the freedom of nature was unmistakable.

                Pulling up my HUD’s compass, I found that we were already facing the East and said a silent thanks to the Goddess that recommended the direction to me in the first place. I drew in another deep breath and psyched myself for the journey ahead. Yua smiled warmly at this and set about the usual stretching she’d do before tackling the dungeons. We may be traveling with magic, but we’d still be walking the entire time.

                She nodded to me when she was ready and I took a good long look down the well-traveled dirt road that ran as far East past the city as the eye could see. Once I had a fairly good image of what lay at the end of my line of sight and memorized it, I threw open another teleportation door. Much to my surprise, but understanding the sense of it, I found it a little amusing that I could see the exit of the portal glowing bright at the end of the road.

                We stepped right on through and now already maybe a quarter of a mile away from where we started, I took a moment to correct our direction, looked into the distance again, and opened another portal.


                We traveled like this for about an hour before we ran into a small mountain I couldn’t see or teleport around due to its wide base. After a short hike around it and the thick foliage sprouting around the area, with Yua keeping her ears on high alert to avoid us running into any wildlife, we were able to start teleporting again.

                After a couple more hours of this, and after several long stops to let my mana regenerate and to rest our weary feet, I put the magic on hold. I wiped the sweat from my brow as Yua started up another round of stretching, gearing up for more walking. Watching her for a moment, curiosity eventually took hold of me and I turned back towards the city. When I saw that we were so far from Amoranth that it no longer registered as a speck of dust dirtying the horizon, I found myself at peace.

                We found ourselves in a grassy clearing surrounded on two sides by trees. The sprawling forest in front of us looked maybe a half a mile wide and several times deeper, as the further I looked between the trees, the less light I could see. Meanwhile, the small copse of trees at our backs were few, just remnants the split from the forest proper and just enough to nuzzle up cozily close to another large mountain immediately to our right. Another, smaller mountain rest further to our left, but it was surrounded by several stones that looked to have been sitting there since long before the trees first sprouted.

                It was a wide-open patch of land with its own natural border that we could have easily missed had the moon and the stars twinkling overhead not been lighting the path. With no stone buildings to speak of and without the mind-numbing cacophony of noise a densely populated city like the ones I’d grown used to both in this world and my last, it felt as though this secluded place was destined to be called home.

                “How about we stop here for the night?”

                “Hmm?” Yua hummed, her ears giving a small flick as she limbered up her legs.

                “I think this place is good to set up camp for now. It’s got to be dozens, if not hundreds of miles away from the city.”

                Assuming anyone discovered what happened at the inn and tried to give chase, I was positive that we’d successfully given them the slip. Without anyone being able to track her by her slave contract, Yua should have no qualms with settling down here for the night.

                As expected, she turned her ears to the sky, gave the wilderness a good listen and nodded.

“I don’t hear any dangerous animals in the forest, so we should be safe here.”

                “Great. Then let’s eat. I think we both deserve a good meal.”

                We plopped down on the grass, both of us heaving a great sigh and paying no mind to the stains the seats of our pants were most likely incurring on our behalf. I squeezed at my throbbing thighs and calves to try and soothe them. We hadn’t exactly been running through the portals I made, but after all the walking we did today and all the stress, we were both exhausted.

                Yua leaned into me, curling her legs up beside her as I was about to take out our now very late dinner, but I paused after remembering that I ditched the plates it came on back at the inn. So, making quick use of my item box, I pulled out a couple sets of the plates and silverware we bought in the city.

                My lovely partner watched me with a small amused smile as I handed her hers and filled it with food. She snuggled up as close as she could to me, and dug into the now cold meat and veggies the innkeeper prepared for us. We ate mostly in silence, with only the clicking of silverware against plate and the soft songs of the nocturnal birds roaming the tree tops as our music.

                Once we finished and I stuffed the used dishes back into my item box for later cleaning, we decided it was time to set up camp.

                “I’ll set up the tent,” Yua said, stretching her back again. “I’ve done it before, so it shouldn’t take long.”

                Yua held out her hands, expecting me to pull the tent we bought out of storage, but I waved her off with a vaguely confident smile.

                “Hold on a second,” I said. “I have my Material Destruction and Creation abilities. I think it’s about time I put them to work.”

                “What do you mean?”

                “Haha. You don’t remember? I said you’re not allowed to sleep on the floor anymore.”

                I laughed and Yua tilted her head, still not understanding where I was going with this. So, I walked over to one of the thicker trees at the edge of the clearing and put my hand on its trunk while Yua’s confusion seemed to spread to the birds that abandoned their songs to fly away. I had already tested the ability a bit, now all I had to do was hope these powers weren’t limited to the dungeons.

                After a quick cast of Material Destruction, an entire section of the tree’s trunk disappeared quite literally like magic. I smirked to myself when I saw its wood appear in my item box the same way the stone in the dungeon did, as it meant I could make use of it. However, my experiment was cut short when Yua suddenly barreled into my chest, launching us both several feet backwards.

                “Oof. Wha…”

                Before I could even ask for a reason, we tumbled to the soft grass and I watched as the tree who’s core I’d stolen started to collapse in on itself. The thin section of wood that I unintentionally left behind gave into the weight of the tree’s upper half as it bent and splintered almost instantly. The tree began to lurch, but it soon dropped long before anything could hope to catch and stop it.

                The tree smashed into the ground with a great thud that sent the rest of the birds in the area scattering into the sky, panic carrying their wings away from the noise. Several of the thicker, sharper branches speared the grass right where I’d been standing.

                “Uh… I… Nice save, Yua.”

                With a sigh of relief, she embraced me before responding.

                “Your abilities are amazing, but please be more careful from now on.”

                “Got it,” I said, patting her head. “But I still have more work to do.”

                Apologizing for causing her more unneeded worry after finally finding our peace, and after being reminded that, yes, gravity was still a thing, I took to a more controlled method of felling trees by focusing my ability to cut out large chunks of the trunks roughly the shape of a cheese wedge, so that I could control the direction the tree fell.

                Once six more trees hit the ground, all but assuring that no birds would be returning to their nests tonight, I started using Material Destruction to cut up and put the logs into my item box so I could start making use of their lumber. I wasn’t sure yet what I could do with the leaves the ability collected, so I just let them be.

                Now that the area that had been briefly littered with trees was clear again and Yua uncovered the ears she’d been protecting since the second tree fell and made her wince, she asked the obvious question.

                “Why are you collecting trees?”

                “I am going to use my abilities to build us a small house. That way, we won’t need to use the tent.”

                “Eh, really?! I never would have thought of that.”

                “Yea. I was thinking it was about time I make better use of my abilities.”

                I had a few lingering regrets on how I could have done certain things better these last few days or at least made them easier if I’d use my abilities to correctly, including the tree that nearly squashed me, but it was never too late to start.

                “I think you’re doing fine, though,” Yua said confidently. “Don’t forget you can rely on me too!”

                With the twin sights of her playfully shadowboxing the air and of her adorably swishing tale as the fuel I needed to leave my regrets behind, I got started. After quickly deciding on how large our temporary abode should be, I mentally mapped it out and got to work.

                Knowing that I could control my abilities with just my thoughts, I started with the corners of what would be a small, simple building. Shaping four long and thick posts into stakes, I set them in the imaginary corners of the cabin. I then widened their placement once I could actually see how small it would have made the final product.

                I wanted to go wild and make something bigger and more extravagant for us, but it was already exceedingly late. So, I put any and all perfectionist tendencies aside and worked with what I already had.

                The only question I had to consider now was how to drive in the stakes. Thanks to how Material Creation worked, I knew I wasn’t going to need any nails or screws, since everything would be fused together, but plopping out a cabin directly onto the grass didn’t feel very wise. The stakes were meant to root the whole thing in place.

                “Can I help?”

                After watching in awe at how I molded the wood I pulled from thin air, then seeing how I stared at the stakes in search for answers, Yua couldn’t sit back and watch anymore. Seeing her fists clenched with an eager anticipation gave me a great idea.

                “Yes, actually. I would love some help. Do you think you could use your Iron Fist to hammer the stakes in those corners?”


                With a skip in her step, Yua set out doing as I asked and stood up the first of the stakes where I’d left it. She then leveled it with a diligent care I wasn’t expecting from her and, after a quick cast of her Iron Fist, she drove her fist into the stake’s head and easily hammered it into the ground with a single punch. Smiling proudly at her effort, she set about doing the same for the other three.  

                I felt a little bad about making her waste her martial prowess on pounding things into the dirt, but she finished without complaint before I could even form the next piece of wood we were going to need. Thanks to her help, I was able to move much faster.

                After connecting and fusing the stakes together by materializing several thick planks of wood directly on top of them, our floor was done and, as if the whole thing had been carved out of one giant block of wood, there was not a single seam in the strcuture that could be seen. Just to be safe, I stepped onto it and jumped around a little to make sure it was sturdy enough to support the rest of my plans. Thankfully, the stakes were doing their job keeping the whole thing rooted in place.

                Satisfied, I started on building a set of four rudimentary walls whose only decorations were the cutouts I made for the windows to aid in air flow and the doorway. From there, I started on making us a quick and easy roof.

                With the only source of light I had to work with at the moment being what the moon decided to share with us, I decided to keep the whole thing as simple as possible and not get too into the smaller details. Anything that didn’t look right come morning could be fixed later.

                By the time I had finished the roof, I could only look in awe when realized just how fast we were able to build this thing. Less than twenty minutes had passed since I felled that first tree and we already had a finished product. The Materials Destruction and Creation abilities were no doubt some of the most powerful ones I had at my disposal.

                While this little cabin in the woods had no furnishings and no rooms to speak of, it was big enough for about three or four people to live in it comfortably without constantly bumping into each other. More impressively, because all the wood essentially fused into one giant, carved out lump of wood, I was sure that it should be very sturdy.

                Construction companies beware Alex, the man that failed to realize he could have done this days ago to save himself from paying for an inn!


                With her mouth agape, Yua stared up at the building that was a little more than twice as tall as she was. It was a very simple-looking cabin, but since it was put together literally overnight, anybody would be shocked. She just had the added benefit of watching it be built and could still barely believe what she saw.

                “I know it doesn’t look like much now, but if we end up liking it here, I can add more onto it. If not, we can move somewhere else and try again. But for now, do you want to check out the inside?”


                Instead of letting me walk her into our new home, Yua grabbed me by the hand and ran us inside. I’d lit the house with the single magic candle we bought while I worked and, while its dim light proved mostly useless for construction work, it helped Yua to look over every inch of the place. The cabin was essentially just one large room with nothing in it to look at for the time being except a pair of small windows and the slide door I made, but with the way she looked at the place, you’d think she just been handed the deed to an extravagant mansion built on a beautiful beach.

                “Alex, this is… It has to be two, no, three times bigger than the room at the Lazy Cat!”

                “Haha. Yea, probably. And, like I said, if we like it here, we can add more to it later and make it even bigger.”

                She looked up to the triangular roof and I could tell from the way she smiled that she was imagining the place evolving to meet our needs. Maybe tomorrow I should work on making it look nicer and see how she reacts when the place doesn’t look so basic.

                While checking out how much wood I had left, I happened to notice the time.

                “I’m happy you are so excited, but I think it’s about time we head to bed. We may have a lot to do tomorrow.”

                I was surprisingly content with this little cabin in the middle of nowhere, but if come morning we decide it’s not enough or that we haven’t moved far enough from the city, we’d have to set out again.

                “Yes, it is late,” Yua nodded with a knowing, oddly sultry smile. “But…”

                “But what?”

                “Well, there’s no bed. You said yourself a few minutes ago that I’m not allowed to sleep on the floor anymore. Remember?”

                She lifted her chin at me, smiling just a tad smugly after throwing my words back at me.

                “Ah, right. How could I forget? Just give me a second.”

                Using more of the wood I still had in stock, I created a simple block three times as wide and about twice as long as the bed back at the inn so we’d have plenty of room. I didn’t bother to make it look anything like a real bed, as it definitely wasn’t going to feel like one, and just left it as a plain block of wood that stood about as tall as my knees. Visual improvements could always come later, but its comfortability rating had to be changed now. She may have been joking, but sleeping on this thing as is would be just as bad as sleeping on the floor.

                I dug through my item box and pulled out the sleeping bags we bought back in the city, untied them and spread them out over the bed’s hardwood surface in place of a mattress. After, I topped it with the blankets and pillows we bought. The padding already looked insufficient, but it was the best we could do given what we have.

                “There,” I said. “We can use this as our bed for now. It probably won’t be very comfortable, but what do you think?”

                “I think this is amazing.”

                “Haha. You’ve already said that about a dozen times since we got here.”

                “Yea, but I mean it. It and you are amazing.”

                “Alright, alright. That’s enough of that. You’re going to turn me into a narcissist with all those compliments.”

                I’ve had about enough of being full of myself for one lifetime.

                “Understood,” Yua said with a giggle. “May I have my suitcase back?”


                I popped her suitcase out of my item box and she knelt down to open it. The clasp clicked and her ears flicked and, without missing a beat, she suddenly stood back up, kicked off her boots and started untying the leather straps holding her blouse in place. Once the restrictive leathers were undone and left to dangle over her chest, she lifted the top off over her head with a practiced ease, revealing her shapely and now very bare breasts to the moonlight peeking in through the windows. After, she set the top back in the suitcase.

                Before I could utter so much as a single syllable, she slipped her thumbs under the waistband to her pants and gave them a small tug down before bending forward. Turning her ass to me, as if to show me she was okay with my looking by letting me see how casually her tail flicked about, she peeled off the tight leather pants that had been hiding her shapely legs all this time. After a moment or two of pretending to struggle, she had them pulled down around her ankles. She stepped out of them.

                Completely naked now save for the panties she still wore, she was as calm as calm could be. Squatting back down, her breasts pressing firmly into her knees, she started folding and stuffing her clothes back into her suitcase.

                She was taking her time organizing her things in the otherwise mostly empty suitcase. And I gulped to myself when I realized she was doing all this on purpose.

                Finally, she took hold of that too-loose rag of a cloth she called a sleep shirt and stood again. She looked to the dirty, frayed fabric in her hand and, looking like she’d only just remembered that I bought her something new to wear to bed, she let the top fall back into the suitcase. She turned to face me, her breasts left uncovered, her posture free of embarrassment, and with a smile so loving that it dared to fill the entire night sky with its brightness.

                Heat flashed across my face as I remembered the feeling of her softness from this morning. The flames of lust I felt then reignited themselves, burning twice as bright as ever before as I gazed upon her. She could tell what was on my mind and she still just stood there. She let me look. She wanted me to look. By her pleased curl to her lips, I could tell that she’s known what I’ve wanted all along and that I’ve been holding back for her sake.

                Watching in awe at how comfortable she was with me like this, I came to the sudden, brief and very reassuring conclusion that my confidence-boosting trait had nothing to do with my level and that it was effectively just a bunch of bullshit. It was nothing more than a playful trick composed by the Goddess meant to do nothing more than help to think I’d gained back a little of what I lost long ago.

                But it was never real. As I stood there, finding it impossible to do anything but look at her almost completely naked beauty, her eyes longing for me to embrace her, I felt nothing but desire that couldn’t be denied by how I viewed myself.

A felt a twinge in the back of my head and knew without looking that the confidence-boost trait had disappeared from my status page, but I no longer cared.

                Yua was waiting.                              

                With Yua the only thing occupying my consciousness, I moved behind her. My heart pounded violently in my chest and her cat ears twitched with its every pulse. She was on to me. Knew why I moved and what I wanted, but like before, she did nothing and said nothing in an attempt to stop me when I reached my arms around her to cup her breasts.

                Feeling her softness envelope the fingers I let sink into the supple flesh of her gentle hills, I realized one simple truth in this world: her softness was simply to die for.

                This was a fact I’d became readily aware of our first day together and became more greatly acquainted with this morning, but without the feeling of her blouse preventing a more direct feeling, their softness was amplified by the silky smoothness of her skin. I could feel the pink nubs I had only caught the occasional glimpse of until now rub against the center of my palm while I massaged her.

                “Mmm… Alex.”

                “This doesn’t bother you, does it?”

                As her answer, Yua lifted my hands off her breasts and turned to face me. Presented with the full, perky glory of her ample bosom, she lifted her chin to me with such a loving smile caressing her lips that my reason nearly flew out the door.

                She then took hold of my hand again with both of hers, and placed it back on her bare breast herself. Just as she did this morning.

                “Master, no… Alex, from now on, I am completely yours. In body and soul. And in heart. You may do anything you wish to me. You may ask of me anything you wish. And I will do both for you without hesitation.”

                Feeling a tiny inkling that her loving words may have just been a figment of my exhausted imagination after focusing on the teleportation spell for so long, I pressed her for her own truth.

                “Then, if you are really serious about that, and only if you are really serious, take off your panties and throw them out the window.”

                I asked for something absurd, just because I desperately needed to know if she would do it. And, sure enough, Yua let go of my hand and, wearing a dazzling smile, slipped her thumbs through the sides of her panties. Without any of the fanfare she showed me a moment ago, she pulled them straight down her thighs, over her slender calves and stepped out of them directly in front of me without a word. When she stood back up, panties in hand, I saw a small tuft of hair between her thighs that swore to the heavens that there was now not a single thread left to cover her body.

                With a playfully cheeky smirk, she wrapped her panties around her index finger, wagged them in front of me like a flag or surrender before she walked over to the window. Without the slightest bit of hesitation, she tossed her panties out into the wilderness.

                “How was that?”

                “G-Great. Uh… Next, I want you to take my shirt off for me.”

                “Of course, Master.”

                With a loving return to the cheeky way she used to call to me, Yua glided back across the room towards me without lifting a finger to hide the most important parts of her nudity. My breath caught when her fingers reached under the hem of my shirt and tickled my abdomen. She started to lift it straight up, keeping that bewitching smile of hers on her lips all the while. My shirt flew off my head, forcing my bared upper body to brace itself against the same chilly wind that made her nipples stand on end.

                She held my shirt in her hand, watching me. If she weren’t already completely naked, I would have thought she was just toying with me with how she pinched the fabric between her fingers as if holding something delicate.

                “I have completed the task you gave me, Master. What next?”

                “… Throw it to the ground.”

                Not letting her gaze leave mine, Yua turned her hand over and parted her fingers. The now useless shirt dropped unceremoniously to the floor.

                “What shall I do next, Master~?”

                “What would you like to do next, Yua?”

                She smiled ever so sweetly, let out a small, cute laugh and gave me an answer that nearly stopped my heart.

                “Well, I am naked. So, would it be alright if I made Master naked as well?”

                I gulped.

                “… Go ahead.”

                “Yes, Master.”

                Yua knelt down in front of me, removing her naked beauty from my line of sight, forcing me into a position where I had to look down if I wanted to keep looking. Matching her lack of hesitation, I did so and she smiled up at me, her cat ears twitching and her tail swishing about happily. She took hold of my belt and started to unbuckle it.

                Listening to the clasp unbuckle, then the sound of leather sliding against the metal clip until it was freed and my pants loosened, I felt the unbearable urge to open my mouth and say something stupid just as her delicate fingers took hold of the button holding my pants up.

                “Y-Yua. Hold on a second.”

                “What’s wrong?”

                “It’s just… I have something I have to tell you before we continue. I can’t let this go on with a clear conscious if I don’t say it now.”

                This caused her ears to perk up for worst of reasons, but she stood back up and looked me in the eye without complaint, ready to listen to anything I had to say. She didn’t ask me to continue, she just took my hand in hers and gave me the floor.

                I took a moment to steady myself. This had nothing to do with confidence or arrogance, it just needed to be said. And it should have been said before I let her get this far.

                “Yua, when I bought you, it wasn’t just because I fell in love with you. I wanted to have sex with you. I wanted you for sex. I… I wanted to be the sort of master you would have hated.”

                Yua was silent for a long while. Almost too long, but not quite long enough to make me feel as though I’d said too much, because the power of her loving smile returned two-fold.

                “I know,” she said, stepping closer. “I told you before, males don’t normally buy female slaves unless they have that on their minds.”

                “I understand that, but I’m telling you that, had we not been forced to into the dungeons to earn gold, I would have brought you straight to the inn and I would have forced you into the bed and…”

                “Shhh….” Smiling still, Yua softly pressed a finger to my lips. “Master… Alex, you truly are too kind. I think most males would have kept that a secret.”

                “I know. I’m already regretting killing the mood, but I wanted you to know the truth.”

                Even if that was only half the reason why I bought her, I couldn’t bare the thought of continuing if she didn’t know how I really felt back then. Weak, pathetic and most importantly, desperate. I’ve come to terms with the inner arrogance I’ve been secretly harboring, and I won’t let it win by denying it’s existence to her.

                She, however, cocked her head for a moment, her ear twitching again. Then she smiled

                “Who said the mood’s changed? Do you have an ability that lets you change it whenever you want?”

                “N-no? But I…”

                “I made my peace with the man that bought me. But it’s for the man I’ve come to know truly cares for me that I do this for.”

                As if sensing that my resolve to continue from my slowed heartbeat, Yua wrapped her arms around my back. Pressing her breasts against my bare chest hard enough to feel the exact location of pointed tips hardened by the cool night air, she lifted herself to kiss me full on the lips.

                “Mmm. You saved me from the slave house I hated so, so much.”

                She kissed me again.

                “You saved my life.”

                She kissed me again.

                “You made me stronger.”

                She kissed me again and I felt her hands find their way back to my belt.

                “You are the strongest.”

                She kissed me again and tossed my unneeded belt to the floor along with my shirt.

                “You are the man I love.”

                Another kiss and I felt her fingertips start on unbuttoning my pants.

                “If it’s forgiveness you want, then you have it. I won’t ever leave your side. That is my decision that you gave me the right to make.”

                Taking only a single step back, Yua pulled down my pants and found that the meager line of defense my boxers-like underwear provided in an attempt to hide the swollen monster that Goddess had bestowed upon me had failed spectacularly. I couldn’t help it. After seeing all of her, feeling her so directly and all those sensual, reassuring kisses, I was rock hard.

                Yua’s eyes widened at the size of it and she blushed deeply. She bit her lip, just the tiniest bit apprehensive, but her resolve never wavered. She continued.

                Slipping her fingers under the waistband of my underwear the same way she did hers, she pulled them down. My cock sprang to life once set free upon the world and Yua started breathing heavily as she looked upon it before awkwardly helping me to correct the order of my undressing by pulling off my boots, so I could step out of the last of my clothes and join her in this little cabin built for two. Completely naked.

                Yua stood once more and I could tell that, despite her constant reassurances and how she so easily fulfilled my stupid requests, she was nervous. We both were. This would be a first for both of us. She, however, braced herself the same way she would when readying for a fight and drew in a deep, slow breath and when she exhaled, she stepped closer to press her body against mine for another hug.

                Refusing to back down against her pressure, my cock pressed against the flatness of her stomach. She didn’t flinch. She was such a strong fighter, but every part of her body that I could see and feel was so soft, it was like the muscle she used to fight her battles was only ever imaginary.

                She kissed me once more and I kissed her back.

                Her tongue filled my mouth and shared the sweetness of her breath with me. With the masses of desire that were her breasts pressed firmly against my chest, I gave into the carnal desire that once threatened to ruin me and grabbed her ass.


                Our lips vibrated together when she let out a small moan of surprise, but her tongue didn’t stop. No matter how I massaged her ass, she did not stop the passionate kiss she not-so-forcefully forced upon me.

                After what could have easily been hours of letting our tongues dance together, uninterrupted by need or want or worry, Yua ended our kiss to let me look at her. Standing there, her cheeks flushed ear to ear while completely naked in the moonlight, she was easily the most beautiful girl in the world. And she was all mine.

                With her showing me this side of her that nobody other than the bathroom mirror should have been allowed to gaze upon, I no longer had any reason to doubt this as absolute fact. She was mine. Perhaps I should have acknowledged that conclusion sooner, but I had to be honest with her. And now, after all of this, all there was left for me to do was to wrap my arm around her waist, hold her close and lead her to the bed I made for us.

                Yua hiked up a knee to lift herself up onto the sleeping-bag-mattress while holding onto my hand for support. She then crawled along the bed with her backside pointed to me, her hips shifting alluringly with every inch that separated us. As I got lost in the sight of her, I noticed that the trickle of love juice dripping down her inner thigh lead back up to her soaking-wet pussy. Above that, her tail continued to dance freely through the air all on its own.

                She made her way to the center of the bed and laid down. She turned her body to face me and held out a hand, beckoning me to join her. I gulped down the very last drops of doubt and guilt I had in me and took her hand.

                I crawled onto the bed, then on top of her. She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me in for another kiss. Our naked bodies pressed together again and threatened to destroy the last lingering dregs of will power I could ever have had to hold back. My palms found her breasts again as her tongue once more invaded my mouth, like she owned the place.


                She let out another sharp gasp against my lips when I pinched her nipples and kneading the little nubs between my fingertips. I did so again and this time she had to let go of my mouth to cry out.

                “Sorry, did that hurt?”

                “N-No. Not at all. It just felt really good. Please keep doing it.”

                Permission granted, I leaned back into our kiss, teasing her nipples and fondling her breasts to my heart’s greedy content.

                My left knee slipped between her thighs, parting them slightly, and pressed against the wetness that would soon welcome me. Giving into every bit of curiosity my erection was inspiring in me, I freed one of her breasts to slip my fingers down into that forbidden area.           

                I slid them down her stomach, felt the lightly-defined abs she cultivated after years of rigorous training, up over her pelvis, onto her pubis and through the small tuft of hair there and then...


                Yua cried out again, this time with a surprising sensitivity as her hips gave a small jolt that only made my fingertips rub further against the small button that caused the reaction in the first place.

                “Ahnn… A-Alex… That place feels weird.”

                “Good weird or bad weird?”


                Loving her overly-sensitive reaction, I rubbed at it again. The slick love juices allowed the small button to slip easily between my fingers. She squeezed her arms around me for a tighter embrace and I couldn’t stop the smile that came with the surge of confidence burning in me from just hearing her moans, knowing that I was the cause of them.


                “I-It feels go-good…. Ahhnn!”

                With her cries of pleasure coming so easily, it was as if I’d known her weak spot from the very beginning. My perfect memory forced me to remember her each and every reaction to my caress, both subconsciously and very consciously searching for what brought out the most erotic gasps. I continued to rub small, constantly changing circular patterns around that little button to keep her heated breaths coming.

                “Wha-What is this feeling? Ahn… Alex… What is that? What are you touching?”

                This question gave me pause. I made sure to keep my fingers moving, but did she really not know? I mean, I know she’s inexperienced, but I didn’t think her so naive as to not know her own body.

                She turned her emerald eyes on me as they sparkled from the tears she refused to let fall. And in a short moment of understanding, she found my confusion and gulped before answering.

                “M-My people don’t have a word for it.”

                “I see,” I said, trying to let the surge of confidence carry on my voice so she could feel comfortable. “This right here is your clitoris.”

                “My… My clitor… Ahn!”

                “Yes, exactly. And it looks like it’s sensitive.”

                I continued pleasuring her clit, dancing little circles around it with my fingertips while she writhed from the unexpected pleasure. Her breasts bounced side to side, her hips shaking unconsciously, both trying to flee from the new sensations spiraling through her body and trying to draw herself closer to my hand. She struggled to grasp at the question of just how she was expected to endure what was apparently a new form of pleasure for her. And I was left content for once more getting to help her learn after all she’s taught me.

                Abandoning the hold she held around my neck, she gripped the pillow beneath her head and arched her back. My fingers almost slipped inside, but seeing how just doing this was making her feel so good, I made sure to continue attacking her clit.

                “Ahn! Ahn! Alex, wait! It feels like something’s coming!”

                “That’s fine. Go ahead. That just means you are about to orgasm.”

                A mixture of arousal spurred on because of her naivete and surprise at how easy it was to get her off, I quickened my pace just a bit until she became unable to keep her body still for more than half a second at a time. I pushed down on her stomach to pin her to the bed so that I could continue massaging her into climax.

                “Ahn! Ahhn! Alex! S-Something’s coming! Ahhhhn!”

                Her unrestrained scream echoed throughout the cabin, flew through the open windows and into the vast night sky. As it did, a spray of hot love erupted between my fingers as I continued ruthlessly massaging her clitoris. She grabbed hold of my forearm, as if she needed something to keep her grounded to reality, and I pressed my palm against her pussy and held her as she writhed from experiencing not only what may well be her first orgasm, but the first time she climaxed so hard she squirted.

                I held her there and started groping her shaking breasts as she tried to catch her breath, only managing half-inhalations for several seconds until she steadied herself enough to open her eyes again. The sight and heat of her trickling love juices dripping down both her and now my thighs was intoxicating.

                As much as I always longed for such companionship, I couldn’t help but feel proud of myself for making this beautiful girl cum so hard.

                “Alex…” she said, her breath still unsteady. “What was that?”

                “That was an orgasm. It happens when you reach the peak of pleasure and your body releases a huge wave of even better pleasure.”

                “Haa… Haa… Orgasms are amazing…”

                “Was that your first time feeling like that?”

                She nodded and I was forced to come to the conclusion that her life in the slave house was so terrible, that she never even had the chance to comfort herself, I wrapped her up in a hug so tight that I might have slowed her ability to breathe even more. She, however, held me right back and whispered in my ear.

                “Can I help you have an orgasm too?”

                Feeling my heart pang and her ear twitch against my cheek as she wanted to share in this new experience, I pressed my lips to hers. Already looking thoroughly exhausted, Yua smiled and accepted me the best she could, eager to help and to love. Even if that meant stealing away another breath with a kiss.

                “Of course,” I said. “What comes next should make us both feel good.”


                Yua let her head fall back into the pillow as I brought my other leg over hers so that I wasn’t straddling her anymore. I pressed my palms to her knees and slowly spread her legs apart, revealing the full beauty of her post-orgasm pussy. Drawn by the small twitching hole centered in the alluringly slick and pink object that represented all of my bottled-up lust from years of only finding satisfaction in images on the computer screen, I moved closer. Taking hold of my throbbing cock, I lowered it towards her entrance, ready to finally be done with my virginity and very much happy to have the chance to give it to her.

                Just as I felt her soft, wet heat with my tip, she stopped me.

                “W-Wait, wait, wait! Alex, please wait!”

                She weakly pushed her hands against my chest to stop me before I could go any further.

                “What’s wrong? Am I going too fast?”

                I couldn’t help but let dejection taint my voice. After coming this far, I’d literally have to throw myself off of her and out the door if she insisted on rejecting me here, but I would. I would do that for her. I fought this hard and this long to win her heart. If I had to fight longer, I’d just grit my teeth and bear it.

                “N-No, it’s not that,” Yua said quickly, as if she read my thoughts. “It’s just… Y-You see, the cat-kin of my tribe mate for life, so I, um… Alex, please make me yours forever!”

                Trembling, she held her hands out to me. To a bedside bystander, it would have looked like she was just asking for a hug, but I could tell she was begging me to accept her. For some reason, she looked like she was the one readying herself to be rejected. But the idea of rejecting this wonderful girl was almost laughably absurd.

                Coming back from the near heart attack I had in trying to stop from forcing myself on her, she hit me with a line that only strengthen my desire to do exactly what she asked of me.

                Steadying my breathing as much as I could, I leaned in for another kiss and let her hold me again. Once I had her lips laced between mine, I once more lowered myself, my tip, and pressed it against her entrance. She was so wet, so hot, that that alone almost could have been enough to finish me off had I not been trying so hard to control myself. She bit her lip and looked to me.

                “Yua, from the moment I met you, I’ve wanted to make you mine. To earn your love and now that I have it, I refuse to let it go. And tonight, I’ll prove to you that you are and that you always will be my woman. I won’t let there be any more question about it. For either of us.”

                “O-Okayyyy…. Ahhhhhnnn!”

                She let out a loud, sharp cry of pain and pleasure when I penetrated her. Maybe half way in, I felt my tip catch something and break through it in one swift motion. After that, all I could feel were the hot inner folds of her vagina pressing down on me from every direction. Melting my cock and mind so that I could only just barely realize that there was a small trickle of red, the end of her maidenhood, running down her thigh.

                Right. She was a virgin up until now. I better take it slow so she doesn’t end up hating this. I can pat myself on the back for finally becoming a man later. Now, it was all about Yua.

                Slowly, I leaned down to wrap my arms around her and she all but leapt at the chance to dig her fingernails into my back. I felt no pain, the pleasure of being inside her was so intense that it overshadowed everything else.

                “Let me know if it hurts too much,” I said, gritting my teeth to fight back the urge to stop myself from talking. “If you can’t handle it, we can stop for tonight and try again tomorrow.”

                “Ahhh…N-No. I can do it. As your mate, as strong as you made me, I want to be able to handle all your desires with my body. I-I can handle this.”

                She threw back her head, arched her back, pressing her breasts against my chest once more, and opened her mouth into a wordless scream of pleasure wrapped firmly around pain. I don’t know how, but in that moment, I knew her silence wasn’t just for my sake. It was because her desire for strength would not allow her to cry out from the pain of being penetrated for the first time. She was as resolute as she was when she had a knife to her throat.

                Once she had a minute to calm the pain, of me refusing to move my hips until her breathing steadied, she turned her eyes back to me. She didn’t say a word. Didn’t have to. Those great big emerald spheres resting as the centerpiece of her loving smile’s return to brilliance gave me all the permission I needed to start moving.


                When I tore her hymen, I had only let half of my cock slip inside, so when I pushed myself up to the hilt, she let out another cry of pleasure. I could feel my tip pressing against her womb and could feel my own braincells dying from pleasure overload.

                With that kiss from her womb spurring me on and with her no longer letting the pain mar her expression, I started to thrust and Yua continued to hold her arms around my back to let me move for the both of us.

                I started slow, maybe a little awkward, but I quickly fell into a rhythm we both liked. Again, my memory latched onto the places and paces I found in her that brought out the most lascivious of moans. And soon, her nails digging into my back, I had her breasts bouncing as if I was pounding into her with everything I had. With each pistoning of my hips pushing myself deeper into her lust, a lewd, wet clap of skin-on-skin contact sounded off as if she were making tiny repeated declarations that she had fully given herself to me. Each time I pulled out to move again, her pussy tightened around me, refusing to let go. Begging for more.

                “Ahnn Alex… Ahhnn… I-I can feel that orgasm thing coming again.”

                “Good,” I grunted. “Just let it happen. No need to hold back with me.”

                “Ahn…Ahhn! Alex! Ahhhh!”

                Her body heaved again, nearly making me lose my own balance as another intense orgasm hit her with the full force of its pleasure. I felt another hot spray of love hit my lower abdomen and groin and felt immense satisfaction for causing her so much pleasure despite my inexperience. But I wasn’t done yet myself.

                “Ahnn… Wait, Alex… I can’t yet… I-It’s too soon… Ahhhn!”

                I continued to thrust into her. The pleasure center of my brain had already given in to the desires of my body and wouldn’t allow me to stop moving. A tingling sensation was building up, hidden beneath the pleasure as it sent sparks racing throughout my entire being. I knew I was getting close, but I wanted to keep it going.

                I wanted to, but….

                “Yua... can I cum inside of you?”

                “Ahnn!... D-Do whatever you wan….Ahnn!”

                “Yua, I… love you….!”

                Unable to bear holding back the eruption building at the base of my shaft, I quickened my pace and, at the last thrust that triggered the release, I pushed myself as deep into her as I could, held her tight and let loose.

                “AHHHH! Alex. Alex! Something hot is coming out…!”

                Her pussy squeezed harder, her own natural instincts forcing her body to react in ways her naiveté shouldn’t have allowed when she wrapped her legs around my back, forcing me to stay with her as I let it out. And it just kept coming. And coming.

                As if my body was taking a cue from hers, I burst with so much pent-up lust that it almost felt like a constant, never ending stream of red-hot desire with each pulse. When the flood refused to cease and the pleasure dug in its feet, I quickly realized that, like her, I haven’t had a moment alone since coming to this world. Unable to stop myself, I sporadically pumped my hips into her, drawing out more and more until, finally, she managed to squeeze out the last drop.

                Breathing as heavily as Yua, I let my cock slip out of her and we both watched as a torrent of semen spilled out of her pussy. Her emerald eyes widened as she pressed her hands to her pubis and watched it all spill out. Soon, a voluminous white puddle appeared on the bed between her thighs.

                Geez…Just what kind of weapon did that Goddess give me?

                Curious as the cat she was, her chest still heaving for a breath, Yua reached down to her twitching pussy and scooped up a bit of the semen still flowing out of her to look at it. She rubbed it between her fingers, as if testing its consistency. Completely dumbstruck, I could only look at her.

                It seems as though the girl that shared with me her knowledge of the world, knew next to nothing of sex.

                “Alex… Do humans have a word for this stuff?”

                “Ha…Ha… Your people don’t? That’s semen.”

                She smiled at me. I’m sure it was supposed to be just a sweet smile of a girl being told she did a good job in making her partner feel good, but given the situation, she just looked intensely erotic.

                “Your semen feels so warm inside of me.”

                She touched a loving hand to her lower abdomen and smile gently.

                Oh… She just had to say that.

                “Ah! Your manhood got big again!”

                “That’s because you’re just too sexy. You think you’re ready to go again?”

                “Yes, Master~!”

                As scared as she was at first, she eagerly accepted my request despite only just coming down from the loss of her virginity. She held out her arms to welcome my embrace once more, as if she was happy to do this as many times as I wanted.

                “Alex, can you put your manhood back inside me now? Please?”

                … Or maybe the pleasure of feeling her first orgasm had just made her want another taste.

                “I’m definitely going to. But I want you to call it, penis. Okay?”

                “Then, please put your penis inside of me.”

                As I was already at full mast, her words did nothing but strengthen my arousal further.

                I plunged back into her and fought against her moans so that I might steal another kiss.


                “Ahn….Ahn….Ahn… Master. Your penis feels so good!”

                “Yua! I’m cumming again!”

                “A-Ahn… I can’t fit anymore semen inside!... Ahnn!”

                Unable to stop the oncoming climax, I quickly pulled my cock out of her. The moment I pulled out, the built-up lust inside her from the second and third rounds we had spilled out onto the blanket. I used my hand for the last few pumps and held myself over her body.

                Another eruption stole away with my reason as I let loose over Yua’s tight, quivering body. Somehow, despite achieving climax for the fourth time tonight, the amount I let out didn’t seem to lessen at all. When I noticed her cat ears twitch each time the white-hot magma struck her sweaty flesh, I realized a sort of animalistic desire being fulfilled in marking her body as mine after having already stolen her heart.

                Once the flow finally stopped, I fell down on the bed next to her. We laid there for several minutes, saying nothing and trying to catch our breaths.

                Not yet having enough of her softness, I had just slipped an arm beneath her to squeeze her breast when a notification popped up.

                [New Class Acquired: Sex Master]

                What the hell? I mean, given how Yua actually managed to orgasm more times than I did, I couldn’t deny that I’d done my job, but why was that class a thing?

                “Alex… haa… haa… Can we have the cake now?”

                Dismissing the absurd notification for it blocked my sight of her, I pulled the basket we got from the bakery out of my item box and put the loaves of bread back in, since she just wanted something sweet. I handed her a slice of the pre-cut cake and she leaned on me for support as she slowly nibbled away at it.

                Watching her laying naked in bed after an intense night of sex, eating a piece of cake no less, she looked like any girl enjoying the lap of luxury. Even if the house we’d made together wasn’t all that to look at. Smiling and relieved at how content she looked, I took a piece of cake for myself.

                Truly enjoying something sweet and sugary for the first time since coming to this world, I laid in bed with this beautiful girl, thinking about what we would do from here on out. Now that we had gone this far and she had given herself to me completely, I didn’t think I needed to hold back on my desires so much. My mind was already racing.

                “Your penis got big again… Would it be okay if we wait until after we eat?”

                Okay. Maybe I did need to hold back. But hey, I have literal decades of loneliness to make up for here.

                “It’s fine, Yua. No need to push yourself. Just relax and ignore it.”

                She offered me a cute, but tired smile and returned to her cake and I tried not to notice the crumbs falling into the valley her cleavage. Turning my mind to other matters now that I had achieved a clarity I’d never experienced before, a certain string of thoughts managed to claw its way back into my mind. I desperately didn’t want it to and wanted very much to just continue fondling Yua, but I knew it was important.

                It wasn’t anything negative, I’d done away with such thoughts, but it was worrying.

                The Goddess claimed she reincarnated me as a favor for her screw up, but how could a Goddess capable of creating a world such as this, capable of seeing the future to an extent, make a mistake like that?

                Short answer, she didn’t. She said she’d ended that life on purpose to spare me, but that had to be a lie. She allowed me to be brought to this world with my mind still intact when she really didn’t need to and told me I was free to do as I pleased.

                That was fine. Understandable to an extent, but she’d contradicted herself in saying she can’t meddle with the affairs of humans while doing all this for me. She had to have a reason for that.

                Pondering this as I slowly chewed my cake, the only one I could think of was that she brought me here to do something. And that that something might not have happened if she told me about it. That she feared my past, weak self would have turned tail and run if she told me.

                But what could it be? Whatever it is, I need to really start taking this whole bettering myself thing more seriously, so that I can be ready.


                Sensing my misplaced worry, Yua pressed herself closer to me, unintentionally rubbing the breasts I meant to squeeze into my arm. I banished that string of thoughts for a later perusal. Tonight was still about her.

                “It’s nothing,” I said, downing the last three bites worth of cake in one go. “If you’re tired, why don’t we…”

                As she looked up into my eyes, my own couldn’t help themselves from tracing an arc down from where a few lingering crumbs of cake rested on her chin and then lower.

                Her sizeable bosom, now covered in a mixture of sweat and semen, rose and fell with her every breath. She was calm now and her breathing steady. Watching, mesmerized by the two pink tips at their centers as they danced in the moonlight atop their pleasantly jiggling perches, I felt myself harden again.

                Yua’s tired eyes flicked away from mine, no doubt noticing the change in me as well now that it was impossible to hide. With a loving smile that I hoped would never stray too far from her lips, she grabbed hold of my hand with both of hers. Her lips parted and she looked as though she were about to ask for a kiss, but…

                “Alex… Can I have a stamina potion?”


                That night, I learned that my new class leveled through sex as I reached level 2 before the fatigue finally overcame us and we collapsed into each other’s arms.


– Volume 1 End –

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