Testing My Luck in the New World

Volume 2 Chapter 20

Thankfully, my first drinking experience ended without me doing anything stupid. Being spared the torture of waking to a hangover was just a bonus, unless it just hasn’t set in yet. My mind was still swimming, but not so much that I couldn’t tell night had long since settled over Guerraway.


            Maybe I didn’t do anything stupid directly, but I did at least do something stupid by proxy. I’d wasted almost a full day of our quest’s time limit. The village could hang in there, but I might end up having to explain myself to the guild soon if this keeps up. And I doubt Then I got drunk with a pretty lady would count as a viable excuse.

            Shifting in bed, I realized I was naked. My memories of the latter half of yesterday were a little vague, but it clearly ended on a good note. Beside me, Yua looked utterly unconscious as she slumbered, but when I brushed her hair back to check on her, she wore a small satisfied smile.

            Good to know. I only remembered bits and pieces about what Elane and I talked about, but I know I remembered coming back to the inn and almost immediately throwing her onto the bed. The question was, how many rounds did we go? Judging by her still recovering stamina bar, I definitely overworked her.

And yet, here she was next to me, having put up with this drunken, horny idiot. She’d rolled off my arm in her sleep at some point, but she still deserved full points as a wife.


            There was nothing I could really say, so I shifted more of the blanket onto her. Apparently, I’d had her put on that new green negligee I bought for her at some point, but with how little it covered on her, she’d need the warmth.

            “Big Bro?”

            Squishing her cheek against my chest, Mana’s big blue eyes reflected the moon beautifully. The time on my HUD read that it was past midnight, but she didn’t look even slightly tired.

            I tried to move my arm to wrap it around her, but stopped when I felt the warmth of something soft and springy in my palm. I closed my eyes and internally accepted that I was perverted even in my sleep as I let go of her tiny breast and shifted my palm down to her waist.


Waking to Mana


            “Was I keeping you awake?”

            “No. You squeezed my booby all last night too.”

            Fighting the urge to apologize – I knew she didn’t mind – I asked, “Then why are you still awake?”

            “I can’t stop thinking about it,” she whispered, her big blue eyes shifting to the sleeping Yua. I whispered back so we didn’t wake her.

            “Ah… I don’t remember much, but I must have been pretty rough with her, huh? Did we keep you up?”

            I’d received such a complaint the morning after our stay in the village, but none of their people were right next to us like Mana was. Remembering myself saying something super cringy before I laid into her, I can only imagine that Yua made good use of the sound-muffling enchantment earlier.

            Or so I thought until Mana shook her head.

            “No, I mean back in that place with all those smelly drinks. With Booby-Lady.”

            “The tavern. And her name is actually Elane, Mana.”


            Turning, she pressed her chest against my side before nuzzling her cheek against me.

            “… Okay. Then what’s the problem? Is it because I got mad?”

            Naturally, I hadn’t forgotten that or why that argument had happened. I was still a little mortified by the thought of so many people having seen her naked, but the alcohol had taken most of the edge off. I knew she didn’t mind them looking, but I also knew that I’d gotten the point across by officially asking her to stop as her mate.

I may be jumping to conclusions there, but I got the feeling I wouldn’t have to worry about her doing anything like that again.

            “Or, wait, was it because of how I held you?”

            Her thin, sakura pink lips turned up in a happy, gentle smile. Beneath the blankets, her tail wriggled about.

            “It was the first time you treated me like a proper mate. You touch my boobies all the time, but never my special place. It made me so happy. I can still feel your fingers.”

            Mana’s fingers ticklishly ran over the hand I held around her waist. My cheeks warmed at the thought of what I’d done.

            “I was starting to think I’d never find a mate,” she continued, her fingers still dancing against mine. “None of the males in the village treat me seriously. I think… Maybe it’s because I’m sm… not big. Every time I look at them, they look away. Sometimes they just leave when I try to talk to them. Nobody plays with me anymore, either. Even Daddy and Chief Tama won’t look at me for more than a second unless they’re mad at me.”

            My arm tightened around her on reflex. I didn’t need a cat-kin’s ears to know she was telling the truth. Nor did I need to be sober to remember those two actively shy away from looking at her.

            “It’s been like that for years. I tried fighting again, but nobody would spar with me. They’d take one look at me and look away, even when I hit them. Then there was this time when I found a new animal in the forest. I was sure nobody had seen it before, but when I tried to have someone follow me to its nest to prove it, they got all twitchy and said they were busy. But they weren’t. They just left to go find their mate. And every time I try to help them with something and I messed up, they just tell me to leave, since they won’t look at me long enough to explain what I did wrong. Nobody looks at me anymore unless they’re yelling at me.

            “But not you,” she continued and her fingers left mine to slide under the blanket to wrap around my monster. “I love the way you look at me. The way your cheeks get all red like affles. I love it so much. So, so much.”

             Before I knew it, my hand slipped down her backside, around her tail, over her small bottom and between her thighs. She parted her legs slightly and let my fingers reclaim their rightful place. She still sucked in a surprised, but happy breath, and I shuddered at the feeling of my own monster filling with life again.

            But I wasn’t doing this for no reason. I wanted to return her truth with my own.

            “How could I possibly look away from such a cute girl? I couldn’t bear it.”

            Smiling under the moonlight, a small stream of tears ran down her cheek. She let go of me to wipe them away. I did the same so I didn’t overstay my welcome.

            “Thank you.”

            “You don’t need to thank me. I’m just saying what I feel.”

            “I know,” she sniffled, then looked over me to see if she’d woken Yua. “I heard your heart when I met you with Big Sis.”

            “Yea, can’t really deny that.”

            I was and will always be faithful to Yua, but I have to admit I was smitten with this girl the moment I saw her. The only moment that day that made me any happier was when Yua gave me permission to make her mine.

            Then again, if Mana was so quick to fall too, then Yua must have heard her feelings long before I did. The opposite was likely true, in multiple ways.

            “Do people do that to you? Make you feel lonely.”

            “They use to, but I know now that it was my fault.”

            “Were you mean to them?”

            “Kinda. They tried to be with me, but I ignored them, so they ignored me back. It bothered me, but I kept doing it. I couldn't stop myself. And after a while, everyone ignored me. Like I was ghost they’d already forgotten about.”

            “Did you want to be alone?”

            “No. I just had some bad habits that I didn’t fix until it was too late. Actually, it was Yua that helped set me straight.”


            Turning away, Mana let out a long, contemplative breath. Now that we’d brought it up, our situations weren’t too dissimilar. But stupidity and inaction had me pushing away my friends and family and I don’t think I can say the same for her. She may have shunned her people’s love for fighting and may be a little too curious for her own good, but I just don’t see her people disliking her.  

My mistakes were already set in stone, but I think her assumptions were leading her in the wrong direction. Seeing her little brow furrowing as she pouted, as if reprimanding my old friends for abandoning me, I got the distinct impression she was completely mistaken.

            “Mana, when you do something that upsets someone, or when you ask them for something, do the people in your village look away and give in without you having to convince them?”

            “Hmm? Why?”

            “Just answer, please.”

            “Mmm. Most of the time, I think. Not so much with Daddy, though.”

            “And when did this start happening?”

            “Umm… Not long after Big Sis left the village. Why?”

            I nodded and smiled at my own conclusion. Confused, probably because I’d dared to smile in the face of her expression of a lonely past, Mana puffed up her cheeks and thumped her chin on my chest. I explained.

            “Mana, I don’t think your people are ignoring you.”


            “I think you’re so cute that they feel the need to look away. Because, if they don’t, they’ll feel the need to give into you. No matter what you want.”

             Pretty much everyone there did say she was spoiled, after all. And years of her unintentionally getting her way might have made that true. Maybe, part of Mochi’s request to make her stronger was to help her overcome this side of herself too, since I was (mostly, er… partially) unaffected by her gaze.

            I should have guessed it whenever we were confronted by someone since coming to the city. She’d step up to them, look them in the eye and suddenly they were doing what we wanted. Almost like hypnotism, even though there was nothing in her gaze but curiosity. No malice. No confrontation. No selfish demands. Just the same sort of curiosity any tourist might have in a new city.

            Her puppy-dog pout might just be her natural face, not a form of manipulation. She’d unintentionally caused people to spoil her. This girl really was weaponized cuteness.

            Eyes as wide as the moon, Mana stared at me. Her ears twitched as though she were trying to remember the heartbeats of everyone that ever looked away. Then her cheeks puffed into a pout and she slammed her forehead onto my chest.

            “That’s stupid. They’re stupid.”

            I poked and squished her cheek, deflating her pout.

             “And you’re cute enough to make them stupid.”

            “Hehehe. Shut up.”

Naturally, I had no way of knowing if I was right. Yua herself claimed Mana was just spoiled, but she’s a woman. She doesn’t understand the sort of effect someone like Mana could have on a man. And since the men of their tribe seem to be in charge (sort of), Mana accidentally convincing them to her side with the occasional pout might have only made her appear spoiled.

Then again…. there was the tavern incident to consider. And her showing up by the barrier. Spoiled or not, she’s at least incredibly impatient.

            Mana extended an arm around my abdomen and held me tight, like she thought she might slip off if she didn’t. She nuzzled her cheek into my chest again, pulled a leg over mine and locked her foot around my calf. I thought she was satisfied enough to go to sleep, but her eyes remained open and trained on Yua.

            She was quiet for a few minutes before I heard her voice again.

            “Big Bro?”


            “… You were really rough with Big Sis earlier.”

            “Y-Yea. I guess I probably was.”

            After meeting with such a beautiful, busty woman in the city, then encountering the very nude Yua and Mana, I didn’t have a chance at holding back while drunk. Or in general.

            “Did, uh… Did we actually keep you awake?”

            Not-so-humble bragging aside, I do at least remember some of Yua’s relentless moaning. Sober me would have held back in Mana’s presence, but drunk me just wanted to watch her drown in pleasure.

            Mana nuzzled my chest again as she shook her head.

            “Not that.”

            “Then what kept you up?”


            “Oh, uh, because I was squeezing you too much?”

            “Not that, either. I… liked that. I really liked the way you kissed me earlier. You know, with your tongue.”

            “O-Oh, I…”

            “I couldn’t stop thinking about it.”

            The hand Mana had draped over my abs slid back down, trying to slip under the blanket and pushing it aside when she failed. Her hand brushed over my monster, almost like she were petting it.

            A sharp inhale forced her to gaze up at me. A longing-shade of pink colored her cheeks, but then she bit her sakura lips. Some unspoken worry made her eyes quaver.

            “… Big Bro. We’re mates, right? Really, really mates? No lying?”

            “Obviously. No matter what happens, I’ll convince your father that you’re mine now.”

            “Then, um… can I tell you something?”

            “Of course. Anything.”

            “Even if I asked you not to tell Big Sis?”

            “Um, sure?”

            A small nod and an even smaller smile. Lifting herself off my chest, she let the blanket slip down her back. Her soft white skin glowed beneath the gentle pressure of the moonlight. Placing one hand on the mattress for support, she reached behind herself and pushed the blanket further down the bed and off the both of us. Her slender black tail wriggled in its newfound freedom.

Entirely unphased by the nudity she’d exposed in me, she threw a leg over my waist and lifted herself onto me. My mind was clear enough to know that this was going somewhere dangerous, but at the same time, I was still just drunk enough not to care. I think. It easily could have been the palpitations I felt in my chest staying me.

Alarm bells were ringing so loud in my head that Yua should have been able to hear them and wake to stop this, but neither me nor my first wife moved a muscle.

Straddling me, Mana leaned forward pressing her very bare breasts into my chest so her lips could reach my ear. I could feel her heart pounding against mine, but when she whispered, mine nearly stopped altogether.

            “My special place got wet for you.”

            She widened her knees, bringing her hips closer to mine. Pressing my cock down to rest on top of it, I learned she wasn’t lying when I felt her lower lips rub up against me.

            “W-Wait, Mana,” I whispered hoarsely, morality grasping at my fleeting sense of reason. “Your father said…”

            “I don’t care,” she whispered back, glancing again at the sleeping Yua who still did not move. “I’m an adult now. I choose my mate, not him. And I want you.”

            She lifted her bottom into the air and reached between her thighs. Her slender fingers wrapped around my cock again. There was no hesitation in the way she held me, no fear in how the swelling throbbed against her palm.

My pulse quickened enough for me to hear it. Her ears twitched knowingly. To her, hearing that sort of reaction must have been the ultimate, the sweetest confirmation that she was in the right.

Mana tried to stand my cock up straight beneath her, but had to raise her hips even higher to do so. Sliding her palm up my shaft, she gently took hold of my tip and lowered herself, just enough for our sensitive flesh to meet for a midnight embrace.

Captivated, worried, entranced, drunk, and wanting, wanting more than anything else… I could not move myself in any way to prevent this. My hands flew to her lightly plump thighs, but all that got me was her hips lowering just a little more. I watched as the head of my cock parted her lower lips. Her arousal dripped down my shaft. She was so Goddess-damn warm.

The way she smiled at me only made me stiffen more.

“W-Wait, Mana.”

“I watched your manhood go in and out of Big Sis so many times now, but that kiss made me want it for myself. I want to feel what it’s like to be your mate. I want my special place to feel it too.”

She lowered herself further and my head delved deeper between her labia before it was stopped by her soft, wet flesh. Biting her lip, she pushed me lower towards the right spot she’d missed by only a few millimeters. I slid so easily, so warmly against that I almost fell inside her the moment I reached her entrance.

And it wasn’t by accident that I was stopped. She tried to lower herself a little more, but my cock was too thick. With just the top half of my tip struggling to slip inside, it was almost like her pussy was trying to push me away. Like I wasn’t allowed in. Not unless I thrust myself.

Still, her mouth fell open, as if just that were enough for her to cry out, but she didn’t lower herself enough to end her maidenhood.

“Your manhood is still so big. You mated so many times with Big Sis, but it’s still like this. It’s a little scary.”

Damn you, Increased Stamina Recovery! If only my drunken fun with Yua had been enough to knock my cock out of commission, I wouldn’t be treading promise-breaking territory here.

“M-Mana, wait, please. I don’t want your father to hate me. Or you. Either of us.”

I already had one father dislike me just for stealing his daughter. I didn’t want hers to be the same, not when all I had to do to win his favor was keep my hands to myself. And yet, for all the points I put into my Strength stat, for how light she was, for as easy as it’d be to yell and wake Yua, I couldn’t stop looking at her. I couldn’t stop feeling her. Feeling how close I was to claiming her heart and hand forever.

This made her ears flick, but the determined gleam in her big blue eyes didn’t fade.

“He won’t,” she whispered. “He’s just being selfish and stupid and mean.”

“While I hate to defend the guy, you’re his daughter, aren’t you? He kinda deserves that right.”

Mana shook her head and, her petiteness be damned, her breasts still jiggled in the moonlight.

“Daddy and Mother have been wanting me to find a mate. And now I have. He just wants you to help because you’re human. I heard his heart when he came to meet with you. He doesn’t hate you at all. He was happy.”

But that can change!

Mana placed a palm softly onto the center of my chest. Her ears flicked and a frown eked across her lips.

“Big Bro, don’t you want this? To be my mate?”

I drew in a breath and clasped a hand over hers to steel myself. It didn’t work.

“Mana, right now, I want nothing more than to mate with you. But we should wait.”

The want to just thrust away my worries was so tempting it literally hurt to hold back. A desire for a form of pleasure only she could give burned inside me like a flame that refused to be quenched.

I wanted this. I was dying for this, for her. But I had to hold back. For both our sakes.

“Big Bro,~” she whispered sweetly, no doubt hearing the turmoil seething in my heart. “If you’re my mate, then you’re supposed to mate with me whenever I want. And I really want to mate right now. With you. So…”

Seeing me unable to respond, Mana once more realigned me with her entrance and…


She slammed her hips down on my cock before I could even think another word. In one swift motion, I was thrown into a world of chaotic passion that instantly silenced my protests. I was enveloped in a heat so intense I started to sweat. But then Mana’s eyes shot open and she clamped her hands over her mouth, barely managing to suppress a scream. She squeezed her eyes shut as a small stream of tears trickled down her cheek.

In her haste, no because of my hesitation, she’d forced me to take her all at once. My cock tore through her maidenhood and knocked against her womb in one swift, powerful stroke. A thin trail of red dripped down my shaft to shine in the moonlight. Proof that we were a pair, mates, forever. This night had become a wedding made of bedsheets, mutual lust and secrets.

Her tiny breasts shaking with her every staggered breath, she looked down and, as if she couldn’t believe what she herself had done, spread her lower lips for a better look. Just to make sure the mass splitting her was real.

Teary-eyed, she forced a smile. Glancing at Yua with her once cute face now twisted in pain, she quietly said, “Owwy.”

Seeing her like this, I forced back the joy I felt at getting to help another beautiful girl shed her virginity. Mana’s pained look was just too unbearable.


I lifted myself onto my elbows to comfort her, but stopped halfway when my cock shifted inside and pain caused her voice to slip. She was not Yua. Yua grinned and bore with the pain for my sake, but I could never ask that of this girl. Instead, I had to be the one to bear it.

I laid back into my pillow and offered her my hands. She took them and, slowly, I lowered her until she was laying across my chest. Despite the pain, Mana struggled to shift her hips down my shaft to take me just a little deeper, as if she thought I might slip away if she gave me the slightest of chances.

Her heart raced as I held her. Her each and every breath whispered against my ear, sending ticklish sensations ripping through my spine in a plea to get me to start moving again. But the feeling of her supremely tight pussy quivering from the strain it took just to hold me inside gave me pause. Her breasts weren’t the only part of her that was small and I was far too big not to acknowledge that.

The gift the Goddess had given me was a double-edged sword. Mana was so tight, so snug, so hot and still so wet. I felt at once that our bodies were made for each other, but that same thought made just the concept of holding myself still inside her utterly unbearable. But I had to before I broke her.

“Mana, I love you,” I whispered and she sniffled.

“I… Ng… I love you too…. Nggh… M-Mother never told me how much it hurts to be bled.”

She tried to move her hips again, maybe to pull me further in, maybe just to confirm I was still there. Either way, she whimpered.

“Don’t force yourself.” I pressed my hands to her cheeks and made her look me in the eye. “We’re true mates now, you don’t need to prove yourself any further. If this is too much for you, we can…”

She messily pressed her hands over my mouth to quiet me. Gasping at every struggled breath, she managed to say, “We’re mates… We both want to mate. We shouldn’t wait… ng… we should just…nngg!... Whenever we wan…!

I pressed a hand over her mouth as well to quiet her back. Every word she spoke caused her pussy to quiver around my cock, and that meant pain. Wiping away her tears with my thumb, I pulled her back into a hug when she tried to lift herself again.

The women of her tribe are so impossibly determined to pleasure their mates, but I refused to let her prolong the pain for my sake. Her sweet, stunted gasps tickled my ear every time her inner walls twitched around me, so I held her down with just enough pressure to not add to the pain.

“My Mate,” I whispered. “It is my desire to hold you like this for a while. Is that okay?”

“Wo… Would that make you feel good?”


“Th-Then… ng… O-Okay. My Mate can hold me however he wants.”

Tears still trickling down her cheeks, she moved her hands from my chest to hug them around the back of my neck. Wrapped so tight in her warmth, I endured her frustration. Even when her nails dug into my flesh. Even when she tried to run her fingers through my hair before grabbing and squeezing it. And especially when she bit into my shoulder just to suppress a scream. She endured this silently, mostly silently, so I endured the pleasure making my thoughts swim so I didn’t act on it.

We stayed like this for no less than ten minutes. My cock buried in her pussy, unmoving despite the desperate urge to. Despite the pain, her arousal never wavered and neither did mine.

Several times I thought to hand her a health potion, but didn’t for fear of it somehow regrowing her hymen. Determined as she was, I didn’t think she’d be able to endure this twice in one night, and I knew she wouldn’t wait for tomorrow.

Soon enough, her breathing steadied, though the passion in her every gasp still lit a fire in my ear each time I heard it. Sniffling one last time, she lifted her chin from my chest and the light of the moon made her big blue eyes sparkle. She pressed her lips together and I knew she didn’t know what to say. And she didn’t need to. Her eyes said it all.

The pressure she’d been squeezing me with down there had long since steadied as well.

            With a kiss, I slid my hands down her small back to round them over her ass. Testing the waters with a light squeeze, I was relieved when the only reaction I’d drawn out of her was an excited wriggling of her tail.

            “I’m going to start moving now,” I whispered and she buried her face in my chest.

            Prepared to handle everything myself and holding her bottom still, I slowly lifted just my hips. My cock drove itself deeper and instantly regained the warmth it’d lost in our waiting. She drew in a long, deep breath that she never seemed to release. Her supreme tightness, the way her inner lust slid against me, made my teeth clench.

It was only a single thrust, one that was barely a thrust to begin with, and it felt like she was trying to break me in half with her refusal to let me pull out.

            Mana trembled in my arms, but not from fear. The heated breaths that kept catching themselves against my chest were all the proof I needed. I started to move.

            Small, shallow, tender strokes of my cock were what allowed the soft moans she let out to be free of any pain. She wrapped her arms around my neck again as if to thank me for not giving up on her. By chance, Yua actually usually preferred our love-making to be slow and loving, so I wasn’t new to this measured pace. I could bear the seemingly unbearably slow buildup of my own pleasure, but there was something about how the usually vibrant Mana repressed her own voice that turned me on something fierce.

A bit of saliva leaked down her chin as she opened her mouth into a soundless scream before she clenched her teeth. The long black hair she let drape onto my chest was cool, but she was sweating. Watching her struggle, knowing my cock was the cause to the pink tinge in her cheeks, made keeping my hips moving slowly the hardest thing I’d ever done.

            Mana didn’t move a muscle. She let me thrust for the both of us. Even her tail seemed unsure of how to react to the pleasure as it jerked around, unable to interpret the signals her own body was sending it. Her once adorably cute face scrunched up in a repressed pleasure as she was forced to keep quiet for the sake of our sleeping partner.

            I moved us so slow that, what should have sounded like a wet, lascivious clapping of our hip-on-hip lust instead sounded like a gentle caress ushered by the occasional sweet, mumbled moan that escaped her lips. Her hips trembling, she pressed her knees tight to my sides to keep from falling off me.

My beloved cat girl’s most arousing desires continued to drip down my shaft no matter how hard or how tightly she squeezed me. I added to her pleasure by memorizing her reactions to how, where, and exactly at which moments to thrust between her quiet moans to draw out the best reactions. After a minute or so, I had her pussy begging me to come back in each time I pulled out to thrust anew. Though it also had her digging in her nails again.

The bed creaked only after every third thrust, but was it my selfishness that wanted it to squeak and squeal each time my tip kissed her womb? Or was it just my relentless desire as her mate to pleasure her? My cock was seeking its own pleasure, but I wanted desperately to make sure she’d remember this moment, not the pain that led up to it.

            Yua was still sleeping soundly, her breasts rising and falling in a steady pattern of content snoozing. The strap to her negligee slipped off her shoulder exposing the pink of her nipple to the cool night air, but she still did not stir. What I wanted to do would wake her, I was sure, but with each thrust that threatening to cause the damn keeping Mana’s voice at bay to crack, my resolve to maintain the relative silence weakened.

But it was none other than Mana’s barely whispered voice that broke me.

“B-Big Bro…mnnn… St-Stop. Wait. I think I n-need to pee… nng!”


My hand flew away from her ass and down between us. Slipping straight past the small tuft of her pubic hair, my fingertips found the soaking-wet button of lust that was waiting to be pressed and began to waltz around it. Her petite body instantly convulsed almost violently atop mine.


She wasn’t able to get a full syllable out before I grabbed her by the back of the head and forced my lips on hers. My tongue invaded her mouth as my fingertips taught her the pleasure of her own unused clit.

“…! …! …! …!”
            Unable to move herself away from the kiss we shared, her muffled moans vibrated against my lips. Unable to lift her hips high enough to let my cock slip out, her knees buckled and she fell, drawing me in even more. And unable to bare the feeling of her clit being teased for the first time, her hands flew from behind my neck, to my shoulders, to my chest, to the pillow beneath me, all in a failing attempt to try and grasp reality before she lost herself completely.

Finally, her hands ended between our hips. Her fingers wrapped around my shaft as if to stop me from carrying her to climax, but with her own lust lubricating me, they slipped away all too easily when I thrust back into her. Unable to stop the new sensations from building, she let her arms go limp. Her hands fell useless beneath her, unintentionally acting as a cushion to dampen the lewd, unavoidable sound of our love-making.


She squealed against my lips and fully surrendered control over to me until…

“…! …! …! …!!!!”

First her hips, then her entire body gave a great, sudden jolt that put an end to me teasing her clit. I wrapped my arms around the small of her back to keep her from falling off as she started to tremble almost violently. The bed squeaked its disapproval for the sudden vigorous movement, but I held my lips firmly over hers to make sure her voice couldn’t do the same. And Goddess bless this girl, despite this likely being her very first orgasm, she did her best to keep her moans from reaching the sleeping Yua. Her fingernails were definitely going to leave their mark on my chest, though.

Something warm and wet splashed against my crotch, but my mind was too foggy to let myself stop moving. I was close. Too close to stop. The only thing that could have stopped my hips now would have been her tears, but none fell. Pressing her eyes shut to endure her climax, she tried her best to focus only on moving her tongue.


Reaching the same limit that still had her pussy convulsing, I held her tighter to my chest, thrust deep into her womb and let go of my inhibitions.


Mana’s eyes flew open in a shocked gasped that had her tongue retreating from my mouth. Sitting up on my lap once I erupted she stopped moving, she openly gazed at our connection. Touching a tentative hand to her belly, she breathed heavily as I filled her womb and as I lost my mind, drowning in the constant flow of pleasure.

Despite whatever I’d done with Yua earlier, the abnormal amount of semen I shot out hadn’t lessened. Thanks either to my boosted endurance or some unperceived blessing from the Goddess, the voracity of my every orgasm never diminished. Each and every time an absurd amount of lust flooded out of me, and each and every time, it was never enough to completely drain me. Almost like I was born to be insatiable.

So, when her womb was filled to the brim, she watched in utter disbelief as a couple white rivers trickled back out of her and down my shaft. In our days together, she’d seen me do this with Yua at least half a dozen times, if not more, but nothing could have prepared her to experience it herself.

“B-Big Bro,” she whispered, her voice ragged. “Your white stuff… There’s too much. My belly feels weird.”

Seeing she’d reached her limit; I helped her to pull her hips back so my cock could slip out of her. Mana collapsed onto me, entirely unable to move as the final few spurts landed quietly on her back. She shivered, but it looked completely involuntary.

Knowing she’d already reached her limit, my monster gave up on its own desires and slowly wilted in retreat for the night. However, Mana forgot to show me the same mercy when she pinned it down beneath herself.

“So, this is what mating feels like,” she whispered between several exhausted gasps. “Big Bro, I can feel your white stuff coming back out… Hehehe. It tickles.”



Grabbing her by the backs of her thighs, I pulled her up into another kiss. Though fatigue was evident in how slowly she moved her lips, her tail seemed as lively as ever.

I knew we’d done something that was just as wrong as it was beautiful, but I no longer cared. Drunk or not, I’d accept whatever came of it. I fought for Yua and I damn well will fight for Mana too. But for now, there was something else I needed to do.

We’d crossed the line we weren’t supposed to cross just yet. I’d broken one of my promises, but there was still another that I could keep.

Holding one hand on the small of her back, I held out the other to her. Her ears flicked at the sight of it, but she took it with a knowing smile that I honestly wasn’t expecting from her.

“We’re mates now,” I said. “Nothing is going to stop that.”


Her smile widened, as if hearing the truth in my statement made her even happier, but the continued flush in her cheeks nearly made me forget myself. Goddess, post-sex Mana is somehow even cuter than normal Mana.

Steeling myself, I continued.

“Then I’ll ask you again, do you want to be my slave? We’ll be mates no matter what, so…”


I felt as though I asked a question that should have gotten me arrested, but she answered so quickly, so sweetly and with such an adorable smile, that I couldn’t even fathom rejecting her approval.

Disbelief shook me, but I gulped it away. We’d already had this conversation, there was no reason to rehash it past confirming that her will hadn’t change. She knew what this was and what it would mean for her. So, all that was left was to cast my spell.

Squeezing her hand gently, feeling the steady, if not excited rhythm of her pulse, I spoke the words.

“Slave Binding.”

A small glow, brighter now in the night, erupted from our palms to reveal her status window. We both checked on Yua on reflex, but the light didn’t rouse her. I sighed, unsure if it was because she wasn’t awake to stop me, or because I knew she probably wouldn’t.

I flicked through Mana’s status and found that it was mostly unchanged, save of course for the fact that she was no longer a virgin. I had to bite back a smile reading that before continuing.

As I willed it, a prompt asking if I wanted to enslave this girl appeared between us. The message was still an affront to my eyes, but Mana’s big blue orbs flicked across the words as though they were a love letter. Her smile never wavered. There was no doubt in her mind, so I wouldn’t let it cloud mine either.

I hit Yes.

[Mana has become your slave]

Without the need for additional details, the light faded and, now that she was mine, I had to be the one to whisk away her status page. I knew that, between us, it essentially meant nothing, but I didn’t want the sight of the Slave tag under her name to ruin this moment.

“Well? Big Bro?”

“Oh, uh. That’s it. You are my mate and my slave.”

“Eh? But I don’t feel any different.”

Pushing herself off my chest to sit on my abs, she raised her arms up and started twisting and turning, looking at every inch of her body for signs of change. Other than her being a little sweaty, there was none.

“Did Yua tell you that you would?”

“No, but… Mmnn. This is fine.”

With a shrug and a yawn, Mana let herself fall back onto me. She rubbed her cheek into my chest before she found a good spot and closed her eyes. I smiled at how she hugged me like a body pillow and held her the same. I’d picked her up before, but it never really sank in how light she was until now.

Soon enough, her once lively tail began to sink as her breathing grew slower and more relaxed. Exhausted from staying up so late and from our passion, Mana drifted off into a dreamland of her own making without so much as another peep.

[Slave Master Class Has Reached Level 2]

… I guess that I won’t be allowed to forget what I’ve done, even if I wanted to. Even if neither of the girls took issue with it.

[Sex Master Class Has Reached Level 5]

[New Ability Unlocked: Casanova’s Brides]

… Guess I won’t be able to forget that, either. Also, the fuck is that ability?

Finding a submenu with the same name in my status page, I went ahead and opened it. All that was there was were two rectangular info boxes, each one showing the image of the girls along with their names and, strangely, their levels. The number didn’t quite add up to what I remember, but it didn’t matter right now. So, I closed the menu without a second thought.

I was already too lost enjoying the warmth of my new wife.



Unable to stop my idiotic smile as I combed my fingers through Mana’s silky hair, and still very awake myself, I watched her snooze for a while.

Waiting, thinking. Weighing my options. The cuteness of her sleeping face and the occasional twitch of her ears reacting to something curious found only in her dreams. It all kept me awake while the other two slumbered so peacefully.

True, a certain part of me was struggling not to react to the nude girl currently sleeping on top of me, but that wasn’t the only reason.

I now had two wives. It was a statement of fact I could have only ever fantasized about in the past, but now it was my reality. I had a family to take care of and that meant I needed money. And lots of it, a steady flow of it. What we had now could last us a good while, but I’d be an idiot to sit quietly and gradually throw it all down the drain without any sort of backup.

Right now, working with the guild was the best option I had and I was pushing the time limit of the quest we were on. Especially after yesterday. I could always find something else if the need arose, but why throw away a good gig when the pay was favorable?

Watching my girls sleep so peacefully had me longing to try an up my guild rank so we could take on more lucrative quests. All so I could keep these wonderful smiles on their face.

I needed to act. No, I needed to get to work.

Wrapping Mana in a tight hug to see if she was fully asleep, I carefully rolled her off of me and set her beside Yua. There I paused for a moment, waiting to see if either of them noticed. Neither of them reacted and why would they? My heart was calm. There nothing for them to worry about. Feeling determined, I pulled the blanket back up to cover Mana’s fragile body from the midnight chill.

I was sure I was in the right.

Was I still drunk? I don’t know. I didn’t have the experience to judge one way or another. The glow in my mind and the floating feeling in my body could have easily been from all the time I spent enjoying my girls. Besides, finishing up with Mana tonight cleared my mind enough to know that this needed to be done.

Likewise, I was sober enough to know that what I was about to do was stupid and absurdly dangerous, but all it took to resolve myself was the sight of the contented smile Mana wore in her sleep. Her tiny breasts continued to rise and fall with an ease only comfort could bring. A rosy tinge still colored her dimpled cheeks. She must have been dreaming about what we did. Yua was, too. I may have started this lustful night off selfishly, but I’ll end it for their sake.

I made a promise to their people, I better live up to it now that I’ve already accepted my prize.

The room was silent, save for their combined, soothing breathing. I dangled my arm over the side of the mattress and, aiming at the floorboards, silently cast Dimensional Step. The moment the lights of the spell pierced the darkness and steadied, I glanced at the girls one last time and found them still sleeping peacefully.

Ready to make up for the time I’d lost drinking, and hoping to be back before either noticed my absence, I quietly slipped off the bed and fell straight through the portal.                

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