Testing My Luck in the New World

Volume 2 Chapter 9 part one

The soft sensation of Yua pressing against my back stirred me back to consciousness. A wonderful feeling and I was already familiar with. With her parent’s tent hanging over our heads. Must have been carried here. On the spot, I rejected the idea of just closing my eyes to enjoy her warmth for what might be the last time and cranked every gear in my mind to max speed to try and work out a solution.

            Tama had to know I didn’t stand much of a chance and likely held back during our fight. And I still lost, naturally. Otherwise, I doubt I would have been able to hurt him. I could barely see him move when he fought Yua.

            So, this was either an excuse to beat up his daughter’s master or it was some sort of test to see if I was good enough for her. I just have to prove that I am in some other way.

            … Still, I would have preferred the stereotypical scene of a father meeting his daughter’s newboyfriend in the living room while maliciously cleaning a shotgun he didn’t actually mean to use. Getting punched so hard I flew across the room wasn’t even on the list.


            Yua’s voice panged my eardrums. She sounded so weak that just calling my name might as well have hurt her. Snapping up, I turned to her laying in the cot beside me. Only, she was fine. There were no wounds or bruises visible on her to suggest she’d taken up another sparring match and lost, but her entire body was covered in a thick layer of sweat. Her heavy, labored breathing drew me in more than the weakness of her gaze right up until her eyes closed. When they didn’t immediately open back up, I noticed a ghastly paleness to her skin.

            “What happened? Are you okay?”

            I put my hand on her shoulder and gave her a light shake, but she barely managed a weak smile to show she was still alive.

            “She’s fine,” Tama said, his voice booming.

            The sharpness of his own emerald glare had diminished since our fight. Kimiko had returned to her place on his thigh and was rubbing some kind of homemade medicinal ointment onto a serious bruise on his cheek. One I was sure had not resulted from our fight. She must have heard him wagering her hand. Not that it showed, really. She looked as calm and serene as ever, just with a new slight furrow to her brow as she tended his wounds.

            “What happened to Yua?”

            “Hmph,” Tama huffed, looking like he wasn’t going to answer until Kimiko poked his bruised cheek. “You got punched so hard in the gut that you passed out, lost a fight… and the first thing on your mind is my daughter?”

            Remembering the end of our fight, I looked at my stomach to find it entirely free of bruises. Where there might have been a hole or at least a giant fist-shaped indentation was only the set of abs that I hadn’t earned. I touched my hand to it to test for signs of pain, but felt nothing.

            “She healed you,” Tama said. “I was going to do it, but she insisted. That’s why she’s like that now.”

            Turning back to Yua, I realized her symptoms were the same as when she last forced herself to use Healing Punch on me after I’d been struck by a dungeon monster. That ability had drained her of most of her stamina, leaving her barely able to move, but now she looked significantly worse. I checked her stamina bar and found that it was nearly depleted. Meanwhile, my health bar had been completely reset.

            “She said you’d have something to help her when you woke up. If you do, I suggest you use it before you make me watch my daughter suffer any more than I already have.”

            Nodding, I tore a stamina potion out of my item box, uncorked it and lifted Yua’s head to help her drink. Without any of her past reluctance, she slowly drank the potion, but not without spilling a drop here and there as she gulped it down. Her breathing gradually returned to normal as I watched her stamina bar slowly refill. By the time the bottle was emptied, she was back to about seventy-five percent stamina.

            Her eyes opened and she smiled sweetly at me.

            “Alex… Are you feeling better?”

            “Much better, thanks to you.”


            She cooed as I patted her head. Unawares of what struggles my loss put her through, I lifted her into a tight hug. She sighed contentedly into my chest.

            “It was a good fight, boy.”

            Tama looked at me while Kimiko pressed some kind of leaf to the cut I put in his cheek and left it there, like a bandage. He caught me looking at her and a grim expression took hold of him. One even darker than what he wore during Yua’s retelling of her enslavement. His fingers dug into his knee and he buried his face in Kimiko’s hair with a look so forcibly-calmed that you’d think he’d just had a stroke. As he did this, she forced a smile herself and rubbed her thumb comfortingly over the leaf.

            I needed a moment to figure out why the winner of our fight looked to be fighting off a deep depression when it clicked.

            … He wasn’t actually serious about wagering Kimiko, right?

Don’t tell me this man was so full of himself that he not only dared to bet his lover, but did so while assuming I wouldn’t be able to scratch him as he pulled his punches. Yua told him I could use magic. Or did he just expect to knock me out the moment I found my spells to be useless against his Iron Fist? That’s like taking the cockiness Yua showed in the dungeons and injecting it with a gallon of steroids.

Regardless, I never took his wager as anything more than him being a show off. I didn’t have to see how strongly he sniffed her hair, as though desperately trying to ingrain her scent in his memory for the last time, to know they loved each other deeply. Not only was this love of theirs the cause of Yua’s existence, but it reminded of Kimiko’s casual comment on how Tama likely would have cried in her arms all night long had he really banished Yua from the village.

            According to this same bet, since I managed to cut him, I didn’t have to worry about him stealing Yua back from me, but I wasn’t about to split them apart just because he won the fight itself. Even without considering how Yua would react, I wasn’t so petty.

            With first-hand proof that Yua got her cockiness from him, but with the visible proof she got her smile from Kimiko, I sighed and reached into my item box again.


            I tossed him a couple of the Health Potions I made. His face still buried in Kimiko’s hair, his ear gave a quick flick before his hand shot into the air to snatch the bottles, as if he thought I’d thrown a knife. He looked at them a little skeptically, but considering the stash of potions he kept in his tent, he knew what they were. I, however, prepared myself to play the part of a dumb tourist that was unfamiliar with their culture.

            “You know,” I said. “I don’t know if your people use potions, but this health potion is definitely better than that plant ointment stuff. I made it myself. By the time you finish it, your wounds will have closed and your bruises will have disappear. And you won’t have to worry about any scars, either… It’ll be like the injury was never there in the first place.”

            Still with a dubious arch to his brow, Tama’s upper lip twitched, but the excited flick of his tail was all I needed to know that he understood the meaning behind this gift. He must have avoided potions and other faster methods of healing because he wanted that cut on his cheek to scar over, to be a permanent reminder of his failure. But this way, it would be like his failure never happened.

He accepted the potion and, letting Kimiko uncork it for him, gulped it down. Not only did the cut on his cheek disappear, leaving the leaf to fall to the ground, it cured all of the burns and welts I hadn’t even noticed on his body until they started to vanish. He quickly finished off the second bottle and Yua squeezed my arm. Guess she heard the bet too.

            “Bah… I hate health potions.”

            “My Mate, it’s important to take your medicine.”

            Brightness returned to Kimiko’s smile as she chided him lightly with a wag of her finger. Tama scoffed at her, his tail still flicking, and tossed the empty bottles back to me. I sent them and Yua’s bottle back into my item box.

            Holding one arm tightly around her waist, he let Kimiko wipe away the now needless first-aid she’d given. She looked like she might break into a chorus of delighted humming at any moment, but I couldn’t escape Tama’s sight.

He chewed something over for a moment before Kimiko once more prodded his now bruiseless cheek. Snorting, he thumped a hand on his knee and leaned towards us.

            “Hey, boy… What’s that spell you keep using? You pulled your sword out of nowhere and now you do it with potions?”

            I opened my mouth, but paused. I’d let him see my item box in action right before the fight since I didn’t have much choice, but now I went and showed it off to Kimiko too. I meant to hide it from others, but I suppose Yua’s parents would be safe.

            “Haha… Uh, it’s not really a spell. It’s a trait I have. One of many. It allows me to carry all kind of things without having to actually carry any of it on my back.”


            “Yea, but I still lost the fight, though. Right?”

            I tried to play it off, hoping he wouldn’t press for more information like Yua had when she first learned of it. Thankfully, he scoffed and scratched his chin before answering.

            “Do you know why you lost, boy?”

            “Because I ran out of mana?”

            “Because I made you run out of mana.”

Tama balled up his fist and thumped it on his knee.

“I may not be as smart as someone like you. And I can’t use magic, but that doesn’t make me stupid. Fighting is what I know. Fighting is in my blood. And the best way to fight a Mage is to figure out their tricks, power through and make them burn away all their mana.”

“That’s why you kept letting me make you punch yourself?”

“Exactly. I could take the hit, but you were almost out of mana. I could tell by how much you were sweating and by the tired look in your eyes. After that, if you managed not to pass out immediately, the fight would become a test of strength. And you are nowhere near strong enough to match me there.”


“Quiet, Daughter.”

Unlike the last time he demanded silence from her, he now spoke with a softer tone. So, she backed down a little easier.

“Not strong enough, yet,” he continued. “You knew that before you faced me and yet you did anyway. You fought with that brain of yours, boy. That was the only reason why you lasted so long.”

“A lot of good that did…”

“Hmph. What are you talking about?”

“I lost the fight. Doesn’t that mean I lose Yua?”

I won the bet, but lost the fight. And now that he had no cut to prove I won the bet, the loss stands out all the more. I gulped, ready to persevere.

“What do I have to do to gain your approval?”

Tama grinned mischievously, his teeth sparkling in what little sunlight made its way in through the tent. He was the polar opposite of the beast-like demon I faced a few hours ago.

“What are you talking about? Didn’t my daughter heal your head? Our deal was that if you didn’t die in our duel, you’d get to keep her. Right?”

His tone suggested that, had we been alone, he might have winked. Hell, he might have even smiled honestly. He scraped off the already hardening ointment Kimiko had smeared on his cheek and showed his otherwise unblemished skin.

I smiled back, relieved.

“Right. Just a little tired I guess.”

“Ha! Well too bad. I have one final test for you before I let you steal my daughter away from me.”

So, I am being tested? At least he’s not pissed off about the slave thing

“My Mate…”

“No, Miss Kimiko,” I said. “I’ll do it. I’ve already come this far. What do you need me to do?”

Tama smirked, grinning and flashing his teeth. He thumped his chest, this time full of a pride that worried me.

“Since you still lost the fight, I must prove it to you.”

Yua let out a small yelp, her cheeks reddening slightly as her ears perked up. Kimiko, seemingly unphased, did nothing but widen her sitting position on Tama’s lap. Unawares of what their reactions meant; I questioned him.

“Prove it? Knocking me unconscious wasn’t enough?”

“Hardly. In our tribe, we show dominance over the person we beat in a duel by taking hold of what they can’t have. In this case, that means her.”

He pointed towards Kimiko.

With a small smile and a gentle look in her eyes, she widened her legs even more until the entirety of her pussy was visible. And without missing a beat, Tama lifted her up into the air by her hips and held her just above his crotch, her complete nudity facing us directly. Her tail continued to sway casually.

“What are you…”

“Just watch, boy.”

Kimiko bent forwards to take hold of his manhood and began massaging it. Yua’s blush deepened slightly, but her mother didn’t look in the least bit bothered as she handled her man.

Once Tama was good and hard, he lowered Kimiko straight onto his cock. Its impressive size forced her labia to part and, without any resistance, she swallowed him whole, all the way to the hilt. Kimiko bit her lip and arched her back, but said nothing in reproach. All this and without any sign of foreplay to get her ready to take him. And seemingly without a care in the world for the fact that Yua, their daughter, was literally right in front of them.

“Ahhh… My Mate… It’s always so big after a fight!”

“I-I can go…” I said and tried to stand, but Tama shot me a vicious glare as he himself moved Kimiko atop his rod with as much ease as though her body held all the weight of a cotton ball. He stopped briefly to point at our cot.

“No, boy. You stay there and watch… Grruuh… That is your punishment for losing. If you cannot watch as I pleasure my mate… then how will you know what you have lost?”

What?! What kind of ass-backward logic is that?!


Yua watched them, seemingly with rapt attention. Engrossed by the sight of the large penis stretching her mother apart, leaving her repeated moans to leak out over her mate’s insane speech and his grunting, she barely managed to look away to shoot me a sympathetic smile.

“You two sit there,” Tama said, leaning out from behind Kimiko to meet our eyes. “And no mating. This is a punishment. Not… fun.”

Punishment? After I helped you out by denying the outcome of your own stupid wager?! That I technically won?!

Unperturbed by my mental anguish, and while using Kimiko’s body like a life-sized flesh-light, he continued to raise and lower her atop of his throbbing cock. Unable to look away, I watched in awe as he filled her so completely, that the end of each thrust left nothing of him to be seen. Kimiko’s massive breasts bounced so wildly that it looked like it should have hurt, yet her expression betrayed nothing other than lust.

Despite the force he’d used to put her in this position, the shining love juices sliding down the shaft skewering her were an undeniable proof that she wasn’t made the least bit uncomfortable.

Goddess. Dear, sweet, beautiful goddess up in heaven. If this is a trial you’ve set out before me because I got a little cocky after losing my virginity, then please don’t. Please stop. You’ve proven your point. I’ll be good.

Her strength returned to her, Yua stood. Just when I thought she was somehow going to interfere with the pair for taking this too far and stop them, she instead plopped her bare bottom down on my thigh. She did not hide the fact that she intentionally used the back of her own left thigh to hold down my cock, clearly to prevent it from rising.

I mean, hey… Kimiko was a beautiful woman. Until Yua, the only experience I had with such a sight existed behind a computer screen. How could it not react?!

“You have to watch. It is customary.”

“But I… The bet…”

Yua shook her head, then pointlessly whispered. “It’s not about who won the bet. You rejected Mother’s hand. If he doesn’t do this, it’d be seen as an insult to her honor. He’s proving his love.”

“Then he could have just kissed her,” I whispered back, my voice several times louder than I meant it to be.

Apparently in on this to some extent, Yua smiled sympathetically before she wrapped her arms around my neck, pressed her breasts against my chest and held me in a way that forced me to continue watching the carnality unfolding in front of us.

I was forced by my own slave to watch with her as her mother was deeply penetrated over and over. Again and Again. The sight itself did not seem to bother Yua even slightly, but every time I tried to look to her, to focus on anything else, she forced to continue watching by pushing my chin back towards the love juices dripping down her father’s cock. My mind was so befuddled that I couldn’t fight back.

“Ah. Ah… My Mate… I- I feel it... Ahhhn!”

Feeling as though I blacked out for a while again, and unsure of how long this had been going on, Kimiko’s cries of obvious pleasure kicked my brain back into working order.

Tama’s cock pulsated and, gritting his teeth, he slammed Kimiko back down onto his lap one last time, once more burying himself deep inside of her. He gave a grunt of pleasure and I watched as thick white semen spilled out of Kimiko’s pussy and trailed back down his shaft. Breathing heavily, she accepted the load with a smile.

Tama set her down and finally removed his hands from her. She took a moment to catch her breath, her massive breasts heaving all the while, and when she was finally ready to stand, his cock slipped right out of her. She let out a small, sexy yelp. I pressed my eyes shut when I noticed it was the same yelp Yua’d let slip whenever we finished and did the same.

True to their nudist nature, neither of the two stopped to cover themselves now that they’ve finished and just let it all hang out. Yua didn’t even flinch at the sight of her father’s freshly squeezed cock falling back into sight.

“My Mate,” he said. “Show him the proof of what he lost.”

            “Yes… My Mate.”

Still breathing heavily, her breasts sweaty and heaving, Kimiko turned her back to me and bent over. As she did, Tama stood and forced her ass cheeks apart, spreading her. Yua lifted herself to hold my face in place by pinning me between her cheek and the hand she held my head with. I got a full and very up-close view of the semen dripping from the pussy right in front of me.

Baffled, unsure of what to do with myself, I just looked. What other option did I have? Yua wasn’t going to let me move and Kimiko held the pose as though she meant to stay like that for the rest of the night.

“Alright,” Tama said, finally. Thank fuck. “He gets it. Get back over here.”

He pulled on Kimiko’s arm, picked her up by her hips, turned her around and set her on his thigh again. Her chest continued to heave, her nipples fully erect as she leaned on him for support. He reached around her back and groped the breasts I was unable to look away from.

“You did well to survive this and the fight,” Tama said unashamedly. “Now, the last test… Mana! Get in here!”

What?! But you said watching you fuck your not-wife was the last test!

Tama shouted towards the tent flaps acting as my only escape route and half a second later, an adorably petite cat girl popped into existence. My mind was still so frazzled by what I was just forced to witness that I must have blacked out and missed her entering the tent, as it really felt as though she’d suddenly started existing beside us. Just, poof, cute cat girl.

In stark contrast to the undefinable emotions swirling around in my head, this black-haired cutey was all smiles as she jumped into the cot beside me, pressing against my side completely unprompted. She sat and faced her chief with her hands waiting patiently on her knees.

Without releasing his mate to spare me further agony, and with zero regard for how much of himself he showed her, Tama directed his next question to Mana.

“Out of everyone in the village, I believe it is safe to assume you’ve spent the most time with this boy, right?”

“Yes, Chief. I was with him and Big Sis ever since they came back. Well, until you took them away.”

“Hmph… Then what is your opinion of him?”

Still a ball of curiosity, Mana leaned back in the cot to look up at me, as if searching for something entirely new so that her opinion could be as well informed as possible. Our eyes met and I got the strangest impression that she was sizing me up, not just the parts of myself and my personality that she’d seen so far, but that she was somehow looking back into my past to discover my true self. Her eyes were easily her cutest feature, but now they filled me with a haunting gloom that persisted right up until she smiled again.

“I think it’s weird that Big Sis is his slave, but he’s nice to her. Also, for some reason, his heart went crazy whenever he thought she was in danger during her sparring matches… Oh, and he got really mad when Hiroki’s manhood accidentally touched her. Like really mad. Like he might have killed him if I didn’t stop him.”

“Eh? That happened when they were sparring, right? Why the hell would he get mad at that?”

What the fuck do you mean why?!!! If I rubbed my junk against Kimiko’s cheek, I’m sure you’d…

You know what, for both my health and sanity, I won’t finish that thought.

Likely noticing my dangerously escalating heart rate in the face of this absurdity, the four cat-kin sitting around me dropped that particular point. Tama huffed.

“My Mate,” Kimiko said, her voice sounding less labored now that she had a minute to rest. “I think he was just getting a little defensive over her. You know, like you did with me back when that human caravan came through here a few years ago and a couple of them kept making excuses to be near me as much as they could.”

“And that’s it?” Tama asked Mana, completely ignoring Kimiko’s comparison.

“Hmm…” Mana hummed, pressing a finger cutely to her lips. “I think so. I like him. I think he’s really, really great. And him being around Big Sis and me makes me really happy.”

“I see…”

With his only star witness concluding her testimony, Tama fell into deep thought. Glaring intently at me as he continued fondling Kimiko, I met his gaze purely because there was nowhere else to look. Odd as it may sound to actually say so, but after their display, the fact that everyone present was nude kind of left me too embarrassed to look anywhere but his eyes.

Faced with this fact, I now truly felt that this village was going to kill me, but not for the reason I originally thought.


With a gruff grunt of annoyance acting as the prelude to whatever decision he came to, Tama’s eyes quickly flicked between the three of us before he closed them and sighed deeply. Deep enough to show that he didn’t particularly enjoy what he was about to say. I was sure I was the only one that tensed.

“I knew it was going to happen sooner or later, but… Ahem. Daughter, take your mate to the tent I prepared for you two. You belong to him now… Mana, you stay. I need to speak with you.”

“Yes! Thank you, Daddy!”

With the sudden smile the spread across her face dimming the very Sun itself by comparison, Yua shot off of my lap and hugged him hard enough to almost knock the three over as he continued to fondle her mother, grumbling all the while. And I was confused. So, deeply confused that I couldn’t speak a single word.

“Alex, come on!”

Yua grabbed her backpack and took my hand. Practically yanking me off the cot, she pulled me out of her parent’s tent to leave Mana to whatever fate her unfavorable testimony had earned her. Tama continued to glare at me right up until, and likely after, we left.

Without needing to ask where it was, she led us through the crowd of smiling cat-kin and straight to another tent noticeably smaller than the chief’s, but larger than all the others. My brain functioning only at half-capacity, I guessed that this tent was the one they used for important guests, like the caravans they kept mentioning.

That being said, it wasn’t far enough away from the rest of the tribe for me to feel any ease at all. Even my human ears could still clearly make out the sounds of Yua’s people continuing to chat about this and that over whatever it was they were cooking for their dinner. And, if I wasn’t mistaken, some of the chatter involved us.





Yua pushed the leather flaps of the entrance out of the way and hurried inside. Standing there at the entrance, still more than a little dumfounded by what I just witnessed, Yua quickly poked her head back out and grabbed my hands once more and pulled me inside.


Yua embraced me in a full force hug and rained a dozen or so kisses down on my lips with a voracity that suggested she’d been holding back since we got here. Her breasts pressed hard against my chest, her rock-hard nipples grinding against me as she repeatedly pushed herself against my body.

Weary of our location, I tried to push her off, but she came right back and even added my penis to the mixture by clamping it tight between her thighs. Losing myself to the taste of the tongue she tried to shove down my throat, and very nearly giving into her building lust, I pushed her back again and this time, she stopped.

I was always happy to have her actively pursue me, but this was just insane.

“What are you doing? Won’t they be able to hear us?”

I pointed back towards her parent’s tent, but I might as well have been referring to her entire tribe. Her head tilted, but her ears twitched curiously.

“Of course. So what?”

“So what? Aren’t you embarrassed of being heard? Besides, didn’t you just watch your parents…”

“Yea, but I used to see them mate all the time.”

She said this with such a straight face that I nearly fell backward.

Of course, she would. She used to live with them and their tent didn’t exactly have separate rooms. And if they were okay with doing that in front of me, someone they just barely met, then why hold back when it’s just her? She was brought up in a village full of nudists that all had insanely sensitive ears. Surely, this was a place where privacy was nothing more than a figment of your imagination, so they probably never bothered to hide their passion.

I could make my peace with that. If anything, I found it just as insanely erotic as it was hard to understand.

“C-Can they really hear us, though?”

“Yes, they can,” she said calmly, turning her ears to the ceiling. “In fact, there’s a couple in that tent over there mating as well. Oh, and over there.”

She pointed towards one corner of the tent, aiming down the path we entered the village from and then to the opposite side of the village. Her ears twitched and she blushed, but only a little as she intentionally-unintentionally eavesdropped on those couples. I could only imagine what it was like to constantly be able to hear everyone around you, especially when you could tell they were having sex. That and their constant nudity had to be the reasons why they were all so open about all of this.

And, if they all see this as normal to the point of doing it regardless of who was listening or watching, then was there really a need to hold back?

No wonder why Yua went with all my sexy ideas so easily.

And I’ve just been given permission from her father, this village’s chief, to essentially claim her as mine, almost right after confessing that I bought her as a slave and got my ass kicked… What even is this day?

Looking to her, this beautiful girl whose arousal was already dripping down her inner thigh, I was at a loss. She was too much. Standing there, completely nude, standing right in front of a pair of tent flaps that were still open enough to occasionally see a figure walk past, and with an entire tribe capable of hearing her proclaim what she wants.

And even after all of that, I’m what she wants?


“Yes?” she said and her voice sounded so sweet that it nearly calmed my rampaging heart.

“… I’ve been feeling really pent up since we got here.”

“I know. I’m sorry for being selfish. I was just so excited to see my friends and family again.”

“It’s not selfish. I’d want the same thing.”

Smiling softly, Yua slowly shook her head.

“No. As your mate, it’s my duty to see to your sexual needs.”

“But you’re not…”

She pressed a finger to my lips, refusing to let me deny her this.

“I said as your mate, not your slave.”

She took my hand and turned those big emeralds of hers. Even with the leathery walls shielding us from nature, her eyes shone as though the moon stopped its stroll through the darkening sky just to light them for me. Without giving me the chance to really take in her beauty in its most natural state, she leaned in for a kiss.

“So,” she started. “To make it up to you… Would you like me to start with my mouth or my pussy?”

“… Mouth, please.”

“Of course, My Mate.

Slowly, Yua let go of my hand and, without letting her emeralds leave my sight, knelt before me. There was no apprehension in her knees’ smooth descent into the dirt. Nor was there a look of regretful force in the easy way her glossy lips held her smile. The rise and fall of her breasts were nothing but calm. She licked her lips.

            It was as if her first time at this was enough for her to master the level of seduction needed to captivate me so thoroughly that the simple act of placing herself on her knees before me nearly rendered me incapable of thought.

Using both her hands to lift the half-erection I’d been fighting back since the moment we set foot in this erotic place. She kissed and licked the tip, sending endless delighted tingles coursing throughout my being until it was nice and wet. Smiling as she took a moment to admire her efforts, she parted her lips and took me into her mouth.

Heat enveloped me. The slippery wetness of her tongue and the calmness in which she took me instantly soothed my worries.

She flicked her tongue around and around my tip, as if searching for way to further calm, then excite me. My arms fell limp to my sides, but my fingers seized when she found a particularly sensitive spot and attacked it repeatedly. Until she knit her brow, grabbed my thighs and suddenly pushed her face forward.

Slowly, my cock began to disappear behind her lips. Swallowing me as deep as she could. Swallowing me deep enough to gasp, to almost choke. She could barely handle a third of my length this morning, but she was pushing well past the halfway mark now. Almost like she was trying to compete with the couple we just witnessed.


“Y-Yua. You don’t need to force it so much. Just…!”


She denied me, my cock still in her mouth, and pressed her face forward still, taking me deeper and deeper. Her cheeks turned a little pink from the struggle, but she powered through and wrapped her hands around the backs of my thighs to hold me in place. With her treasured strength as an aid took me further than I ever would have asked. I was sure the head was in her throat.

Yua looked up at me, her lips no longer able to make a smile, but I could still see it in her eyes. She stayed like this for a minute, maybe two, trying to get used to the feeling while her tongue flicked about the best it could where my cock tried to pin it down. I was worried she might not be breathing, but through the intense pleasure of being deep-throated for the first time, I took in the rise and fall of her chest.

I couldn’t tell if this was my reward for taking her back to her parents or for just enduring her people’s customs, but it really didn’t matter. I won. I won her completely.

“Yua,” I breathed. “You don’t need to force it. I know it’s…”

Yua pulled back, carefully letting the full length of my cock slide along her tongue. Without taking the head out of her mouth, she finally smiled at me and, still breathing heavily, licked at my urethra. Fireworks exploded in my mind, but before their beautiful display could settle in the darkening sky, she dove in for another taste. A quick learner, she took me with what might have been relative ease had her fingertips not gripped me so.

Each time she repeated this process, her suction grew and the movements of her tongue became more erratic, attacking the places she found to be more sensitive through trial and error. Calmed but still dazed, I was sure I wasn’t showing the pleasure she forced on me. It had to be her ears. She must have heard my very heart react to the prodding of her adventurous tongue. I couldn’t have hidden it if I’d wanted.

The little minx had already brought me close to the finish line. Her cheeks caving in from the suction, she swallowed my cock to the hilt again and pummeled me with her tongue in each and every way she could think to and I very suddenly couldn’t hold back anymore.

“Yua, I’m gonna…”

“Hello? Big Sis, can we talk?”

Just as my cock erupted in my newly-minted mate’s mouth, Mana came in through the tent flaps without so much as a knock. Is this just part of their culture too?

Unable to dam the flow of semen once it started, I couldn’t pull out in time to feign ignorance. But instead of getting scared away, the petite Mana just walked into the tent, still completely naked, and looked straight at us. She stopped, tail swishing rapidly. Her ears flicked with unrestrained curiosity and she moved her face close enough to give me a reason not to pull out. I didn’t want to dirty such a cute face.

Once she got a good look at whatever it was she was looking for, her eyes widened.

“Eh? Big Sis, is his manhood in your mouth?”

Yua nodded to her not-sister, still trying to suck me dry. For some reason, pleasure wouldn’t stop flowing out of me. I could say nothing.

“Are you trying to eat it?”

Yua shook her head, stirring up the mouthful of semen she was holding onto by using the head of my penis as a cork for her lips.

“Eh? But then why…?”

Goddess… So, their people really didn’t know what this was? The inkling of understanding I had in assuming that Yua just left the village too early to learn died out. Meanwhile, Mana just stared fixedly as white flooded Yua’s mouth.

Concerned that I may be breaking some kind of law by letting this cute little girl watch such an obscene act, I checked her info box yet again and found that she was still eighteen years old. I let slip a sigh of relief along with the last of the semen trying to spill out of Yua’s pressed lips.

Working her lips against my shaft to lap up the escaping semen, Yua pulled back and let me slip out of her. She held her lips so tight against my cock that it came out wearing nothing but a thin layer of saliva.

Leaning back on the floor, Yua let her mouth hang open to catch a breathe. Seeing her struggling to breath, Mana moved a little closer and bent to look in her mouth.

This girl’s curiosity really is on another level, isn’t it?

Yua closed her lips and started the process of swallowing the massive load.

“Eh? Big Sis, are you drinking his sticky white stuff?”

Able to smile again after the first couple gulps, Yua nodded as she worked the last of it down.

“Really?” Mana said, refusing to drop the question. “Mother never does that for Daddy.”

Really? That poor, poor man. My only regret was not asking for this sooner. But to learn he’s never even…

“Haa…” Yua let out a long sigh after she finally cleared her throat with a gasp and looked to Mana. “This is something Alex taught me. He says it feels really good.”

[Sex Master Class reached level 4]

… You’ve been radio silent since I hit level three almost a month ago. Why are you just barely kicking in now? In this pervy village of all places?!

Goddess… Are you just toying with me? You are, aren’t you?

“Really? But how did it all fit?”

She looked to my still half-erect cock, took in its size and that of Yua’s comparably smaller mouth. Naturally, the math just didn’t add up to what she’d walked in on.

“He says it takes practice. Alex, is it okay if Mana and I talk while you keep going?”


Losing the last of my embarrassment and shame after letting this girl walk in on something like that, I gave up. After everything I’d witnessed today, I was still unbearably horny. After spending hours around all these naked beauties, Mana most definitely included, while watching them finger and fuck each other right in front me had destroyed any desire I had to hold back.

Not like they seemed to care anyways.

I picked Yua off the ground and carried her princess style over to the large pile of hay with a blanket draped over it, our bed for the night, and sat down with her on my lap. I laid back and lifted Yua’s left leg over my crotch to put her in position. Her pussy was already pressing against my erection, but she tilted her head in puzzlement.

“Is it really okay for me to be on top?”

“Ya,” Mana chimed, apparently unperturbed by what we were about to do. “Mother is never on top of Daddy unless he wants to sit.”

“It’s fine. This is perfectly normal where I come from. Yua, just put it in, please.”

“Hehe. Yes, Master.

Unable to give voice to the reminder that she’d spent plenty of our free time on top of me back in the cabin, I watched as Yua lifted her hips and took hold of my cock. She guided it towards her entrance. Once the head slipped between her soaked labia, she slowly lowered herself until the pink unknown swallowed me to the root, bringing me back to my rightful place.


Her pussy wrapped around me in a mind-melting pleasure that nearly had me bucking my hips the moment ‘d passed through that entirely unguarded barrier to her lust. Yua, too, seemed to enjoy this scandalously-paradoxical new position in the place where it, of all things, was not normal. Her posture gave way and she fell, only catching herself by pressing her palms to my chest.

“Ah… Alex…!”

She let out another loud moan the second she tried to move. She was even more unconcerned for the horde of sensitive triangular ears that could very well be looking out for her voice this very moment. Entranced, I watched as my cock slowly disappeared and reappeared between her legs. Again and again. Her vaginal walls clenched so tightly that it was like she was trying to suck the thing off of my body and keep it all for herself. Love juices dripped from her pussy and onto my groin, drawing a new sticky slap each time our hips met. She continued moving all on her own.

“Hey, Big Sis,” Mana said, her ears twitching.

“Ha… Ha… Sorry, Mana. What did you want?”

“Well, Chief Tama asked me to ask you if you were bringing your mate to dinner.”

“Haaa… Ha… O-Oh…Alex,” Yua trembled. I had to pull my gaze off her bouncing breasts so she could continue. “Can we eat dinner… with my family?”

“Of course…”

“Thank you… Anh!”

Sliding her hands onto my abdomen to pick herself up again, she relentlessly pounded my cock against her womb. Unable to simply watch and enjoy their bounce anymore, I cupped and squeezed her tits. Finding a pattern of pleasure all her own, Yua randomly decided to stop bouncing on top of me and rolled her hips around my shaft instead. Mind numbing as it was, it felt like she was trying to scratch an itch my usual thrusting just couldn’t manage.

“Okay. Big Sis… Hey, Big Sis?”

“Yes…Hanngh!… Mana?”

“Does mating really feel that good? You look really happy right now.”


Yua let out a sharp moan of pleasure when she scraped my cock against her now thoroughly trained g-spot. Then she turned back to Mana, suppressing her own lust as much as possible, just to give off the same air of calmness someone might when sipping a cup of tea.

“It really… really does… Hnngh…! Alex!”

She failed her calmness.

Yua’s voice rang out with a velvety timbre when I lightly pinched her nipples. She started back on bouncing her hips, but she was beginning to look tired. I checked her stamina bar again and it had already dropped back down to fifty percent. After only this much, such a draining of her stamina was uncommon to say the least. She hadn’t looked this exhausted since we stopped using the stamina potions in bed.

I shouldn’t have let her servicing escalate this far until she had fully recovered.

Or so I would have thought, until Mana squat down right beside us to look at where we were connected. From this angle, and with her legs splayed carelessly apart, I couldn’t help but enjoy the front row view of her pussy. The hairs around it were all damp with love juices that were all her own.

“Ahnn… Alex, i-it got bigger!”

“Hey, Big Sis… Can I try?”


Mana ignored my confused utterance and just kept looking at her sister. Had her tail not been flicking with the same unbridled curiosity that kept her rooted in this tent, I would have thought she was ogling.

“You want to try?... Ahhn… Haan… Are you sure?”

Wait, what?!

“Can I? It looks fun.”

“Let me… Let me ask for you… Haann…! A-Alex… Can Mana try sex with you?”

My brain continuing to fry and melt from the intense pleasure Yua was forcing on me despite her life changing question, I struggled for an answer that could help make sense this situation.

I truly struggled. Beneath her pussy’s pressure, its heat, only one question came to mind.

“I-I thought the people of your tribe mated for life?”

Just trying it out was not something they could condone.

“Hannn!... Oh, right. I almost forgot about that… Sorry, Mana. Ahn!”

Yua quickened the pace of her hips and was completely unrelenting in the face of this absurdly cute girl’s open request to steal me from her.

“Ehhh? But I want to try!”

“Haaaann!... You can’t unless you become his mate too.”

“Then ask him to be my mate!”

Am I just a penis between these two? Or is Mana so spoiled that she can’t ask for herself? I’m right here! Besides, why is she asking to become mine when we only just met? I mean, me doing so to Yua was one thing, since I had to buy her, but this girl was free to roam these woods all she wants.

Is she seriously only doing this to try sex? I mean, I get it. I really do. I spent way too many years as a hopeless virgin myself, but even after all that lonely suffering, that still doesn’t mean I would have just thrown myself at anyone!

“Alex’s penis… My hips won’t stop shaking… A-Alex, can you make Mana your slave, too?”


I was so close to climaxing that I almost said yes on the spot. Despite my orgasm drawing near, ready to explode with the last lingering thread of my sanity, I forced a straight face and turned to Mana.

Even as arousal was starting to cloud her face with a pink flush, this girl was still absurdly cute. Abundantly cute. An embodiment of cuteness. Her petite, slender body made me want nothing more than to just pick her up and squeeze her tight. Her tiny breasts were just the right shape to say that their lacking volume didn’t matter in the least. And her personality, from what of it I’ve seen, is equally as cute.

Still, this was absurd. Yua wasn’t even asking for her to be my mate, but my slave. After all the hardships she faced bearing that title, why would she want to give it to someone she saw as a sister?

“Mana, it’s fine that you want to try this,” I said. “It’s normal. But…! Becoming my slave means you’d have to come live with us. You know that, right? You’d be leaving everything you have here behind.”

Not to mention that you’d become a slave, the lowest level of being in this world. It was a cruel fate for most, but the thought of having this absurdly cute girl by my side was so alluring that I couldn’t quite think straight enough to outright reject the idea.

“So what? The village has been so boring since Big Sis left. I kind of wanted to leave anyway. But if I go with you and become your slave, then Big Sis and I can be together again.”

Yua kept bouncing, drawing out the last of my will to talk some sense into this girl with just her hips. Biting back my eruption timer a notch, I explained what being a slave really meant. How limiting it was. But instead of being turned off by the information, she just shrugged and her tiny breasts jiggled softly.

“I know what a slave is. But Big Sis is your slave too and she’s been happy ever since, right Big Sis?”

“Yesss! Alex…! I’m gonna orgasm!”

Goddess… damn… it. I can’t do this right now! This whole place is just too stimulating!

“Go ahead, Yua. I’m almost there too…  Mana, you watch her now. If you like what you see, then I will consider taking you with us.”

“Eh? Really? Okay!”

She jumped up onto her knees and threw a leg over my head to straddle my face. Her hands on my abdomen and her pussy only inches above my nose, she was positively soaked. With an excited swishing of her tail, she watched Yua stir my cock around inside her with nothing but her hips.


Yua erupted into a squirting orgasm. Her vaginal walls clamped down on my cock so seductively that she forced me to my limit despite how hard I’d tried to hold back. I gave my hips a good hard thrust, pushing my cock up to press against her womb and lifted her into the air as I burst inside her.

Mana barely managed to keep on after she got caught up in Yua’s orgasm and her hands slipped over my now wet abs. Her feet slipped as well in the excitement, as her legs gave out and her crotch fell directly onto my lips.


She, however, did not move despite most assuredly feeling my lips press against hers. Instead, she audibly gaped at where Yua and I were connected. She watched as an excess of milky white semen filled Yua up to her limits and as her womb then expelled all that it could not hold.

The tiniest bit of sanity coming back to me as my prolonged ejaculation continued, and weary of their customs as this petite cutey continued to straddle me directly, I refused to give into the temptation of letting my tongue slip out of my mouth.

Mana had fallen completely by accident. Just like what happened in Yua’s sparring match. She wasn’t trying to forcefully join us. That was all. Just an accident, nothing more.

Do. Not. Give. In!

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