That night, the school beauty made me unforgettable forever!

Chapter 70 Forced Choice

Chapter 70 Forced Choice
Evening dresses for formal business dinners generally need to be discussed and customized with designers in advance, so as to reflect the perfection of one's figure. Even if some people are not in good shape, they can make a very close-fitting dress, and they will not show timidity at the party.

However, there is only half a day before tomorrow's party, and it is too late to order clothes that suit his body shape, so Lin Chuan can only take the children to a clothing store to buy ready-made clothes.

However, his two children still made Lin Chuan worry-free. This pair of siblings perfectly inherited the figures of Lin Chuan and Gu Qin.

Both of them are thin and tall. Gu Youran is 1 meters tall, and Gu Siran is also 85 meters tall. Both of them are not much worse than the models in terms of body and height, so even if they are bought ready-made, they will look like The model wears the same effect.

It's just that the temperament of the two of them is still like a student. After all, they are not yet 18 years old, and their faces look a little immature.

Compared with those noble ladies in their 30s and 40s, their temperament is not as good, but they can show their vitality by wearing clothes that suit them.

Gu Siran and Gu Youran are only 17 years old. It is not realistic for them to dress like attractive women and mature men. If they dress like that, then Gu Youran may look like a greasy uncle.

Gu Siran, on the other hand, is more like a prostitute, so it's better for them not to wear makeup.

The three of them walked to Chanel's Xijiang store on the first floor.

As soon as the beautiful lady entered the store, she greeted all the distinguished guests very politely: "Hello, what do you need? What can I help you with?"

The attitude of the shopping guides in the specialty stores is particularly good. Luxury stores like this usually serve people. When they see rich people dressed in rich clothes, they will go up to please them, but they just ignore the ordinary ones. , obviously this store did not have this situation.

"Choose a dress for each of the handsome guy and the pretty girl, and dress them up according to their aura."

Lin Chuan just gave a brief overview, and the shopping guide looked them up and down, then smiled happily and said, "Okay, please come this way."

The shopping guide walked to the women's clothes first, but did not take Lin Chuan and Gu Youran to the men's area first.

It's not that the shopping guides look down on the two men, but that such an unwritten sales technique is popular in clothing stores.

Men's clothes are easier to wear, and the styles are simple, and the time for trying on clothes is relatively short. The most important thing is that men don't have high requirements for clothes, as long as they fit well.

It is more troublesome for women to choose clothes, in addition to choosing more clothes, the time is also slow, so the shopping guide took them to the women to choose clothes for Gu Youran first.

"Ma'am, look, this is our new style that just arrived this month, next to it is the classic style of last season's classic color."

"We only have one set of this one in our store, you can see if it fits."

"Although the two of them look similar, the new color scheme this month is the main color that is popular this year, and it is actually more consistent with yours."

The shopping guide news pointed to the two most eye-catching dresses in the store.

Lin Chuan walked beside and said to his daughter, "Siran, see which of these two you like, try it if you can, and if you like both, Dad will buy it for you."

But Gu Siran looked around with a sad expression.

Of course, it's not that the clothes are not good-looking, but that the style of the clothes reveals too much. She is a relatively ordinary girl herself, and she doesn't like this kind of dress that shows her figure.

He looked at it and didn't choose it, but walked around the hanger, but after searching for a long time, he finally chose a dress that he liked and fit in the corner.

The style and design of this clothes are actually not outstanding, but they can cover most of his body.

So he asked Lin Chuan: "Dad, are your clothes suitable for me to wear?"

Lin Chuan touched his chin, looked at the clothes and said, "Is this clothes a little too conservative?"

He took a closer look at the brand on the clothes, and it was indeed the famous international brand Chanel.

I really have the impression that Chanel doesn't have such conservative clothes. Could this store be a fake?
But after Gu Youran took out her phone and asked him to look at it, he believed it was true.

It turned out that Gu Youran had been wandering around the store for a long time. He took out the price tag of the clothes and looked at them, only to find that the clothes cost as much as 10 yuan.

And when Gu Siran finished choosing, he searched on the Internet, and happened to see that there were clothes that were exactly the same as those worn by Gu Siran, except that the model who wore them was not good-looking.

And Gu Youran didn't care about other people's eyes, he wanted his father to know that the clothes here are very expensive, so he took out his phone to show his father.

Lin Chuan didn't care about anything, he just felt that his daughter's clothes didn't match her temperament.

But it was chosen by the daughter herself, and he couldn't change her mind, so he said, "You can try it and let Dad see the effect."

"If the effect of this outfit is not good, we can go and look at other clothes."

The shopping guide took the clothes and asked Siran to come to the changing area. The shopping guide pulled the curtain and handed the clothes in.

At this time, Lin Chuan thought about it, maybe he had imposed it on his daughter, because her daughter had always been a student, had never participated in this kind of dance, and received traditional education, so she didn't like this kind of explicit evening dress.

So Lin Chuan walked up to the shopping guide and said softly: "Do you have any clothes here that are not very leaky, but they fit my daughter's figure well? I can see that there are too many clothes showing here. My daughter is not I like it so much."

The shopping guide also saw Gu Siran's concerns. Gu Siran refused to choose a dress that was obviously very good-looking, but in the end he chose the most conservative evening dress that was put in the corner by the shopping guide.

When Lin Chuan raised this question, the shopping guide also felt a little helpless. After all, it is already summer. The less evening gown you wear, the cooler and the better your figure will show off. This is the advantage of evening gown.

The dress that Gu Siran chose was placed in the corner, mainly because it was the evening dress he wore in autumn and winter, so it was forgotten in the corner, but even the evening dress that was exposed in autumn and winter was still very popular.

And the sales of the conservative evening dresses that Lin Chuan mentioned have not been good in their store, so there are not a few particularly conservative styles in their store.

However, as the flagship store of a well-known international brand, they still keep some particularly conservative evening dresses, but these evening dresses are too conservative. After wearing them, they seem to be covering a cotton-padded jacket. Some evening dresses can even wrap the neck All packed tightly.

The shopping guide smiled and said: "Sir, we do have some here, but they are not on the shelves. There are still some in our reserve warehouse. I will go over there and see if I can pick one that is particularly suitable for you." of."

(End of this chapter)

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