That Time I got Reincarnated as Son of an Idol

Chapter 19 – Miyako and Aqua Third

Miyako Perspective

Miyako would never have expected to know the father of twins like this. Then, from Aqua's demeanor and words, Miyako knew very well that Aqua didn't want Ichigo or Ai to know about what the two of them were doing.

Yes, it was not only Miyako who would investigate Kamiki Hikaru. She also hired a private investigator to observe one of Ai's fans. She didn’t think this kind of stuff would be approved by either Ichigo or Ai.

After several weeks of investigation on Kamiki Hikaru. Miyako easily obtained DNA from him, and from the results of the DNA examination, it could be said that Kamiki Hikaru was the father of the twins.

"Once again, what he said is the truth… Huh…" Miyako spoke as she sighed. Honestly, she felt a little complicated by what had happened in the past few days. She followed Aqua's request and gave a report on the two men. Until now, Miyako felt that what she was doing right now was the wrong thing to do, especially since it felt like it would make Aqua worse.

Alternatively, Miyako felt that this would make Aqua even further away from normal kids… No, this may make him far from a normal human being.

"Yeah, he's getting away from being normal." Miyako said that word to herself. Lately, what Aqua has been doing has been worrying her. Not only that, he was busy with his various activities as a child actor and commercial star. He also started practicing writing, as Taishi had asked him to do. 

Miyako didn't think it was appropriate to ask a child to do those difficult things, and when she made such a comment to Aqua.

"I wonder what the director was thinking to ask this much from a three year old." Forgetting that the two of them were actually doing more difficult things together. 

But Aqua's reply was quite reasonable.

"He told me to do difficult things like this in the hope that I would give up and gain knowledge like everyone else. However, I wanted to take a shortcut. Therefore, I will do as he asks without complaint."

It was a sensible thing to do since he was smart and wanted to learn at a young age, but still, Miyako was concerned about Aqua's health, especially his mental health. Seeing a third-year-old already busy with a job and having him have some kind of homework was quite absurd. But Miyako doubts she could stop him.

Miyako just prayed that nothing worse would happen… but it looked like God didn’t listen to her plea.

Since every time Miyako reported about those two people, she felt Aqua was getting different day by day or worsening every day.

Miyako could feel the hatred and even resentment in Aqua's eyes, which were once more cheerful and bright like the beautiful sea. It slowly turned a dark blue color, like the darkness of the deep sea.

However, Miyako also felt that this was not all that Aqua felt. There were many negative emotions that he was burdened with.








And Miyako could see a cold black star in his right eye. It made Miyako's body shudder and feel cold. Yeah, Miyako could feel those from him. She wondered what he sees or reads will happen in the future.

However, she was pretty sure it was a bad thing that he was acting like this. For now, Miyako was following what Aqua had to say without saying much. Since she was afraid if she rejected his plan. He would search another way, and Miyako couldn’t keep an eye on what he was doing. 

However, once again Miyako was surprised by Aqua's words. Miyako didn't know if Aqua was serious or just joking. 

"Can I just hire someone and kill them?" Aqua asked her. It sounded like a joke, but Miyako could see Aqua's seriousness. From the tone and expression on his face, she even felt pressure on her to answer 'Yes.' That was as far away as Miyako could feel from Aqua.

Miyako doubts that Aqua hates his father just because his father neglected him. It must be beyond that, but Miyako didn’t know what that was. And at this moment, she felt as if she didn’t stop him. Aqua would really kill Kamiki Hikaru. 

And if Miyako didn’t stop him from doing that, she felt like this child would have gone far away to dwell on his dark emotions, and maybe he couldn’t return to the light anymore.. 

"There’s no way I will do that, right?" Miyako rejected those ideas with all of her might.

"Is that so…" Aqua's response was quite short, as if he knew that Miyako would reject his request.

And after that, to her surprise, Aqua actually heard what she said. Anyway, Aqua's demeanor calmed down a bit for a very long time. 

But that changed when Aqua was five years old, not long after the prep school dance. When Miyako told him that Ai was looking for the doctor who treated her when she was pregnant. It seems that the doctor disappeared without a trace when Ai gave birth and was never seen again anywhere.

Aqua saw the report and, surprisingly, told Miyako where the doctor might be. He immediately said that judging from the doctor's profile, he was not someone who would abandon his patients for no apparent reason. In other words, something happened to him that was outside of his control. Then the hospital was near hills and forests. There is a high possibility that the doctor fell from the hill or experienced something that made him disappear in the forest. In other words, he was around the forest near the hospital, especially around this and this area… Aqua pointed to the place he suspected the doctor would be located.

Then, as usual, what he said was always true. The doctor's body had been found, and it seemed that the news had hit Ai and Ruby pretty hard. Miyako didn't know why, but after hearing the news. Ruby's behavior worried her quite a bit. Aqua, however, took quite good care of her, and at that moment, Miyako felt that only around her family. Aqua became such a good child again.

Yeah, Miyako rarely feels those dark emotions when Aqua is around Ruby and Ai. That’s why, at that moment, Miyako thought it would be good for him to be around his family. 

"It would be better if Aqua just spent his time with his family. I wonder if there’s something I can do." 

That was all Miyako could think about at the time: making Aqua a happy boy. Without knowing what will happen in the future, it would haunt her.


Well, I think to take some break, but damn. Yesterday, the view is increase really a lot in scribbe...

Anyway, so I post one. If the view increase a lot again... I may post it again tomorrow. If I'm not busy. I think I late to post this half-hour from my usual schedule, because I'm bit busy. But I really grateful that you enjoy this fanfic.

Btw, this is a fanfic. Please don't take it really seriously. I may try to make it a bit thrill and stuff, but in the end this is just wish fulfillment kind of story. And what I write in this Fanfic just my interpretation of the manga ( I read to latest ch 115.) and my including my own imagination.  So of course, there's would be a difference...

This Fanfic Update, would be daily at 6 P.M +7GMT.
My fanfic will only 1000-1400 word per chapter and don't expect too much.
Beware with cliffhanger. You can binge it if you like too...

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