That Time I got Reincarnated as Son of an Idol

Chapter 57 – The Darkness

Edited by The Darkest Knight#4796

I didn't know why. However, I really felt very uncomfortable. Really uncomfortable. Even so, I found it difficult to move my gaze from Jimina. My body was screaming that something was wrong, an unpleasant feeling crept through my body.

Then the feeling got stronger when I could slowly see something that was very likely beyond reason. I don't know if it was smoke, fog, shadows, or some strange aura like in films and anime. I don't even think I cared what it was because what I saw was a black shadow that initially moved like smoke that slowly began to form a human-like shadow.

Then the shadow was not just one shadow because there were slowly several of them that were different from each other and gathered around Jimina. Then somehow, from the shape and movement of all the shadows, I could feel the anger of all the shadows. It felt like all the shadows were crowding and cursing Jimina.

Yeah, the worst part of all this is that it feels like I could hear something near my ear. An unintelligible whisper that I certainly couldn't understand because it didn't provide anything coherent in my ear. Not only that, I felt that all the sounds around me slowly disappeared, and only whispering voices were filling my head.

Although Jimina himself seemed unaffected by what I saw, he was unconcerned with all the shadows around him—surely because he could neither see nor feel the shadows that surrounded him with feelings of anger and the like.

At this point, it was only natural that I might think of turning away from the apparition I saw. However, my body could not move for some reason, and my gaze could not turn away from the shadow. It was as if something was holding my body down.

It didn't even take me long to see almost all of them turning towards me.

I wonder if this feels like looking at the abyss. Those gazes felt like not looking at me but made me feel like falling deeper and deeper. And before I saw a lot of things—

A lot of things— most of them feel like recollecting memories of someone. Many of them were girls. A girl that dreamed became an idol and failed to achieve those dreams, and when they feel like they have already lost all hope. They found a way to achieve those dreams when Jimina helped them.

Of course, things were not as beautiful and pure as one might think. Of course, Jimina kept the promise of making them Idols, though, of course, there were things she asked them to do. At first, things are not too strange, but still, things that are not good such as receiving guests and some influential people to Jimina.

It was already weird and wrong to make those girls who couldn't order or drink alcohol themselves. But letting girls entertain and pour alcohol for older men like a cabaret was just wrong.

Of course, there was some fault since those girls agreed to do these things, but they were still young and naive in the end. It wasn't long before some of the girls got taken advantage of by those people. Yeah, it was just a simple pour of alcohol to drink before going the wrong way, like those doujin things.

They slowly even let them use some dangerous substances that make people high. In the end, what I saw felt like some of the girls I saw were victims who were deceived and eventually became illegal prostitutes.

Those memories were playing in my mind and so strong that it felt like I was experiencing the event myself before I felt like those whispers were slowly becoming clear in my ears.

"It's him—"

Yeah, I know.

I mean, I have read this kind of thing or plot in my previous life. I wonder what's going on at this time, which Gorou referred to when he said something might happen to me. A glitch or something— and if you read any anime, manga, or fiction, it's not strange that someone experiencing death or life would experience these supernatural things.

However, I never expected it to be this intense, especially after seeing the various memories of the shadow, which were full of anger and curses. Gradually I felt that the memories became more focused on one girl- and this time, all the memories I received this time felt more personal, and what's worse, all the feelings felt from the memories affected me more than I could ever imagine as if they especially connected to me in some way.

And those dark feelings like anger and curses were particularly so strong that it made my blood boil with anger too—

"It's him—" "It's him—" "It's him—" "It's him—" "It's him—" "It's him—" "It's him—"

The whisper grew stronger and clearer in my ears as if echoing throughout my mind. At this point, I might have clenched my fists and felt like hitting Jimina with my own hands.

No, I can't let others feelings affect me— especially something like this.

But if I think about the memories I saw, I can say that there is almost a hundred percent chance that what he did to these girls also happened to Azki and Roboco as well. And also to other girls he met in the future.

Well, I don't think he's someone who should be left alone. Of course, he was also the one who was most likely connected to my father, Hikari. In other words, he could do things to Ai or Ruby in the future.

Yeah, I couldn't let him— I needed to erase him.

"Kill—"  "Kill—"  "Kill—"  "Kill—"  "Kill—"  "Kill—"  "Kill—"  "Kill—"  "Kill—"  "Kill—"  "Kill—"  "Kill—"  "Kill—"

Yeah, that's right. People like him don’t deserve to live in this world. He doesn't deserve to continue living and destroying girls. I wonder if there was something I could do to kill him.

Ah, I think there was a knife somewhere in this building that I could use. Something that I got from those girl memories.

But, wait— I think this is a bad idea. It would be bad to kill him like this. I needed a much better plan rather than doing this immediately.

"Kill—"  "Kill—"  "Kill—"  "Kill—"  "Kill—"  "Kill—"  "Kill—"  "Kill—"  "Kill—"  "Kill—"  "Kill—"  "Kill—"  "Kill—"

Yeah, rather than wait. I need to kill him right now. This place was full of people, which is why I may do it.

No, this is a bad plan—

"Kill—"  "Kill—"  "Kill—"  "Kill—"  "Kill—"  "Kill—"  "Kill—"  "Kill—"  "Kill—"  "Kill—"  "Kill—"  "Kill—"  "Kill—"

No, I need to kill him. He's dangerous and look at those poor girls that died because of him. Even though it feels like there is a better time or plan to kill him— but I feel a huge rage and a burning passion to kill him.

It was as if someone was controlling my emotions and body.

Until I felt a big smack on my cheek, and someone used her arms to hold my head— and kissed me on the mouth.

It was kind of surprising to me, but at the same time, it gave me a warm feeling that immediately made those rage and whispers gone. As if it never happened in the first place— also, the shadow I saw is also gone too.

Then what appeared in front of me was my little sister, Ruby, with our faces close to each other as our lips were still joined together.

"Huh? What?"

I recoil in shock. Perhaps because of that, Ruby realized something and looked into my eyes before letting out a sigh of relief.

"Haaaa— You finally came to your senses?" Ruby said it while she put her hand on her chest. Not only that, I could see that her pale face was getting better than before.

Even though what I had experienced before disappeared— I'm one hundred percent sure that it really happened. However, I can't tell the truth either. Hence, there was only one thing I could do at this point. Of course, I was pretending to be confused.

"Errr— is something happening?"

Ruby looked at me suspiciously but didn't ask anything of me and answered my question.

"Well, Kobachi felt something was off about you, and you never answered her before wandering around in this building with an expressionless face. It was scary for her. Truly— So she called Mem and me."

"Is that so?" I looked around and saw Mem and Kobachi, who had an expression of relief on their faces. "I'm sorry." I apologized.

"Well, good. Anyway, we tried several ways. But it was futile. Until, I thought of a way that the three of us had never tried before— which was a prince kiss— No, a new type of CPR!!" Ruby continued her sentence, and she looked a bit proud about it. Her expression showed 'Just like I said, this will work!'

"Anyway, it is good that you woke up. Are you fine? Is there something hurt or something else?" Mem asked the question while she put her hand toward my forehead to check my temperature. "Hm— I don't feel the heat? Do you have a headache?"

(E/D: …………………………………… I have been watching too much hentai lately. I feel sick and… I am imagining things I shouldn’t… and I like it.)

"A bit—" I replied to her question quite honestly.

"Hm, maybe you're tired or something? Anyway, we'd better get out of here and find a hospital to be careful."

After that conversation, all of us left the building as Mem took me to the hospital that our family used and that we could trust. When we left the place, I didn't see a single shadow, and neither did I see Jimina—

However, my body could feel how bad and disturbing the aura around the building was more than when I initially came to this place. The thing that sent chills down my spine. It looked like I got something today—

I have mixed feelings about something. I wonder what will happen to me after seeing those, but for now— I understand that Azki may be in danger if I don't move fast.

A bit late, and this chapter bit long than usual, also I hope you enjoy it.

---- and I don't have to talk about, but I see people asking for power stone, but, of course, if you reach 500, I'll give you a bonus chapter as a thanks.


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My fanfic will only 1000-1400 words per chapter and don't expect too much.

Beware of cliffhangers. You can binge it if you like too...

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