That Time I got Reincarnated as Son of an Idol

Chapter 68 – A new skill?

Edited by The Darkest Knight#4796

When I woke up, I found myself on the bed in my room. Ah, it didn't take me long to realize that someone was hugging me. Her hand was on my chest, and her head was lying not far from my shoulder. It was easy to see Ruby's face, who was fast asleep beside me.

I almost pulled her closer to me after I saw how peaceful her face was while sleeping. I could watch her sleep through the entire night. Well, that is if I didn't realize that there was someone other than the two of us besides me.

"Finally awake?" It was none other than Ai who asked me. She was lying next to me. She seemed to sigh in relief after seeing me wake up.

"Ah, yes. How long have I been asleep?" I replied to Ai's question while smiling at her to relieve her.

"Hm, I guess it's been almost three hours since you lost consciousness. I was very surprised that you seemed to be standing still and talking incoherently before falling asleep." Ai responded with a voice that was somewhat weak but sounded relieved.

"Is that so?"

"Yeah, I was very worried and once again thought of taking you to the hospital. However, Ruby said that there was no need for me to worry because Aqua was basically just asleep and could even be said to be sleeping peacefully without any unpleasant feelings."

"I see." Since Ai brought up Ruby's name without much thought, I turned to her and stroked her hair with my right hand. As I did so, I could see Ruby's face smiling even more in her deep sleep. Look, isn't she such a cute girl? Wait, I don’t know, but I feel like she became much much cuter this day.

"Yes, she said she could feel that you were okay and even suggested that instead of taking you to the hospital, it would be better to lay you down on the bed and let her sleep next to you. Ruby and you talked about how you get better when you are close to each other. I couldn't resist her words, and I felt better when I saw your face. Well, I can't deny this fact anymore. Ah, it doesn't take long for her to fall asleep after lying beside you. I wonder if there's a connection about that." Ai explained what happened to me, and she even asked me a question.

"Well, I apologize. Of course, I couldn't possibly know about it. However, I think the possibility of it being related is very high."

"Hm… We might need to know more. I wonder if we should consult someone about this, especially people with psychic abilities. Ah, it looks like you don't like that idea." Ai tried to suggest something before she immediately commented on my reaction.

"Well, I don't know if I can trust those people. I told you all myself because we are family."

"Hm, you're really tight. Well, it's still a good idea to try asking the relevant people. At least we can pick up something from them."

"There is some truth to that. After all, we can make the excuse that all these questions are to make a story or a movie." I came up with an idea right away.

"Ah, that's a good idea. Okay, I will talk with Miyako— Anyway, I'm glad you're alright." She said those things while she started doing something on her own. Placing her palm on my hair, gently caressing it. Through her palm, a gentle warmth was transmitted.

When I heard what Ai said, I felt a little sorry for Miyako, who could say that if Ai needed help with Ruby and me. Miyako became the only place for Ai to go. Ai had such a relaxed expression on her face.

"So, may I ask what exactly happened in the bathroom?"

"Oh, well— I don't know how to explain it, but I can say that I communicated with spirit. I can even say it feels like I'm doing more than communicating. It was like I was seeing their souls directly. It was a unique experience."

"It's something I'll probably never know how it feels. So are you okay? Are there any other odd feelings you have?" Ai still had a worried expression as she looked at me, but seeing me shake my head once again made her sigh in relief.

"I'm okay. No, I can even say that my body feels better and refreshed. It's just that my mind is a little… complicated?"

"Hm? Complicated?"

"Yeah, I think I saw the memories and felt feelings of the spirit again. Therefore, it feels like my mind is a bit exhausted as if I watched a movie or read a book for too long."

"Ahaha, if that's the case, you still don't feel good. So go back to rest."


"There's no 'but' here," Ai said as she gently pushed my forehead against the pillow. Whereas before, she was constantly stroking my hair. "You will think about going to the bathroom to see if the spirit is still there or not, right?" She added.

Oh, it feels like Ai could guess my thoughts even though I saw that the spirit might leave in my experience. I still want to check the bathroom to really find out if the spirit is still there or not.

"Oh, look, you must be thinking something like, how can I guess your thoughts? Geez, I wonder if you will sleep if I sang you a lullaby?"

"Lullaby? Really?" I couldn't contain my astonishment. I mean, even if I hadn't reincarnated, I would already be too old for such a thing.

"Oops, because of what happened recently. I feel like I'm remembering the past a lot. It's been a long time since I've done these things because you two are just getting older. I'm somewhat happy and sad at the same time. Oh, well. How about we do something different this time?" Ai flashed a teasing smile before her face slowly came closer.

This made me realize that Ai and I had never talked about what happened in the bathroom when we kissed each other. I don't know why, maybe because it felt more scandalous. Then, when I saw her face approaching like that, it made me really notice and focus on her cherry-red lips that were approaching me.

I might still be confused by Ai's kiss in the bathroom. But to be honest, in my heart, I had hopes of getting a kiss back from her. However, she didn't kiss me like in the bathroom. Instead, she gave me a light peck on the forehead like a mother would.

"Take a break and relax for a while, okay? You may feel fine but we still don't know what happened to you. So listen to your mom and get some sleep."

"Okay," I replied with a disappointed sigh without realizing it.

"Hm—" Ai said this while gracefully keeping her index finger on her lips before giving me a teasing smile. "I wonder if you expected something else."

"Eh, no. I didn’t." While I could not help making an excuse, Ai kissed me on the cheek this time. A light, teasing kiss from her.

"Huhuhu~ Sometimes, you're such a cute boy."

Oh, I wonder why, but Ai… you had such a hungry expression on your face. To be honest, just like Ai said, even though I feel fine. My mind is still a bit cluttered or maybe tired. Sometimes I can still feel the memories of the spirit. It feels like my brain is still trying to understand the memories and feelings of the spirit. I don't know why I do it, but it happens automatically.

In the end, it wasn't long for me to get back to sleep again.

Man, I just hear that the OnK manga will be hiatus for a month. Well, it's a deserve rest, but I still miss it. I want more Ruby x Aqua moment again. 


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