That Time I got Reincarnated as Son of an Idol

Chapter 80 – To end the conflict 05

I don't know how sincere I was in punishing Jimina because I had various reasons for wanting to do this. You could say that I was angry because Jimina tried to do something depraved to Roboco. I was also probably influenced by the anger of the spirits who wanted to take their revenge—sympathy for the victims who didn't get the justice they deserved. Then, I had the desire to try out the power I had just gained. 

It feels like I have a new game, toy, or device that I need to try to see how it works. 

I felt that I knew the concept, but I wanted to know how far it could go. Of course, I have to be careful with the power I have. However, I felt this was an excellent opportunity to do a little experiment, especially since I didn't know if I could get an experimental sacrifice worthy of all this suffering. 

Well, he's getting what he deserves. I don't feel any pity at all. When I saw that Roboco and Azki had managed to escape and were probably safe, I basically gave orders to some spirits to guard the two of them. At least if something happens, the spirits will protect them, even if only minimally. 

It's just that of all the spirits in this house, and one spirit is different from the others because it seems to have more expression and personality and is always floating near me. Not only that, when I thought that it would be good to disguise myself even a little. The spirit pointed to the closet in the room that contained clothes I could use to make at least myself look different and preferably not the same as my usual attire. 

I put on a hoodie that I could find before leaving the room. This time, it seemed to be a different spirit from the others, a spirit that looked even more obvious than usual. The spirit appeared like a woman in her early 20s with a face that could be considered beautiful, although it had a bit of emotion and looked cold. Her hair is black, and her eyes are also black, so she looks like a typical idol in this Japanese underground. She is most likely one of the victims in this place. Or just a manifestation of my thoughts or the manifestation of the spirits in this place. 

Who knows— It's not important to me anyway. 

I made my way to the room where Jimina was led by the female spirit floating in front of me. It wasn't that far from the last room. It was easy for me to get into the room, and he was probably trying to call security or subordinates not to let Roboco escape. 

Jimina, who heard the sound of someone opening the door and entering the room, immediately turned to me. From the look on his face, it was easy for me to see his annoyance and desperation. It looked like he was at the end of his rope, and losing Roboco and Azki made him lose his last pawns. 

"What— Who are you!?" Jimina threw a question at me. "Wait, why is there a kid here? Wait, are you a kid?" Jimina was a little confused because my current appearance looked like a middle school punk wearing a hoodie with a covered face, and my height was not much different from middle school kids. 

It was only when Jimina realized the oddity of why the boy was there that he started asking different questions. Especially since even though he had a harsh tone, I didn't seem to react and fearlessly walked over the sofa towards Jimina while still keeping a distance between the two of us. 

"Looks like your fun is over. Huh—" I spoke without the need to answer the various questions issued by Jimina. 

"Wait, so you're the one behind what happened earlier—"

"Hm. I wonder." 

I replied with an ambiguous answer. With my ability as an actor, it was easy to change the voice and tone I used every day. You could even say that I was playing someone who acted mysteriously. 

"Hmph, I don't know how you did that. However, soon security will be here as well as my subordinates." Jimina spoke as he pulled out a knife and pointed it at me in a threatening manner. 

Something I have nothing to fear, even though my body is still small. I didn't think an older man like Jimina would have the ability to fight with me, who practiced martial arts and had mysterious energy. 

"Really, if that's the case—  we need to get this done quickly," I spoke like that while ordering the spirits to ambush Jimina so that he could do nothing. 

Unlike throwing things at Jimina, my command this time consumed much energy. Also, it made me see a scene that resembled horror stories and movies without suspecting anything and brandishing the knife at me. Jimina was slowly surrounded by various spirits who embraced his arms and legs; some even held his shoulders and almost his entire body. 

Jimina was like someone who was haunted by evil spirits and was different from just being haunted with my help. The spirits could touch Jimina, so he had trouble moving, something he instantly realized. 

"Wha— wait—wait— What are you doing!? Ugh— What's going on!?" Jimina asked me with an ashen face.

"Hahaha, really— I don't even think you need to question me for what happened. I mean, you know what will happen after what you have done, right? What do you think this country has many shrines? Do you think all of those are just decorations? Of course not—" I spoke with a chuckle. I don't know the extent of my abilities. But I was curious about one thing because I thought it was an essential ability in the supernatural world. It's opening one's inner eyes so that they can see a world that shouldn't be able to be seen. 


"No— Don't come any closer!! Or I'll stab you!! Kuh— Where the hell are the security guards!" Jimina began to scream and also tried to break free from the grip of the spirits that he could not see.

I wondered how he would react if he saw the spirits swarming around him. 

Oh, well— I need to take care of this problem quickly before people come here. I took out the gloves I had brought, putting them on before approaching Jimina. 

"Wait— waaiitt— What will you do— Wai, How about we negotiate? I have a lot of money. You can see it in the safe." 

"Calm down— I will help you to see people who wronged you—" 

Jimina pleaded with me, but I didn't hear his plea. I put my hands on his face and tried to exert energy on him while thinking about getting his third eye to wake up. Honestly, I still don't know if this could make that happen. In my memories, they usually require ceremonies, spells, and the like. Even so, when I did this for some reason, the female spirit floating near me smiled very broadly. I don't think that's a smile that a human can make. It was indeed a horror face. 

It was like she understood what I was doing and was looking forward to what happened. Hence, I concluded that there was a chance that I could do what I intended. I don't know why my instincts told me that. It's just that I slightly underestimated how much force it would take when doing so. I even almost lost my balance as my legs suddenly lost power. 

At the same time, I can see and hear how panicked and hysterical Jimana is. His face was full of frightened expressions, and he was trying hard to break free from the grasp of the spirits who were taking more and more energy from my body. I could hear his pleading and begging for mercy while calling out names I didn't recognize. 

Jimina seemed to be able to see who the spirits holding her were. It was different from me, who only saw them as evil spirits shaped like black mist with a human-like form. 


"Oh— please stop this— I will do anything— I will pay anything—" Jimina said as he pleaded toward me. 

Honestly, I wanted to ask about his relationship with Hikaru. It's just that I think this guy is ultimately a throwaway, considering I don't see any movement from Hikaru to help this guy. I don't have much time because I don't know how much energy will last with the many spirits I use. Hence, I commanded the female spirit that was nearby.

"Just finish him—"  

Instantly, I could hear the laughter I often hear in horror movies before the spirit flew and stopped in front of Jimina as if speaking to him. Before, I heard loud whispers coming from all the spirits around Jimina. 








It was quite something else. I could especially see the spirits forcibly pulling Jimina, who was trying hard to hold on while simultaneously asking for forgiveness and mercy, which the spirits ignored. They got closer to the biggest window, and they used Jimina's hand to open the window and made him stand by the window. Where his hysterical voice could be heard begging for mercy— 

I don't know what the female spirit said to Jimina, but I know for a fact that Jimina then talked about all her crimes and also mentioned the names of the victims. I'm pretty sure that the spirit told Jimina that he might be able to be saved, although I guess it was all for naught.

I myself am interested in seeing things through to the end but with all this commotion. I'd better get out of this room. Like before, I escaped from the building with the help of the spirits who did not join in Jimina's execution. Only when I exited the building simultaneously did Jimina fall out of the window. Not only that, it seemed like the spirits completed their task by making sure Jimina fell to the ground head-first, which left his head badly damaged like a smashed pumpkin. His neck also turned in a direction that was impossible for a human to survive. 

It may sound simple and easy as a punishment, but as someone who can see spirits. I can see what happened to Jimina's soul. It seemed like the spirits cursed him, so Jimina kept falling to his death. 

I don't know if the punishment was appropriate. However, it was chosen by the victim's spirit. It seems like they wanted to torture him like that. As for me— after that, I went home because I felt that I could faint at any time. At first, I came here to save Roboco, and I never thought I would end up making Jimina pay for his crime. 

—I wonder if this is the same as killing someone— The thought came after I finally left the buildings filled with evil spirits and it felt like part of my mind came back. 

Hahaha— Somehow, right now, all I can do is laugh tiredly, and I feel really tired and want to go to sleep. 

Don't forget to read my other fanfic. Stealing Heroine: Honestly, I never thought this far [Smut Warning!]


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Stealing; Monday to Saturday

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