That Time I got reincarnated as… The Demon Lord’s butler?! Now I should help her annihilate all Humans while hiding the fact I’m helping them

Ch 53. Down the Magic Portal

It was dark, and we were falling. It was so dark that we weren't able to see the tip of our nose, and the fall was so long that we were even able to talk a bit.

“The hell… Someone, light some fire or something!”

“Let me try! It's my time to shine!”

An unexpected voice talked to us in the middle of the dark. It was the voice of the ghost girl that's been haunting me lately.

“How did you...?!”

“Oh, I grabbed your sleeve when you entered that magic circle. It looked fun so I thought that I could join you guys!” 

“Were you following us too?!”

“Huh? I don't know what you are talking about.”

“This is going to be quite an adventure. Fufu~”


“Anyway, this isn't working at all!”

Indeed, we were able to feel the heat coming from <The Maggot>’s cursed fire, but the darkness that was enveloping us was still pitch black.

Finally, we hit the ground. We were in the main corridor right in the middle of a gigantic library. The shelves were so high that we were unable to see the top of them, and when we looked at the ceiling was pure black, like there was nothing there, just the infinite hole where we just came through. But more mysteriously was that no one was able to tell where the light that lit up the place came from.

We started exploring the place. Somehow, even with that countless amount of shelves, every book we looked at was totally blank. There were no text, images, or even marks in any of them.

“This is a really weird place. There is not even a breeze, even without a ceiling…”

“I don't like libraries at all… Let's find someone to fight, that's how we'll get out of here!”

“There is not even a magic trace in these books, and I can't feel another life form but us.”

“It looks more fancy than the one of that Lord Something…”

We continued exploring the place. The main corridor was intercepted with multiple corridors that were more narrow and also filled with shelves and books. At the end of every one of them, there was a locked door.

“Agh! This is tiresome, and I’m getting hungry!”

“Well, we came looking for them right after we finished our training, so it was expectable…”

“I never get hungry, because I’m a ghost. I like to eat sweets though…”

Everyone was getting gloomy, but something happened and Fynx started rushing through the corridor.

“I can smell food! Come here!”

We weren't able to stop her, she was meters away when she diced to tell us those words, so there was nothing more we could do but follow her.

We were running through that corridor for almost 15 minutes, but we finally reached the place where Fynx was.

The corridor of the library suddenly turned into a big room. There were still shelves and books on every wall, but there were also windows covered with long and heavy purple curtains full of frills and golden luxurious details. But there was something even more important in the room, the thing that made us walk through that long corridor.

In the center of the room, there was a big table full of plates with food, sweets and drinks. There was also a small silver key right in the place where the main dish is supposed to be.

“Well… Shall we start eating then?”

“Huh?! Are you crazy? We already fell into a trap like this once!”

“He is right… This is even more suspicious than that time.”

“Uh, something like that happened? I don't remember. Fufu~”

“Oh, I heard that story, Fynx is such an idiot. Haha~”

We were joking about the past. This was such an obvious trap, that there was no way for us to fall into it, everyone could see the same. Everyone but one.

“Oh come on. You guys are clearly the kind of people that aren't funny at parties! Let's dig in!”

“You, idiot!”

Stop right there, Fynx!”

“I'll knock her out!”

“Awawawa! What do we do?!”

Phlum and Kirwha jumped over Fynx, knocking her and giving time for <The Maggot> and me to think about what we’ll do now.

“Maybe there's something to do with that key?”

“But there should be more than a thousand doors on those corridors! Well be here forever… Well, not that I care about time. Tehe~”

We decided to move the curtains and let the light enter the room. Sadly, there were no windows behind them, so we couldn't use them to escape this place. But, there was a light of hope, because behind one of those windows, there was a weirdly shaped door and the latch of the door looked strangely similar to the key that was in the center of the table.

“Maybe another trap?”

“That could be the case, but I can hear the breeze from the other side of the door. That courtan was blocking it somehow.”

“There's still a problem. The door is too small for us to fit through it…”

“Well, we could always break the wall.”

Surprisingly, the one that proposed that plan was Kirwha while still on top of Fynx blocking her movements.

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