That Time I got Turned Into a Dragonoid

It’s Gonna be a Long Chat

'An old man with this lustrous look in his eyes, and a perverted face... Isn't this a common archetype in every anime or novel?' 

"The one who gives answers of your every questions?"

As joy flooded through Scarlett's veins, bubbling up in excitement, she opened her mouth to ask a barrage of questions. However, before she could even utter a single word, the old man took charge, seizing the spotlight with theatrical flair.

With a few exaggerated steps backward, the room suddenly erupted in a cascade of flowers, as if they had sprung into existence out of thin air. Light radiated from behind him, casting him in an aura of divine grandeur. With a pose that could only be described as cringe-worthy, he boomed, "Who am I?"

In a voice dripping with bombastic self-importance, he declared, "I am the great, the almighty, the invincible, the unbreakable!

Behold!....the first primordial demon in existence, As well as the First demon king!" 

He paused for dramatic effect, allowing his self-proclaimed greatness to sink in before delivering his grand finale with utmost gravitas. "I am... Avalokishva!"

As Scarlett witnessed the old man's ridiculous antics, her hope shattered, replaced by a look of disappointment and annoyance etched across her face. However, in the midst of her disillusionment, a sudden idea sparked in her mind.

'Wait a minute... First demon king?'

Before she could voice her thoughts, a new figure emerged from the shadows, a striking beauty adorned in a maid's dress. With a graceful leap, she delivered a powerful kick directly to the old man, her face contorted with embarrassment at his cringe-worthy display.

Scarlett's surprise knew no bounds as she watched the self-proclaimed first demon king being humbled by his own maid. After the commotion settled, the old man sheepishly apologized to his maid and introduced himself once again.

"I'm Avalokishva, though everyone calls me Avion."

Then came the bombshell revelation: "You've been sleeping for 2 weeks."

Scarlett was taken aback by this statement, a mix of shock and relief washing over her as she realized she had survived and been fully healed. Grateful, she thanked both Avion and his maid for saving her life. 

The old man took the lead, his voice carrying a mixture of curiosity and amusement.

"You are not a succubus, Right?" he questioned, his keen observation drawing a slight surprise from Scarlett. It was the first time someone had correctly identified her true nature.

He pressed on, "You are not a demon either. You have two different eye colors and two different horns. But your face... it's so provocative that even the highest-ranking succubi pale in comparison to you."

"Just what are you? An evolved version of a succubus or some new species?" he inquired, his tone laced with genuine curiosity.

In response, Scarlett countered with her own question, "I'm the one who will be asking who you are. You said you're the demon king, but you don't even have horns?"

The old man chuckled heartily, his amusement contagious as even the maid behind him couldn't help but smile. "Didn't your mother teach you how to hide your horns?" he retorted playfully.

"And you were shot by a poisoned arrow made by etherium. Just who were you fighting?" he added, his curiosity piqued by Scarlett's mysterious circumstances. 

Scarlett, typically guarded about her past, felt an unusual connection with the old man and his maid. Sensing a kinship born of their shared non-human nature, she decided to open up to them, revealing her story from beginning to end. As she finished recounting her tale, a moment of silence hung in the air before erupting into laughter.

Avion and the maid, caught in the throes of amusement, laughed uncontrollably, rolling on the ground in fits of mirth. Scarlett, taken aback by their reaction, couldn't help but feel a sense of relief at their lighthearted response.

However, the maid quickly composed herself, her expression returning to its usual stoic demeanor as she declared, "That's enough!"

Avion, sensing the shift in mood, also straightened up, his laughter subsiding as he coughed awkwardly. With a serious tone, he addressed Scarlett, "We weren't laughing at your hardships, please don't take it as offense." 

Scarlett, intrigued by the mention of her horns, reached up to touch her forehead, confirming the presence of two horns instead of one. A flicker of joy danced across her features as she remarked, "I thought I was one-horned, but this feels kind of nice."

Avion proceeded to offer guidance, explaining that she could manipulate her horns by channeling mana through her forehead, essentially using it like a up and down button into her body. Following his instructions, Scarlett focused her mana and successfully concealed her horns beneath her skin.

Excited by the outcome, she exclaimed, "Wow! They really disappeared!"

But she again takes out her horns because she likes the feeling of, when her horns are out.

Avion elaborated further, detailing the significance of horns for demons and dragons. 

For demons and dragons, thier horns are like lungs. They collect's mana from surroundings and refill the mana in body, that's why when the person gets serious his/her horns comes out automatically. And the horns are also the most sensitive parts for demons and dragons, Just rubbing them slightly turns them on.

A mischievous gleam danced in Avion's eyes as he approached Scarlett, his grin lustrous and hands rubbing together eagerly. "You said you were a boy, but now you've turned into a woman, hehehe!"

Reaching out, he caught hold of one of Scarlett's horns and began to rub it, expecting a reaction. However, to his surprise, Scarlett's expression remained impassive, leaving him taken aback. Stepping back in disbelief, he questioned, "Why don't you feel anything?"

Annoyance flashed across Scarlett's face, her lips twisting with irritation as she retorted, "Why on earth would I be turned on by an old geezer? Besides, I've already told you I like girls."

Despite Scarlett's words, Avion remained skeptical and instructed his maid to rub her horns. As the maid approached and began to rub Scarlett's horn, a flush spread across her cheeks, her body tingling with excitement. Shades of crimson painted her embarrassment as she emitted a soft moan, unable to suppress the unexpected reaction.

The old man's world shattered as he witnessed Scarlett's excitement at a simple touch from his maid. He exclaimed loudly, "Look at your face, your body, your thighs, armpits! You're the ultimate fapping material in existence. How can you like girls?"

Ignoring his crude remarks, Scarlett pressed him for an explanation about their earlier laughter. In response, he launched into another introduction, recounting his story from the beginning.

He again revealed himself as the First Demon King, although he had retired thousands of years ago. The reason for their laughter lay in the discussion about goddesses. According to him, goddesses were not aligned with any side—they cared only for themselves. They manipulated humans by portraying demons as evil and themselves as saviors who aided humans in defeating demon armies by summoning heroes.

The process of summoning heroes from different worlds is described as being possible at any time, as long as there is a sufficient mana source available. However, it's noted that the more heroes are summoned, the lower the quality of each individual summoned becomes.

 Despite this limitation, some kingdoms still choose to summon multiple heroes simultaneously, either every year or every decade. This practice hints at the strategic importance placed on acquiring heroes from other worlds, even if it means sacrificing some quality in the process.

However, the truth was far more sinister. The goddesses summons or reincarnates humans from other worlds, selecting those with talent and magic affinity. In return, humans worshipped them as gods, and their faithfulness converted into divine mana, strengthening the goddesses. 

Even the blessings bestowed upon heroes by the goddesses were part of a forceful pact. While initially empowering the heroes, as they grew stronger, so did the power of the goddesses who summoned them. Upon the hero's death, according to the pact, all their skills, knowledge, and mana would return to the goddess who summoned them Making them even stronger.

Scarlett's eyes widened in astonishment ,"Was there anyone who succeeded in breaking this pact?"

Avion's voice carried a hint of nostalgia and reverence as he recounted the tale of the legendary hero, Viktor Bloodmoon. The whole room filled with seriousness upon his name.

"The first hero, Viktor Bloodmoon," Avion began, his tone filled with admiration. "He possessed powers that rivaled even the mightiest of True Dragons. For him to destroy the pact was as easy as fuck.

 I remember witnessing him in my youthful days, locked in combat with one of those ancient beasts."

Scarlett listened intently, her imagination painting vivid pictures of the epic battle that Avion described.

It was a sight to behold," Avion continued, his eyes gleaming with the memory. "The clash of titans. The universe trembled, and the whole space shook with each blow exchanged between them.

I really liked to be friends with him but it was a shame that in the end he died at the hands of that dragon.

I always heard the names of true dragons, that lower dimension being can't even make a scartch on them, but even that time hero was about to kill him, The dragon was bleeding rapidly, it was first time i saw that even true dragon's blood are red.

Avion's explanation left Scarlett in a state of disbelief, her annoyance evident in her voice as she questioned his inaction during the battle.

"Why didn't you help him? The dragon was about to die anyways," she exclaimed, frustration lacing her words.

Avion's expression turned serious as he responded, his tone grave with solemnity. "No. If I had intervened, I would have met the same fate as Viktor. The dragon possessed powers beyond comprehension. After defeating the hero, I witnessed something unimaginable."

Scarlett listened intently, her annoyance momentarily forgotten as Avion recounted the astonishing events that followed the battle.

"Healing his wounds wasn't enough," Avion continued, his voice tinged with awe. "The dragon possessed the ability to turn back time, reversing the damage inflicted upon him and restoring his health."

Scarlett's deadpan expression remained unchanged, her face betraying no emotion as she processed Avion's words.

"A god," Avion muttered, his voice heavy with reverence. "That's what he was. And he sensed me there too but didn't do anything, like for him I was just a nobody."

Scarlett's response was laced with sarcasm, a hint of amusement flickering in her eyes despite the seriousness of the conversation. "Oooo! That's one hell of a disrespect," she remarked dryly, her words dripping with irony. 

"Avion's interruption halted Scarlett's thoughts, his voice filled with determination as he continued his story.

"I'm not done yet!" he interjected, his words cutting through the air with purpose.

"After that," he began, his voice tinged with resolve, "I made it my mission to grow stronger and defeat the true dragons. With my potential and strength, I delved deep into mastering fire magic, particularly the formidable hellfire."

A sense of awe filled Scarlett as she listened to Avion's tale of relentless training and unwavering determination.

"I trained tirelessly, pushing myself to the limit each day," Avion continued, his voice resolute. "And eventually, I rose to become the strongest demon king ".

Scarlett's eyes widened in shock as Avion revealed a startling revelation.

"But then, I learned that the dragon who defeated Viktor was merely the weakest of the true dragons," Avion confessed, his voice filled with a mix of astonishment and determination. "Despite this revelation, I refused to back down. I continued to train rigorously, devouring countless souls to fuel my strength. Time became irrelevant as I grew stronger with each passing day."

A sense of determination emanated from Avion's words as he recounted his relentless pursuit of power.

"And then, one day," Avion continued, his voice tinged with triumph, "I broke throught the Creator's will and ascended to become one of the most powerful beings in the world."

As Avion's tale unfolded, Scarlett listened with rapt attention, but her heart sank as he revealed the challenges he faced.

"But a misfortune struck me before I could even begin the journey of defeating the true dragons," Avion confessed, his voice heavy with regret. "The six archangels—they all attacked me at once. While I could handle one or two archangels, facing all of them simultaneously proved impossible."

A sense of despair filled the air as Avion recounted the relentless battle that ensued.

"For over 300 years, I fought tirelessly against the archangels," Avion continued, his voice tinged with exhaustion. "But in the end, I was forced to use my life force to flee from their clutches. As a result, I became mortal, bound by a finite lifespan. No longer ageless, I am now nearing the end of my days due to old age."

As Avion's tale reached its conclusion, Scarlett couldn't help but feel a mix of annoyance and impatience. The once mighty king of hell had now been reduced to a mere wanderer, roaming through different worlds for entertainment.

With a furrowed brow, Scarlett interrupted Avion's explanation with a frustrated tone. "Why did you have to tell me such a long story just to say you've become insignificant? And what exactly is this 'Creator's will' you keep mentioning?"

Avion's response was cryptic yet revealing. "I cannot speak of the Creator directly, but you can think of him as the true god of the entire existence—the one who created all universes, multiverses, and outer space."

He then revealed his unique status window, distinctively red instead of the usual blue. Scarlett couldn't help but joke, "Did you buy the premium version?"

Avion clarified that The status window itself is the Creater's will, The red status window users are like a bug in existence. For those who can't break the Creater's will, can't even survive presence of creater.


Scarlett's expression remained bored and disinterested throughout the conversation. "So what? I don't care about all this. I just want to become a man again."

Avion considered Scarlett's situation thoughtfully before responding. "Based on your story, it seems you underwent a physical transformation into a woman rather than through magic, and your body has become highly adaptable to the female form. While I could use my power to temporarily revert you to a man, it would be nothing more than an illusion. Once I pass, you would return to your female form."

Scarlett sighed sadly at the realization. "I suppose there's no easy solution then. But I won't give up—I'll find another way."

She then posed another question to Avion, seeking clarity on the hierarchy of power among demon kings. Avion nodded, signaling his willingness to answer.

"Why haven't other demon kings ruled this planet, considering their immense power?" Scarlett inquired.

Avion provided insight into the demon kings' motivations. "Even though I possess enough power to destroy entire universes, we demon kings prefer not to wreak havoc on this planet. Our goal is coexistence with humans and other species. 

However, if we were to rule, it could lead to discrimination and conflict between demons and other beings. Only the fifth and sixth demon kings are attempting to dominate humans without seeking coexistence. Yet, being newly awakened, they lack the power of as us, ancient demon kings."

Scarlett's expression shifted to a mix of annoyance and boredom as she sighed heavily. "Sighh! If you, old geezer, can destroy universes, then why don't you just create one and rule that world, idiot?"

Avion chuckled in response to her blunt comment. "First, tell me which world you are from?"

Scarlett explained that she came from a world where magic and fantasy creatures didn't exist. Avion quickly grasped the context of her explanation.

He proceeded to simplify his explanation for her. "Let me put it in simpler terms. Imagine you had to live in a world filled with No living beings only robots and A.I. Could you live there?"

A look of disgust crossed Scarlett's face, her lips curling in disdain as she shook her head vehemently. Her expression conveyed her horror at the idea of living in such a world.

"Just like that, if I were to create my own universe, it would be like living with robots. If I told them to sit, they would sit. There's no point in living like that," Avion explained, emphasizing the lack of fulfillment or challenge in such a scenario. 

Scarlett asked another question, "Then tell me something about my eyes, why are they so different, and what exactly am I?"

Avion replied, "I don't know, but 'He' might know." He turned towards the door and called out loudly, "I know you're there, come out."

From outside the room, a child of about 12 years old in appearance, with green hair and yellow eyes, entered the room.

Scarlett expressed surprise, "Wow, a kid?"

He shot Scarlett a glare, his eyes blazing with anger, "I'm not a kid, I'm more than 40,000 years old."

Avion introduced him, "He is Zephyrion Auronax, the second demon king as well as an ancient dragon. So don't call him a kid."

Scarlett's expression remained bored and annoyed, "I don't care if you are the first demon king or second, if he looks like a kid, then I'll call him a kid."

Ignoring her words, Zephyrion approached Scarlett and started examining her eyes. After checking, he confirmed, "They're dragon eyes. I think it's because of taking blood. Now she's kind of half human and half true dragon. Let's just call her a dragonoid."

After a long time living in darkness, now one by one all the information was coming to light. First goddesses, demon kings, true dragons, and now Scarlett finally confirmed what exactly she is. 

Zephyrion explained further, "Her dragon eyes are not ordinary, or so to say, her eyes are even greater than mine. The blue eye has true dragon's haki, and the red one has killing intent that can drive her opponent insane. On top of that, her eyes can see through attacks that even cut through time and space."

Scarlett stood up, stretching her body. Despite her revealing attire, she found moving quite easy.

"Well then... I don't care about creater or true dragons, I just know that the third demon king has the answers to the rest of my questions."

Zephyrion interrupted, "You are strong, very strong, but you're still not powerful enough to defeat him. You'll definitely lose."

His expression conveyed his certainty. his face was clearly saying that, If Scarlett and third demon king were to fight, She will definitely loose. She wasn't that stupid to not sense something that obvious. 

Scarlett questioned back, "So what do I have to do in order to defeat him?"

Avion stepped forward, taking the lead, and proposed the idea of making a contract. He offered to teach Scarlett Battleform selection and Mental World techniques in exchange for a favor from her.

Scratching her head in confusion, Scarlett asked, "What's a Battleform and Mental World?"

Avion explained, "Battleform and Mental World are two trump cards of every demon or dragon. Battleform applies to the person's body, transforming them into a more powerful form. It changes them so much that even their appearance alters, making them almost look like a different person."

To illustrate, Avion cast an incomplete Battleform. As he did, his body began to grow, and his clothes tore apart. He became over 7 feet tall and extremely muscular, resembling a barbarian.

Scarlett was amazed by his transformation, witnessing him change so drastically. As for Mental World, it's your own universe where only you rule. Very few people have a Mental World, and each person's is unique. If someone casts their Mental World, you can't escape until you defeat them. 

Scarlett's expression turns menacing as she listens to Avion's proposal, her lips curling into a chilling grin. She finds the idea of Battleform and mental world intriguing. However, her demeanor shifts to annoyance when Avion mentions his conditions.

With a hint of disdain, Scarlett demands to know the favors Avion seeks in return. Avion explains that he has two requests: firstly, That despite being first demon king he didn't rule over any territory but still he have a village he owns, But because of his poor rulership qualities, The village is already in the brink of financial destruction.

 he asks Scarlett to take over rulership of his small village, with the goal of transforming it into a thriving city. Secondly, he insists that until she accomplishes this task, she must wear the set of clothes that she is wearing now.

Scarlett's expression darkens with disgust at Avion's second condition, her brows furrowing as she addresses him as a " What did you say, pervert geezer?," clearly unhappy with his terms.

Avion attempts to justify his request by explaining that he purchased the Amazoness clothes from a red-light district, but his maid refused to wear them. He chuckles at the situation, hoping Scarlett will comply with his request.

Scarlett's expression remains one of clear displeasure, her disappointment and anger evident as she reluctantly agrees to Avion's terms. Despite her disdain for the clothes, she recognizes the value of the opportunity Avion presents to her, knowing that his teachings are invaluable. With a resigned tone, she begrudgingly accepts, "Tch.... okay....I accept! But what's an Amazonesses?"

Avion elaborated on Amazonesses, explaining that they resemble humans but can only give birth to female offspring. This limitation leads them to seek out men for procreation, resulting in their predominance in red-light districts. Almost 90% females in red-light district are Amazonesses.

Scarlett's inquiry about Cryptus, her skeleton companion, prompted Avion to casually inform her that he had foreseen her eventual acceptance of the training offer. Consequently, he had already dispatched Cryptus to train under Zephyrion's subordinate.

Summoning a bird-like monster resembling a crow, Avion instructed Scarlett to write a letter to their loved ones, as her training would likely span several months. Following his guidance, Scarlett penned a message for Aoto and provided the bird monster with the necessary instructions. With the letter in its grasp, the bird took flight, carrying Scarlett's message to its destination.

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