That Time I got Turned Into a Dragonoid

The World President

The World President

The title alone speaks volumes. The President of the World, the individual holding the highest authority on the planet, entrusted with uniting the entire human race. This position was created with a singular, noble purpose: to ensure that, if ever the Earth faced an existential threat from extraterrestrial life forms, humanity would waste no time in uniting to protect their home. No longer would we fight as Americans, Russians, Indians, or Chinese, but as Earthians, increasing our chances of survival and victory.

But wait a second... why does Earth even need something called the World President? 

In our world, aliens never came. But for Kroenen, a man from a different universe where Germany won World War II, and Hitler became one of the most powerful people in the world, things were drastically different. The consequences of that victory were devastating, but that's a story for another time.

More than a decade had passed since Hitler's rise to unprecedented power. He was not just influential; he was among the richest and most powerful figures in terms of status. Yet, despite his dominance, numerous threats loomed against him. Then, one day, something extraordinary happened. Scientists, known for their ambitious and often outrageous endeavors, had been sending signals into space for years. But to their astonishment, two years later, they received a reply from another intelligent species.

The entire world was shaken to its core. News of the signal spread like wildfire, igniting both curiosity and fear. For two years, those signals had traveled through the vastness of space. Scientists had believed that, Even if someone does manage to receive it, it would take at least take ten years for any intelligent species to intercept and respond. But their calculations were shattered by the reality: a reply had come back in less than two weeks.

This could mean only one thing: the beings who responded were far more advanced than humanity. They were on the verge of becoming a Type-2 Civilization, a stage of development that made our own technological achievements seem primitive by comparison. Our armies would be no match against such an advanced civilization.

The message itself was chilling: "We are coming. Prepare yourselves."

It was an idea laden with both hope and fear. The thought that humanity should prepare for the worst led to a monumental decision: to select a World President who would command the entire planet, unifying all armies, weapons, and resources under one leadership. The chosen figure to bear this unparalleled responsibility was none other than Adolf Hitler, the dictator who already ruled over more than half of the Earth's land. In a move that shocked and divided the globe, Hitler was anointed as the World President.

As the world braced itself for the supposed arrival of extraterrestrial invaders, a secret festered in the shadows—known only to a select few, including Kroenen. The chilling truth was that the reply from space had never come. It was all a grand deception, a fabrication spread by the scientific community at Hitler's behest. The entire premise of an alien threat was a ruse to consolidate Hitler's power.

Hitler's rise to unprecedented power was marked by relentless ambition and strategic manipulation. Already influential, wealthy, and powerful, he faced numerous threats to his supremacy. To neutralize these threats, he sought to become the ultimate authority, corrupting global institutions such as NATO, the World Bank, and BRIC. His dark society, a web of corruption and deceit, enabled him to execute his plan flawlessly. By convincing the world of an imminent extraterrestrial invasion, he positioned himself as the savior and supreme leader—the World President. Any attempt to dethrone him would now risk plunging the world into chaos and economic collapse, potentially igniting World War III.

Kroenen's tale was one of horror and disillusionment. As he concluded his story, he stood up, the weight of his words hanging heavy in the air. Without another word, he departed for his village, leaving Scarlett in stunned silence.

Scarlett sat motionless in her chair, the enormity of the story sinking in. The idea of a World President, a concept meant to unify and protect, had been perverted into a tool of absolute tyranny. Her thoughts churned, grappling with the reality of Hitler's manipulation and the fragile state of their world. "World President, huh?" she murmured to herself, a bitter smile playing on her lips. "Hitler sure is badass, Well, I don't desire world domination for now, at least."

She leaned back, her eyes drifting to the ceiling, a heavy sigh escaping her lips. The room felt stifling after listening to Kroenen's tale of deceit and power. The implications of his story weighed on her mind, a stark reminder of how easily power could be corrupted and how fragile their peace truly was. 


Time flowed like a river, and more than a week passed in the blink of an eye. Within these fleeting days, the village underwent a remarkable transformation. Thanks to Yumi, the astute Minister of Finance, money and taxes were successfully introduced. To everyone's astonishment, the new monetary system worked flawlessly. In just one week, nearly every shop transitioned from bartering goods to accepting coins, marking a significant shift in the village's economy.

The streets buzzed with newfound energy as dozens of new shops sprang up. Bars, hotels, and parks began to dot the landscape, each one a testament to the village's rapid development. The sight of these establishments was nothing short of amazing. Hotels and bars, in particular, promised to be in high demand in the future as when humans will flock to the burgeoning settlement. With a population of over 4,000 citizens, the village had the capacity to accommodate more than forty thousand people, showcasing its vast potential and ambitious growth.

Scarlett's mansion, a symbol of her leadership and vision, neared completion. However, the construction faced a unique challenge: the thorn. The builders suggested using gold, silver, or even diamond, but Scarlett dismissed these ideas. She sought something unique and badass, a reflection of her own fierce spirit.

In the meantime, a wave of prosperity washed over the village, thanks in part to the contributions from the Dark-Elf village. Various types of cloth materials arrived, along with skilled workers eager to integrate into the community. Yumi, renowned for her fashion design prowess, provided a plethora of innovative clothing designs. Xao, an expert tailor, brought these designs to life with impeccable craftsmanship.

The demand for new clothes skyrocketed as villagers embraced the diverse and stylish attire. The once uniform and modest apparel of the villagers gave way to a vibrant tapestry of fabrics, colors, and styles. The streets became a fashion show of sorts, with people proudly donning their new outfits, each one a unique expression of their individuality and the village's cultural renaissance.

Scarlett sat regally on a chair in the middle of a vast field on the outskirts of the village. The chair, ornate and sturdy, resembled a royal throne, and she perched upon it like a tyrant queen, an aura of unquestionable authority radiating from her. The field was alive with activity, filled with the grunts and shouts of soldiers engaged in rigorous training drills. Scarlett's eyes were sharp, missing nothing as she surveyed the scene before her.

Over the past week, Scarlett had absorbed a wealth of knowledge from Li Feng. His teachings in swordsmanship had been intense, yet she had quickly grasped the techniques. Now, almost all the brave warriors of the village were assembled, showcasing their skills in front of her discerning gaze. One notable absence was Reiza, who had gone to a clothing shop to collect her new attire. Ever since her arrival in the village, Reiza had been wearing only a T-shirt, and Scarlett had insisted on proper attire for everyone.

Scarlett's presence here had a specific purpose: to select commanders for the army based on their powers and abilities. Each soldier's performance was meticulously noted, their strengths and weaknesses evaluated. Her decisions today would determine their roles in the upcoming battles, a task she approached with the same ruthless efficiency that characterized her leadership.

As she sat, her thoughts wandered momentarily to Kroenen. "It's been a week, and Kroenen still hasn't returned to finalize the contract," she mused. "But they've sent materials and men to our village, which means they've agreed to my terms. Still, I won't be satisfied until we have a formal agreement. If they refuse, I'll keep the imported goods and claim a huge profit." A smirk played on her lips as she raised her finger and licked it in a devilish manner, the gleam of cunning in her eyes.

Her scheming was interrupted by a familiar, manly voice. "What are you planning now? Let's get back to training," said Li Feng, his tone a mix of curiosity and mild admonishment. He stood before her, tall and handsome, his silver hair catching the light, and a narrow, pointed horn adding to his striking appearance.

Seeing him, Scarlett's expression shifted to one of annoyance. Her lips curled in irritation, and she responded sharply, "I told you I've learned enough. How many times are you going to bother me?" Her voice was edged with exasperation, her patience clearly wearing thin.

Li Feng's presence was both a challenge and a reassurance. His relentless dedication to her training was a testament to his belief in her potential, yet it also grated on her nerves. The constant push to improve, to be better, was exhausting, even for someone as determined as Scarlett. 

Li Feng became a little angry and raised his voice a little, But just he was was about to shout, he. Immediately calmed his anger and sighed and then begun, "Elder-sister Nova, You only learned a gist if it, There are many things that I can teach you," he said with a little concerned voice.

Scarlett's face turned a deeper shade of red as Li Feng's words hit her like a slap. She stood up abruptly, her chair scraping against the floor with a sharp sound. Despite Li Feng's height, Scarlett's stature still dwarfed him; he barely reached her ears. She loomed over him, her eyes blazing with fury. "I already said, that's enough for me! And who're you calling elder, huh?" she snapped, her voice trembling with anger.

Li Feng, equally riled up, shot back without hesitation. "Then what should I call you? Old woman? Marrying someone who's practically a child? You're an evil woman!" He was fuming now, his attempt to get Scarlett back into training long forgotten. His temper flared, and words spilled out of his mouth unchecked.

Scarlett's anger intensified as she thought, "I'm barely eighteen, damn it! Calling me an old woman?"She felt a mixture of rage and incredulity. Though she was just eighteen, her appearance was that of a fully matured woman, so much so that some people might assume that she had children.

Leaning in close, her face inches from his, Scarlett raised her hand and pointed her index finger at Li Feng's forehead, almost poking him. "Calling me old woman? Marrying children? How old are you, huh?"

Li Feng closed his eyes for a moment, a smug smile spreading across his face. He brushed his nose with an air of pride. "I'm only forty-six, and Sister Reiza is forty-five. From your looks, no doubt you must be thousands of years old. And I heard from Sister Yumi that you're engaged to a human girl who's around nineteen years old," he mused, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Shame on you, for catching children with your tricks."

Scarlett's jaw dropped. She clenched her fists, her whole body trembling with suppressed rage. "You insufferable little..." She couldn't even finish her sentence. The audacity of this man left her momentarily speechless.

Li Feng continued, oblivious to the danger he was courting. "What's next, Old women? Are you going to open a daycare center for your future spouses?" He chuckled at his own joke, clearly amused by the situation.

Scarlett's face was a picture of fury and embarrassment. "I'm eighteen, you overgrown infant! And as for my looks, they have nothing to do with my age!" She was practically shouting now, her voice echoing off the walls.

Li Feng's smirk widened. "Eighteen, huh? Could've fooled me. With those looks, I'd say you're closer to a fossil."

That was the last straw. Scarlett's hand itched to slap the smug look off Li Feng's face, but instead, she took a deep breath, trying to regain some semblance of control. "Li Feng, you... you insufferable idiot. Fine, I'm the old one. Then how about you start respecting me for being the elder one?" She didn't look back, but her mind was already plotting ways to make Li Feng regret every single word.

Li Feng watched her storm off, still smirking. "Why should I? You said loyalty doesn't matter, just don't betray me. I'm not giving any respect to you," he laughed mockingly.

Scarlett clenched her fist and took a step forward. Li Feng watched her with growing curiosity. Just as she passed him, she stopped and shouted, "How about I marry your sister Xao? Then as her mate, you'll have to respect me, right?"

Li Feng's face twisted in confusion. "Huh? Why would she marry you? Sister Xao will marry a kind, strong, and reliable demon. I'll train him day and night to make him even stronger. You're not worthy!" He brushed off Scarlett's words with pride and overconfidence.

Scarlett didn't mind and a smile emerged on her lips as she turned back towards the training grounds. She yelled out loud, calling for Xao, "Hey Xao! If I propose to you now, will you marry me?" Her voice echoed across the field, halting everyone in their tracks. The soldiers stared in shock; a proposal from Scarlett was like a divine decree.

Xao, who had been practicing her martial arts nearby, had already been listening to Scarlett and Li Feng's conversation. A mischievous smile appeared on her lips as she replied loudly, "If it's Mistress Scarlett, then I wouldn't mind!" She made sure Li Feng could hear every word.

Li Feng's world shook. His confidence evaporated as Scarlett turned back, her face covered with an evil smirk. She leaned close to him, her expression turning wicked as their faces were inches apart. "Hehehe... Now what? Should I marry your sister?" Her voice was low and dangerous, sending shivers down his spine. "If you call me elder or older again, be ready for your precious sister's marriage!"

Li Feng's bravado crumbled. "Y-you wouldn't dare," he stammered, but his voice lacked conviction.

"Oh, I would," Scarlett whispered, her smirk widening. "Imagine it, Li Feng. Me as your brother-in-law. Every family dinner, every holiday, I'd be there. Reminding you. Always."

"I don't let that happen!"Li Feng declared, his voice brimming with stubborn determination. With a sudden, dramatic flourish, he raised his hands and began furiously scratching Scarlett's face with his fingers. Scarlett, not one to back down, retaliated immediately, her nails meeting his cheek in a flurry of tiny, harmless scratches. 

It was a sight to behold: two seemingly fierce warriors, reduced to a catfight that bore an uncanny resemblance to kittens tussling over a toy. Anyone stumbling upon this bizarre scene would have mistaken them for immature children locked in a petty squabble. Their scratching was frantic and unrelenting, all speed and no damage, making the entire spectacle both hilarious and oddly endearing.

Neither Scarlett nor Li Feng showed any signs of stopping. Their faces grew red from the exertion, but their fingers kept moving, scratching away like their lives depended on it. In their frenetic struggle, they tripped and tumbled to the ground but still refused to cease their absurd battle. It was as if they had been possessed by the spirit of some particularly determined, if ineffectual, animals.

"Quit being so childish!" A firm, yet gentle and commanding voice suddenly cut through the chaos.

Scarlett and Li Feng froze mid-scratch and looked up, their faces a mix of embarrassment and defiance. Standing before them were two striking figures. 

The first was a young girl with long black hair and piercing eyes. She wore a cropped military jacket adorned with epaulets and decorative buttons, giving her an air of authority. Underneath, a simple white cropped top, more akin to a t-shirt, peeked out. Her ensemble was completed with a very short, pleated mini skirt that matched the jacket, a wide belt cinched around her waist. The entire outfit was a blend of military precision and revealing, fantasy anime aesthetics. This was none other than Yumi Yamamoto.

Beside her stood a mature woman exuding an undeniable aura of power and command. Her neon green hair was styled asymmetrically, with the left side shaved and the right side flowing freely, contrasting starkly against her tanned skin. Her attire was stylish and carried a hint of Gothic flair: a black, form-fitting sleeveless dress with a high neckline and a keyhole cutout at the chest, offering a tantalizing glimpse of cleavage. Draped over her shoulders was a long black coat that extended behind her, adding dramatic flair to her already imposing presence.

She wore a black choker with a small, cross-shaped ornament at the front, and a single star-shaped earring in her left ear—the right ear hidden beneath her smooth, green hair. A black wristband encircled her right wrist, and her green eyebrows, neon green lips, and smooth, glowing dark skin gave her the appearance of a tanned goddess. This formidable presence was none other than —Reiza.

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