The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player

Chapter 210: Stop it! (2)

Swish-! Swish-

The sudden attack made the brothers flinch, but when they saw that their chains had been cut, their eyes widened in surprise.

“Now it’s easier to move, right?”


“Why did you untie us?”

“Why? I just want to watch my little brothers fight a bit longer.”

Ma Kyung-rok smiled slyly as he continued.

“I’ll make a deal with you. The one who wins this fight gets to leave here.”

“You want us to… fight?”

“Yeah. But not just any fight—a real one. You have to fight for your life. I’ll only let the one who kills the other leave.”


In other words, he was telling them to kill each other.

“The one who survives, I’ll make sure you get out of here. That’s a promise.”

“A-Are you serious, Kyung-rok hyung?”

“Or would you rather both of you die by my hand?”

As Ma Kyung-rok raised his sword, the blade shimmered with dark aura.

Ma Kyung-rok was powerful enough to slice through their chains like tofu, so there was no doubt about his combat prowess.

‘A 2-on-1 fight would be tough…’

Ma Kyung-sang briefly thought about ambushing Ma Kyung-rok with Ma Kyung-soo, but that thought didn’t last long.

Seeing Ma Kyung-soo, who was practically down an arm, he realized it would be impossible.

“So what’s it going to be? Do you want to die? Or does one of you want to at least try to live?”

“I-I’ll do it. We’ll fight… Gah!”

Suddenly, blood spurted from Ma Kyung-sang’s neck.

Ma Kyung-soo had drawn a dagger and slashed his brother’s throat before he could react.


Even though Ma Kyung-sang died with his eyes wide open, Ma Kyung-soo didn’t spare a glance at his fallen brother.

“It’s done, right? Kyung-rok hyung! I won, so you’ll let me go, right?”

He had killed Ma Kyung-sang in a surprise attack.

As Ma Kyung-rok let out a low chuckle, he nodded in acknowledgment.

“Alright, alright. Okay, our youngest passes. A promise is a promise.”

“S-So I can leave?”

“Sure. But…”


As if afraid Kyung-rok would change his mind, Ma Kyung-soo immediately opened the door to leave. But he stopped in his tracks when he saw An Sang-cheol standing outside.

“I said I’d let you go, but I never said I’d let you live.”


“Mr. An.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Don’t let him get away. I’ll kill him myself.”


An Sang-cheol, who was holding a shield, activated a knight’s protection skill and blocked the way.

The skill wasn’t just for protecting the party; it could be used like a wall, too.

“Damn it! You bastard!”

Ma Kyung-soo, an assassin, immediately tried to use his stealth skill.

It was nighttime, so he intended to escape under the cover of darkness, but he hadn’t accounted for the fact that his presence could still be detected.



A shield bash skill struck Ma Kyung-soo, forcing him out of his stealth and sending him rolling three times across the ground.

With him being outnumbered, and with his arm nearly incapacitated, he was in a dire situation.

But he forced himself to stand.

‘If I stop here, I’ll die.’

He was determined to survive and expose Ma Kyung-rok’s atrocities to the world.

Even if it meant he would end up in prison, he would do it.

With that determination, he tried to run again, but it wasn’t just An Sang-cheol who was after him.

“Where do you think you’re going?”

Ma Kyung-rok’s dark aura grabbed hold of Ma Kyung-soo’s ankle, tripping him and sending him sprawling to the ground again.

Ma Kyung-soo tried to get up immediately, but—


Before he could even stand, his knee was cut.


“Now you can’t run anymore, can you?”

“P-Please spare me! Hyung! No, hyungnim! Kyung-rok hyungnim! Please, I’m begging you! What’s the point of killing someone like me, a lowly bastard? If you let me go now, I’ll go abroad and live quietly like a dead mouse. Hyungnim, we’re family! Family! You can have the heir position too. So please…”

“You’re talking like you’ve got a motor in your mouth. It’s amusing to see what people are like when they’re about to die.”


Seeing Ma Kyung-rok smirk, Ma Kyung-soo realized what his brother was seeing.

The same chilling look in his eyes that Ma Kyung-sang had talked about.

And then it hit him.

‘H-He’s serious.’

No matter how much he begged, Ma Kyung-rok had no intention of sparing him.

In fact, he was purely enjoying watching him suffer.

“Isn’t there anyone? Please save me! Somebody, please!”

“There’s no point in shouting. There’s no one around here.”

Ma Kyung-rok laughed as he sliced through Ma Kyung-soo’s other leg.



“That’s why I like this place. It’s the perfect spot to deal with criminals.”


“And right now, I have another criminal in front of me.”

Ma Kyung-rok smiled as he drew out his dark aura.

It seemed like finishing things with the dark aura would be best.

“Eat him up.”

“No! Noooo! Aaaaaaah!”

As the dark aura began to devour Ma Kyung-soo alive, a sudden voice interrupted.

“Stop it!”

Ma Kyung-rok’s head snapped around at the unexpected interruption.

And then he saw them.


Approaching him were his fiancée, Christine, and Seo Arin.

I'm currently Translating the following novels: Pick Me Up! | A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War! | The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player. If you want to support me and read more chapters please subscribe to my Patreon!

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