The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player

Chapter 211: The Witness (2)

“Hey, someone’s coming.”

A van arrived at the mountain path, and a man got out. It was An Sang-cheol, Ma Kyung-rok’s right-hand man, whom Christine also recognized.

The man opened the back door and dragged out two unconscious or dead people. As he carried them into the warehouse, Christine and Seo Arin were shocked.

“What… What is that? Is this a kidnapping?”

“No, that can’t be… right?”

A short while later, An Sang-cheol came back out, now armed, and stood guard at the entrance. Then, they heard muffled sounds from the warehouse, followed by screams of agony. The cries were so loud that they reached them even from a distance of dozens of meters.

“Those screams… They must be from the people who were just brought in…”

“What’s happening inside…”

Despite the screams, An Sang-cheol remained standing guard outside, as if he knew exactly what was happening within.

Christine and Seo Arin, unable to bring themselves to look inside the warehouse, waited anxiously behind the trees.

“Seo Arin, can’t you use a fairy to take a peek inside?”

“It’s no use. I’m not in communication with any fairies right now…”

The screams soon ceased, and not long after, Ma Kyung-rok emerged from the warehouse, accompanied by one of the kidnapped men.

“An Director.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Don’t let this bastard escape. I’ll kill him with my own hands.”

An Sang-cheol blocked the man’s escape with a shield, while Ma Kyung-rok approached and severed his knee.


“Now, you can’t run, can you?”

“Please, brother! Spare me!”

Hearing the man’s plea, Seo Arin realized his identity and translated it for Christine with wide eyes.

“That man… he’s Ma Kyung-rok’s younger brother.”

“His brother? He’s family?”

“It seems there was a dispute over the succession issue.”

“But even so, to do this to family…”

Christine felt a chill as she watched Ma Kyung-rok, who mercilessly hacked at his brother. This wasn’t the fiancé she knew. The man before her now seemed like a sadistic psychopath who enjoyed others’ suffering.

“Devour him.”

“No, no! Aaaaah!”

As the man was being devoured alive, Christine stepped forward.

“Stop this!”


Ma Kyung-rok was startled by the sudden appearance of his fiancée. Even more so when he saw Seo Arin beside her.

“Seo Arin too?”

Though surprised, he didn’t cancel the command he had given to his dark aura.

“Kuh, kuh…”

“Ma Kyung-rok! Stop this! I don’t know the circumstances, but this has gone too far!”

Christine tried to intervene, but it was too late. Ma Kyung-rok’s younger brother, Kyung-soo, was ultimately devoured alive by the dark aura.

“What… what have you done…?”


Seeing the disbelief in their eyes, Kyung-rok abandoned the thought of asking how they found this place. He didn’t know why they were here, but what mattered now was convincing them of his side of the story.

“I know what you’re thinking, Christine. But you’re mistaken.”


“As you can see, I did kill someone. But it wasn’t an innocent person.”

“The person you killed was your brother.”

“Yes, he was my brother. But that scum tried to kill me first. He even murdered our older brother inside that warehouse.”

Kyung-rok was confident, as he had evidence to support his claim. But Christine’s expression remained filled with disdain.

“Do you even understand what you’re saying? You killed your own brother, and you’re claiming it wasn’t your fault!”

“Because that’s the truth. I did nothing wrong.”

“Even if that’s the case, shouldn’t you have tried to resolve it another way? How could you kill your own family…?”

“I told you, he tried to kill me first.”

“I saw you abduct him and bring him here.”

“I brought him here because he attempted to assassinate me. I wanted to ask why he was doing this. But then he drew a knife on me, and as you can see, I was forced to kill him in self-defense.”

“Self-defense? Are you seriously calling that a ‘tragic accident’ and not a deliberate murder?”

“Yes, I had no choice but to kill him.”

“No choice? I saw you laughing like a psychopath while you killed him!”

“That can’t be true. You must have misunderstood.”

Christine was flabbergasted at Kyung-rok’s blatant lie, despite having witnessed everything.

“The fact is, he tried to kill me first. Please understand that.”

“That doesn’t justify murder.”

“I was nearly killed myself.”

“There were other ways to handle it.”

“No, there weren’t.”

“So, can you publicly admit to the world that you killed your brother and that it was purely self-defense?”

For a moment, Kyung-rok’s face hardened.

There was no way he could publicly admit to something like that. If he did, it would be the end of his succession, and all his achievements would crumble. Public opinion would never favor someone who murdered their own family.

‘If this escalates, all the other murders I’ve committed in this place could be exposed too.’

Though he had erased the evidence, he couldn’t predict what would happen if the police investigated.

‘The cleanest solution right now is to leave no witnesses…’

In Kyung-rok’s eyes, a murderous intent flickered.

“Sigh… I didn’t want it to come to this.”

Kyung-rok’s sword pointed toward Christine.

“If you’re determined to make me the villain, then I guess I have no choice but to play that part.”

An Sang-cheol subtly moved to block their escape from behind.

Christine and Seo Arin tensed up. They weren’t fools; they understood that these men intended to kill them to silence them.

“Before I kill you, tell me one thing. How did you know we’d be here? Were you following me?”


“Well, you don’t have to answer right now. I’ll make sure you talk soon enough.”

Kyung-rok was fully prepared to kill them both. After all, he had no personal feelings for Christine.

‘She was suitable for a business relationship, but I have no choice now.’

Given the situation, he had to kill her and find another fiancée. His priority was keeping his secrets safe.

But Kyung-rok had no idea what was coming next.


A dagger suddenly flew at him, which he deflected, only then realizing—

“So there were more of you.”

That Jeffrey and Ju Seong-tak were also present.

I'm currently Translating the following novels: Pick Me Up! | A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War! | The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player. If you want to support me and read more chapters please subscribe to my Patreon!

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