The 300 Heroes of the Manga

Chapter 10

Chapter 10

There was a joyful smile shining in the red pupils, and Allen stretched out his thin, white fingers.

She wiped off the jam from the corner of Cao Shurui’s mouth and stuffed it directly into her own mouth.

Alan’s movements contained a touch of cuteness and coquettish at the same time, and Cao Shurui almost stared blankly.

“Hey hey, it’s no wonder that the heroes of the second element can’t hold it, they have to pretend to be wood. This lethality, children can’t control it at all.”

Shaking his head, Cao Shurui got rid of the three major delusions in life that almost appeared in his mind. He knew in his heart that Allen made this kind of action completely unconscious, so he didn’t feel shy now.

After that, they passed through some small stalls. Cao Shurui bought a purple hair band and gave it to Allen, on the grounds that “the color of your hair looks pretty good”, which made the lord blush.

After this, Allen bought a cute bear doll.

“Hey? Alan, why did you buy a doll?” Cao Shurui, who knows the world, knew that the bear doll was Lim’s preference.

“I seem to have seen the scene of being yelled at by her when I returned. I must find a way to calm her.”

“Obviously there is a guard following me?”

“She didn’t think it would be good if you hijacked me. To be fair, Lim doesn’t fully trust you yet.”

“There is no way, only time can solve this kind of problem.” Cao Shurui spread his hands.

Allen stopped in front of a tavern.

“The restaurant does a good job of cooking. I’ll see if there is any space in it. You can wait here.”

So, Cao Shurui waited in place, and Allen opened the door.

Dirty kerosene lamps hung from the ceiling, and the dim counters and tables in the store were almost full. The lively conversation of nearly thirty guests buried the shop in a commotion.

Allen looked around the shop and found a small empty table. Only oneself and Cao Shurui should be able to sit down.

Called Cao Shurui, the two ordered a meal and ate. The conversation of the guests beside them reached their ears.

“How is Brune?”

“Oh, it’s not surprising that civil strife is happening like that now.”

The man asked shook his head seemingly out of nowhere. Judging from their outfits, both of them seem to be businessmen.

“Duke Ganglong and Duke Tenardier would have neglected the king’s arbitrariness. Now this situation is getting worse. Once they encounter resistance, they will burn the village and destroy the town. What follows is just a rumor. Listen. Said that they would arbitrarily grant official titles or new titles to the nobles who expressed their following. By doing so, the king would be completely ignored.”

“So you are back.”

“Yeah. I don’t want to be involved. It’s better to wait and see for a while.”

“Is Brunei going to have a civil war?”

“It’s very likely. It’s still waiting and watching. Once Brunei’s civil war breaks out, we who are only separated by a mountain range will most likely be affected.”

“This is really a headache.”—Is it? So, does the war in the plot finally start?

“Alas, the king of Gista is the same. He can only make Zhan Ji bow down to him in form, but he doesn’t have the strength to convince us. And he doesn’t have that will. Suspicious and sinister, He is always thinking about how to weaken Zhan Ji’s power. He is afraid that our power will be used on him, and has no wisdom and heart to attack other countries at all,” pursing his lips, Allen continued, “Such a king can only I have made some contributions in helping Zhan Ji’s internal friction. I really want to have a smart and courageous person who is good at politics and strategy. He is gentle and strict. He will not be blinded by emotions. Even so, he will not be too rational. King of justice…”

“No, no, such a king is too perfect, there shouldn’t be any.” Cao Shurui murmured.

“—I don’t want to complain, I just want a wiser king.”

Can’t even be wise? Allen’s evaluation of Gista’s king is low enough. However, the king was really scary, knowing that Zhan Ji surrendered to him and feared that Zhan Ji would assassinate him.

“Anyway, we are not kings. Doing things appropriately, isn’t it enough to do your own thing?”

“That’s what I said… I didn’t expect to be comforted by you. Thank you, I have cheered up.”

PS: Thanks to the book friends [My bird is beautiful and picturesque], [→_→←_←←] for your rewards

Thank you for your support! thank you very much!

As a cute new person, someone sees it, and someone supports it, this will be the biggest motivation for me to move forward!

Chapter 9 Pre-War Daily (2)

With these words, Ellen and Cao Shurui left the tavern.

On the way, Allen, who had eaten another fried apple (what kind of food) was about to throw away the core of the fried apple, when she heard the meow, she stopped her hand suddenly. She moved her eyes and found a black cat under a nearby tree.

With a happy expression on his face, Allen squatted down there and teased the kitten with the apple core in his hand.


Suddenly, she let out a cute scream, flew back quickly, and hugged Cao Shurui tightly. Suddenly being hugged by her, Cao Shurui was a little panicked.

“What the **** is this cute voice?!” he said accidentally.

Cao Shurui’s foot was stamped severely.

“Go to the alley over there. Or I will cut off your tongue so that you can’t say the impolite lines again.”

The sword on his waist made a “clang” sound, and Alan glared at Cao Shurui with a flushed face.

“Ah, sorry. I did make a mistake just now.”

“Really… Do you think I would make a scream like a brown bear or a wild boar?”

“No, no, trust me, I’m just surprised that you can be cuter.”

With a “bang”, Allen’s face became even more red, as red as a peach blossom, very gorgeous.

“Speaking of which, what on earth were you surprised by?”

Cao Shurui looked at Alan’s feet. A shining black bug twitched its tactile senses and was wriggling forward.

Cao Shurui, who used his toes to drive away the worms, was a little speechless. Sure enough, it is the second dimension. Zhan Ji actually has the setting of being afraid of bugs when she leaves the battlefield. . . Nice!

Cao Shurui, who was full of joy, couldn’t help thinking that Allen gave a thumbs up, making Allen puzzled.

“Why are you giving me a thumbs up.”

“Oh, that means compliment in my hometown. Lord Allen is so cute.”

“You!…huh!” Unexpectedly, he would be teased, Allen glared at Cao Shurui with a flushed face. She hummed, and the hem of her skirt flipped.


When they returned to the palace, they saw Lim standing in front of the city gate.

Although her expression was as usual without the slightest emotional color, the icy blue eyes were enveloped in anger that caused Cao Shurui to shrink her body.

“It’s really late for you to come back.”

“The sun hasn’t set yet. Here you are, this is a gift.”

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