The 300 Heroes of the Manga

Chapter 112

Chapter 112

Cao Shurui was standing on the 32nd stele, looking down at the primitive gut animals who were ready to move below.

Thinking of the police and the Self-Defense Force behind him, there might not be many people left after this war, Cao Shurui sighed.

Unfortunately, Cao Shurui knew that he could not cry for everyone who died.

Even if there are people involved.

Over the years, Cao Shurui has long learned how to freeze his emotions.

“Heh. Rentaro, when can you open your eyes to see the mob who slaughtered people who were civilians like yourself? In the past few days, the Tokyo area has just killed each other, and no less than 15% of the people have died, right? There are also a lot of police officers. Where is justice in the Tokyo area full of garbage?”

“And where does your justice have the value you said?”

PS: Ask for a recommendation ticket! Seeking collection!

Chapter 036

In fact, Cao Shurui hasn’t discovered until now that his spirit is actually approaching its limit.

Since entering this world, his spirit has always been in a state of depression.

Even in the battlefield of another world, there are people like Allen that he can believe and rely on.

In this world, the people Cao Shurui has come into contact with so far are not only children younger than him, but also younger loli. Everyone other than that is the “era of looting” standing on the opposite side. They are enemies who will suddenly blow you a blow at any moment.

Therefore, Cao Shurui has been very tired and exhausted all the time.

In the beginning, there was only Junxia. Later, there were so many children that they had to establish [homes] until they left the outer peripheral area and moved outside the Tokyo area. This period of time was the most tense of Cao Shurui’s spirit. On the one hand, he needs to be alert to gastroenterologists that may appear. If there are a large number, children with little combat experience may be in danger; on the other hand, Cao Shurui also needs to pay attention to the satellite mobile phone signal at all times, lest colleagues can’t contact him, let the interested people know, I am afraid they will know that he is leaving He left the Tokyo area, and doubted his whereabouts, causing trouble.

At this time, Cao Shurui was a little close to the limit. In any case, he is a teenager under 20 years old, and he doesn’t have much ability to withstand pressure. Facing this kind of situation where everything can only be hidden in his heart, he actually has no experience in dealing with it.

So, he began to become a little bit second. He began to think that the world needed to be saved, and that his “king power” could correct the world, sanction the world’s mistakes, and set things right.

When he had such thoughts, his personality began to change bit by bit, even he himself did not notice it. Compared with when he just became a knight a year ago, he has become more How big.

He began to put on the mask of “smiling” and began to become gentle, amiable, and a qualified image of a great scholar. He even reduced his murderous aura by practicing calligraphy. Thanks to this, he succeeded in making everyone think that he was a man without force, even the Ju no Cheng, who had practiced martial arts since he was a child, didn’t see it.

Now he will never be loved by Allen. Rather, when anyone knows that all of this is false, he will definitely not approach him again.

On the other hand, he is real.

After meeting Rintaro and Mugeng at the Tendo House, Cao Shurui used the real side to get along with them—just like getting along with the children in his home.

Do things seriously and carefully, be serious when it should be serious, and liven up the atmosphere when you play. In this way, he soon became intimate with Rintaro Kazuki and was treated as a elder brother. Rintaro and Kisara have always followed the example of Cao Shurui, wanting to become people like him.

During this process, Mu Geng’s vision for Cao Shurui began to deteriorate. She began to want to know Cao Shurui more and became more enthusiastic. Therefore, Mu Geng, who became familiar with Cao Shurui’s “real”, vaguely felt the fierce killing intent behind Cao Shurui’s plain and gentle appearance.

Until her heart was filled with the murderous intent of revenge, she felt the resonance in Cao Shurui even more.

On the contrary, under the influence of Kikunojo, Rintaro unconsciously alienated Cao Shurui and Mugeng. That’s why he didn’t know that Cao Shurui had never revealed his heart to them, nor had he complained about anything.

Therefore, when Cao Shurui spoke lightly about “cleaning up trash,” Lentaro felt that he could not accept it and thought that Cao Shurui had “entered the evil way.”

And Mu Geng was planning to do what Cao Shurui had done to her-pulling it back from the other side.

She has talked with most of the children these days at home, and she also knows what Cao Shurui has done before.

So she noticed it.

Cao Shurui’s spirit has reached the brink of collapse.

He is now, if he is better, he is in the late stage of the second illness, if he is worse, he is about to become neurotic.

As long as there is a little mistake, he will become an out-and-out murderer.

With Cao Shurui’s current disposition, it is not suitable to hold the power of life and death. He didn’t have the consciousness of being a king at all, but he possessed that power.

However, Cao Shurui’s purpose is unchanging. That is, everything is for the cursed children to live better.

Therefore, that night, Mu Geng used the opportunity of signing the contract to awaken Cao Shurui’s shame, and after confessing in disguise, he had a good talk with Cao Shurui.

Thanks to this gift, Cao Shurui finally woke up, avoiding the end of a crooked road.

At the same time, his “family affection” for Mu Geng has completely turned into pity and love.

[——This girl, she has been watching me all the time. 】

[Unexpectedly, in this world, I actually fell to the level where I needed a girl younger than me to wake me up. I was almost overwhelmed by things of this degree, and I was far from becoming a qualified summoner. 】


Opening his eyes, the dark sky seemed to have a quality, and there was a feeling that it would be suppressed at any time.

Cao Shurui stood up and moved his body.

“Oh, sure enough, people just can’t relax. Once they know someone is willing to share the pressure with me, they become loose.”

Cao Shurui yawned, his eyes sharpened again.

“I fell asleep unknowingly, this group of primitive gut animals really didn’t appeal to me, it was too boring.”


A soft sound rang from under Cao Shurui’s feet.

“Oh, did you start? It’s actually ahead of schedule. Forget it, that’s fine.”

Cao Shurui picked up the wind and flew towards the direction of the police station.

“This war, let me be a good observer.”

“Hey… look over there!”

At the police camp, a stern shout instantly attracted everyone’s attention.

Rentaro is no exception. He followed the direction of everyone’s sight.

It should be the direction of the megalithic monument over there.

“!Could it be that……”

Astonishment jumped from the top of his head to his toes in an instant.

At first, one corner of the rectangle collapsed, and then a series of collapses occurred.

The huge body of the cracked megalithic monument screamed as if finally unable to bear the corrosive liquid, and finally collapsed in a chain like being pushed down by some kind of force.

Standing here should not hear the sound of the collapse, but the silent scream of the stone monument has become more vivid in the ears.

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