The 300 Heroes of the Manga

Chapter 115

Chapter 115

The sense organs of primitive gut animals are very sensitive and they have many functions. Just covering the body with the wind can’t hide them.

Episode 039

This is an unordered scuffle. At this level, it is impossible for the commander’s instructions to be passed on.

Rintaro closed his eyes, then opened them slowly:

“Everyone spread out to cover the policemen who are in a hard fight.”

The members of the auxiliary force he formed as the captain nodded vigorously. Rintaro closed his eyes and took a deep breath three times before urging everyone:

“lets go!”

Making fists close together and vowing to meet again alive, the partners spread out.

Rintaro and Yanzhu ran side by side on the battlefield, looking for the police in urgent need of help.

Yanzhu’s ability to repel the enemy and rescue his companions can be described as gust of wind and thunder.

Rescue the initiator who was forced into a dead end by the gastrointestinal animal to shrink back, rescue the partner who lost his teammates and was surrounded, or take the injured with both hands in one breath.

The rescued people were a bit dazed, some gratitude was exaggerated, some stared at Rintaro desperately holding his hand tightly, and some even returned to the battlefield again without saying a word. There were everyone.

However, of course, on the battlefield of life and death, there are not all dazzling images that are enough to become beautiful talks.

Some starters who were unlucky and almost saved, tearfully chewed by the monster’s multiple sharp teeth.

Especially after the initiator loses the commander and spiritual support-the facilitator, almost all of them fall into insanity. This situation is everywhere.

Somewhere, a young girl slumped beside the facilitator’s body. Rintaro and others tried to hold her hand temporarily to a place of safety, but met fierce resistance.

“No. Leave this person and I will be beaten to death.”

From this sentence, we can know how the facilitator treated her during her lifetime. No matter how she told her that the promoter was dead, she didn’t believe it, so Rentaro had to leave temporarily to help others. By the time they passed there again, many gastroenterologists had gathered around them, with their backs facing themselves, scrambling to stretch out their mouths to grab food. Although they also noticed Rintaro, they had no intention of attacking. Those guys must like their food very much.

In another place, a facilitator is in the process of gastrification. Rentaro died in order to keep him at least human, so he pointed his pistol at him. The initiator who tied the dyed hair into a ball head stopped Rintaro and cried and pleaded.

“A Shun still has rescue. So-please don’t kill him!”

But in the next second, the alien-formed primitive gut bite the girl’s head from behind, and the girl’s body seemed to fall down after a few turns of a top.

Cao Shurui couldn’t help taking a deep breath as he looked at the fierce battlefield.

Unlike the previous world, the war here is not between people, so it is even more tragic. Not to mention that most of the dead were little girls.

Cao Shurui couldn’t even imagine this kind of tragic situation.

But Cao Shurui was still sitting there. Even if he only needs a thought to trigger the Apocalypse virus to end this war, or even all of this.

“Only by experiencing pain and knowing who can bring peace can human beings know their own powerlessness. In this way, except for scientists who are committed to strengthening themselves, most people will always understand the importance of the cursed son. Without them, Mankind has long since perished. Take a look at the Self-Defense Forces, what can be done if you have a chime? If you don’t react, you will die.”

“Above this, if people can understand that their own desires brought all this, then the world will be saved.”

The smoke hurts my eyes. Breathing has also become rapid. His face must be covered with soot and mud and become black.

The body temperature is close to fifty degrees. The shocking heat wave on the battlefield forced Rintaro to pull off his tie.

He and Yanzhu separated at some point.

While looking around where he was going to help next, the tongue of fire approached the abandoned hut next to him.

The burning police tents echoed each other. When the fire merged into one, a fierce flame vortex swept the battlefield, and the temperature reached an astonishing number of over 1,200 Baidu. The rotating red lotus rumbling loudly, sounded like a devil’s laughter.

Remember that this building is used to store gasoline——

The moment when he saw the tongue of flame reaching the gasoline tank inside, the blood in Rintaro’s whole body froze.

In the next moment, the violent shock wave accompanied by the explosion flame threw his body into the air.

Rintaro was blown up nearly 20 meters before hitting the ground violently. However, the impact was not completely eliminated, and it finally stopped after rolling on the ground for a few more laps.

The three semicircular canals are damaged. In the rotating field of vision, Lentaro spit out the sand in his mouth while supporting the ground with his hands, barely lifting his aching body. The burnt uniform gave off the unpleasant smell of chemical fiber burning.

The clothes were damaged everywhere, and the blood coagulated and turned dark red. Inhaling too much thin air dazzled him.

Sharp tinnitus reverberated deep in the ears, and Renataro, who felt abnormal, slammed his ears, only to realize that he had lost his hearing.

Perhaps the tympanic membrane is damaged.

Rintaro stood up stupidly and looked at the battlefield where the sound had disappeared.

It was the frontline base of the civilian police that raised black smoke and was burned by bright red flames. Sparks fluttered in the air.

The police opened their mouths wide and didn’t know what they were shouting, desperately trying to change the situation, but the situation only worsened unilaterally.

Some starters clung to the shoulders of facilitators who lost their heads, desperately looking for medics.

The reptilian gastroenterate threw the body of an initiator high into the air, caught it with its mouth, and was torn in half by two gastroenteric animals.

Probably separated from the promoter, a fair-skinned girl in a white one-piece dress, aimlessly covered her face with her hands and sobbed in the scorching battlefield. Under her feet were piles of meat that I didn’t know who originally belonged to, reaching her ankle.

The internal organs of the deceased flew out, and the broken skull and brain were scattered and covered with mud.


There is a scene that can only be described by this term.

“What is Lentaro doing!”

Suddenly, his head was severely suppressed. Yanzhu’s voice and battlefield music returned to Rentaro’s ears.

“That’s coming! Get down.”

“[That] What is—”

Before Rintaro could finish his words, things happened unexpectedly.

In the depths of the field of vision, the other end of the burning tent flashed light in an instant, and an object that looked like light swept across, passing over the head of Rentaro who was lying on the ground at super high speed.

In the next instant, all the objects on the silver track cracked, and the bodies of a dozen policemen made strange noises, which broke into two pieces directly in the air.

Rintaro felt his hair horrified.

He reflexively got up and looked behind him. The battlefield in his field of vision was cut by the silver trajectory, and frantic screams came and went.

“The Spear of Light”-these three words came to mind in Rintaro’s mind.


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