The 300 Heroes of the Manga

Chapter 19

Chapter 19

No longer hesitating, Cao Shurui immediately called the system and spent 950 gold coins to buy a bronze sword. (Attack +22)

Although he almost ran out of savings all at once, Cao Shurui believed it was worth the money. Put it in the equipment slot when not in use, the attack bonus will not disappear.

Cao Shurui stretched his hand to his waist, pretended to take out the bronze sword, and then rushed towards Lyudmila.

Spears and swords intersected, and fierce and rapid metal friction sounded continuously. Although Cao Shurui’s sword skills were not yet proficient, with his strong physical fitness and the attack bonus of the bronze sword, he forced Liudmila to fight.

Seeing Liudmila gritted her teeth and used the dragon gear as a gesture, Cao Shurui quickly put away her pride. He sold a flaw, and then used a full blow to repel Lyudmila (not a skill effect).

“Thank you Lord Zhan Ji for your enthusiasm for staying, but I should go home. After all, I am a good boy. Finally, I wish you good health and goodbye.”

After saying this, Cao Shurui turned and ran. As he ran, he put the bronze sword into the equipment bay, and then accelerated with the force of the wind a little bit, and finally threw away Lyudmila who had been chasing behind him.

He ran into an alley again.

After confirming that no one was around, Cao Shurui immediately disappeared with the wind and hurried back to the hotel.

Allen has returned.

Cao Shurui saw the figure of Zhan Ji in the next room outside the window.

Because I came here anonymously, I couldn’t live in a luxurious place with great fanfare. In this regard, Allen once said that wherever he lives is the same.

Cao Shurui knocked on the door and entered the room.

“You still went out today? Nothing happened, right.”

“No, I masked my face after avoiding surveillance.”

“Really.” Allen nodded, then sighed.

“It seems that the result of the interview today is not ideal.”

“Yeah, the king is still as timid as a mouse, with only interest in his eyes, for fear that I will get the territory of Alsace. It’s ridiculous.”

“Please be careful, be careful that the wall has ears.”

“What are you afraid of. Moreover, I have Elifar. No one has concealed it in front of it.”

“Okay, okay, you have dragons and you are great. So, when can we go back to Lightmelitz?”

“Don’t you have enough fun?”

“It’s hard to even go out here, so what’s the fun?”

“Okay, but it will be a few more days. There are still many things to deal with.”

“You have worked hard, Lord Allen.”

“Well, go back to the house.”

Five days later, Allen had dealt with everything. The trip to the royal capital came to an end.

“Let’s go, let’s go to Kikimora Mansion. That is one of my villas.”

“There are even villas… also, Zhan Ji is the lord, and it’s no surprise that there are villas.” Raising his eyebrows, Cao Shurui turned on his horse and followed Allen and left the capital.

It took nearly a day, and finally in the evening, Cao Shurui and Allen arrived at the Kikimora Mansion. This is a two-story building with black paint painted on the walls. The roof is red.

Before and after arriving at the gate of the mansion, Alan and Cao Shurui dismounted, led the horse to the stable and fastened it.

“The rest will be left to you, I’ll go in and have a look.”

“Okay, Lord Ellen.”

So Allen took the luggage of the two and entered the house, while Cao Shurui stayed in the stable. He unloaded his saddle and other harnesses and wiped the horse’s body. Then, he licked the salt cubes for the two horses and fed clean water.

These things he often did during the month he was learning to be a knight. Now I am familiar with it.

After that, Cao Shurui also entered the mansion.

The lobby is very spacious, and there is a huge heater on the wall. The rugs depicting geometric patterns look very warm.

Inexplicably, Cao Shurui suddenly recalled what Allen had said before. Everyone gathers to bake their bodies in front of the stove, sing songs while eating hot steamed potatoes, and can survive the harsh winter with heavy snowfall.

Thinking of this, the eyes he looked at Allen couldn’t help but wear a feeling of love and pity.

“Oh? What is your look? Is there anything I need your sympathy?”

“No, I just saw the layout in this house, and thought of the first time I ate steamed potatoes when I followed you to inspect the people. You told me that it was you, and you ate it during the winter. Yes. I think that must be your childhood. So warm and happy.”

“You!” Allen didn’t have the slightest defense. Upon hearing this, his face flushed at a speed visible to the naked eye, his small mouth closed and he didn’t know what to say. However, she calmed down after a while. Although her face was still flushed, her voice was as stable as usual, with a hint of cunning.

“Haha, okay, have the courage. It’s worthy of being the one who killed the dragon by oneself, even I dare to molest it, don’t you? ”

“Hmph, I am no longer the me I used to be. As long as you don’t use dragon gear and you can beat swordsmanship, I can definitely win.”

“Don’t overspeak your words. Otherwise, you won’t be able to bear the punishment.”

“What punishment?”

“If I win, you will yell [I like Lim] three times in front of all the soldiers, how about it?”

“This is unacceptable! If I really do this, I won’t be able to leave alive without Lim’s hands!”

“So what? Don’t forget, it’s me who has the final say.”

“Goo, okay. Then I have a condition. If I win, Alan, you have to spare one day, let me accompany you to [Inspection Leader].”

“you you you!”

Is this inviting me to [—]?

Allen’s heart fluctuates violently. The strong sense of shame is that her face that was supposed to return to normal is even more charming.

In fact, Cao Shurui wanted Allen to relax. Because he knew that a new round of war was about to begin, and soon there would be no time to rest.

But Alan really wanted to answer the wrong question? Oh, I didn’t see it. Is this girl Ellen interesting to me? Cao Shurui thought for a while and shook his head.

Impossible, this must be the three major illusions in life.

PS: Class in the morning and welcome new students in the afternoon. Tired into a dog. Fortunately, there is no need to be a volunteer during the freshman military training.

Chapter 16 Situation Analysis

After taking a few deep breaths, Allen calmed down.

“Okay…Okay! I agree. Let’s go out now. I must show you how powerful Zhan Ji is, lest you swell your heart if you just kill a dragon.” The voice is still trembling, and the tone is unnaturally raised. , Allen has walked out of the mansion.

Cao Shurui smiled, followed closely, and closed the door.

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