The 300 Heroes of the Manga

Chapter 192

Chapter 192

But what do they seem to forget?

“Even if it was the water wall just now, if Rachel was used, the game would be over immediately.”

Cao Shurui’s voice suddenly sounded, pouring cold water on Stella, Yusuin, and Xuanse who were excited.

“Senior Sister Dongtang is worried that the knife should be cut where it shouldn’t be cut.”

“A place that shouldn’t be cut?”

Xuanze asked.

“… Around the neck.”

Stella suddenly realized her voice.

In the attack and defense just now, the tip of Daohua’s knife and Zhu Shizuku’s head were separated by a wall of water less than 5 cm thick.

If you use Leiqi, even if the tip of the knife cannot reach, the hot thunder and lightning will be enough to kill Zhu Shizuku.

“What a dangerous opponent.”

Cao Shurui smacked his lips, thinking seriously.

He couldn’t use abilities other than swordsmanship, but he couldn’t make such a big movement.

And from the offense and defense just now, Daohua’s swordsmanship is also a standard killing sword. Without procrastination, the attack is steady and ruthless.

“Ah…that’s it. Daohua is studying.”

“Learning?” X3

Except for Yihui, the others looked at Cao Shurui.

“It’s rare to see high-end water warlocks like Zhu Shizuku. So Daohua intends to let Zhu Shizuku take the initiative to attack once, and gain some experience in fighting with water warlocks. For example, how to fight in the suppressed long-distance battle. Into close combat.”

Seeing through the purpose of Dao Hua, Cao Shurui was ashamed. He had never thought of using his opponent’s ability in this way. Obviously some opponents with very strange abilities can do the same, but Cao Shurui never gave them a chance to do it because he didn’t want to waste time.


Mingshen released a strong thunder and lightning, melting the ice on the floor with huge heat.

Subsequently, the game became a solo show of Dao Hua.

Sprinting with the footwork of ancient martial arts, Daohua slid her figure from Zhu Shizuku’s eyes into her subconscious.

Before, Cao Shurui’s footwork was said to be very similar to her.

However, Cao Shurui’s footwork uses visual illusions, and her footwork is close to magicalism.

Carefully take a half-step breath, and move your body lightly, you can slip into the subconscious from the gap of consciousness, unlocking the lock of consciousness.

Although I saw the secret of Daohua footwork, it was not something that Cao Shurui could learn immediately. At the very least, that half-step breathing is a Zen thing, but this one has to be practiced for several years.

A swift knife slashed across Zhu Shizuku’s chest in a lightning-like trajectory.

Just when everyone thought the victory or defeat was determined, Zhu Shizuku’s body suddenly faded and turned into pure water and splashed into the battle circle.

The real Zhu Shizuku had already stood behind Dao Hua, and stretched a considerable distance away.

[This is just lingering. 】

Cao Shurui nodded helplessly. The outcome of this game is determined.

Zhu Shizuku’s fighting style is close to that of a mage, so she rarely exercises her body.

Therefore, she could not let herself float subconsciously. In other words, she couldn’t crack Daohua’s footwork, and could only be beaten passively.

The next development is exactly this. Daohua pressed harder step by step, and Zhu Shizuku’s wounds were getting more and more.

The heat in the auditorium also cooled down.

Everyone can see the ending.

Zhu Shizuku also plans to make the last fight.

She squeezed Xiao Shi Yu stabs at the frozen floor and shouted:

“White Night Enchantment!”

The ice on the ground turned from solid to gas in an instant, forming a large white thick fog that completely covered the site.

The dense fog with visibility less than one meter made Daohua lose sight.

Similarly, the sight of the audience cannot penetrate the dense fog.

Cao Shurui immediately began to perceive.

He wanted to know how Daohua, who had no perception ability, would deal with this situation.

In the thick fog, Zhu Shizuku ran straight towards Daohua.

The Kodachi in her hand did not know when an extended water blade appeared on the blade.

Now she was holding a katana of normal length.

[Do you think Mingshen can’t cut water? It’s naive. 】

In the audience, Cao Shurui closed his eyes. In his mind, he clearly “saw” the movements of the two.

The moment Zhu Shizuku stepped into the attack range of [Rachel]——

At that moment, Zhu Shizuku saw the gesture of her opponent.

Daohua stared at Zhu Shizuku who had emerged from the thick fog, and assumed a posture of drawing swordsmanship.

The pitch-black scabbard containing Mingshen was covered with torrents of lightning visible to the naked eye.

Behind the dazzling brilliance is a cold murderous intent.

To kill all opponents without exception, Dongtang Swordsman’s nirvana–

The plasma burst out, and the violent burst of white light burned everything around.

The heat energy enough to make the thick mist boil is released in an instant.

Like a spark of lightning, Mingshen’s violent blow struck Zhu Shizuku’s neck!

At some point, Cao Shurui’s figure disappeared from the stands.

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