The 300 Heroes of the Manga

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

“No mercy! There is only life and death on the battlefield, they don’t care who I am!” He warned himself, swinging his sword at the soldiers rushing towards him.

It may be that the system has a bonus to sanity, or it may be that Saber has become accustomed to the battlefield. Cao Shurui no longer felt uncomfortable about killing. Although it would be uncomfortable in his heart, but in order to survive, he no longer cared about kindness.

While he was familiar with sword skills in the fight, he withdrew to the edge of the battlefield.

At this time, the war was nearing its end.

In the distance, a young man holding a bow was full of grief and anger, bending his bow and shooting arrows at the cavalry in the distance. Even though there is a distance of 300 meters between him and the cavalry, he still has no shots.

In front of him, a girl riding a horse was heading towards him. That is a young girl. Under the reflection of the rising sun, her silver hair draped over the armor and reaching to her waist was shining, and her crimson eyes were also shining bright and majestic.

Out of the armor stretched out a slender arm that matched her age, and the long sword in her hand matched her incredible match.

Intuitively told Cao Shurui that the girl might be a general of one side of the army. That unique temperament, and the strange and strange knowledge from the second dimension, made Cao Shurui not the slightest doubt about the judgment of “girl general”.

“In case of being discovered, I’m afraid I will have to capture her to escape.” Cao Shurui secretly thought, looking at the girl who was speeding up and approaching here.

At this time, he completely overestimated his own level.

pS1: Newcomers, write things for the first time in addition to composition. Practice writing. Hope I can write it well.

pS2: Welcome all the audience members to guide writing

Thank you!

Related settings of the original magic bullet scroll (continuous update)

Zhan Ji (, Vanadis)

The unique system of the Kingdom of Gista. The seven women selected by the dragon gear have the status second only to the king and govern a part of the country. In the war, they use the dragon gear to fight the enemy. In addition, if you want to become a war girl, you must be selected by the dragon tool, so it is very rare that you have been a war girl from the ancestors to generations like the Laurie family.

Dragon Tools (Long Tools, Viralt, DragonicTools)

The weapons used by the war girls. There are seven pieces in total, each with different special powers. In addition, the “Dragon Skill”, which can maximize the power of the dragon, has the power to knock down the dragon with one blow. Ryugu chooses the next war girl by himself and has a sense of self.

Chapter Two Being Caught

Cao Shurui looked around the battlefield and found no bunker, so he decided to hide in the blind spot of the girl’s field of vision. After ensuring that he would not be discovered, Cao Shurui called out the system menu. In the fight just now, there was a prompt sound from the system, but he had no time to care. And now, he can finally see.

“Your hero level has increased”

“Current Level LV3”

“Skill Points: 2”

Seeing this series of prompts, Cao Shurui was both happy and uncomfortable. Happiness is because the strength becomes stronger and the possibility of survival is greater. The sad thing is that his hands are already stained with blood.

Shaking his head to eliminate distracting thoughts, after checking his skills, Cao Shurui assigned skill points to q and w.

W skill: Wind King enchantment. Passive effect: Increase attack speed by 20%. Active effect: Initiate a challenge to the enemy hero. If the enemy is healthier than itself, the target will be taunted and the target will have the urge to attack itself; otherwise, the target’s movement speed will be reduced by 30% for 4 seconds.

In places like the battlefield, only faster than others can it not be killed. Moreover, Cao Shurui is still very weak now, and his sword skills are not proficient, so it is important to save his life. Therefore, Cao Shurui resisted the temptation of choosing the Wind King Iron Hammer to clear troops in a large range, and resolutely chose the Wind King enchantment that increased the attack speed.

Passive increased by 20%, which means he can cause more damage at the same time, so Cao Shurui couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

As for the Q skill, that is his only killer when the blue bar does not know how long it is. Of course, the stronger the better. The power of the second-level q skill is almost doubled compared to the first-level skill.

After finishing this, he raised his head to observe the battle in front of him.

Contacting the world name, the young man with red hair and a quiver in the distance, holding a longbow, must be the male protagonist “Tiger’s name is too long to remember”.

“Say there is a difference between the three-dimensional and the two-dimensional. If it weren’t for the heroine to recognize me better, I really wouldn’t recognize him.”

The heroine, which is a member of the unique war girl in this world, is nicknamed Ellen and her full name is Eleonora Wiltalia. As for why Cao Shurui remembered her name? Because she is a girl! Beautiful! (The name is too long, all the following texts are Allen)

Just when Cao Shurui thought about something, the distance between the two sides on Tiger’s side was close to 300 meters, and they had already entered the range of Tiger.

Faced with the charge of the girl and the two cavalry around her, Tagler did not run away, but drew arrows from the quiver, and shot down the two cavalry one by one.

Seeing this scene, Zhan Ji girl couldn’t hide a trace of surprise on her face, and then she was surprised. She did not retreat but moved forward, speeding up.

Tagler couldn’t help getting nervous. Zhan Ji himself not only has high martial arts skills, but also possesses dragon equipment that can exert special abilities. His chances of victory are very slim.

But he still chose to give it a try.

Before the cavalry around Zhan Ji had time to move closer to her, he drew the last two arrows in the quiver. Hold one of them with your mouth, and put the other on the bow.

However, the scene in front of him shook him.

The horse under Zhan Ji’s crotch flew lightly.

Flew high up to the sky above the fallen men.

The height is about two meters.

“I’ll go! This is fine too!” Although I knew that the hero couldn’t win, I saw with my own eyes that Alan used the power of the wind to make the horse airborne or jumped off Cao Shurui. When Cao Shurui was surprised, Allen glanced in his direction. Cao Shurui gritted his teeth and said, “No, in case it is discovered, this is the watershed. Everything will be fine without being discovered. Once discovered, no one will like cowards or deserters.” Cao Shurui clenched the sword in his hand and rushed out.

Zhan Ji is still charging. After knocking down the two arrows shot by Tagler with a sword, she was at most 50 meters away from Tagler, and Tagler had given up resistance and stood in place, seeming to be affected by Allen. The martial skill of using the sword to split the arrow was subdued.

“Don’t give up! Don’t persuade, just do it!” shouting, Cao Shurui launched the meteor slash into the battlefield, and at the same time threw a quiver with an arrow that he just picked up to Tiger, “Zhan Ji, give it to me, Please stop those cavalry!”

Meteor Slash did not disappoint Cao Shurui. The smooth use of the second-stage skill not only forced Alan off the horse, but also knocked her back several meters.

At this time, Cao Shurui finally had the opportunity to take a close look at the girl who looked like a Valkyrie.

There was a smile on Alan’s face, “Have you finally come out? I thought you were going to hide lamely.”

“Oh, I was discovered.” With a sigh, Cao Shurui used his memory to put on an attacking posture. He knew that there was almost no hope of winning in this battle. Allen just stood there and the murderous aura was already coming. Make him feel uncomfortable. If you can’t prove your worth, then the ending must be dead here.

“The young man over there has very good skills in making bows and has the value of a captive. So, what value do you have?” Allen looked with interest at the young man in strange clothes in front of him (in fact, it was my school uniform from the Celestial Empire).

Cao Shurui swallowed and tightened the sword in his hand. After feeling it, the amount of blue in the body can still support the use of meteorite cut three times. The Zhan Ji in front of him was definitely healthier than him, and he didn’t need to ridicule the hatred value to fill it, so the active effect of the Wind King enchantment was useless.

According to Cao Shurui’s understanding, Alan was once a mercenary, so it is impossible to expect to use science and technology and advanced ideas to influence her (the mouth is not effective), the only way is to fight with a sword and start with martial arts.

Tensed, Cao Shurui rushed forward and slashed at Allen. Allen squinted his eyes. The teenager in front of him didn’t have much combat experience at first glance, but he had a clear battlefield style in swordsmanship.

While opening the trick, Allen continued to observe. Suddenly, news from Ryugu stopped her. “Really, Avery Far? There are traces of [Wind] on his body?”

Elifar is a dragon that controls the wind, so he can naturally feel the Wind King enchantment on Cao Shurui.

“It turns out that you are also favored by the wind, and you can compete with me who doesn’t have the power of a dragon… well, you are also very good.

Cao Shurui, who jumped after taking the opportunity, got a chance to breathe. His arms were sour that he could barely hold the sword. Allen’s strength is far greater than it looks.

“This is Eleonora Wiltalia. How about you?”

“Cao Shurui… I am a traveler from the East and I strayed into the battlefield.”

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