The 300 Heroes of the Manga

Chapter 29

Chapter 29

For him, the longer he loads the hero, the better he adapts. Now, he can even maintain a normal life by magic alone. But without food, the magic power will not be restored naturally, so he still has to eat something every day.

For example, bread that is as hard as stone. Probably this is also why Cao Shurui knew that he could use magic power instead of eating less.

While thinking that Ellen and Lim could still drink soup, Cao Shurui was still nibbling.

The amount of food is not too much, and he is below the leadership. This kind of treatment is also normal. After all, he can’t beat Zhan Ji in terms of strength and Lim in terms of management.

However, Cao Shurui is not weak in both. In the hearts of Gista’s soldiers, Cao Shurui’s majesty and prestige are second only to Ellen and Lim.

I have been stationed here for 5 days. Allen and Tygler go to meet the Brunei nobles who may become companions every day. Cao Shurui stayed with Lim to ensure that the army could go out at any time.

When Cao Shurui was thinking about something that was missing, the figure of the scout appeared in his sight. It was a somewhat flustered gesture.

“What happened?” Cao Shurui hurried forward and asked.

“Report. A day trip north of here, an army of about 6,000 men was found. The flag is green with a golden unicorn on the flag.”

“Go and talk to Lim again.” Cao Shurui waved away the scout.

Then, the wind rolled up and spread his voice throughout the army.

“The whole army listened to the order, stopped everything at hand, immediately packed up the luggage, dismantled the tent, and prepared to move.”


While the soldiers were packing up, Ellen, Tagler, and a noble Brune who was a facilitator returned from outside.

Cao Shurui immediately greeted them and told them the situation.

“Unicorn. That’s Gong Long Gong’s banner.” Tygler nodded clearly.

“What should I do next?” Cao Shurui asked Allen.

“Anyway, go back to the camp first.”

After returning to camp, Allen, Lim, and Tagler took out a map and began to discuss countermeasures. Cao Shurui stood aside, comparing the methods they proposed with the knowledge in his own memory.

Although the hero is loaded, but you have knowledge does not mean you can use it. Even after learning with Alan and Lim for a while, Cao Shurui’s ability is still slightly inadequate.

As soon as they advanced and retreated, Cao Shurui’s Silver Meteor Army lured Gang Long Army’s army forward, dragged it into the evening, and fought them in an ambush in a woods.

The archer troops organized by Tagler and the cavalry troops led by Cao Shurui attacked at the same time, and immediately caught the enemy by surprise.

However, there were still too many enemies, even if the commander was killed a lot, they were still withdrawn under the command of the general.

After occupying favorable terrain, Allen’s army began to move. Gang Longjun chose to cross the river to retreat.

On the night of the retreat of Gang Long’s army, the soldiers of the Silver Meteor Army raised their glasses to congratulate. Allen and the others bought a large amount of wine from the neighboring town to reward the soldiers who fought bravely. The villagers who escaped from the attack by the Gang Long army also came to help, and it turned out to be a large-scale celebration party.

This is not only for the soldiers, but also to maintain morale and eliminate the gap between the Gista special soldiers and the Brunei soldiers.

Although the food was the same as usual, they set up several large bonfires to dispel the cold. The brightness and warmth kept the atmosphere high.

Cao Shurui, who didn’t like the crowded environment in his previous life, quietly left the party. He found a quiet place, then lay down casually.

Looking up at this starry sky similar to Blue Star, Cao Shurui’s eyes flowed, and no one knew what he was thinking.

Feeling the night breeze, Cao Shurui was very comfortable. Suddenly, the flow of the wind changed, and someone seemed to bend down next to him.

“It’s Alan.” Cao Shurui said lightly.

“Oh, how did you find me?” Alan’s voice came, seeming to be a bit drunk.

Cao Shurui looked in the direction of the sound. Alan was wearing the same clothes as usual. Yin Shan was not hung on his waist, but held in his right hand. She seemed to have drunk a lot, her cheeks flushed.

“It’s because of the wind. You have a special feeling.” Cao Shurui straightened up and replied casually.

“Thank you, Ellen.” Cao Shurui said abruptly.

“What’s wrong, so suddenly?”

“Huh, if you didn’t capture me, then I would have died a long time ago. Not to mention that I can live as I am now.”

“…I thought you suddenly wanted to say something.”

Allen smiled bitterly and stretched out his hand to Cao Shurui. She wrapped her fingers around Cao Shurui’s hair, stroking them like a stir.

“It’s not because you have something that attracts me. You know it too? I have never been a prisoner before.” Alan’s voice was flattering.

Both of them stopped talking. The atmosphere began to become more subtle.

Allen seemed to like the feeling of touching his head very much, and continued to smile and caress.

“I’m not Sylvie, I might really be bald if this continues.” Thinking of these messy things, Cao Shurui’s face began to heat up.

“…Is it time to go back? Look, the wine is also awake.”

Cao Shurui made the proposal cautiously. As soon as he finished speaking, Alan puffed his cheeks and looked very unhappy.

“Stay here for a while. If you go back now, Lim will be verbose.”


“Oh, you just can’t leave the venue alone. As the commander-in-chief, you must drink in moderation. Don’t use silver flash to blow the wine on the face…”

Cao Shurui laughed a little while imagining Lim being splashed with wine on his face.

“But, I think Lim will probably be awkward without saying a word if I don’t go back again?”

Before he could finish speaking, Allen stopped his fingers.

“–It seems necessary now to let you understand your position.”

Before Cao Shurui could react, Allen quickly walked around behind him and clamped his head with his arms like a hug.

After all, Alan is not really angry, so it is not uncomfortable. However, the soft twin peaks pressed tightly on the back of Cao Shurui’s head, and he couldn’t help being a little frantic. He hurriedly wanted to get rid of Alan, but she didn’t want him to succeed and pressed her whole body tightly.

The two soft and rich objects that originally described the plump curves showed incredible elasticity and continued soft and soft deformation with Allen’s movements. With the feeling from the back of his head and the slight smell of sweat, Cao Shurui felt that he was about to lose control of himself.

“Well, I surrender, surrender.”

If you can’t resist, just surrender. In short, you have to break free first. Otherwise, what if Allen did something bad by drinking, do I agree? Or agree?

After hearing the words to admit defeat, Allen still didn’t let go. She hugged Cao Shurui’s neck with her slender arms and leaned her weight up.

“Your back is unexpectedly wide…”

Allen gently folded Cao Shurui’s hands.

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