The 300 Heroes of the Manga

Chapter 34

Chapter 34

After Viscount Ogiye confirmed the scout’s report, he spoke heavily.

“I want to confirm, in Brunei’s army, what is the difference between the so-called knight and the ordinary soldier?”

Alan was very surprised by Ogiye’s extremely nervous face, she asked, tilting her head.

“Brunei’s knights, every one of them is a warrior who has withstood trials.”

Eugie drank a sip of wine to moisturize his throat, and then went on to explain.

“Knights pursue martial arts and training. Martial arts refers to swordsmanship, spearmanship, and equestrianism. Cultivation refers to chivalry, reading and writing of words, art of war and heraldry. In the royal capital, knight selections are held every year, and participants need to overcome There are several trials to test those abilities. And those who eventually pass will receive the knight medal at the award ceremony and officially become a knight.

The words were interrupted, and after a breathing time, Ogiye declared again with a heavy expression.

“The one who is approaching us now is the Knights of Navarre. Roland, the leader of this knight, holds the synonym of’Black Knight’ and is respected as Brunel’s strongest knight.”

“Ding! Real-time task release!

Task content: repel the attack of the black knight Roland and ensure that Allen is not dead.

Task reward: gold coins X1000, 50% of the current experience upper limit of hero experience

Mission failure: no punishment”

“…The reward is so high. Sure enough, Roland is at least as strong as Zhan Ji. Moreover, in the animation, his performance is almost equal to that of Alan, except for weapons and skills. No punishment? If he fails, Either he was killed by Roland or Sophie hated him because Alan died. It is estimated that he will die in the end. Moreover, if Alan cannot be protected, what is the difference from what happened in the dream? I must keep her.”

I’m a summoner, so I can’t persuade me.

Cao Shurui made up his mind silently.

Everyone’s discussion is still going on, and Cao Shurui’s brief absence was not noticed by anyone.

“…Roland received a trial at the age of thirteen and became a knight. The training and age are exactly the same, but the martial arts is completely different from it. At the time when the martial arts trial was conducted, the opponents of the knight volunteers were all It was selected from thousands of knight commanders, the elite of the elite. But Roland defeated all these knight commanders.” Viscount Ogiye was still talking about Roland’s deeds.

The thirteen-year-old boy defeated all the knights who had slaughtered countless enemies from the battlefield. This made everyone who didn’t know Roland look down.

“It really feels exaggerated.”

“This is a fact.”

Ogiye’s tone was like saying, it was normal to be unable to believe it.

“Later, Roland, who became a knight, never lost. He won three consecutive years in the riding competitions held by the kingdom. On the battlefield, he will surely be able to win the first rank of the enemy generals. Your Majesty appreciates him very much. When assigned to the Knights of Navarre, he even bestowed the kingdom’s sword Durandal to Roland.”

When he said this, Ogiye wrinkled his face like annoyance, and his body trembled slightly.

“This Knights of Navarra is attached to the most important part of the Western border. It is the junction of our country, Saxtan, and Aswar.”

“Meaning that border conflicts are rampant there?”

Hearing Lim’s question, Ogiye nodded deeply.

“There should not be more than tens of thousands of huge armies facing each other, but small conflicts occur frequently. Therefore, the members of the Navarra Knights are basically elites who have experienced battles. Even with such a knights, Roland was assigned to the first. Became the head of the regiment in two years.”

“…That’s it.”

Alan’s expression finally became serious. In places where battles take place every day, it is impossible for a person with only half strength to become a regimental leader.

“But what is going on?”

Tagler spoke out the question in his mind.

“The knights of the kingdom only swear allegiance to your majesty. When they become knights, they will swear to the gods (allegiance to your majesty). It stands to reason that they only obey your majesty’s orders…”

“It’s hard to imagine Your Majesty will give such an order. Probably it was Duke Tenardiya or Duke Ganlong who instigated your Majesty to do so. I will send an envoy first. Can you give me some time?”

“It can be, but here will continue to prepare for battle while you are sending envoys, and the alert will not be lifted.”

Hearing Alan’s answer, Ogiye bowed his head deeply gratefully.

Then he sent an envoy to the Knights to negotiate. But in less than an hour they came back dejected.

“Their answer is,’We do not accept any negotiation other than surrender. If there is an intention to surrender, please disarm all arms immediately.'”

“Does it mean to surrender if you want to speak? It’s so simple.”

Allen seemed to be deeply moved by the frank attitude of the enemy general. The red eyes were full of war-like brilliance, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. The long sword in her hand, Ali Farr, also felt the master’s strong will to fight, and the breeze stirred the surrounding air.

On the other side, Tagler, Ogier, and Lim all looked at each other with headaches. I can’t say what I want to say.

And Cao Shurui had known for a long time that there would be a battle. Otherwise, why does the system release tasks? Therefore, Cao Shurui did not pay attention to the messenger’s situation, but focused on the system, looking for useful equipment.

“I also sent the messenger over.”

Tagler selected two from the Alsatian soldiers and sent them to the Knights. “If you are unwilling to negotiate, can you at least give us some time to unify our opinions.” He is going to send such a message. Among them, there is also the meaning of buying time for Mashas to come here.

However, the result remains the same. They were pushed back by the armored group, and returned to the camp dingy. It seems that it has not been able to convey the past.

“It looks like there is only one battle.”

Tagler declared heavily. This concludes the short consultation meeting of five people.

Allen, Lim, and Cao Shurui left the camp in order to prepare the Gista’s army.

One hour later, the Argent Meteor Army completed its deployment in the center of the Orangje Plain.

It was mid-afternoon, and the Knights of Navarre and the Argent Meteor Army were about five hundred meters apart and confronted each other.

The sky is still as gray as yesterday, and just looking at the thick clouds makes people feel unspeakably uneasy. Occasionally, you can see the white and fuzzy sun from a tiny gap, casting the faint sunlight down the earth.

“It looks like they want a battle.”

Roland whispered alone as he watched the enemy’s flags fluttering in the wind. Because the opponent is an army assembled by multiple little nobles, they have a variety of military flags. But among this, there is an unusually conspicuous banner-the Black Dragon Banner.

“Our formation has been completed.”

Olivier, the deputy commander, came to report. The Knights of the Brunei Kingdom have a variety of combat formations. Now, the formation called “gun” used by the Knights of Navarra looks like a literal gun from above, like a gun with a triangular point.

“Fuse yourself with weapons and war horses and turn them into a gun. Quickly, violently, and deeply pierce the enemy, and then destroy” is the moral of this battlefield.

Roland stood at the forefront of the troops. Generally speaking, the commander should be behind the troops, but he is always the first to enter the enemy line. This man believes that this is his duty. By now, this has become commonplace.

“But, start offense now? Wouldn’t it be better to wait until the intelligence collection is complete?”

Before coming here, Roland sent envoys to the nearby knights. The purpose is to collect information on the surrounding terrain and the enemy, and at the same time ask them for help in response to possible changes.

Tiger and their messengers were rushed back because they fully understood their “crimes” after seeing them embarrassed with the Gistas, and at the same time did not want to be confused by redundant information.

Preconceived thoughts have long been ingrained in Roland’s mind. He only recognizes the result, regardless of the cause.

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