The 300 Heroes of the Manga

Chapter 40

Chapter 40

That is Roland. He abandoned his horse, galloped in the mud, and slaughtered frantically in the Gistat army.

This scene is almost like the reappearance of yesterday’s tragedy.

Every time the black knight swung his sword, mourning and bleeding appeared in the formation, and one or two lives returned to the sky.

Every time he took a step, the soldiers quickly backed up two steps, but they were still caught up by the black knight and beheaded mercilessly. While being beheaded, the weapon broke and the armor shattered.

A road made of blood and corpses appeared in the mud. Roland ran at high speed and danced on top of it. He couldn’t see that he was wearing armor at all. He snatched the Gista special soldier’s horse, and immediately cut the grass with the scythe, slashing them one by one.

Countless corpses were scattered on the soil and grass, and the blood and sewage flowed down into a river. The clash of swords and roars resounded across the sky. Finally, Roland stopped the advance, and the person who stopped him was the same as yesterday.

The long sword swung over violently collided with Roland’s sword.

“Meet again.”

Alan rode a horse and stood in front of Roland, with a fearless smile on his lips. Behind her is Sophie.

“Is that you… where was the knight yesterday? It was a mistake to forget to ask his name.”

“He is on the other side. Today, our king is against the king, and we will be against the general.”

“Oh, that’s a good idea. Except for me, there is really no second person in my knights who can stop him. But as long as I hit you, the victory will still be ours.”

“Although I don’t know what you are thinking wrong, but this is what I want!”

Allen stopped Sophie with his hand and took a step forward. Under the reflection of the sun, the dazzling dragon gear and the sword violently clash. Roland’s powerful slash was bounced back by Allen without showing any weakness.

The blade collided, cyan sparks splashed out, the wind whirled, and the soil rolled into the sky.

Roland swallowed during the first sword fight, and the surprised expression appeared on his face when he tried the second sword fight.

—A lot stronger than yesterday…!

Her determination and consciousness came from the sword. Although it was said that momentum alone could not change the gap in strength, Roland had a foreboding that this battle would not be easy.

The wind pressure brushed the skin several times, but the blade never touched the opponent. Touching a little bit means death, and both of them understand this.

Staggered several times, entangled several times, although the two were almost stuck together, no one dared to come forward to help out. A small circular space was formed around Allen and Roland.

The subordinates are not reluctant to intervene because they are worried about the leader, but are afraid of being involved in a death fight to stay away from them.

At this time, several brave Knights of Navarre prepared to enter this space in order to assist Roland, but some of them were knocked into the air by Sophie’s tin rod before approaching, and others were overwhelmed by the strong vindictiveness of the two. , Unable to step forward. Gista also stopped under Sophie’s restraint.

Chapter Thirty Fierce Battle (1)

While Alan and Roland fought fiercely, they slowly attracted him from the vortex of the battlefield.

Roland also noticed that he was gradually leaving the battlefield, but he also understood that he could not turn his back to the Zhan Ji in front of him. Moreover, he has already given the command of the Knights to Olivier.

Leaving the world where iron and blood are scattered, Zhan Ji and the black knight gallop on the grassland. They were close to two Belstad (two kilometers) away from the battlefield, and Sophie rode his horse along with Allen.

“Your Excellency Black Knight. Please let us be your opponent now.”

Does it matter, Allen asked with his gaze. Guanghua’s Zhan Ji nodded gently to her in response.

There are two reasons why Allen has been fighting alone so far.

One is to show Roland his determination.

Second, worry about Sophie’s physical strength. It is true that Sophie has very superior strength, but she also lacks the enduring power like Ellen and Lyudmila. When faced with a tough opponent like Roland, he couldn’t keep fighting.

“-bring it on.”

Roland answered in a short voice, and then the three of them stepped on the ground at the same time.

The long sword, the tin rod, and the big sword depict a dazzling trail of light. Even in the face of Alan and Sophie’s dual offensive, Roland remained unmoved and evenly matched with them. Take the slash, withstand the thrust, bounce and sweep.

Alan and the others couldn’t make the same actions as Roland. If Roland is attacked from the front, even if the dragon is not damaged, his arm will break.

Having said that, Roland never made it easy. After all, he was at the same time fighting two skilled fighters. Even in less than a moment, no breathing disorder is allowed.

At the end of the fierce death fight, Roland’s great sword captured Alan’s horse. Like yesterday, Allen lost his mount again.

However, what happened after that was completely different from yesterday.

—Black Knight. Just let you see the reason why I am called Zhan Ji.

“—Feng Ying.”

Before the horse’s body was about to lean, Allen lifted his feet on the stirrups, kicked the saddle violently, and jumped into the air. With her long silver hair dancing with the wind, Allen chopped off at Roland from the air.

Roland hit back with a sword and bounced Allen back.

However, Allen didn’t fall heavily to the ground, but adjusted his posture in the air, rushing toward Roland again like a bird of prey gliding quickly and violently. This is not what a human should do at all.

“Heh, is it a magic trick, this kind of vulture skill!”

The air began to churn violently, turning up a whirlwind, and this scene could even be seen with the naked eye. Amid the undulating steel sound, Allen, who was wrapped in the windbreaker, jumped into the sky and attacked Roland from the blind spot.

Every time she attacked, the rolling storm made a loud noise, shaking the earth. Allen, who was flying endlessly in the air, kept dropping slashes, causing Roland to start a blind defense. As soon as Alan cut Roland’s mount, the black knight descended to the ground without any flaws.

However, Allen’s onslaught continued. In the face of this swift speed, there are movements that are almost invisible to the wind flying around. If it were an ordinary person, it would have been torn to pieces long ago.

However, Roland still caught Alan’s movements. He doesn’t rely on his eyes to follow his movements, but on his skin to read the flow of air. He doesn’t rely on sword skills but only reflexes to wield a big sword.

This kind of power has already reached its peak among humans, and even surpasses it.

Roland growled. He greeted Ali Far with a blow that was as strong as a gale. The impact knocked Alan far away and fell into the sky.

In order to face Allen who attacked again after regaining his posture in the air, Roland set his posture. At this moment, Sophie moved. The dancing tin rod made a crisp sound.

Sophie has been watching the battle between the two since Alan used “Wind Shadow”, but at this moment she saw a flaw.

“The glorious splash is flying forward.”

The tin rod emitted countless light particles to Roland. Although the rain of light will not cause harm to the human body, it is enough to confuse Roland and create gaps.

Allen raised his long sword in the air. “Ari Farr,” Allen said softly. Like a response, the silver flash began to emit a pure white light. The blood wind radiating heat wrapped around the upper blade, shaking the earth, and began to form a shining tornado along the spiral trajectory.

—This man is human. It is true that he possesses power and skills that surpass humans. However, he is neither a war girl nor a dragon.

Is it okay to use dragon skills against a mere human? Although Roland’s great sword seems to be able to obliterate dragon skills, should it be used against him based on this alone?

This entanglement is still entangled in Allen’s heart. However, Cao Shurui’s worried expression and Sophie’s words pushed her from behind. Allen’s will has become very firm.

—Sasha. Maybe you will be angry. As a warrior, once you stand in front of an opponent who cannot use dragon skills against him, you must fight bravely until you die.

But Allen has made up his mind to use this power in order not to worry Cao Shurui. No one can shake this idea.

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