The 300 Heroes of the Manga

Chapter 42

Chapter 42

Roland, who originally held the sword in his right hand, also put his left hand on the hilt. Holding Durandal tightly with both hands, he lifted it high. At this time, Allen noticed for the first time. In the battle yesterday and today, Roland never held a sword with both hands. He even used one hand when he combed the dragon-breaking skills.

“Let me respond to you with all my strength.”

Upon seeing this, Cao Shurui’s expression also became serious. The relaxed atmosphere when I spoke just now vanishes.

“Fuck, this posture is a bit familiar. Could it be that Roland is more of Mu Jianba’s type? Is it because the blindfold has been removed, so it is so strong?”

Silently complaining in his heart, Cao Shurui called out the system, bought two bottles of red medicine, and threw them to Ellen and Sophie behind him.

“Don’t ask me what I am, just drink it.”

“? Well, is this the last glass of wine or something?” After Ellen stretched out his hand to catch it, he raised his neck and drank it without hesitation.

Smacking his lips, Allen said his thoughts: “Oh, it’s actually sweet.”

Upon seeing this, Sophie drank it directly.

It may be the reason for the sharper perception, Sophie immediately noticed her own change.

“This is… the physical strength is recovering?”

“The right feeling is worthy of Zhan Ji. The red medicine you drank just now is used to recover your injuries and physical strength.”

Cao Shurui kept his eyes on Roland and answered Sophie’s question.

Seeing that Cao Shurui seemed to be done preparing, Roland nodded, and then—

Charge up.

That is the impact of an avalanche, a person who cannot be defeated.

It hurts if you touch it, you die if you touch it. Roland wielded the big sword, one after another, leaving white marks in the air. The trajectories of Bai Hen were connected, and they actually occupied the space around Cao Shurui.

From Alan’s perspective, Cao Shurui seemed to be locked in a cage made of sword blades by Roland.

Although Allen wanted to go up and help, but the attack and defense between the two were very quick, the swords interlaced endlessly, only the fuzzy afterimage of their arms could be seen. There is no gap for inserting others.

The shock wave overflowing from the confrontation between the two shakes the earth and distorts the atmosphere. Even Allen and Sophie were forced to lean back.

“…It’s really indescribable.”

With consternation in her beryl eyes, Sophie let out a sigh. After hearing this, Allen smiled triumphantly while pressing the long silver hair with his hand.

“Awesome, right? But, I will never let it to you.”

“I can’t imagine this level of offense and defense in the past. But now, I am actually a participant!”

In the evenly matched offense and defense with Roland, Cao Shurui became more and more excited. He felt the blood all over his body boiling. The hero’s strength is gradually turning into his own strength, and all the combat experience, strength, and skills he has obtained after coming to this world are integrated in this battle.

With magic spurting out of his feet, Cao Shurui ignored his inertia, forcibly stopped his figure, leaned back to the side, and avoided Roland’s cassock cut after a fake action.

Pulling back his upper body, following this direction, Cao Shurui went to the heart and smoothly connected a meteor slash. Although Roland received both blows, Roland was still repelled.

The whole body’s magic is rushing and converging on the tip of the sword.

“I want to defeat you! For myself and to protect the interests of Brunai’s people!” Cao Shurui roared as if to strengthen his will. In these days in Brunei, from the tavern, from the city, Cao Shurui learned that many Brunei people were treated like nobles against livestock. The feelings of anger turned into motivation to squeeze the magic.

At this time, a crisp sword sounded. Turning his head, Cao Shurui seemed to see the phantom of the Knight King in the magical twisted air beside him. She held the same sword with him, smiled and applauded his words.

“Wind King Hammer!”

Cao Shurui roared, releasing the magic power that entangled the wind.

“–bring it on!”

Roland roared loudly as the strong pressure that dissipated the surrounding storm burst out of his whole body.

Despite being violently beaten by the squally wind mixed with earth and sand, Roland still stared firmly at the torrent of the galloping storm.


The huge roar of flying mountains resounded across the sky and shook the earth. Durandal’s slash was blocked by the airflow, and the stalemate continued.

During the conflict between the two, the power lost due to constant wear and tear began to turn into light and scattered in the air.

Roland gritted his teeth and used his muscles to fight the wind. The eyes burned by the light began to blur, and the ears that were stunned by the sudden blast were also paralyzed, but through the sword, he still maintained the feeling of the whole body. The tip of the sword did not waver at all.

——I am… the knight Roland who was awarded the sword by your majesty!

When he shouted in his heart, for some reason, Roland remembered Cao Shurui’s words just now. Come to think of it, his reason for holding a sword.

——To protect my people.

In order to protect the people without hesitating to shed blood on the battlefield, who is betting their lives?

Tiger Will Mudqing is a rebel. But who condemned him as a rebel?

Why, the exotic knight, would say such words?

——I… I received the sword from your majesty to protect the people!

“Oh oh oh oh oh oh!”

To pour out all the emotions hidden in his heart, Roland screamed loudly–

The atmosphere wailed like a mournful cry, and counted the white traces that remained in the air for a long time. On the ground, the direction of the wind left a gully with a width of 5 meters and a depth of 1 meter.

Roland stood at the end of the gully. He still maintained the slashing posture. However, where the blade could not protect, all the armor shattered and scarred.

“…Hey, do you want to continue fighting, Roland?” Cao Shurui stood in place with a sword. The overdraft of magic power is very uncomfortable. He is now unsteady and his legs are weak.

“No more questions, Cao Shurui. He…has passed out.”

“! Even if you lose your consciousness, you will never fall…? How brave and strong.” Cao Shurui looked at Roland’s posture. The blood-colored sunset hung behind Roland, reflecting his incomparable majesty. With his sword-holding posture, he slashed, as if he was still fighting.

“…Anyway, let’s go back first.” Cao Shurui’s voice seemed weak.

“Okay, then, I’ll take Roland. Cao Shurui will leave it to you, Ellen.” Sophie smiled mischievously, and then immediately ran to Roland. On the way, she also glanced back at Alan jokingly.

And Allen, flushed, seemed to be steaming above his head.

“I…I’ll help you go. Since…you consume so much, I’ll ride a horse with you.” With that, Alan seemed to have made up his mind. She took a deep breath and walked to Cao Shurui, holding him to the horse behind. Her face has returned to normal.

“This is a reward for the hero, don’t be pressured, be obedient.” Allen smiled and said to Cao Shurui.

This smiling face is so warm in the afterglow of the sunset.

“This is the most beautiful smile I have ever seen…” Cao Shurui closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep as he murmured these words.

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