The 300 Heroes of the Manga

Chapter 44

Chapter 44

“it’s useless.”

The first to react was Mashas.

“Your Majesty, he… is so weak that he can’t even see others.”

“Besides, after Tenardier and Gunlong knew about your failure to defeat us, do you think they would stop there? They will definitely blame you.”

“And how long do you want to borrow? We don’t have that idle time here. Besides, we don’t know when other knights or nobles will come over.”

Alan asked Roland with his arms folded. Tagler also expressed his denial.

“Qing Mashas also went to the palace for me, and then not only failed to see his majesty, he was even hunted down. I think the current king is already much more dangerous than you think.”

“The tentacles of the great nobles have spread all over the royal capital. Even if it is you, it is possible to die.” Cao Shurui stared into Roland’s eyes earnestly and said.

He didn’t want Roland to die, but he could do nothing but persuade.

“The more dangerous it is, the more it suits me.”

It seems that Tiger’s persuasion made Roland’s attitude more determined.

“As Brunei’s knight, I must correct my mistakes.”

Afterwards, Roland removed the big sword from his back with its sheath and handed it to Cao Shurui. This sword is Durandal.

Cao Shurui looked at Roland, who handed the sword to him with regret and sorrow.

——As a result, is it still impossible to change. Roland’s will was really firm.

“Place this sword in your place. I will use this sword as a proof. Knight Roland agrees with your justice. As long as you show this sword, other knights will retreat without fighting. And as long as you are not a very stupid nobleman, see After this sword, it should also stop you.”

What Roland didn’t say was that, in fact, a legendary knight appeared in his mind now, with a radiant figure. If the opponent is fighting for the people, it is not surprising that this sword will be in his hands. This is Roland’s idea.

“By the way, let the Knights of Navarra fight with us, is it still impossible?”

Allen asked. Olivier shook his head. He really couldn’t be as calm as Roland and answered in a business tone.

“We will return to the Navarre Fortress. After all, we can’t keep the western border empty.”

Cao Shurui took the sword and observed it carefully. He felt that the sword was very heavy and a bit strange.

“Ding! Detected the existence of Dragon Slaying attributes and weak divinity!” The system suddenly expressed a sense of existence.

“Really, it’s no wonder that it can restrain dragons and be invincible. Although it has long been known that it has the attribute of slaying dragons, but I did not expect that there is actually a god.”

Cao Shurui considered for a while, and then made a decision. He raised his head and replied to Roland.

“I understand. Before you come back, this sword will be with me.”

“Also, I promise you will not move from now on.” Tagler also followed closely.

Tagler did not make this decision purely because of sentimentality. But because it takes time to increase troops.

Roland and his knights left after the banquet.

——After this, Cao Shurui never saw this noble and brave knight again.

Chapter 33 The New Fire of War

After Roland left, the system prompted him to arrive as scheduled.

The task was completed, but the joy in Cao Shurui’s heart was not so high. Cao Shurui felt blocked when he thought that Roland knew he was going to die or did not hesitate to hesitate.

In the dark, Cao Shurui had a better understanding of knights. The power of the Knight King has flowed more smoothly.

“Ding! Congratulations on upgrading to LV14 and gaining skill points X1”

Cao Shurui added this to the Wind King Iron Hammer. At this time, Cao Shurui left the Wind King enchantment and the Oath (HX) cannon not full.

Tiger and Allen obeyed the agreement with Roland, and stayed there waiting for Roland to return.

After the battle with Roland, the environment around Cao Shurui also changed.

Tygler felt the call of the black bow, and Cao Shurui also received the prompt “Divinity detected” when he felt the magic.

Allen seemed to want to drive something, and seemed to have made up his mind. She made no secret of her affection for Cao Shurui in front of her acquaintances. Cao Shurui, who has always been a member of the league, seemed very busy. He didn’t know what he should do. So he decided to keep it as it is.

In fact, he also has a good impression of Allen. However, on the one hand, he promised Sophie; on the other hand, he also needs time to recognize himself. Does he like the Ellen in front of him, or the “Ellen” who used to be in the second dimension through the screen?

“If you don’t figure this out, it’s too disrespectful of Alan’s heart.” Cao Shurui warned himself.

In the eyes of those around him, Cao Shurui is like a piece of wood, without emotional intelligence. Only Sophie saw Cao Shurui’s entanglement. This made Sophie look at him a little bit more, her eyes radiating brightly.

“Oh, if this were the other seniors, they would have done something indescribable. That is me, I am so weak that I should be counseled. If I don’t counsel, Alan will be condemned, and I will be wanted. . Now I’m still forbearing. The system can’t help it. [Please explore by yourself] Whatever, it’s just that the time has not come. I want to be a summoner man.

After cheering for himself in his heart, Cao Shurui enjoyed a temporary peaceful day. If he had time, he would still hang out with Alan. And Ellen is more intimate with him, holding hands, feeding and playing, and the two of them have done a lot of things that couples do only.

However, no one took the initiative to change the relationship. The two knew it well, but they didn’t admit it. It feels like “I want to dying of you”. The people around gritted their teeth, but they couldn’t intervene. Who makes both parties play stupid?


When a soldier appeared in front of Cao Shurui who was waiting for Roland to return, it was a cold winter morning. At this time, the sky is still covered with dark clouds.

“I came from Master Alexandra.”

After saying this, the soldier handed a letter to Allen. Allen silently tore open the envelope, took out the letter paper and began to read.

On this day, Alan was silent with a gloomy expression. No matter how Cao Shurui spoke to her, she only had a few vague words.

The next day, Allen took the initiative to speak to Cao Shurui.

“Will you go for a horse riding outing?”

“…Okay, let’s go.”

——Are you finally willing to speak?

Yesterday, Cao Shurui was worried about Allen. However, if Allen didn’t say it, he couldn’t force her to say it. He put down the tools in his hand and stopped trying to repair the armor.

Cao Shurui raised his head to look at Alan. Zhan Ji, who has long silver hair, has a smile on her mouth, but her eyes are very serious.

At this time, Roland had not yet reached the royal capital, and his future was unknown. Whether Cao Shurui or Alan, just mastering the movements around him is already doing his best.

Then Cao Shurui and Allen left their positions on horses.

Cao Shurui didn’t know how many roads they had ridden. Telitor is mostly a vast prairie, even if you look into the distance, you can’t see the mountains and forests. The scenery is very monotonous.

Cao Shurui looked up at the gray sky, and then at the back of Ellen in front of him. Intuition tells him that what Allen is going to say is probably not a good thing. Suddenly, Allen turned the horse’s head around. Cao Shurui wanted to speak first, but after seeing Alan’s expression, he swallowed it back.

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