The 300 Heroes of the Manga

Chapter 78

Chapter 78

Upon seeing this, Cao Shurui couldn’t help smiling.

Although Chunxia’s mind was almost broken, she was still young after all. The innocence of nature made her still willing to believe in the beauty of the world.

Believe that other cursed children are like this too. Unfortunately, this world still betrayed their expectations for a long time. After all, there are only a few people who can treat cursed children kindly from the heart, treat them with reason, and don’t force the fault of the primitive gut animals on their heads.

Cao Shurui rubbed Chunxia’s little head pitifully. Feeling her body tighten instantly, the color of pity in Cao Shurui’s eyes became stronger.

“People are also cleaned up, and they are full and full, then let’s go. Rather than staying here, let’s go home? I think you don’t seem to have a place to live, so in any case, follow me first. .”

Junxia made no sound, but nodded silently.

Cao Shurui put Chun Xia down from her arms, concealed her figure with the wind, retired from the room and left the hotel.

It was already dark, as black as the hearts of people in this city.

Even though they seem to be quite normal now, but whenever the cursed child is mentioned, they will grit their teeth and pretend to be crazy.

Although Chunxia tried and knew that no pedestrian could see herself, she always shivered unconsciously whenever someone walked by.

Cao Shurui just held her hand silently. The current Cao Shurui has not been truly recognized and accepted by Chunxia, ​​so he can only remain silent. But he was holding Chunxia’s hand, seeming to hold it tighter.

On the streets, all kinds of lights, large and small, were shining, illuminating the streets under the night. However, it doesn’t shine in people’s hearts.

Holding Chunxia’s hand, Cao Shurui walked on the ruins of the outer peripheral area and walked back to “home”.

If this time, he wants to stay here until the end of the plot, then he has four full years to do what he wants.

-Give these poor children the life and treatment they deserve.

PS: Thanks to Yincaijiang for the reward of 100 happy coins!

Chapter 005-Busy Days

The days of living with Junxia are fruitful. It seemed that Cao Shurui’s behavior finally shook little Lori’s defenses, and gradually let her put her guard down.

Now, in one day, Cao Shurui has been able to chat with Chunxia for a few minutes, and occasionally makes her laugh.

And Cao Shurui, in order to be able to increase the time with Chun Xia, is also cruel, and opened up the characteristics of the void.

When Cao Shurui hunted down the gastrointestinal animals, he always controlled the void to only show the nature of ordinary weapons, or simply used the pickled weapons. Even in the face of the regenerative nature of Phase Three, it is just adding magic to the weapon.

But now, with the characteristics of the void enabled, in this world, no matter who Cao Shurui wants to kill, he only needs one blow.

Cao Shurui only needs to activate the Apocalypse virus in the opponent’s body, then use the “king force” to induce the opponent’s void, and then destroy the void.

Moreover, this world has its own unique advantages. I don’t know if it is because Cao Shurui only used skills or because the virus concentration of this world’s Apocalypse is low. The corpse of the gastrointestinal animal that was destroyed by Cao Shurui destroyed the void and died.

Thanks to this, he got more money from the transaction.

But there is also a disadvantage to doing so, that is, fighting becomes a process of mechanical repetition. Once dependence is formed, Cao Shurui will lose the ability to fight.

Therefore, when Cao Shurui got along with Chunxia, ​​he did not forget to practice. Moreover, every day Cao Shurui would fight seriously in the third stage of the first encounter.


“What are you doing?” Chunxia watched Cao Shurui doing some exercises every day, after all, she couldn’t hold back her curiosity.

“I’m exercising. That’s why I can kill so many gastroenterologists. I have power and I can use it.” Cao Shurui kept moving and answered Chunxia.

The fact that Cao Shurui killed the gastrointestinal animals to subsidize the family was naturally something that Chun Xia could not hide.

Moreover, Chunxia knew in her heart that only relying on the salary of the new administrative officer Cao Shurui (in fact, it has not been paid), there is no way to buy her books, toys and clothing that occupy almost one-third of the space inside the tent.

“If I exercise like you, can I become stronger?” Junxia asked. There was expectation and desire in her voice.

“Not yet. Your body still lacks nutrition. Wait for a month. After another month, you can restore the normal body level of a child of this age. After that time, I will help you become stronger.”

Cao Shurui saw Chunxia’s hopes, but he did not agree. Because Chunxia’s body is still skinny and it’s a match for hemp. During this month, Cao Shurui looked up information and changed her diet every day to replenish Chun Xia’s body. It was nothing more than a rosy complexion.

The gastroenterological factors can provide power beyond ordinary people, so naturally they need more energy. Therefore, Chun Xia, who has been starving almost all the time, is naturally not strong enough to be able to use it, and it is difficult to make up for it.

On the other hand, Cao Shurui has been studying a variant of the Apocalypse virus ever since Chunxia entered his life. It needs a variant that can take over the gastrointestinal factors without increasing the erosion rate of gastrointestinal virus.

The reason why the cursed child suffers unfair treatment is because of the virus erosion rate. Every time they use extra-ordinary power, or get injured, they will increase the erosion rate. When the erosion rate reaches 50%, they will become primitive gut animals just like the infected. Moreover, this process is irreversible.

After Cao Shurui experimented with many primitive gut animals, he finally bred a variant that could meet the requirements, but the effect was not stable yet. Cao Shurui still needs more time to ensure that this mutant Apocalypse virus will not stifle the growth of the cursed son’s ability. Otherwise, he is just doing useless work.


After Cao Shurui finished the exercise, he sat aside and turned on the system.

This time, he wants to replace the equipment of the strong belt with the armor of the martyr.

When returning from hunting the day before, Cao Shurui encountered a sniper from at least 1,500 meters away. Fortunately, he used the void in time to open a shield similar to the magic circle to cushion the blow. But thanks to this, Cao Shurui suffered a serious injury to his right arm.

After he caught the sniper, he knew that it turned out that it was because he had gained a lot all day and was admired by others, so this time someone wanted to cut the sniper.

Cao Shurui is not very strong now, and he was almost defeated this time. Startled him in a cold sweat.

Therefore, he only needs to change his equipment now. As it is a synthetic equipment, he only used 1860 gold coins to replace the strong belt with the armor of the martyr.

“Martyred Armor: Greatly strengthen the physique (superimpose two permanent level 1 hero physique), provide a large amount of vitality and rapid vitality recovery. As more enemies are knocked down, the effect is stronger, and it provides up to twice the bonus .” (That is equivalent to wearing a total of three pieces in the end).

Cao Shurui got up and walked outside, feeling it. The bonus of this piece of equipment is considerable.

Even if Cao Shurui just put it in the equipment bay to provide effects, he can take most of the attacks with his body. The sharp and sharp weapons he had in his hand could only leave a few shallow white marks on his body. At this level, even a pistol cannot break the defense. However, facing the sniper rifle will still be injured. If you hit the head, you might die.

However, the improvement of physique is an all-round improvement. Now, Cao Shurui’s perception radius achieved by wind is 1000 meters, and his own crisis perception is 500 meters. In other words, once the bullet approaches his circle of perception, he has time to dodge.

His current physical body, with the help of pseudo-stepping techniques, can already approach twice the speed of sound. It is more than enough to dodge the bullet.

Nodding satisfied, Cao Shurui returned to the tent and began to contact Chunxia, ​​who had not voluntarily left the tent since returning with Cao Shurui…

It is Cao Shurui’s goal to make Chunxia express her feelings like a normal 6-year-old child.


On the other hand, with his excellent political literacy, Cao Shurui has also continuously demonstrated his abilities and has been reused. Although he is too young and has low qualifications, if he hadn’t had a few decades before, it would be impossible for him to get ahead.

But now, the Tendo family, which controls the Tokyo regional political situation, has always used the capable as the standard. Although the suppression still exists, as long as no armed conflict is involved, Cao Shurui does not know. Anyway, as long as he does things more carefully, those little tricks that can’t make it to the table can’t stop him at all.

Now he has not only ended the probation period, but has also been appreciated by the person in charge of the Tiantong family’s administrative office.

The person in charge has recently expressed his intention to give Cao Shurui a few difficult jobs. The obvious hint is that as long as Cao Shurui can do well, he can be promoted.

Cao Shurui is approaching the political center step by step. Soon, he will have a substantial identity for cover and observation.

Moreover, even though he is not the Son of Heaven, he still has thoughts about humans. Even though there is Tiantong Juzhicheng, neither the holy emperor nor he can protect the cursed child from the legal level.

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