The 31st Piece Overturns the Game Board

Chapter 104

Mirei had hidden many things from Seol thus far.

And she still wanted Seol to trust her and continue the experiment? If a hundred transferees were asked this question, all one hundred of them would refuse.

“I’ll do it.”


“I told you, I’ll do the experiment.”

Like always, Seol’s decision went against expectations.

- I can’t believe he fell for her…

- He should just run away, though… Malacus was fucking scary…

- Doesn’t matter~ He’ll just shit on him with the Exceptional Skill.

- Doesn’t matter~ It won’t work on him~

- Doesn’t matter~ Can you guys stop?

- Doesn’t matter~ Ok.

“Well, alright. If you’ve already decided, there’s no need to waste time. My hideout is over there.”

The house was made out of lumped-together trees. Even if the vegetation around the house was covering it, the house was built way too carelessly.

“Don’t you think that it’s too obvious?”

"I used some tricks so that the hunters wouldn’t see it even if they looked at it head-on. Well… at least it has worked so far.”

Mirei stretched and continued talking.

“There isn’t much time left until they find us. Especially Malacus, he doesn’t know when to give up. I just got the short end of the stick, having him chase me… Regardless, they’ll likely find this place soon."

“Then, are we starting the experiment right away?”

“We’re not. We might be short on time, but there’s still one important thing left before we can begin.”


“This experiment won’t be successful if you’re the only person ready. Your partner needs to be ready, too. Also, you don’t even know how this experiment works. Now that I’m saying it out loud, you’re a dude without backup plans. Did you really agree to it when you don’t know what we’d be doing?”

- I’ll do it.

- The experim— What?

Seol asked her a question.

“Well, I had a rough idea. You want me to do something while I’m in the false-death state, right?”

“Exactly. I’m glad that you can at least read between the lines. You’re ready for death, huh? Alright, then I’ll explain exactly how it will progress.”

Mirei began by asking Seol a question.

“What do you think is waiting for you after death?”

“I don’t know.”

“Yeah, and I, someone who has died before, don’t know either. I'm also sure that your shadows don’t remember, either. We have no idea whether the dead drift endlessly in a void or if there’s a world exclusive to them, since we can’t remember.”

She smiled then placed a hand on the tense Seol’s shoulder.

“Don’t worry, though. Based on the instruction manual, the False-Death Inducing Device won’t actually kill you. It just brings you close to death, then makes you dive into your deep consciousness.”

“Deep… consciousness?”

“Basically, it’s the deepest, darkest part of you. Something that isn’t expressed logically, but with your heart. Anyway, there’s a small side effect during that process…”

“Ha. There are side effects, too?”

“Yeah. Basically, it’s difficult to enter your deep consciousness because it’s so painful. It succeeds maybe… one every one hundred attempts?”

“...Didn’t you say we’re short on time?”

“Tadah! That’s why I needed this medicine.”

Mirei flashed Gunt’s Sleeping Medicine.

“You’re not feeding me that, are you?”

“Yeah, I am.”

- And for that reason, I’m out.

- The experim— What?

Gunt’s medicine puts people to sleep before turning them into smelly, pus-covered monsters.

And right now, Mirei was trying to feed that medicine to Seol.

“Are you out of your mind?”

“Calm down. Why do you think it’s called ‘Medicine’? I acquired a small amount of this medicine last time and analyzed it. Based on my research, you won’t experience any side effects as long as you can wake up from sleep on your own. So, as long as you can control it, this medicine won’t only be an effective sedative, but also the best painkiller.”

“Like you said, isn’t that only if you wake up?”

“Are you not going to wake up then? You’ll die if you don’t wake up.”

“It’s not like I can wake up just because I want to, though.”

“Don’t worry so much. The False-Death Inducing Device and this medicine synergize well with each other. They cover each other’s weaknesses.”

“I don’t think it’s that simple, but… alright, what now?”

Mirei put up a finger.

“First, you’ll take this medicine and dive into your deep consciousness using the False-Death Inducing Device.”

She then put up another finger.

“Also, it won’t be just you, but also one of your shadows.”

“My shadow?”

“Yup. This experiment tests whether the shadow and shadow summoner can coexist, after all.”

“Why just one, though?”

“Oh, that’s an easy question. It’s because the False-Death Inducing Device is for two people.”


“We could forcibly try including more shadows, but because we don’t know what side effects would occur if we do that, we’ll just have to pretend that option doesn’t exist.”

“I understand. What next?”

She then put up three fingers.

“Your deep consciousness, like how I mentioned earlier, will bring out any terrible regrets or memories you have. It will also try to keep you there. If you can escape, the experiment will end.”

“It’s much simpler than I thought.”

"It isn’t. It's like saying, 'I’ll conquer the world,' which is different from actually accomplishing it. Now, while I prepare the experiment, I need you to choose which shadow you’ll enter there with."


* * *

Karen, Karuna, and Jamad.

The three of them left the hideout with Seol, all with dissatisfied looks on their faces.

“I’m telling you, we couldn’t leave the Shadow Space the moment that hunter bastard showed up.”

“Master, he’s dangerous. I won’t be able to protect you.”

As this was their first conversation after being hunted by Malacus, it was obvious that the conversation revolved around that.

“Master, do we have to do this? Can we just not do it?”

“I agree with Karen. While facing the Shadow Hunters again is certainly dangerous, right now, this experiment is much more dangerous.”

Seol nodded.

“I know. But that’s why we have to do it.”

“How come?”

“Because this will be a huge stepping stone to reach my goals.”

“...I guess we have no choice then. Let’s do it.”

There was no time for them to go back and forth like this.

The moment Seol finished preparing, the experiments would begin immediately.

“We have to choose who’ll go with me. All of you heard about what the experiment entails, right?”

The shadow who would enter the deep consciousness with Seol would have to die once more.

“I don’t want to die again…”

“Now that you’ve mentioned it, what does it feel like to die?”

“Are you curious about that, Master?”

“Of course, after all, I’m about to die right now.”

“Hm… So, if I have to describe it… it’s like the ground you were walking on suddenly disappeared.”

It was a hard to describe feeling.

Karen continued trying to describe it, bringing her hand to her chin.

“It’s like… swoosh… boom… it kind of feels like nothing’s supporting you?”

“So what supported you disappearing… What else?”

“Honestly, that was all I felt when I died. I was furious, the world around me turned red, and before I realized it, I lost consciousness. That was it.”

“Do you remember anything else? Like an afterlife or something?”

“You believe in something like that? Hm… Well, it could exist. I just don’t remember. Or maybe my memories were erased?”

Karuna spoke after Karen.

“It’s the same for me, as well. My world turned black, and my head felt clear for a second before I lost consciousness entirely. Nothing felt particularly special.”

“I agree. There’s nothing special about dying. It’s the fate of all living creatures, after all.”

Jamad as well…

As Seol combined their statements, he realized that he didn’t need to worry too much about what would happen afterward.

‘I’ll experience it one day anyway.’

As Seol thought, Karen spoke up.

“I’ll… I’ll do it.”


“The False-Death Inducing Device or whatever it was called… I’ll enter it with Master.”

“No, Karen. Anyone but you.”


Karuna was opposed to Karen.


“Did you not hear? It’ll bring back your most painful memories. What memory do you think would be brought up if you go in that?”


The memory of the usurpers taking Jin from her.

It was clear that it would be that, but could Karen overcome it?

She wasn’t confident that she could.

“That’s why… I’ll go.”

“No, you can’t go either.”

This time, Jamad refuted Karuna.

“I don’t remember anything other than what happened in Montra. That’s why—”

“What if the deep consciousness pulls out something you’ve forgotten?”


“If it brings out something you’ve forgotten to hurt you, you might also fall.”

“That won’t happen—”

“Are you sure that won’t happen? This isn’t just your life on the line, but all of ours.”


Jamad stood up.

“I’ll go.”



“I remember everything I’ve been through since I was born. I can overcome any memories that may be used to hurt me. After all, I overcame them once already.”


“No complaints, right? Then it’s decided. I’ll do it.”

- They’re all begging to die wtf…

- But if I was the summoner in this situation and my summons were acting like this, I’d be touched.

- Get out of my way! I’m going to be the one that dies!

Mirei notified Seol that the experiment was ready, prompting Seol and Jamad to enter the wooden house.

“The device looks rather eerie.”

“I agree.”

She awkwardly laughed at Seol and Jamad’s complaints, then proceeded to bind their bodies with steel chains, securing them further with a lock.

“What are you doing, woman?”

“It might get troublesome if you move around and accidentally break the device before you escape.”

“Hmph! There’s nothing that I, Jamad, can’t escape.”

“Regardless, let me warn you both before you enter.”

“What is it?”

“You will see each other’s most terrible memories. Through that, you will understand each other. However, you mustn’t help each other haphazardly.”

“Why not?”

"If you haphazardly intervene in their memory to help them, not only could your partner succumb to their memory but also you. And if that happens, you’ll both die."

Seol looked at the Sleeping Medicine.

Knowing how dangerous it was, it was hard for him to put a good expression on his face.

Mirei, seeing that, spoke to Seol.

“Trust me. This might be for my research, but it’s also a good opportunity for you. I want you to know that I would never intentionally harm you.”


[You have acquired ‘Mirei, the Shadow Summoner’ as a helper.]

[‘Mirei, the Shadow Summoner’ is a Heroic rank.]

[Helpers have a chance of appearing in all Adventures.]

[They will help you differently based on their favorability toward you.]

After saying that, she became listed as Seol’s helper. Seol, seeing that message, confidently nodded.

Gulp… Gulp…

Seol and Jamad both drank the Sleeping Medicine.


The False-Death Inducing Device ran.


Seol could feel himself drifting from reality.

“Now, I hope you enjoy your time in the sea of oblivion and emptiness.”



With the sound of a bulb popping, the world turned to black.


- What the hell? Why are we left behind here?

- God damn it… I should just go to sleep.

- I knew this would happen, fuck…

* * *



It sounded as if water was dripping down in a dark and clammy room.

[[Davurg, the Plateau's End, asked you a question. How do you respond?]

1. This was not my will.

2. You are correct, Davurg. You will die today, right here.

3. Davurg, please, calm down.

4. It is unfortunate that things have become like this. However, wouldn’t you agree that you are at fault, too?


“Option 2. I’ll choose option 2.”

“Yeah. We’ve come this far. We should see it through to the end with Davurg, right?”

“A good choice! Hahaha!”

Seol nodded back.

Before Seol realized it, a snowman mask had covered his face.

Seol returned to his heyday, back when he was a winner who hadn’t experienced defeat.

Seol saw multiple options.

“Option 1. I’ll go with option 1.”


“This is perfect!”

“Let’s go option 3.”

"Looking at it again, I don't think he’s made a single mistake!"

“At this rate…”

“Option 5.”

“Option 7.”

In the end, Seol’s piece had successfully landed an attack on Davurg.

[[Davurg pleads for mercy. It's a completely unexpected situation. What end will you grant him?]

1. There is no mercy. Finish it.


“Option 1.”

“Of course! There will only be trouble in the future if we spare him now.”

“I can’t believe Davurg is dying here! He killed so many of my pieces!”

“I never thought I’d see Davurg die with my own eyes.”

“Everyone, come watch this! Snowman’s about to kill Davurg!”

“No way! Davurg is going to die?”

“Where?! Where are…”

It was…

It was always like this.

He was always surrounded by them, receiving endless praise and basking in eyes filled with admiration.

There were also individuals who waited for his fall and were envious of him, too, though.

However, that didn’t matter to Seol. Something that small didn't matter.

‘I just have to enjoy it.’

The piece started moving.


‘Huh? Now that I think about it…’


It felt like Seol was on the verge of recalling a certain memory.

‘Troll… a small troll…’

It was the memory of a small troll, a long time ago…

It was a memory of being with that troll…

“What’s wrong, Snowman?”

Seol gave a big smile.

“It’s nothing. Just for a second, I…”


The memory of helping that troll.

“I just felt like I had forgotten something. It’s probably just in my head, though. Let’s continue.”



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