The 31st Piece Overturns the Game Board

Chapter 181

Though the Crown of Order exuded immense energy, it was rather small.

It was clean and shiny like Wukong’s golden headband, with two diamond-shaped decorations side by side near the front.

The magicians were so shocked that they forgot to mind their appearance.

“That’s the… the C-Crown of Order!”

“Are you serious? Is that really the Crown of Order?!”

"I'm sure of it! I saw it in the documents!"

“Is that the real one?”

“How much did he do in Alcatron to get rewarded that…”

“More importantly, why does Libra have the Crown of Order?”


Seol equipped the Crown of Order.

He was worried at first, wondering what he would do if the crown was too tight, but to his relief, the item began to melt away like snow.


The crown slowly imprinted itself onto Seol’s forehead like a tattoo.

Which, in turn… meant that tremendous pain followed.


“You can scream if you want to.”

But perhaps due to standing in front of other people… the pain was much more manageable than Seol thought.

“It’s fine.”

"You're used to pain, I see..."

After even the tattoo of the Crown of Order disappeared, the people were shocked.


It was because of the energy that Seol was radiating.

‘Is it because I met the conditions?’

There was no way anyone could be considered 'normal' after collecting over 5 Peerless-quality items.

As Seol's collection of Peerless-quality items hummed together, they radiated energy.

“Hrgh! What is that energy?!”

“What incredible force! The Crown of Order was this strong?”

“I don’t think it’s that… It might be just him that’s special.”

“Oho… How interesting.”


As the instantaneous energy Seol radiated faded away, he returned to appearing as an ordinary person.

"It may be lacking, but we hope this proves useful to you in the future."

“Thank you.”



An emblem with a Libra design on it.

[You have acquired Honorary Libra Emblem.]

[The Libra Magic Tower attests to your identity.]

“And this will help you from time to time as well.”


The anointing ceremony ended with Seol receiving his rewards.

While many in the audience were busy individuals and left immediately after the ceremony, some remained to enjoy the mood.

“Kuahaha! Is it that kid over there?”

A man with a Taurus emblem approached Seol.

"Hm... I can feel a strong spirit inside you! I, Haket, can sense it!”

A man whose muscles were so pronounced that even his robes couldn’t conceal them.

He seemed like someone with the complete opposite body type of what a magician should look like.

"Sir Haket, no one would believe you even if you came here personally, so why would he believe you when you’re in that body?” said an androgynous man wearing a Virgo emblem as he stepped in, beginning to restrain the large, muscular man.

“Ahem!” said Haket. "No matter how far away he may be, I can still sense it. So, how far has your magic reached?"

- S-So…

- Shadow Hand!

- And?

- Lots of Shadow Hands!

"Hrgh… He’s supposedly Libra’s disciple. You may get on Libra’s bad side if you show too much interest in him.”

"Ah, right! I didn’t even think about that! I finally met someone who I could get along with among the annoying tower masters. I can’t be leaving a bad first impression like this."

More incredible people appeared after that to greet Seol.

“Nice to meet you, I am Tilond, an Aspect Magician of Cancer. From what I heard…”

“Strik, Leo Aspect Magician. Feel free to just call me Strik.”

Multiple magicians continued to appear and show interest, either because they were drawn to the energy Seol radiated on top of the platform or because they sensed traces of his energy within.

Among the magicians were Scorpio and Aries, who drew a lot of attention even before the appointment ceremony began.

“How interesting. I bet you feel like a lab rat, huh?” Scorpio said to Seol.

“...What?” responded Seol.

A magician, who seemed to be Scorpio’s attendant, quickly began whispering to Scorpio.

"Sir Joneh… it seems he has a hard time relating to people. Instead of trying to relate to him more, I recommend you try a more natural approach."

“...You do know that your voice is quite loud right now, right?”


Scorpio, with a considerably inattentive apprentice magician by his side, pointed at Seol before continuing.

“Libra is quite lucky. Why can’t we find guys like him, huh? The ones in our tower look normal, but they’re all quite talentless.”

The apprentice magician loudly whispered again.

“Well… our funding… Since we aren’t like Libra, who are often hired by royalty for jobs, our funding is a bit lacking…”

Joneh was so surprised by that answer that he didn’t even critique the magician’s loud voice this time.

“What? I mean… Our funds are that low?”

“We need to have proper results if we want to receive funding, but we…”

"Stop! Don't reveal such sensitive internal information! And lower your voice!"


Suddenly, Santio, the Aries, appeared behind Seol, sniffing his head.

Sniff sniff…

“...What are you doing?”

"You possess good energy. I examined you too hastily earlier, and failed to assess your scent. Now, I realize you'll be a valuable asset to us. We'll frequently cross paths again in the future. Do visit the Aries Tower when you get the chance."

“Ah… if I can find the time, sure.”

Santio paused and thought for a moment, trying to recall if someone had ever responded to his proposal in such a manner.

After all, even kingdoms and royalty customarily answered the call of a Zodiac Tower Master.

“Well then…”

And with that, the after-ceremony events came to a close as well.

Seol, after meeting a few important people, quickly returned to his accommodations to not draw any further attention.

* * *

It was finally time for the expedition party to leave the magic tower.

The first to leave were Neal, the Steel Lion, and the other mercenary groups.

"I need to calculate the specifics, but considering the substantial rewards we've received, I intend to accept another job from them if the opportunity arises again. Will I have the chance to see you once more then?"

“Are you talking to me?” responded Mael.

Mael was shocked by Neal’s kind tone and words.

“Yeah. It wasn’t too boring while I was with you.”

“I’m not quite sure… but it may be difficult. We look for ruins, not jobs, after all.”

“Haha… that is true. You are a part of the Artifact Association, after all. Well then…”

Neal, after saying his goodbyes to the rest, left.

“Let us see each other again.”

[A Charming Individual activates. You receive additional favorability.]

[You have acquired ‘Neal, the Steel Lion’ as a helper.]

[‘Neal, the Steel Lion’ is a Heroic rank.]

[Helpers have a chance of appearing in all Adventures.]

[They will help you differently based on their favorability toward you.]

The next to leave were the remaining members of the Artifact Association and the Black Pilgrims.

Chameli, in fact, had received good news from her home country, Varanoa, the Holy Nation.

"Varanoa has decided to dispatch more people to the parish! They must have viewed the rise in our influence, particularly through the Black Knight and Alcatron incidents, favorably!"

Mael and Seol smiled as well after seeing her innocent expression.

"So like this... people depart, and new faces fill the void,” said Chameli.

“Such is life, after all,” responded Mael.

“Tch… you always talk as if you know everything, Mael.”

“I am older than I look, Chameli.”

“But age doesn’t mean you know everything.”

“Hahahaha! You’re definitely right about that.”

Before entering the carriage headed to her parish, Chameli took a second to look at both Mael and Seol.

"Do you think... a day will come when we can gather like this again?”

Maintaining his composure, Mael responded leisurely, "If the winds of the era guide us as such."

“Seriously?! Even now?!”

“However, I wish that day would come quickly as well.”

“Then I’ll work hard for that day!” smiled Chameli. “I hope we can go on an adventure again!”

[A Charming Individual activates. You receive additional favorability.]

[You have acquired ‘Chameli, the Black Pilgrim’ as a helper.]

[‘Chameli, the Black Pilgrim’ is a Legendary rank.]

[Helpers have a chance of appearing in all Adventures.]

[They will help you differently based on their favorability toward you.]

After Chameli left, Mael and Seol were left on their own.

“Shall we go as well?” asked Mael.

“Thanks for your help again, Mael,” said Seol.

Mael shook his head in response.

"Through this expedition, I've come to realize that the power I've amassed is still insufficient. Yet, in this short span, you, Snowman, have grown immensely."


"Though I've achieved much on this expedition... When we meet again, I'll repay you with the same sentiment I felt. Look forward to it.”

[Helper Mael, the Star Child’s rank improves.]

[‘Mael, the Star Child’ is a Legendary rank.]

[Helpers have a chance of appearing in all Adventures.]

[They will help you differently based on their favorability toward you.]

“Well then…”

“I will see you again.”

As Mael departed, Seol also readied himself to leave. However, someone hastened toward him.

“I couldn’t believe how much work there was… are you leaving now?” said Frannan.

“Yeah, I am,” responded Seol.


When Seol first encountered Frannan, he appeared as nothing more than a red-faced drunkard. However, now in a clean uniform, Frannan seemed completely different.

“If you ever need help, use the Libra emblem. You could use it to contact me through the Adventurer Association as well.”

“I understand.”

“Also…. Thank you. I’m sincerely thankful to you.”

With that parting farewell, Seol mounted the horse provided by the Libra Tower and swiftly departed.

* * *

[[Peerless: Crown of Order]

Quality: Peerless

Recommended Level: 34-44

Defense: 140

Durability: 160/160

Weight: 0.1kg

A crown from an unknown era.

Though this item vanishes upon being equipped, leaving behind only traces, the energy of the Crown of Order lingers with the wearer.

Basic Effect: +35 Intelligence, +40 Constitution, +42 Wisdom

Bonus Effect: Maintain Order (Unique), Fair and Square (Unique), Collective Responsibility(Unique). The wearer's resistance is increased by 50% of the defense increased by the Crown of Order.

[Maintain Order (Unique)]

- The wearer’s lowest stat is increased by 20% of the wearer’s highest stat.

[Fair and Square (Unique)]

- When facing a higher-leveled enemy, two of the enemy's stats are randomly decreased by 10%.

[Collective Responsibility (Unique)]

- When a specific stat is reduced by an Abnormal Status or external factors like traps, the reduction is evenly distributed among all stats to maintain balance.]

“That’s pretty good?”

- A really shameless guy is entering Timbrian!

- Snowman(20 years old, single) said that a Peerless item is ‘pretty good’ and is now being criticized.

- I feel like the Crown of Order needs a new owner who’d value them 😞

- Seriously LMFAO! It would have been valued more if it was just inside of storage.

- This is why you shouldn’t leave your house…

- But the Crown of Order messes with stats a lot, huh?

- Right? I respect it though…

- It’s good, right?

- How could a Peerless item be bad? LMFAO


The Crown of Order, as its name suggested, had unique effects that significantly impacted stats.

Moreover, the stats that it gave were ideal for summoners.

‘It increased my Wisdom by 42…’

Since most of Seol's recent items had increased all stats rather than a specific few, seeing a huge number like 42 filled him with excitement.

‘Maintain Order will increase my Strength by 20% of my Wisdom… and Fair and Square will almost always be active for me.’

The only effect Seol had questions about was Collective Responsibility, but he knew that it would prove effective if he found himself in the worst-case scenario.

‘Because if I ever face an opponent that lowers my Wisdom stat… I can rely on this to slightly mitigate it.’

After reading the effects of the Crown of Order, Seol found himself moments away from arriving at Timbrian.

Just a few more minutes remained.

- But man… he really is stubborn…

- I can’t believe he only read the effects now…

- I bet he was the type of kid who wouldn’t eat the marshmallow.

- We all ate it right away! It was painful to wait!

- I guess he just has a lot…

- So is this the reason why she ghosted me…?

Seol had promptly made his way to Timbrian after departing from the Libra Magic Tower.

Fortunately for him, the Remaining Time had started a bit later, allowing him some spare time to reach Timbrian.

- Still, he might not have enough time to find a good Adventure…

- Don’t you think the extra Remaining Time was a bit too much, though?

- Info) There have been more cases of Snowman not getting time to rest than him using all of it.

‘I should visit the Adventurer Association right away.’

Part of the reason was to swiftly decide on the next Adventure, but also because Seol could only keep track of ongoing events by checking the Association's community function.

‘If I can’t find a good Adventure… maybe I’ll message Gyeongtaek?’

It was more likely that Gyeongtaek had already left a message for Seol, though, considering his personality.

Regardless, Seol passed through the guards and entered the city.

And the moment he did…

[Next is the Points Leaderboard up to Adventure 22.]


[Your information is set to Private.]

[You have 10,012,400 Points.]

[You have surpassed 10,000,000 Adventure Points.]

[You have earned the Inaugural Achievement 'There’s Always Someone Better'.]

[You have earned the Inaugural Title 'Someone Better'.]

Once again, Seol’s scores broke through the limits set by others.

“10 million points?”

The messages continued after that.

[Rumors of an incredible adventurer in Timbrian spread throughout the city.]

[The city's crime rate slightly decreases.]

[Timbrian's Hidden Adventures activate.]


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