The 31st Piece Overturns the Game Board

Chapter 188

The fruit in Ur’s mouth was clearly different in size and color than usual.

“What… is this?”

"Isn't it obvious? It's a fruit you would have only been able to harvest once your tree grew bigger. I, the great root, pulled it out for you."


“Are you doubting me?”

“No, not at all. I was just worried if there would be any side effects.”

"Pfft... you really are worried over nothing. There is no need to worry as long as I am with you. Even if a problem does arise later, I could find a solution for you in no time."

Seol then looked at the skill that Ur brought out.

[[Passive: Sudden Appearance(Composite)]

- The creations' skills can now be influenced by the summoner and their summons. The deeper their bond with the creations, the stronger and more frequent this effect becomes.]

‘This affects the creations’ skills?’

Ur gave an additional explanation.

“Creations, unlike summons, are restricted in the skills they can learn. But in exchange, they can learn them much more freely than summons.”

“So we’re making use of that?”

"Precisely. They will be acquiring many more weapons that can turn the tides, not only from yourself, but from your summons as well."

Pant pant…

Koko stuck his head out of Seol's shadow, prompting Seol to give him a glance before nodding.

He then decided to harvest the blood-infused shadow fruit.

[Passive: Sudden Appearance(Composite) is awakened.]

[You use 16 skill points.]

[Creations are now influenced by the summoner and their summons’ skills.]

[New, related skills can stem from this skill.]

This ability cost Seol a large chunk of his skill points, and he felt a chill run down his spine as they dwindled away, like leaves falling from a tree in autumn.

Even so, he didn’t worry.

He could instantly recover his skill points with Someone Better, anyway.

‘Since I've already raised my summoning to a pretty high level, it wouldn't be a bad idea to diversify.’

Since strengthening his creations meant that Seol had more tools to work with, there was nothing to lose from improving it.

Afterward, Ur brought forth another fruit.

[Passive: Through Ups and Downs is awakened.]

[You use 6 skill points.]

[The communion with your creations gained through Adventures is greatly increased.]

[New, related skills can stem from this skill.]

To support his new Sudden Appearance skill, Seol unlocked more skills alongside it.

‘The skills related to creations eat up a lot of skill points…’

But that was because creation-type skills were inherently high-tier skills.

And since Seol knew this as well, he didn’t complain at all.


After finishing his work, Ur exited the skill tree and turned to Seol.

"With this, the range your creations can roam is essentially increased as well. Even if you don't do anything, they'll do things on their own."

Regardless, with Ur's unique ability to go up and down the skill tree, Seol’s future growth was essentially guaranteed to be fruitful.

In a secluded room in Timbrian... no one could have foreseen that someone had just grown exponentially.

* * *

[(NEW) [’s Post]

[Post Date: Just now]

[Title: I want to beat up all of the Pandeans…]

I can’t believe they just brutally murdered innocent transferees like that… Are there even any Pandeans that we can trust?

- Stop transferee hate!

- It’s seriously the worst…

- They’re the idiots for getting caught lmfao.

- Judging by your IQ, you must be next.

- The mood in Nevenia is awful right now…]

[(NEW) [’s Post]

[Post Date: Just now]

[Title: Get out of here! Let’s go! Let’s just leave!]

We can just leave Nevenia! I’m sure it would be much better elsewhere! Anyone have news on what it’s like in other countries? Or at least news about the bordering areas…

- Border control has gotten really strict. Transferees aren’t allowed to leave or enter a country without reason now.

- Apparently, Adeline’s on complete lockdown. Even contracted merchants can’t leave.

- And the North?

- I heard the Sulfur Skull Tribe was returning? Even without that Setena’s strict as hell.

- I guess the only option is the Great Forest in the west…

- Who the hell would want to go there? LOOOL]

This was the information Seol had collected about the other countries before leaving Timbrian.

‘It’s gotten worse than before.’

Crossing borders seemed difficult, but so what?

Seol's next destination awaited him there, and he couldn't hesitate.

“There’s not… much of a line as I thought there would be.”

Arriving at Nevenia’s border, Seol noticed that the line to the inspection checkpoint wasn't particularly long. It also didn't take particularly long for him to find out why.

“Damn it… how long do we have to stay here?”

“I have an important trade to do as well. Why did it…”

The area around the checkpoint was teeming with people, likely those who hadn't passed inspection.

As Seol observed, he noticed that only one out of thirty people were passing.

As a result, it made sense why the line was dwindling rapidly.

Before long, it became Seol’s turn.

The people near the checkpoint began to snicker.

“It’s pointless, I tell you. They won’t let you pass if you don’t have any connections.”

“Just come talk with us instead…”

“Quiet!” shouted the checkpoint’s guard. “Please do not cause a commotion at the checkpoint!”

“Ah, yeah… sure…”

The soldier seemed already on edge, clearly dissatisfied with the current situation.




“Are transferees not allowed to cross the border?”

"Haah... Did you not hear the news? Currently, transferees are not allowed to cross into Adeline without a special reason. Or do you have a special reason that allows you to cross that I should know about?"

Seol then saw multiple options in front of him.

[[Nevenia’s border checkpoints have stepped up inspections. At this rate, you will not be allowed to cross the border. How do you respond?]

1. I am not a criminal, but by the time I cross the border, I just might become one. I might have committed a murder.

2. How many transferees do you think are here near the checkpoint? It would be quite interesting to see them cause a riot, wouldn't it?

3. Let’s just cut to the chase. How much to pass the damned border?

4. What time do you get off? I don’t have any ulterior motives. I just want to get close to you, yeah? I promise. I swear it’s only that.

5. Do you… have any children? I bet your children will be waiting for their father for a while today…


Multiple violent, threatening options appeared.

However, having only options like these essentially proved it was impossible to pass the border with ordinary methods.

Seol thought for a moment, then pulled out something from his inventory.

It was an item with a lot of fond memories for Seol as well.

- And this will help you from time to time as well.


Seol flicked the emblem toward the guard like a coin.


The guard quickly snatched it out of the air and grew enraged at Seol.

“How dare…”

However, the guard also sensed that the coin-like thing in his hand wasn’t ordinary. It was heavier and bigger than one. As such, he had a duty to check it.

On it was drawn a large scale, and on the other side were sentences written in small letters, stating that the Libra Tower attests to the identity of this emblem's owner.

“How dare… What I meant to say was… How dare I block the path of someone so important. Y-You pass! Please proceed.”

“I can just go through?”

“Y-Yes sir… You may pass.”

It seemed that blocking an Aspect Magician of Libra in the past at the checkpoint had caused a lot of internal reprimanding, to the point that as long as someone related to the magic towers wasn't a criminal, they could pass freely.

“Why… Why did he get to pass?”

“Who is he?”

The people at the checkpoint who hadn’t managed to pass got rowdy after seeing Seol slip through.

However, it didn’t take long for their voices to become inaudible to Seol.

- Life is all about school ties, regional ties, and blood ties~

- You don’t have these connections, do ya?

* * *

Upon arriving in Adeline, the first thing Seol did was head to an impoverished countryside area.

"Seriously, normally, people don't venture out to the boonies like this. And if someone does..."


Seol tossed the coachman a gold coin.

The coachman, after checking the coin, nodded and turned back around.

“It’s never a bad thing to enjoy the nature around us! Let’s go!”

Before Seol came here, he hired people to handle some miscellaneous jobs.

Among them was finding a landlord who had disregarded a certificate he held to continue their tenant farming.

It even included threatening the landlord that he would kill them and everyone related to them if something like this happened again.

However, as this specific part could cause problems in the future, Seol took part himself.

The old landlord, terrified by Seol, promised he would never even go near the land ever again.

And now, with a slightly lighter heart, Seol arrived at a rural village and approached a certain house.

But when Seol stood before the door, his heart felt as heavy as lead.


Knock knock…

No reaction.

One more time.

Knock knock…

“Who is it?”

“I came here on behalf of Lian’s request.”

Seol then heard a loud sound inside.



“My father? Did you just say you came here on behalf of my father’s request?”

Seol and Lian's grown son’s eyes then met. But for some reason... Seol couldn't hold his gaze.

"Yes, I have come all this way at Lian Kuruos's request."

“But my father… left home.”

“I am aware of that.”

“Where is he right now?”


When Seol couldn’t respond, Lian’s son began to frown.

“Did you come here… to tell me… that? Why…”

“It is not. I came here for a different reason.”

“Huh? Then…”

Seol then pulled out a sheet of paper.

A land certificate.

It was the same certificate Lian tried to bring back home.

“This is…”

“Something Lian left behind. He also left this behind.”


Seol then handed over a large sack of coins.

Though it was essentially pocket change for Seol, for those as poor as Lian’s son, it was more than enough to change their lives.

‘That’s for the Explorer’s Compass, Lian.’

After receiving the deed and coins, Lian’s son broke down in tears.

“Grgh… Ahhhhhh…”


“I waited for him… every day… thinking he would come back. Hrgh…”

“I’m sorry.”

“Hrgh… Do you think… he was sick of us?”

“Lian always spoke about wanting to go back home. To his family…”


Lian’s son then forced himself to stop crying and calmed himself down.

Seol then asked him a question.

“What will you grow here?”

“I-I don’t know… I never had the luxury to think about it… but if I… have to grow something…”

Seol then saw Lian's face reflected in his son's features.

“Pumpkins? I think pumpkins would be good. Do you think it will be fine?”

Seol then gave a big smile before laughing.

“Pumpkins sound fantastic!”

* * *

“Why would you waste precious time visiting a place like that?” asked Ur.

“The only person who could put value to time is the individual themselves,” responded Jamad. “You aren’t living a better life just because you’re more efficient.”

"What are you saying? Efficiency is the weapon of reason."

"Your situation doesn't seem particularly happy for someone who desires so much efficiency.”


As the two fought in the Shadow Space, the twins also joined in.

"Yeah, true," said Karen. "We can finally agree on something. Our master has a delicate side to him that we have to protect. You haven't learned that yet, though, because you haven't been with him for long, huh?"

“Why are you picking fights, Karen?” asked Karuna.

“Because that bastard’s way too close with Master recently! Don’t you agree?”

“Is that so?” responded Ur. “Is this what it’s like to deal with territorial people?”

[Ahem… Ahem… Would you like me to help you?]


Agony suddenly began speaking to Ur.

[Let me know if you ever need someone on your side. We’re both trying to corrupt him, after all.]

“Since when was I… haah…”

Before he realized it, Ur had become a part of Agony's schemes.

“Everyone, quiet,” said Seol. “We’re about to enter a town.”

Seol then stepped into a town in the western part of Adeline.

Thankfully, it wasn’t too far from Lian’s house.

[Your Rest location has changed to Azelphog.]

[You have moved to a different location. The ‘travel luck dice’ are rolling.]

[Travel Luck Dice has been fixed to a 3.]

[You are decently lucky.]

[The Adventures you undertake near Azelphog now will proceed normally.]

[The Adventures you undertake near Azelphog now will have normal difficulty.]

[The Adventures you select near Azelphog now have a low chance of forcibly changing to a Sudden Adventure.]

[Your luck is decent enough to take on the Adventures nearby.]

Since the travel luck dice had no chance of rolling lower than a three due to Seol’s title, this didn’t matter too much in the grand scheme of things.

Next was the Points Leaderboard that appeared whenever he transferred to a different location.

[Next is the Points Leaderboard up to Adventure 24.]


[Your information is set to Private.]

[You have 11,056,100 Points.]

[Adventurer Points Leaderboard

1. Private (11,056,100)

2. Private (7,421,200)

3. Private (6,000,320)

4. Private (5,780,700)

5. Private (4,100,140)]

[Rumors of an incredible adventurer in Azelphog spread throughout the city.]

[The city's crime rate slightly decreases.]

[Azelphog's Hidden Adventures activate.]

[Influential figures in Azelphog extend their reach of influence.]

[Individuals facing hardships seek out a powerful adventurer who could alleviate their concerns.]


‘7 million points?’

7 million points.

Seol wasn’t as surprised by everyone making their nicknames private as he was about the points of the person in 2nd place on the leaderboards.

‘They must be quite good.’

Though they still paled in comparison to Seol, they managed to create a significant distance between themselves and the others.

Seol became curious about their identity as he casually strolled into the city.

Before finding a place to stay, Seol decided to have a meal first and headed to a restaurant that gave off an appetizing aroma.


However, trouble arose before he could even sit down.



Seol turned around at the loud thud, spotting someone who had flipped a table.

‘What’s going on…?’

Seol then focused on his hearing to listen in on the situation.

"Are you implying that you cannot fulfill the promised payment?"

“Promised? When did we promise something like that?”

“People did tell me to be careful when dealing with your group… I should have listened to them.”

“Hahaha, you idiot! And that’s why you shouldn’t just take whatever job you get offered!”

The person who refused to pay wasn't Korean. They appeared to be South American or just have features reminiscent of individuals from that region.

‘I heard about people fighting with foreigners, but… why does the other person’s voice… sound familiar?’

Seol pondered, trying to recall that voice.

He was certain he had heard the man's voice somewhere before.

Then, the woman next to him spoke.

"Let's just go, Yeo-myeong... Just think of it as getting unlucky and stepping in dog shit..."

"I'm not so sure. It doesn't seem like I'm the unlucky one today."

Seol finally recalled his name after hearing it from her.

‘Han Yeo-myeong?’

Only then did Seol notice his bandaged right arm.



As Yeo-myeong stood up, foreigners at another table began to stand up as well.

“So this was all planned from the start, huh?”

“How about for your reward… you can keep your life? I’ll let you live, so leave the city.”

“No. I plan on getting my pay… no matter what.”

“Why do you have to make things so difficult? Do you not know how strong we are?”

Yeo-myeong paused for a second after hearing that.


Suddenly, a whistle pierced the air from a table behind them.

Yeo-myeong and the foreigners in the restaurant all turned their heads in unison.

A long table near the terrace.

Seol was seated there, smiling happily.

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