The 31st Piece Overturns the Game Board

Chapter 30

The first person who understood what Seo meant was Great White Shark.

Still, he wasn’t the type of person who got scared before he fought someone directly, even if they were supposed to be stronger than him.

The only change was that he was more cautious than before.

“Are you the bastard with the 600,000 point total?”

“Is that important too?”

“Answer me!”

“It’s around there.”

The unknown person who had close to double the person ranked 2nd on the Points Leaderboard.

Woncheol was shocked when Seol revealed his identity but was quickly able to regain his senses. Woncheol tried to quickly escape from the situation using his words as expected from someone who created a guild with his tongue alone.

He was trying to make his move before his opponent could.

“Hahaha! I was searching for you for a while, I never thought I would meet you like this. Since you already know everything I’ll get to the point, what do you think about joining us, right now? We promise to give you the best treatment.”

“The best treatment?”

Woncheol spoke quickly thinking that Seol was showing interest.

“The world changed overnight. People are now in a lawless wasteland. But danger is also an opportunity, right? We are no longer in a time where your birth determines how you live out the rest of your life. We’re on a new table now!”


“We will be pioneers! We will grow big by taking in the outsiders and stand on top of everyone else with everything in our hands! Just like the people who discovered the new continent!”

“Why would you be standing on top of everyone else?”

“Well… because…”

Even the eloquent Woncheol paused for a moment for this.

Great White Shark answered in Woncheol’s place.

“Because we’re strong.”

“Strength, huh…”

“Those with strength become the law. That’s the new law of this world. Violence is power.”

“That’s fun. Then you must also know that violence can only be conquered by violence, right?”

“Of course. And we will be the strongest.”

Woncheol thought Seol was reacting to Great White Shark’s words positively and tried to add more. However, Seol spoke first.

“But I… don’t care about something like that.”


“I asked you a question earlier to see if any of you had repented and I already heard the answer to that. So, my answer was also decided.”

Seol looked at the withdrawn Yeo-myeong and Noeul before looking at the others.

“Other than these two, I will kill everyone here.”

“I knew you! You fucking bastard! I knew you’d do this.”

“It doesn’t matter, he’s alone! Why are you guys getting scared?!”

“I-I don’t want to die! Why should I die?!”

Since none of them had repented, Seol didn’t feel the need to save them.

Great White Shark must’ve deluded himself into thinking he had the advantage since he had numbers. He took a stance.

“You arrogant bastard… You’re going to die here.”

Before Great White Shark could even move, Seol commanded Jamad and Karuna.

“Kill them all.”

Instantly, both Karuna and Jamad lept out.

Jamad headed to Great White Shark and Karuna started attacking the enemies closest to them one by one to protect the group.


[Karuna has entered the 1st Stage of Soaring Moonlight, Crescent Moon.]




A severed head flew up into the sky as blood tainted the floor.

Splatter! Splatter!

Their limbs flew off one by one from moves they couldn’t even see.


“Guaaargh! My arm! My arm!!!”

“Run away! Run away!!”



Jamad threw whatever he could grab at those that were running away.

Even the corpses of the dead were weapons to Jamad.

Those who were hit by Jamad’s attacks either had their bodies pierced or their bones broken.

It was hell on earth.

It was such a horrifying sight that it was hard to believe 2 summons were capable of all this carnage.

Yeo-myeong and Noeul whimpered.

“What… is that strength…”


Woncheol was someone who was quick to read the room.

He was able to tell that the tides were turning the moment Seol appeared.

And he needed something to turn the tides back.

“Damn it… at this rate, Great White Shark is…”

A fight between the Rank 1 and Rank 2 was like the fight between a dragon and a tiger.

Woncheol, after deciding to act on an opening, watched the battle between Great White Shark and Jamad.

[Great White Shark uses Rock Smash.]

[Great White Shark uses Link: Tenderize]

Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!

Great White Shark unleashed a massive combo like a machine gun.

Woncheol, who saw Great White Shark’s attacks capable of breaking even steel before, was confident that Jamad’s skull would be crushed by it.


Grab. Grab.

Great White Shark lost control of both of his hands.

Jamad was grabbing them by the wrists.

“L-Let me go!”

“The way you struggle like that reminds me of a bug, human,” said Jamad.

The difference in strength between Great White Shark and Seol, who had double Great White Shark’s points, was more than double. Seol was at least 10 times stronger than him.

And now, Great White Shark was finally learning that lesson.

“D-Don’t you dare call me a bug!”

“Throwing a temper tantrum when they realize they’re helpless is what children do. An adult… should know when to grovel for their life when they should.”



Jamad ripped his arms off like they were made of paper.

It was a horrible sight, they could even see his bones.


“Do you… like violence? I do too.”

Great White Shark frothed at the mouth and collapsed to the floor.

He kicked the floor like he was swimming to run away but he couldn’t escape from Jamad.

Jamad was fear incarnate. He looked more and more like an evil spirit.

“Violence can only be conquered by violence? A good phrase. However, it seems that you weren’t at the apex like you thought you were.”

“Uwaaaaaaaah… Don’t come any closer!”

Violence, in the end, falls before violence.

Jamad grabbed Great White Shark’s neck and held him in the air.

“Kr… Kraah…”

The way only his feet moved really made him look like a shark.

Jamad looked at his kicks before speaking once more.

“But you know… what should we call the overwhelming violence that stands at the peak? That no one can test? Should that also be called violence?”

“S-Save me…”

Jamad gave a demonic smile.

“Wrong. It’s called ‘Order’.”


Great White Shark’s body went limp. Most of the people in this building were already dead.

Woncheol could feel goosebumps all over his body the moment he saw Great White Shark die.

He could almost feel what Great White Shark felt.

“Hie… Hieee…”

Woncheol wheezed and tried to escape through the secret passage he prepared in the temporary building.

As his hand reached out to grab the handle to open the escape passage, he felt something sharp.


Woncheol’s hand was cut off with everything above his wrists still grabbing the handle.


After Karuna had finished cleaning up the enemies around him, he stopped Woncheol from escaping.

“Uarh… Uahhh… I don’t want to die…”



Yeo-myeong, Noeul, and Seol were all approaching him.

The only people left alive, from that entire group of over 20 people, were them.

”Wh-why are you only doing this to me?!” cried Woncheol

“I told you… to not mess with my little sister…” responded Yeo-myeong.

“I-I won’t mess with her. Please, just stop now!”

“It’s too late… I’ll kill you…”

“Aaaargh! Please! Please! Don’t kill me, please!”

Woncheol crawled on the floor to grab Seol by his pants.

“Do you really think I’m the only person like this in the world? They’re all trying their hardest to devour each other!”

“I know.”

“If you know! Then you should also know that there’s just going to be more people like me! Because there aren’t any laws or rules! There’s always going to be people trying to create rules! I’m also a victim!”

Seol had previously asked the informant in the information guild a question. He asked the informant why no one was stepping in.

- They probably believe that transferees should have their own rules.

Seol looked at Woncheol with a sorrowful expression. Woncheol’s gruesome fate was already set in his golden eyes.

“Rules will always continue to be created.”


“But, it doesn’t matter if they are.”


Seol answered Woncheol as if he was resolving himself.

“They can create whatever rules they want… I’ll just destroy them until I like it.”

“You crazy fuck… You’re just the same as us! You’re just trying to do whatever you want to do! You’re a monster too!”

“A monster, huh… maybe I am.”

Seol gestured to Yeo-myeong.

It was clearly a sign for Yeo-myeong to finish it himself since he’s helped him this much. After that, Seol stepped back.

Yeo-myeong stepped forth and answered Woncheol.

“He’s a monster? …That’s where you’re wrong.”

Seol gestured to him once more.

Yeo-myeong realized what Seol wanted him to do and pulled out his sword. He embedded his sword deep into Woncheol’s chest.


Woncheol breathed his last breath.

Yeo-myeong then spoke in a childish yet frustrated and confident tone,

“He is the ‘order’.”

* * *

When Seol stepped forth to help someone else, his viewers cheered and donated to him.

[‘SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESH’ has donated 200 Madness!]

[Snowmaaaaaaaan! I believed in youuuuuuu TT]

- All of you bastards that called him cold-blooded better come out! Get ready for your punishment!

- Slap! Slap!

- I got pissed as fuck because of those mobs but I’m all better now ^^

- He solved it for us. (Laughing)

[‘Next Level’ has donated 200 Madness!]

[I guess Snowman really is that strong? He just cleared them like it was nothing…]

- Those idiots were just acting like big shots in a tiny city like Kongory anyway lol. They just got caught by the inspectors.

- Inspector? Wrong! He is the order!

- From now on I will only refer to him as ‘The Order’... And I’ll let people know that ‘The Order’ will tear you off limb from limb if you cut in line…

- This was so satisfying haha I imagined them as my bullies hehe

- …Good luck dude.

This wasn’t big news only to Seol’s viewers.

This incident also caused a big wave to the other Adventurers Kongory.

It was initially rampant in the Association’s community where anonymity is promised.

[ (NEW) [<SuperMarket>’s Post]

[Post Date: Just Now]

[Title: This is insane. Did the Predator Guild and Justice Guild both fade into thin air?]

My heart’s racing… What the hell happened… Was there a fight?

- I don’t know. The temporary building they set up was all fucked up though.

- There was a fight. A mountain of corpses came out. Well, in ‘pieces’.

- Hieeeeeeeek! Seriously? I know the Justice Guild had bad rumors about them but something really did end up happening, huh? Why was the Predator Guild caught up in it though?

- You could be in trouble if I tell you.

[ (NEW) [<IKnowWhatHappened>’s Post]

[Post Date: Just Now]

[Title: I’m glad that those shitty Justice bastards are dead. It’s also good that Predator died too.]

These fucks didn’t care if you were a woman or if you were elderly, they only cared about taking advantage of you. I’m sure everyone already knows that Woncheol would ease everyone into a false sense of lull while doing all sorts of shady things in the back, right? At least that’s why my guildmaster told me.

- Was that why they got along with the Predator Guild?

- Birds of the same feather flock together!

- These shitty flies are going crazy everywhere now that the world’s changed. How the fuck are we supposed to live in a scary world like this?

- It’s a good thing that this community is done anonymously at least. If it wasn’t, this would’ve been covered up lol.

- I understand the Justice Guild is gone but what about the Predator Guild? Is there any chance they joined some other guild instead?

- Nah the other guildmasters made some stupid alliance or blood alliance or whatever the fuck cringe 12 year olds do and promised to stop all exploitation and extortion. And if you don’t follow it, they stab you, lol.

- That’s good at least

[ (NEW) [<RisingSun>’s Post]

[Post Date: Just Now]

[Title: Do you guys know about the Han siblings?]

I heard that this entire incident happened because of them. Maybe they’re the heroes who destroyed the two guilds?

- You idiots are so late with the news loool

- Why don’t you explain it then?

- To be more specific, it was Han Yeo-myeong alone, not the two of them. That I’m confident about.

- Huh?

- Han Yeo-myeong claimed he killed Woncheol himself.

- How the fuck did he kill them alone? I heard there were at least twenty of them?

- Yeah, I heard he did it alone too. At least that’s what the guildmasters were saying.

- Woah… I want to get close with him. Is he some ally of justice or something like that?

- You’ll get fucked if you mess with the Han siblings…

- The Han siblings… you gotta be careful of them.

[ (NEW) [<Conan>’s Post]

[Post Date: Just Now]

[Title: Stop spreading baseless rumors you procrastinating losers.]

Han Yeo-myeong said he was involved with everything but didn’t say that he did everything alone. He said someone helped him. At least that’s what I heard. Only the guildmasters know the specifics.

- The difference in information is insane… Regardless, Han Yeo-myeong is a beast, right?

- I heard he was ‘Private’.

- Woah…

- Seriously? Han Yeo-myeong was ‘Private’???

- No? I thought Han Noeul was supposed to be ‘Private’?

- What the fuck? Who the hell is telling the truth?

- Nah, I heard Yeo-myeong was a Quantum Armored Dinosaur. He shoots rockets out of his chest.

- What the fuck are you even talking about???

- Sob…

[ (NEW) [<Order Day>’s Post]

[Post Date: Just Now]

[Title: Regardless, there’s finally peace now.]

As fellow Koreans, we should stop trying to scam other Koreans and focus on survival. Please…

- Yeo-myeong did something really important.

- We shall now celebrate this day where two guilds disappeared as ‘Order Day’! Slam the gavel!

- We are one! Kongory is one!

The person who brought safety and order to Kongory, Seol, was not in Kongory.

After he was sure the Han siblings were safe, he left Kongory.

He left after saying one last word to Yeo-myeong…

“Next time, I’ll be the one calling you.”

“Huh? M-Me? Obviously I’ll go if you call me but I wonder how much help I’ll be…”

“There’s something I do need your help for. Regardless, I’m glad you’re safe.”

Seol added Yeo-myeong on the community so that they could message each other regardless of where they were.

‘I’m sure by the next time we meet, the ghost’s hand will have awakened much more.’

Seol planned for Yeo-myeong to properly pay the price at a later date.

And Seol, as he planned earlier, headed to Nobira.

After exactly 3 days, Seol arrived at a city close to the Great Forest, Nobira, the Ruins City.

[Your Rest location has changed to Nobira.]

[You have moved to a different location. The ‘travel luck dice’ are rolling.]

Rattle… Rattle…

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