The 31st Piece Overturns the Game Board

Chapter 91

The Fire Altar was generally open, but here, inside of a secret room, two trolls were talking.

The first was the Sulfur Skull Tribe’s leader, Zando, and the other was the Troll Alliance’s elder, Magra.

“Hahaha! I would have never expected you to listen to my request, Magra.”

Zando, a red-skinned troll with a skull tattoo across his face, reached his hand out towards Magra who was wearing a robe.

Magra bluntly rejected his offer as if he was dissatisfied.

“Let's skip the greetings. You needed my help, and I accepted your call for assistance, nothing more, nothing less. However, do not expect too much from me. I am not in a position where I can involve myself with the tribe’s matters anymore.”

"Of course, of course! Do you truly believe that I would ask for too much when the only reason the Sulfur Skull Tribe was able to grow this much was thanks to you?"

“Hmph. Zando, you’ve only gotten better at sweet-talking. Do not act so lightly. Why aren’t the other commanders present?”

“Because this must be done completely by my own powers. It’s obvious that if I receive help from the other commanders, the tribe’s elders will claim that I only became chief through the glory of my bloodline.”

“...That is reasonable. I pray that you have the ability to accomplish it.”

It wasn’t clear why Magra was so irritated, but he gazed upon Zando’s gorgeously decorated room uncomfortably.

Zando, the Sulfur Skull Tribe’s chief and high priest, read Magra’s mood before continuing.

“After Jamad was defeated by the mysterious adventurer named Snowman, the Rock Molar Tribe has lost all of its powers. It feels like I’ve removed the tooth that was causing me toothache. After all, the Rock Molar Tribe was a nuisance in our tribe’s path.”

“Jamad, hm… You are talking about a child in the same generation as you, no?”

“Yes. More accurately though, he was in the same generation as me. He has now returned to the old gods’ side.”

“It seems like you are quite pleased that the child is gone now.”

“How could you tell? Wouldn’t it make sense for me to be happy when a future competitor for the leader of the glorious Troll Alliance dies? Furthermore, he was always opposed to my plans and was filled with distrust toward the old gods! Rather than someone like him—”


Magra slammed the table.


As he did, he also gave Zando a look. A look that screamed that he could no longer stand Zando’s disrespectful behavior.


“You are still so immature, Zando.”

“I am no longer at an age or position where I must try to answer riddles.”

“I am saying that you can never surpass your limits.”

“...I don’t quite understand.”

A dangerous, roaring fire burned in Magra’s eyes.

He then scolded Zando’s foolish actions.

“Trolls are a lonely race. No one tries to coexist with us.”

“Isn’t that just because they’re scared of us?”

“Let me ask you a question then. Do you want the other races to be scared of us?”

“Isn’t that obvious? Do you think I’m a fool?”

“...What a shame.”


“...Jamad should not have left this world so early.”

Magra spoke honestly.

He remembered Jamad.

Jamad overcame numerous obstacles at a young age through his own strength before climbing to the position of chief.

- Hmph, I plan on surpassing our limits. I won't be bound by your antiquated rules. Someday, I'll completely transform the alliance! I will rule everything in this world, become a king who rules through respect, not fear! The old gods are nothing more than indifferent obstacles standing in my way!

‘He was the fresh blood that the alliance desperately needed.’

The Troll Tribe Alliance.

While some looked down on the trolls, few dared to look down on the tribe alliance.

The alliance was a massive entity combining many massive tribes like the Mountain, Sulfur, Waterfall, Cloud, Lightning, and Whirlwind tribes.

It was an organization based on shamanism and the old gods.

Though it was an extremely powerful organization, it had a critical flaw. Their innate wildness.

Trolls were quick to anger, and quick to crumble. It was impossible to become strong if one couldn’t control their own heart and instincts, and as such, these limitations defined the trolls.

That was the reason why trolls were more often regarded as beasts than equals by other races. They had a repeated history of humiliation.

So, how ridiculous would it have been when Jamad, as a young troll, claimed that he would surpass those limitations embedded with such a deep history, one that affected their entire race like a genetic disease?

‘...Jamad, I cannot believe your grand dream has only amounted to that much. To think you left this world so quickly…’

Zando carefully read Magra’s mood before speaking.

“Urm… Magra?”

“It’s nothing. Don’t worry about what I just said. Is there something you want? What about the sacrifices?”

“We have already prepared them at the altar.”

"Alright. Even though this isn't originally something I should involve myself in, I will accept your request."

“Thank you!”

And then…

Rumble Rumble…

“Wh-what was that?”

Zando shouted in shock after one side of the altar lost its bearing.

“What is going on?”

A troll soldier then quietly approached Zando before whispering.

“It… It seems like something has happened to the altar’s central axis. The connection between it and the chain has been affected.”

“The central axis was fine, so why did it suddenly act up?”

“Well... that’s…”

“Tell me!”

The soldier gave Magra a glance before whispering something to Zando.

“There seems to be… a rat at the altar.”

“What? And who is it?”

“We don’t know precisely who it is yet… But we did send some of the soldiers who were in the middle of inspection there.”

“Hmph. Good work. Since you said it’s only one person, it should be resolved soon. Regardless… How did they know to attack the central axis? Are they an insider? How dare they test the Sulfur Skull Tribe? We need to find out who they are!”

“Yes, sir!”

Magra quietly waited for Zando’s conversation to finish.

Despite the shaky temple, Magra seemed to stand unfazed, maintaining his composure.

Zando looked at Magra and tried his best to not go against him.

“I apologize, Magra. There are enemies terrified of our actions and—”

“Ah, I don’t mind it at all. However, I am concerned about their intent.”


As Zando knew that Magra was not the type of person who spoke lightly, he carefully paid attention to his words.

“If the central axis is offset, someone needs to endure the altar’s weight with their shamanic energy while it’s being repaired. And who do you think would need to endure that?”

“That’s probably me… Zando.”


Magra’s eyes were ablaze.

“It seems like they were trying to tie you down… It makes me worried as this happened right as we were about to begin the Old God Festival.”

“What do you think they’re aiming for?”

“We can’t judge since we don’t know who they are yet. However, there is a possibility that this is just a distraction. What a cheeky plan.”

“I apologize. I can’t believe this happened just when you visited, Elder… I am so embarrassed that I want to hide in a hole.”

“Maintain your composure. Now that you are the tribe’s chief, you must be bold.”

“I will keep that in mind.”

Zando was glad that Magra did not say much after that. He then tried continuing the conversation.

“If we can just create a foothold within the Nevenia Kingdom, I, Zando, will—”



Magra, once again, cut off Zando.

“It seems like it’s on my mind.”

“What is…”

“The temple’s intruders. What are they aiming for? Even if they are able to tie you down through offsetting the central axis, it’s pointless unless they can achieve something within that time.”

“I’m sure they’re just trying to delay our plans as much as…”

Zando stopped himself as Magra gave him a displeased look.

“Kango! Zoze!”


“Yes, Magra!”

Kango was a warrior who was controlled by his instincts.

His pure strength alone was incredible.

Zoze was someone who controlled Kango and was a troll practically serving as Magra’s right-hand man. These two trolls were also the same individuals who slaughtered Mira’s group.

“Go downstairs. If there are any problems… solve them.”

Zoze nodded.

Zando gave a big smile and welcomed their action.

“If Zoze and Kango are taking action, there’s nothing to worry about! Let us show our enemies true despair.”

“Hmph. You can’t make your move just yet when you’re the chief of the Sulfur Skull Tribe. Do not worry about it and focus on regaining control of the central axis.”

Zando happily nodded.

“Thank you so much, Magra.”

“Yeah, as long as you know.”

Magra half accepted Zando’s gratitude as if something was bothering him.

“What’s wrong?”

“It feels like… It feels like I’m forgetting something.”

* * *

Rumble… Rumble…

As the trolls dispersed to find Mael, Jamad and Mira’s party arrived at the prison the Sulfur Skull Tribe were keeping their prisoners.

“Sob… Sob… No… Stop it…”

“Let us out! Please! Please!”

It was a place filled with screams and cries.

Mira looked at the captives with rage-filled eyes.

“Oi, who are they?”

“Prisoners who got left behind. They’re to be used for the Old God Festival.”


The troll, who seemed to be the prison guard, approached Mira.

Huff… Huff…

“Her skin looks tender. Almost to the point that using her for the Old God Festival would be a shame…”

“...Do you eat humans? Isn’t that just an old tradition?” Jamad asked in return.

“Hahaha… You can’t go back after you’ve had a taste. Their unique smell… the smell of weaklings… it makes my blood boil whenever I smell it.”

Jamad looked around.

“Regardless, are you the person in charge of the prison?”

“I am. Ah… I got it. If you get on my good side, I’ll give you a chance to have a taste too. It’s hard right now, because it’s the Old God Festival, but later…”

“So you’re in charge?”

“I told you, I am.”

“Then… It's fine.”


Jamad quickly reached out his hand and grabbed the troll by his head.


“Thanks for the key.”


A troll who had been grinning near the cages quickly stood up after seeing what Jamad did.



Mira released herself from her binds in an instant, grabbed her handaxe near jamad’s waist, and threw it.





Jamad handed Mira her other handaxe.

“We have two keys. It seems like they’ve split up the prison into two areas because they have a lot of prisoners. I want you to take care of this place.”



Jamad handed over the key and left.

Mira then headed toward the cages.

“M-Mira! Is that you, Mira? How did you…”

“Mira… sob…”

“Everyone… So you were all alive.”

“You idiot, why did you come here?! Did you come here to die? And what was that troll just now?”

“I don’t have time for this right now. Where’s… Where’s Kibo?”

And then…

“Mira, behind you!”


“Krgh… Krghhhhh…”

A large claw pierced through Jirmo’s chest, and he was immediately split into two.


Jirmo had died in an instant. Mira then glared at the person who did it.

“Jirmooooooo! You… You bastard…”

“Were there more rats? I guess it was a good decision to come here as well. So, you are that girl from back then.”

“I don’t know what you’re saying right now, but I’ll kill you!”

Zoze had appeared in the prison.

The odor of the blood made Mira dizzy.



She swatted away Zoze’s claw with her handaxe.

“I felt it back then too, but you’re pretty good!”



Mira noticed something after her first battle with Zoze.

From what she could tell, Zoze was slightly stronger than her.

‘At this rate, I’ll lose…’

She was exhausted from her pursuit and felt light-headed as she hadn’t had a proper meal in a while. Continuing this fight would only result in her loss.

That was why… During the beginning of the fight…

She had realized that her only chance of victory was to wait for an opportunity where her opponent let their guard down.

Think short, act bold.

It was one of Kibo’s teachings.


[ILikeBeingAlone used Double-edged Sword.]

[Damage increases by 50% for 30 seconds.]

[Afterward, damage will decrease by 50% for 20 seconds.]

[ILikeBeingAlone used Gnawing Fangs.]

[The selected target will not be able to dodge for 2 seconds.]

[Zoze, the Bloodied, has been selected as the target.]



2 seconds.

She had to land an attack on Zoze within that time.

However, it was impossible to attack him while dodging all of his attacks.



As Mira had already lowered her stance, there was nowhere she could go to dodge the attacks other than backward. But there wouldn’t be a second opportunity if she did. As such, she pressed on.



Zoze’s claw scratched her left eye.

Despite the pain, she still kept her eyes open.

And right now, she was looking at Zoze’s neck with her two furious eyes.


Her handaxe was embedded in Zoze’s neck.

“Krgh… Krah…”


“Die! Die!”

Strike! Strike!


[You have defeated Zoze, the Bloodied.]

[You have received additional rewards.]

“Gasp… Gasp…”

The cut she received on her eyelid would definitely become a scar. But it was fine. After all, she was still alive.

[ILikeBeingAlone’s Double-edged Sword activates.]

[Damage decreases by 50% for 20 seconds.]


When Mira grabbed the handle of her handaxe in Zoze’s neck, she felt another presence.


“God damn it…”

Kango had appeared as she was trying to pull it out.

She no longer had any means left. Kango had discovered her.



Kango swung his large axe and charged at her.

Even though it was obvious that this would result in an awful fate, Mira didn’t close her eyes.

And then…


A huge hand suddenly grabbed Kango’s head.

“It’s been a while, Kango. How’s the old man?”

“Grr… Grr?”

“Well then, farewell.”

Jamad slammed Kango’s head into the ground.



Jamad, after defeating Kango in an instant, spoke to her.


The crack was gradually becoming bigger.

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