The 4 Times Possessed(40k/Marvel}

Castellan A. Moloc The Bane of Chaos

In space, a large Asteroid drifted at breakneck speeds in its endless path. Like any other Asteroid, it would drift forever until it collided with another space-faring object. This would have been the Fate of this unassuming asteroid that had nothing special about it except for its size.

10 miles wide, larger than the asteroid that struck Earth millions of years ago, but this one was made of solid platinum which any Space fairing civilization would have harvested for their own use.

But deep in the center of the Asteroid in a small hollow hole, a multicolored portal opened up and spat out a man. But calling the individual that got spat out a mere man was wrong. This warrior was not human as evidenced by his great size.

He was 12 feet tall, and he was covered head to toe in dark corrupted-looking armor. His shoulder plate was a snarling maw of nightmare teeth, and the joints of his armor were similar in design to grotesque mutated things.

(Image here)

The warrior was limp on his chest without a breath as he looked like a corpse. But besides the warrior's corrupted armor, he had three weapons magnetically stuck to his back.

Two were made of tainted metal and one of golden shimmering metal. One of them was a massive master-crafted battleaxe and a giant sword of raw brutality. The third was a long golden axe with a gun attached to the bottom.

The warrior remained still as if he was dead, for several long hours. Raw purple and golden energy radiated from him as if in a contest to see which would win. The blackened armor shimmered in a golden shine at times and dark tainted purple in others before they evened out in purplish gold.

Suddenly, the warrior began to stir, his form began to rise off his back slowly. When consciousness returned to him, the warrior squinted his eyes behind his helmet.

"What is happening to me?"

Suddenly, millennia of memories began to enter his mind as he realized what and who he was. Or who he had now found himself being. No, he was not still himself, he was something different. He stayed still for hours as memories of several beings rushed into him.

First, who 'he' was, he was just some random Warhammer fan who was looking at lore videos late at night. As for who he now found himself being he was apparently an Adeptus Custodeus named Castellan A. Moloc.

That would have been find on its own, but come to find out this dude was an Imperium loyalist who used the powers of Chaos against Chaos. He saw how this guy started off as a Noble child of Terra taken by the Emperor before the Unification Wars to be turned into one of the first 10,000.

He saw how Castellan fought alongside the Emperor until he was wounded by Horus. When the Emperor was placed on the Golden Throne, he leaped into a Warp Rift like Leman Russ, and Jaghatai Khan to 'kill' the Daemon Primarchs.

In his travels through the Warp, he killed Daemon after Daemon, until he unlocked his latent Psychic potential. Using that talent, he fought through the Warp sealing Daemons into weapons to use their power against Chaos.

Never once falling into temptation and always fighting for Mankind and in the Emperor's name. Eventually, he did the unthinkable and forcefully had himself possessed by a Bloodthirster of Khorne.

A lesser man would have fallen to Chaos then and there, but Castellan did not. He restrained the Greater Daemon in his soul and used its power to increase his strength, his resistance to Warp Sorcery, his martial prowess, and his ferocity.

But it weakened his Psychic abilities, so he did the same with a Changer of Ways to offset the weakness of the Bloodthirster. It made his Psyker abilities even stronger than ever, but it brought an imbalance to him so he also took in a Keeper of Secrets and a Great Unclean.

Using the 4 Greater Daemons of each Chaos God, he placed them in the 4 Corners of his soul drawing on their power to keep each one in check while resisting the Corrupting influence of Chaos.  Becoming feared by the forces of Chaos as the 4 times possessed using the powers of the Chaos God's Greatest Daemons against them.

Over time, he was not satisfied with these low-level Greater Daemons to be replaced with better ones. At this point in time, Castellan had truly reached the top as the 4 Greater Daemons trapped screaming in his soul were An'ggrath the Unbound, Rotigus Rainmaker, Shalaxi Helbane, and Aetaos'rau'keres The Soul Destroyer.

That would have been enough, but Castellan's Allarus Pattern Terminator Armour had the sealed essence of Perturabo inside of it. Around his neck, he wore a necklace containing the essence of a Lorgar protecting him from Chaos' influence.

He wore a corrupted ring containing Ku'Gath, to protect himself from all disease, and give him the resilience of Nurgle's followers. But he had also made sure to seal Mortarion inside his own Power Scythe Silence.

And Castellan had several such artifacts contained in a small pocket Dimension in his shadow. In there, were the trapped essences of several Greater Daemons of the Ruinous Powers as he made sure they could not return to the Chaos Gods ever.

He even wore an earring made of Crystal taken from the Realm of Tzeentch with the trapped essence of Magnus the Red increasing his Psyckic powers even more.

As for the two weapons he held at this moment were stolen from Angron himself. The  Daemon Primarch was stuffed into his Axe Spingrinder. And Fulgrim was trapped inside the sword Samni'Arius was the screaming soul of Fulgrim along with the Daemon Samni'Arius.

Meaning, that he had trapped the essence of the Daemon Primarchs for himself. Each screaming and raging Primarch was sealed away like any other Daemon Weapon to be used against Chaos.

As for Castellan A. Moloc, himself, he had used all this power to slaughter Chaos Warbands, slay the Champions of the Chaos Gods, hunt their Greater Daemons every chance he got, slay their cults, and ensure that Chaos was dealt with.

Now, that random fan's soul was fused with Castellan A. Moloc's, causing the Custodeun's power to become even stronger. As the stronger soul Castellan took in the weaker soul becoming the main memories while the consciousness was a fused almagamation of the two with a focus on Castellan.

When Castellan opened his eyes he was calm once more, he drew on his Psychic powers and ensured that the seals of the 4 Greater Daemons were still secure.

They were, the power of the 4 Daemons flowed through his soul freely, but his mighty soul never allowed the taint to corrupt it. This kept the 4 Daemons contained to just be his power batteries.

He checked his armor, his earring, his necklace, and his two weapons ensuring the Daemon Primarchs and Ku'Gath would never be free.


He rose to his feet as his Black Armor glowed in an eerie purple surrounded by the brightest gold. Never would his noble soul fall to Chaos. His Psychic power spread out through the Asteroid as he tried to find out where he found himself.

He found something odd when he did so as his Psychic abilities were many times easier to use. When he tried to tap into the Warp, he found that he was tapping into a peaceful Sea of Souls.

This was shocking enough, but the powers he drew from this Sea of Souls were clean, easy to use, and not at all corrupted.


Tapping into his full Psychic might which caused the massive Asteroid to cease its fly through Space. With a grip of his right hand, the platinum Asteroid began to condense around him, but he began to widen it from the inside.

The force of the two conflicting forces caused the rock to shake as if it was about to tear apart, but he did not let it. With both hands, he raised them high as powerful black and golden warp fire began to burn throughout the Asteroid.

Even the void of space was not enough to stop these Psychic fires which caused the mostly platinum Asteroid to begin to melt. Opening his eyes he began to warp reality around him as the liquid platinum and rock began to warp into a bright golden shine as he turned it into Auramite.

Drawing on the powers of Magnus and Aetaos'rau'keres to empower his own, reality bent to his whims as soon the 10 miles of Asteroid were converted into pure Auramite. Using his Warp fire and powers he began to shape this into a space fairing vessele for his own use.

For many hours, from memory, Castellan created a battle cruiser recreated after the Radiance, an Adeptus Custodian exclusive ship. Of course, doing this took him a while as creating a functional ship from just a solid piece of rock was not as easy as snapping his fingers even in this new calm sea of souls.

But he got it done in time, now in a ship spanning 5 miles in length. Once he was sure that the ship would work as intended, he first took a trip to the center of the Ship where he placed the Engines for the thrusters.

He did not have any real fuel at the moment so he would be using something to power the massive vessel. He aimed his hand under his feet to his shadow and drew something out.

A blood red diamond emerged from the pocket of space in his shadow. The diamond was as big as his head and was perfectly cut with diffrent runes and glyphs to contain what was trapped inside.

He peered inside as the raging essence of Skarbrand was trapped within.


"You will do nicely."

Carefully he inserted the Diamond into the center of the Engine where different mechadendrites's attached to the corners of the gem. He pushed a bright red button which caused the rage of Skarbrand to begin to flow through the ship's systems.

Using pure Daemonic Rage as fuel would grant his mighty vessel the power it needed to move through space. He did a few more tests to make sure everything was working as intended.

He probed each section of the Battle Cruiser and saw that the power was flowing just fine.


He walked out of the engine room before he took another trip to the Ship's Command Deck. Having no crew to fly the ship he would have to link up with it himself which he would do.

When he entered the control deck, he took a seat on his command throne looking out into the void of Space. Once he was settled in, mecha dendrite flowed from the throne and interfaced with both his armor and helmet.

Streams of date began to flow through his mind as he took a breath with the electrifying feel of the Battle Cruiser becoming a part of him. Once his senses had fully integrated with the mighty vessel he willed the engines to fire at full power.

Instantly blood red lights began to glow throughout the ship as the contained rage of the Bloodthirster began to fuel everything. The forward thrusters spat out blood-red fire into space as the vessel began to advance.

He did not know where in space he was, but he would find out eventually.

"Commencing Warp Jump."

A rift, in reality, began to open in front of his vessel as he would soon take his first Warp Jump in this new calm sea of souls. A massive purple and gold wound in reality began to open for his vessel while a Gellar field soon covered his ship as he began to enter the Warp. Even if the sea of Souls was calm and gentle, he would not be taking any chances. 

His thrusters spat out rage-fueled flames as his ship vanished into the Warp. Where he would show up, he did not know, but it was better than being stranded in deep space. 

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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