The Abnormal Life of the Summoner

Chapter 440

Chapter 432: Real name brings omniscience

He closed his eyes and savored the meaning of the real name given to him by the magical conch.

That is a very huge piece of knowledge, deeply imprinted in his soul, just by using the means of thunder system memory to see countless knowledge beckoning to him.

There are scorching sun rotation, magic power, world nouns, level of terror creatures, regular word meanings, and various miscellaneous and useless marker notes.

Simply looking up one percent of the content, Chen Xi finally understood what kind of gift the magic conch gave him—a dictionary!

Yes, this knowledge is a dictionary about the meaning of each note in the real name.

Chen Xi silently recalled his real name, and his mind naturally found out the meaning of his real name based on that group of dictionaries.

The first is the world coordinates. The universe in which the earth is located is called the spiritual world. The world name has been born. It is a brand-new world with a very basic magic environment and the power of other elements. However, in the face of the power of other elements, you should Spirituality is important.

After that, his name relates to the coordinates of the universe, the date of birth, the operation of other worlds at the time of birth, etc., as well as things related to the generations of his parents, etc., in short, his name can extend to the earth billions of years ago. The journey of the ancestor of a single cell.

These genetic markers alone took up two minutes, and the rest of the time was the markers of some notes, as well as Chen Xi’s individual initial growth, potential, expected limits, and possible breakthrough limits.

After reciting his real name, Chen Xi has understood his meaning from all angles.

“It turns out that this is the real name. A combination of various factors forms a unique me.” Chen Xi murmured.

With this memory, he can sense his real name at any time, and see if there are other real names in his body.

Soon, he recited the second real name silently. It was a certain senior from the dark abyss. His real name was very short, only one minute.

The real name is as short as it, and Chen Xi only knows the real name of the Tentacle Monster given by Magic Conch.

After a while, Chen Xi began to interpret the meaning of the second real name, and learned that the existence of the second real name was born in the abyss of darkness, and learned about the events and trivia of other worlds when it was born, and then learned about the dark creature’s Gene level.

It didn’t matter to look at it. After reading it, he discovered that the genetic chain of the second real name’s predecessor’s gene chain is very short. It is necessary to know that a few seconds of notes in the real name can represent a variety of meanings, which can record the genes of the ancestors for tens of thousands of years. , But its ancestors have too few genes.

In other words, it is considered the first dark creature.

What is the first generation of dark creatures? This is what he learned from the dictionary of real name meaning. When the dark abyss just opened the world to move, the creatures inside were also very monotonous and weak creatures, until the first stage of the biological funnel. Dark creatures with evolutionary ability were born, and those dark creatures with evolutionary ability for the first time were called the first generations.

Because of the rough evolutionary ability, a batch of first generations died, most of which were used to breed the second generation. Only a very small number of first generations successfully evolved their own limits, and they all became extinct existences that enslaved another world in the future.

After reading the gene chain of the second real name, I looked at its various growth potentials and unknown estimated possibilities, as well as the infinite possibility of surpassing the limit. One of the natural abilities is the ability to abnormalize.

The ability to anomaly was not so powerful at first, and could only drop some ordinary things abnormally. Afterwards, it continued to evolve, and this ability to anomaly became more and more abnormal.

At the end of evolution, even legendary creatures can’t get rid of the abnormal power, and the world-destroying creatures need to spend 10% of their minds to correct the abnormal power, which shows the terrifying nature of this predecessor.

As for its people, naturally they are not the so-called first-generation dark creatures, but the children born to a certain creature with the second real name senior. They have the second real name’s abnormal ability, but the anomaly level is far lower than its own.

Therefore, Chen Xi couldn’t find the results with the power of summoning at the time. It was because his requirements were too high, and the starting point of the abnormal ability of the target tribe was very low, such as the summoning spell did not match.

After understanding the meaning of the real name, Chen Xi also savored the real name of the Tentacle Monster. He immediately knew that the Tentacle Monster was also the first-generation creature born in the Dark Abyss. It turned out that it was just a little octopus monster that controlled emotions, and its original ability was not that much. .

“It turns out that the most powerful thing about Tentacle Monster is to control emotions?” Chen Xi murmured.

The ability to control emotions alone, so to carry it forward, would it not be a simple matter to enslave the entire world.

For example, create a group of dark spiders and spread its enchanting power with spider webs, so as to control all creatures below the extinction level, so that they can kill all potential stocks in the cradle before they are born beyond the limit. They can never resist, enslaving them for life, and always use cross-border magic to transport things for it.

But this doesn’t seem to work. The world-destroying existence that has been so powerful that it is so powerful, shouldn’t it be free and easy? Why hasn’t it been taken care of by Chen Xi?

Chen Xi thought of the death of the second real name. To be honest, he didn’t know how the second real name died. That section was its core memory, and it did not reveal the secret of death.

This let him know that even the existence of the extinction grade will fall, so what is the power that makes them fall?

Chen Xi really wants to get it After all, his soul has risen to the extreme, has begun to swell, and will break through the limit, and the evil eyes staring at him seem to be getting more and more impatient, wanting to swallow him.

Knowing the meaning of the real name, Chen Xi didn’t seem to be strong, but we can’t say that. The things recorded in the real name meaning book can be described as an encyclopedia of all the worlds connected together. This is a book that is more detailed than “Don’t Play Summoning”. .

With this knowledge, Chen Xi can theoretically summon everything that helps him defeat the enemy.

“It’s a terrifying amount of knowledge. Every time I absorb a bit, my knowledge increases a lot.” Chen Xi murmured.

He felt that his soul was born with a faint light, which was a sign of the light of knowledge.

Chen Xi continued to read and digested the knowledge of the meaning of this real name. After digesting it for about ten days, his whole body was radiant.

The light of knowledge shone fiercely on the desolate and desolate planet, and the ordinary soil seemed to be stained with the brilliance of divine nature and became very wise.

If a dull person comes here and eats a piece of soil, it will have a brain with extraordinary memory.

At this time, he still had those magical whispers in his ear, what he said had already been spoken, and the infinite reincarnation began, starting from the day when Chen Xi played the magical game for the first time.


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